I have 27k games. I’m basically using Threes for stimming, not really trying to get any records, haha. Just very calming block sliding. Got 3072 only around 50 times and was close to 6144 a couple of those, but never got to it. Maybe one day I’ll go read some strategies on it and would try to achieve it, but for now I’m just content with what I have.
To add to this discussion, what do you all think of the controversy surrounding 2048 and Threes? I think 2048 is different enough to not be considered a copy; it has nowhere near the depth or the polish of Threes! I just think art is iterative. We should have the freedom to take ideas from other works of art and build something new.
I agree with you on the first point. I just don’t think the creators of Threes! had a valid reason in trying to get 2048 taken down from the app store.
My friend and i dreamed up a Zoids mmo, whered youd create a pilot and could fully customize a zoid. Itd have a huge open world with places to explore and fringe pvp areas where good loot was. It would have arenas where pro matches would be held from mlg players or whatever and youd be able to watch the streams live either at the stadiums or through streams on in game tv’s. Winners would get real cash prizes.
Something with environmentalist and sustainability goals and principles rather than forms of destruction. I don’t want to kill things or chop down trees or blow stuff up. The world is difficult and I am tired.
As someone else mentioned, Terra Nil is exactly this, another good one is Eco. You do chop down trees and mine and stuff but the goal is to be environmentally sustainable. The goal is to stop a meteor from blowing up your planet but you need to sustainably get there otherwise you’ll end up polluting the planet and making stuff worse in the process. Underrated but really good
Community organizing, the game… Movement building, organizer training, etc… It could be something pretty low tech and still be interesting, thinking like Oregon Trail or a MUD.
I feel like the MMO Star Wars Galaxies was close to it. Some people didn’t fight at all. They just were entertainers, or medics, or just made items to sell. Every thing was uniquely made. Some sellers sold stuff like crazy because their quality was so good, others struggled to make a living off of it. It was so nuanced.
And there were very very very very few jedi. I mean, I think I saw a couple in the entirety of the game after years of playing. There were very specific things each character had to do to even unlock the possibility (and no one knew what their unique unlock was). And they couldn’t easily go into cities…bounty hunters would be alerted that there was a sighting.
You could build cities with your guild and your own houses, store all your gear there. Your city could grow and you could have shops in it that people could stop by, or you could build a transport center in your city and people could use it to travel around the planet.
Your faction was based on what you did, not a pre-destined thing you chose in your character creation. Some people stayed neutral, and others went down one path or another.
It was honestly, still to this day, the best game I’ve ever played.
wow, im almost glad i wasnt old enough to play that when it came out, because it looks like a game that would have taken over my life completely lol. that is insane and ive never even heard of it before
Its actually still available through private servers. The graphics aren’t terrible considering it’s age, but it’s definitely not up to modern standards.
I want a historically accurate trading simulation set in the early modern period: I want a multitude of ever-changing regional hard, soft and bookkeeping currencies, also bills of exchange, individual units of measurement for each product, paying in kind, putting sth. on the cuff, installments, various per item or volume based taxations, tolls, tithes, tenure, social privileges, staple rights, scheduled trade fairs, regulated fixed prices, lot sales, return freight, regulated transportational services, craft and trading legislation, significance of saint days, city level legislation, guilds and other corporations, the very relevant concepts of honor, contemporary obligations of social responsibility, familial structures and needs for a network of professional connections, monasteries as large economical entities, etc. pp.
All tycoons I have played just reproduce a shallow version of our current concepts of money and trade and skin it with historical images without even trying to research the historical setting they're in. They add complexity in many other ways that don't focus on trade (i.e. combat).
No fighting. No leveling. No building. Just trade.
It’s not historical, but you can play Eve and get all this. The economy is almost entirely player driven, and is tied into industry and logistics - also all entirely player driven. Prices and demand shift, and of course you can also scam people out of everything if you want.
You can be one of the most successful players and not ever fire a shot.
Thanks for the suggestion! Eve is a nice trading simulation, from all I have heard. Many friends have suggested it to me, but I have not yet played it. The required time investment and grind of MMOs is what‘s scaring me off. The older I get, the more I enjoy offline games that I can pause at any time.
However, I don’t believe (from my outside perspective) that trading in Eve is a good simulation of trade in the early modern period.
I just want a vehicle game that is open world, with roads and trails, the vehicles don’t have to be licensed. I just want to travel and explore, basically a road trip simulator. The Crew, Forza Horizon, and NFS Heat/Unbound are the closest I can get, I don’t care for the density, just distance. This is why I know that it will never be a reality, because without having mechanics, would make the game boring to many.
