Kill enemy, save, make certain jump, save. Takes a lot of risk out of the game. I like when games let you save anywhere but if you restart the game or load your save you start in the beginning of a room regardless of where you saved from. (Like ocarina of time)
Indeed. But on the other hand, the thing at risk is the player’s time, and only the player can manage it appropriately. A game that doesn’t respect that can quickly become a chore.
I have to agree with this, for certain games limiting the saves is the correct answer honestly.
Something like the Fear and Hunger series wouldn't work as well with unlimited saves anywhere because a large part of the appeal is to have to struggle and power through horrible conditions, that would be lost if you could reload every time one of your pals got their arm cut off in a fight and stuff like that
This just reads to me as an excuse for people with no self control to ruin the experience for others. I you want to limit saves, no one is making you use a quick save feature but yourself.
For a well adjusted person that seems absolutely, ludicrously stupid.
I will avoid or return any game that doesn’t respect my agency as a human being. I don’t need external systems to limit me because I’m not a mental toddler and I understand how to have fun.
I understand limiting saves to avoid savescumming. Not allowing you to save and quit whenever you want in Funger makes no sense though. I quickly installed a mod for Termina to suspend and resume the game because it’s ridiculous to have to play 3+ hours straight before being allowed to close the game.
That can be overcome by handling save and exit and continuing from those saves differently to normal saves (is have normal saves be possible whilst continuing to play and be loadable as many times as you wish until it is overwritten, but have “save and exit” create a seperate save file that is deleted after successfully loaded.) One type of save allows you to undo in game events, the other only allows you to end your session an resume it at another time.
Does mean more work to do to make it work properly though.
Iirc they are working to integrate it into the Steam client on desktop wherever possible (and to try to allow for cloud syncing the game state between devices.) Not sure how it’s been going but iirc it was never going to be made available until after the UI update (which came out quite recently.)
Having played it, I can say the games are what you’re led to expect from the adverts. If they were actually on mobile devices, I think they’d be fine but feel a bit too simple for PC, in my opinion. They aren’t bad but they’re the sorts of games one would idly play on a bus, in a waiting room or something so I find they aren’t engaging enough.
So the gimmick is like, there’s a lot of deceptive mobile ads that show simple but satisfying puzzle games, like unjamming a traffic jam or pulling pins the right order to let a guy free, butthen when you click on it, it’s some totally unrelated trashfire of a game. The irony is that a lot of people would actually like to play the games shown in the ads, but they’re entirely made up to trick you.
Until now; this game is a collection of the made-up games that appear in cell phone ads.
I haven’t played it but I heard about it on a podcast I enjoy: Podquisition. One of the hosts - Laura K Buzz - seemed favourable towards it and recommended it to those drawn to that style of quick to understand but continuously engaging games with simple tasks to complete, and after listening it genuinely made me want to give it a shot.
I’m actually new to this whole “Federated” thing, so I did not hear about it here, but it’s good to see people discussing it. How do I access that link from the instance I’m currently in? I click it and it asks me to make a Beehaw Account.
The way I did this was going to Communities, searching Gaming so I would get, and clicking Next until I found the post. That’s how I found the post on Beehaw, too.
There may be a more efficient way to do this. That’s just how I did this.
I still burn DVDs for my grandma who lives several hours away. She doesn’t have a computer or the Internet at home, so in order to share video clips from the kids I convert them to a DVD she can play on her TV. She’s so happy each time she receives a new disc in the mail and it allows her to see them grow between visits.
She finds it easier to just put the DVD in there, as it will autoplay the whole thing without any intervention, and I take the time to make a cover and everything.