my 1WO stares at me in utter disbelief how his supposedly ace of a Kaleun could fuck up this badly. again. (Silent Hunter 3. snuck into a convoy at night and bad weather. convoy zigs towards me, no time for final speed estimation, i go with last estimate, 4 eels in the water, all pass ahead. possibility: convoy slowed one knot due sea state. decide to surface to reposition. have a brainfart, my artillery starts shooting. hell breaks loose, star shells and searchlights everywhere. both engines AK, course 90. destroyer follows shooting star shells. half an hour zigzagging until he loses me.
It’s not terrible, but it’s pretty much what I was expecting.
Could really do without the crafting shit and leveling system. I know the Arkham games also had skill trees and what have you, but it wasn’t ever as bad as this.
I do think I fucked myself over a bit in not focusing on the main story early on, because I very nearly burned myself out on the side activities.
Turns out that a lot of my issues are kind of addressed at key points in the main story as well, so I really should focus on it more (like getting the glider thingy from Lucius, which I had no idea existed and would have been a tremendous help earlier on when I was navigating the unnecessarily large - and, to be honest, very boring - open world).
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