That Trespasser LP is what motivated me to play through the game myself, and I have no regrets. That game is insane. It’s awful, don’t get me wrong, but crazy ahead of its time. They basically tried to make a VR game two decades before VR gaming became a thing. Without Trespasser, we wouldn’t have Half-Life: Alyx. Research Indicates’ LP is a fantastic way to experience this obscure but fascinating title.
I’d have to recommend Untitled Goose Game, Goat Simulator, the Karamari series, and music based (do the thing to the beat) games like Dance Dance Revolution, Taiko Drum Master, Guitar Hero, etc.
The remake of FF7 is pretty easy on newcomers, especially with understanding the story. I would caution about 16, though. It’s not hard; it’s just a different style of game play that’s not as forgiving.
Final Fantasy X is pretty good and linear too; it’s voice acted and modern but still turn based, so it’s not action heavy.
All of the games are pretty separate, though. There’s similar characters but they’re not really connecting nor is the story.
If you’re going to do the remake, I’d say try to keep away from the OG game or spoilers since it will make it so much better.
FF 8 and FF 9 are great too but a bit more complex, so it might be better off waiting on those until you get through another one first.
FFI and FFII (Understanding the concept of FF) ---- FFIV, FFV, FFVI (Get deep in story telling) ---- FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX (Base of 3D FF, must play) ---- FFXV, FFXVI (Recent titles).
I run it through Steam as a “non-Steam” game via Proton and have also run it with Lutris. It runs on both 100% fine, if not even better than Windows. In fact, this game running great has convinced me to finally drop my dual boot!
that works as well, but there is a linux client called heroic that works for both epic and gog which helps makes things simpler for setting up the games to work, so i think that would be easier than using proton or lutris
Rogue Legacy was going to be my suggestion. Such an easy (as in no stories/puzzles to keep track of) game to pick up and play. It’s something that was lost a bit on the second game. But it looks like you’ve played it.
Dungeon Encounters is a pure turn-based RPG with almost no story.
Theatrhythm is a fun music game.
Sound Shapes is a platformer.
Immortal Redneck is a FPS rogue-like.
That’s just what’s in my games list that might be what you’re looking for.
EverQuest! I was pretty young back then, but I remember EQ not having a quest tracker back in the day. You’d talk to NPCs and have to keep track of what they were asking for.
I took that goddamn boat and ran for hours to get my warrior armor only to have no idea how to give the quest item to the centaur guy. I gave it to him and he just said “thanks”. It was brutal, but kinda hilarious in retrospect.
I just got my notes out a month ago because someone was sharing their FFXII collection. It has so many switch names, one-way markings, and strike-throughs where I messed up and realized I went in a big circle. I’m so glad I didn’t use a guide for that.
Ratchet & Clank games are solid and approachable if you’re into casual platformers. The main focus is the huge array of different weapons which often get hilariously over the top in the late game, and story is just there for a backdrop.