WhiteRice, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?


ultrasquid, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story? avatar

Ultrakill. Sometimes guys will talk to you, but its rare (only before bossfights), can mostly be ignored, and can be skipped after listening to it the first time.

Crozekiel, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

Heat signature. And Minecraft

Jck2905, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

Dredge. I think there’s a bit of a story but really you’re just going out fishing.


Another unusual game. I like this suggestion, thank you.

PistolsAtDawn, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Pretty much any 90s point and click adventure game made by Lucas arts, Sierra etc. No objective marker, no journal, you just wander around clicking things trying to mash items together. “Where did I see that symbol before?? flips through notebook Oh right!”


I’m going to hijack and offer a specific example: Shivers. In addition to having puzzles with clues and inputs spread apart, it also offers a Flashback system that saves important pieces of information that you’ve already seen (Though actually taking notes is all but required since you still have to tab through the books then go back to the actual puzzle, and some clues are just images placed throughout the museum) The game just oozes atmosphere and tension with the changes in soundtrack and all the writing and environmental storytelling not directly related to puzzles. Once you know all the game’s tricks, it does kind of take the edge out of the horror aspect, but even decades later it’s still just a treat to walk through the museum’s virtual exhibits.

Available on GOG right now, I suggest giving it a try, although do save your game often, as it’s Win95 era.

elkaki, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

Since you didn’t specify a genre I will just recommend, from my most played games which have no explicit story (as in, there probably is some lore or story but you don’t see it unless you watch for it like in Dark Souls), try to see if there is anything you are interested in.

Risk of rain 2, 3d tps roguelike where you stack items until the game breaks, the game gets more difficult each minute you spend on a stage.

Factorio and satisfactory, both are part of the factory building genre, the first one is 2d and the second 3d. I recommend starting with factorio, seriously these are pure crack despite jow unappealing the genre seems at first.

Slay the spire, a deck building roguelike.

Dirt rally 2, it is a single player game but there are leaderboard just in case ypu consider that “multiplayer”.

Crypt of the necrodanncer, rythm roguelike where you move and attack on each beat

Descenders, bike game where you usually go downhill fast.


I’m glad I didn’t specify a genre, because you wouldn’t suggest Descenders, and it’s very different from the others mentioned so definitely seems interesting to me.

DmMacniel, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?



Played all except Doom 3. Good games.

ampersandrew, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story? avatar

So, so many. You're going to have to narrow it down a bit. Vagante is a great challenging roguelike platformer that's equal parts Spelunky and Dark Souls. There are recommendations for Factorio and Civilization here, which I wholeheartedly endorse. Mercenary Kings has minimal act break cut-scenes that are pretty short, but the gameplay loop is Mega Man crossed with Monster Hunter, and it works really well. Streets of Rogue is a highly systemic roguelike that really lets you go nuts with the sandbox, and it's got a great sense of humor at that.

As a bonus, all of those games are also fantastic to play co-op.


I played all you mentioned, except Factorio, and liked them, but never heard of Vagante. Looks interesting so I’ll check it out, thanks.

czech, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story? avatar

Is there a particular genre? I dont pay attention to most game stories. Some of these suggestions have an online mode but ive only played single player.

age of empires 4 (1v1 against ai), 7days to die, vampire survivors, valheim.


I mostly play action games of any kind really. But will try games outside of that too, for example card games, or some strategies. But generally I prefer more action oriented games.

Monologue, avatar

if you are feeling adventurous i would recommend slay the spire for the card games category

GataZapata, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

No notepad, but an excellent explorative puzzle that had me making and remaking theories the whole time: outer wilds. Several people also mentioned obra dinn

Nerd02, do gaming w Elder Scrolls Online is free on Epic right now

I know it shifted from a subscription model to a paid DLC one. Do you actually need to buy some DLCs to get an enjoyable experience out of this? Do you only need the endgame stuff once you get there, like buying the latest WoW expansion? How does this model actually work for chill players?

CMLVI, avatar

You can do probably 60-70% of the game just with base version. You won't be hamstrung by missing meta sets or content. Even then, DLC sets that can be crafted can still be obtained by having someone else craft the for you, or by having access to tables via a guildmate (like 95% sure it works that way, if not, you just need the 3rd party crafter). You'll obviously miss the new zones, dungeons, trials, and skill lines, but you'll still get over a hundred of hours of content.

You can absolutely play this casually. The base game stuff is pretty easy in comparison to how it was, with power creep and such, but it's, at worst, a good, long introduction to the game systems to better gauge your future interest.

ShinyBiscuit, avatar

If you subscribe and get ESO+, you get ‘…Access to all DLC game packs available in the Crown Store for the duration of membership’. That does not include the latest chapter; right now that’s Necrom. There’s a new one each year, so you’ll be able to play Necrom next year with a membership if you don’t want to buy it outright.

They do a good job of making the membership very appealing, I have to say. Increased bank space, double the slots for furnishings in your houses, and a bottomless crafting bag, for ex. But they are not obnoxious about it like, say, Neverwinter Nights is.

mdaniel, do gaming w Elder Scrolls Online is free on Epic right now

Storage: 95 GB available space

Lol, did they model every blade of grass in the world?

SevenSwell, do gaming w Elder Scrolls Online is free on Epic right now avatar

My girlfriend and I played through the quest line of where we started in Morrowind (I think?) and had a blast, but once we left we were totally lost! I was really engrossed with the story but all of a sudden we’re just doing something completely different. I was quite disappointed and it left me wondering if we had done something wrong or out of order.

ShinyBiscuit, avatar

Yeah, the zone quests vs. the main quest are not explained very well. I started just after Elsweyr came out and was trying to play through the main quest at the same time I did the zone quest. I didn’t understand why some of the characters showed up in both with different, ah, statuses, shall we say?

Probably the easiest thing to do for continuity is to play through the quests for your faction. They will lead you to the next logical zone. With Morrowind / Vvardenfell, it’s a DLC so it’s a bit outside the main continuity lines. DLC’s can be done at any time, though with some recurring characters, it can be fun to do them after doing the main quests. You’ll sometimes get unique dialogue as the NPC’s acknowledge your previous adventures with them. Release order of the DLC’s is one option. However, the skills you get from the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood quests can be really helpful, so it’s OK to take a detour and pick those up early on (and they don’t cross over with the main quest).

Some lovely person wrote up a nice guide on the forums about which order to quest in for every faction:

min_fapper, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?


banana_meccanica, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

A modern online game without subscription, season pass and real money shop. Greedy have ruin this industry.


Battlebit? I have it on Steam, but I haven’t had time to get to it so I’m not 100% sure what it’s like. I heard it’s lack of greed is the main reason it got so popular.

CSGO is also kinda like this but it has the gambling features

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