Basically a remake or continuation of Fuel (2009), I really enjoyed the vastness of the world, it wasn’t anything really special, but to me I had so much fun exploring and seeing the distance of the massive world(5,560 square miles/14,400 square kilometers). The many regions around the map were diverse and there was 16 player multiplayer where others just popped in and out as you moved around, I didn’t really care for it much, but it was fun for group road trips or adventures.
I hadn’t thought of that, I played Euro Truck for a little bit, it’s been a few years now, all the new expansions and areas, and I see there’s American Truck too. Thanks for reminding me!
Give me something like The Matrix Online again. I want missions/quests that are unique. Only one person/team can complete them. Failing is an acceptable outcome and has ramifications for the rest of the story. You would absolutely need writers and asset artists on staff as old things content gets completed. Let the players make content as well a la Eve Online where factions vying for control of territory IS content. This fills in the blanks between the written stuff.
A “legacy” game, where your contributions to the game continue even if you’re logged off, meted with an mmorpg
It could be anything, but my idea is something like cities:skylines. Interconnected cities or areas each with a mayor or admins that direct the goals of the area..
Then the 2nd aspect of the game is more like GTA, where people interact with the areas.
The areas could be like San Andreas, but then you could walk to the edge and it becomes more like a village from Warcraft. Or maybe an area is filled with ghosts and most of the goals in the area are delivering packages. Or maybe there’s an area like Sanctum 2, fallout, or any other idea. It would be up to the admins/mayors to figure out how to design it.
The game would fill in gaps in city creation for random encounters, etc. the in-game players actions would have some effect on the area itself.
I would expect the game to support itself through a combination of ads and subs. Companies could pay to have more control over what advertising exists in their area.
A lighthearted and colorful Soulslike RPG with actual multiplayer. I want to run around in a BotW/TotK style world and go adventuring with friends, while still feeling like the combat is challenging. I want to be able to head into a dangerous dungeon with friends and not be sure we'll make it out, while having a more storybook fantasy vibe. Too many game opt for gritty apocalypse worlds. The recent Zeldas show that you don't need to go grimdark to have a compelling fantasy world, while still retaining a save the world vibe.
Im super bummed at the lack of real co op these days. I see people cry that not every game needs to be multiplayer when people ask for co op. but all we want is to be able to play a cool open world with a decent story with 1 or 2 friends :'(. Im so bummed dragons dogma 2 is still singleplayer
Especially since it already has party mechanics built in. Why can't they just swap out pawns for your friends? I get it wouldn't really fit the story, but that can be handwaved.
Outward meets this pretty well. It might not be quite storybook but it’s far from grimdark. Soulslike, full coop - definitely has the “might not make it back from a dangerous dungeon”. Only thing you might not like is some light survival mechanics (ie food and water).
Black & White 3. Just more Black & White, slightly updated and improved since technology is better, but it doesn’t have to be much better. Just a little bit. But basically more of the same.
You might consider looking at Fata Deum which was kickstarted specifically as a spiritual successor to the Black and White games, and the god game genre in general.
A real time RTS with proper command and control and fog of war. So like, you don’t have perfect information on where your units are, let alone enemy units, where you have to contact the units on the ground and request that kind of information, and also manage to communications system you’re using to maintain contact.
Radio commander does something a lot like this but I’d like something a bit more in depth and comprehensive.
I like the idea of playing out the Byzantine generals problem in multiplayer or I guess with just another AI general too. Does Radio Commander have that element at all?
Radio Commander has instantaneous communication with the units, it being over radio, and you’re only really interacting with your own units, sometimes you’ll operate near allied units in a mission and have to make sure your units properly identify contacts before engaging.
But the core mechanics are that you’re sending out requests for information to units and orders to move and engage, but you cannot see where they are on the map, you can put markers down on the map, but like that’s just you best guess of their postion based on what coordinates they gave you. The coms basically always work perfectly, although there are options that will make it so units can get lost or make mistakes in their reports back to you.
I want Stellaris or something similar but in VR. I want to spin the galaxy around and resize it to zoom in and out with my hands and pluck cruisers and point them to the right place, I want big tactile sliders and stuff for controls, spaaaaaace
A hybrid of dagger fall and Minecraft. Open procedural generated world rpg with npcs that give quests but a semi hand designed main quest. Crafting with loot found in dungeons to either kit out my character or sell for profit. Sell me a plot of land in town I can build on or a house I can modify. With real rpg mechanics