I’m part of the club! Although tbf I haven’t touched it much since getting it about a year ago (I just haven’t played that much retro stuff these days or most of it has been with my Super Nt).
One great addition I got recently was a 3D printed grip case, it made long play sessions sooo much more comfortable (obligatory “not affiliated” and I’m not the one making these, but I really like the quality which is why I’m linking it here).
As far as what I’ve been playing on it recently… really just pick up and play, SoR 2 or Turtles in Time, but I completed Metroid Fusion (first time) a few months ago on the Pocket (that’s what made me get a grip case, it really wasn’t too great wrt shoulder buttons comfort).
I keep being tempted to pick one up but I’m not a huge fan of old handheld games. Even growing up I was always like “I wish these were more like the PC or console versions.” My first system was a GBC so maybe a bit before my time. Happily playing PC games on a steam deck these days though. My childhood dream is real now! lol
But it’s not just handheld games. My analogue pocket has the entire SNES, NES, Mega Drive and Pc Engine libraries, plus Amiga. Loads of MiSTer cores have been ported.
Playing SNES on the pocket is amazing. And it’s better on the pocket than any other device I’ve ever used.
I really like watching ChristopherOdd and Gab Smolders. Odd plays a lot of tactical games and popular titles. Gab tends to do more indie and horror but also does some popular games on occasion.
Tried to play this with my wife some years ago. We kept getting sent to separate instances. That and the poor quality graphics at the time were a deal breaker for us.
My sister and I had that problem when she started playing. What you have to do is group up and use the wayshrine to travel to them. Even if you’re in the same zone, travel away and travel back and then you should be able to see each other. Hope that helps!
The game is a lot better than when it first came out. Hope you’re able to try it again. Yhere are also reshaders that you can install to make your game look prettier. Give me a holler if you need help!
If anyone has any questions I run this magazine over on kbin! Its lacking content, but that partially cause no one is there to discuss with. I post PvP clips just to get stuff out there but would love further discussion. I do endgame PvE (no perfectas because I'm not a fan of longterm progs) and run with one of the (arguably) best ball groups on Xbox/NA in Cyrodiil.
His early ones with Anthony are definitely my favorite. The Messenger series is amazing, and I can’t see the game without hearing “I’m Ninja Bobbyyyy!”
Yeah, this is a good one. Works surprisingly well for solo playthroughs, too. The base game for free is a great deal. Lots to do before you get to the later DLC.
Good writing, voice acting is miles above all other Elder Scrolls games, the magic and abilities are really fun (don’t know if it’s available with this free version, but Necromancer class is fucking awesome).
And so. much. lore. If you ever read the books in any of the games, there’s a particular individual who often comes up in necromancer books which sometimes net you a skill point in Conjuration in Skyrim. This game fleshes out that entire story.
You also get to discover areas we haven’t seen much of. Elsweyr, Black Marsh, Summerset Isles, High Rock, and more. Every province, basically.
Literally my only complaint is that I really loved Molag Bal’s voice actor in Skyrim and this new one doesn’t hit as hard for me. Actually goes for a few of the Daedric Princes. I know why people didn’t like his voice, but I fucking loved Hermaeus Mora in Skyrim. Also doesn’t hit as hard here, but it doesn’t matter much.
I should actually maybe get back to it. Kind of burned myself out, but now feels like a good time to jump back in.
There is some stuff (other than the story DLC) which essentially requires real money, but none of it is particularly necessary (although one could argue that the crafting bag is absolutely necessary, which I wouldn’t entirely disagree with).
They got the Skyrim voice actor (wes Johnson) back for old Herma Mora for the new expansion in Apocrypha. And they had him go back and rerecord the old voice lines as well. I think they did that with Dagon as well.
Wow haha, as someone who finally got 6144 a few years ago this game really is a true gem and one of the greatest phone games of all time. 12 years ago I bought it on a whim on a lunch break, and it is easily the most played game of all time for me at this point (coming from years of cod, halo, rocket league, etc).
You honestly made my day with this post, my friends know me as the friend who still plays the weird 2048 clone, but I got my son into it too. He finally hit 768 and I was so proud lol. I am still trying to achieve a “perfect” game but the algorithm definitely doesn’t like it. Technically in the top 100 on the leaderboards lol
I love beautiful environments and such, so if I could pick anything that wouldn’t exists based on something that does exist, I would make a 3D or even VR version of this old Korean 2D sidescrolling game called Maplestory.
Not gonna lie, that’s going to be 99.9% nostalgia, but it has a couple of awesome areas that have amazing backgrounds and thoughts behind it. Like typical magical forests, dungeons, cloud cities, but also a lego-gone-interdimensional city where time is weird.
I know it shifted from a subscription model to a paid DLC one. Do you actually need to buy some DLCs to get an enjoyable experience out of this? Do you only need the endgame stuff once you get there, like buying the latest WoW expansion? How does this model actually work for chill players?
You can do probably 60-70% of the game just with base version. You won't be hamstrung by missing meta sets or content. Even then, DLC sets that can be crafted can still be obtained by having someone else craft the for you, or by having access to tables via a guildmate (like 95% sure it works that way, if not, you just need the 3rd party crafter). You'll obviously miss the new zones, dungeons, trials, and skill lines, but you'll still get over a hundred of hours of content.
You can absolutely play this casually. The base game stuff is pretty easy in comparison to how it was, with power creep and such, but it's, at worst, a good, long introduction to the game systems to better gauge your future interest.
If you subscribe and get ESO+, you get ‘…Access to all DLC game packs available in the Crown Store for the duration of membership’. That does not include the latest chapter; right now that’s Necrom. There’s a new one each year, so you’ll be able to play Necrom next year with a membership if you don’t want to buy it outright.
They do a good job of making the membership very appealing, I have to say. Increased bank space, double the slots for furnishings in your houses, and a bottomless crafting bag, for ex. But they are not obnoxious about it like, say, Neverwinter Nights is.
I haven’t played ESO but I can tell you the standard of writing in the other ES games is, IMO, very high. Morrowind is my all time favourite, the lore in that game is fantastic.
When Todd leaves after TES VI, I hope someone from the ESO team takes the reins. They seem to care a lot about the world and lore. Lol, like I’m obviously not holding my breath for TES VII, but still.
I like exploration and generally mucking around in a MMO; this is why I like base GW2 instead of the expansions (which had me dying a lot). If I wanted a challenge, I'd do WoW raids or play a Souls-like.
Personally, I couldn’t get through the main and faction stories because of that. I liked the stories well enough, but getting through them was so tedious because I couldn’t even use all my skills. I don’t know how end game is, I have one max lvl character with a bunch of cp, but I rarely play an mmo for end game content.
If they had like a difficulty slider for the open world content, that would be enough to make me return, but I don’t want to shut down my brain while leveling, that’s not fun at all!
I got mine in the first batch over a year ago and it was defective but they got me a replacement fast. I’ve barely touched it since I got it though. I hardly have time to play video games anymore.
I probably have played like 3000 Threes games over 3 different phones over the years; it’s still my favourite Commuting Game of all time, and indeed probably one of my top 5 games of all time. I have never beaten it and probably never will.
2048 can’t hold a candle to Threes and it upsets me that people remain mostly ignorant of the latter’s existence.