Jomn, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing? avatar

I would agree with most about DA:O and Awakening. I consider that DA2 is also a good game, BUT it is really different from DA:O, and I feel like I liked it more after having replayed it later on.

I don’t really like DA:I, and it is only worth it if you also play the endgame DLC, because the base game ending is really underwhelming. And, the game managed to implement everything that I hate about “Open World” games.

GolGolarion, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

Origins and the Awakening expansion. The rest are just kind of bad to play, imo. Not to say you wont enjoy the experience, I just think they’re unfun.

patchymoose, avatar

Thanks, I didn’t realize there was an expansion. I’m not sure if GamePass includes it so I’ll look into it.

Skray, avatar

The DLC in all the games are fairly important depending on the DLC/expansion, and there can be a lot of it. DA2 and DAI both integrate well into the story while DAO was kind of built around the idea of side-story mini-adventures so there's a lot more of them.

DAO Primary story DLC: Warden's Keep, Stone Prisoner, Return to Ostagar add side quests to the main game and are solid to play.

DAO Standalone campaigns: Leliana's Song is a prequel focusing on the Leliana party member (you'll meet her pretty early in DAO although she is missable), Darkspawn Chronicles is an alternate history and not needed although fun, Golems of Amgarrak is a short post-story adventure that's not that important, Witch Hunt is a post-game story around Morrigan that's actually pretty important.

Awakening is a full-length expansion and absolutely worth playing, some of the characters you meet here tie into DA2.

DA2: All DLC integrates with the main story and can be played at any time. Legacy is a very important DLC that directly ties into Dragon Age Inquisition.

DAI: All 3 story DLC are fantastic, Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent and Trespasser.
Jaws and Descent are played during the main story as side quests, and Descent has some major lore implications for the world and raises some serious questions about the past and the potential future. Trespasser is a post-game story that directly leads into DA4: Dreadwolf when it comes out.

Also not sure if Gamepass supports this, but you can import your saves forward. For Dragon Age Inquisition you will need to use Dragon Age Keep to recreate your choices to import them into your world state.

ElmiHalt, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

DAO+Awakening is just a chef kiss, nothing is perfect in this world but as far as games are concerned DAO is an amazing experience.

DA2, huh, I did finish it like twice I’d say and I don’t remember much. Can’t say much but I guess this fact is something in itself.

DAI got a joke for a story, from the very first minutes it’s just laughable. I did enjoy the crafting and fighting in DAI but even those have a fair amount of flaws (limited number of abilities cause of console support and so on)

Flyinx, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Discovered Car Mechanic Simulator and it’s so so so satisfying. I know (knew?) absolutely nothing about the mechanical systems of cars, but it just clicks.


My initial reaction was to laugh, but honestly, after further thought, I could see myself getting hooked on a game of this nature.

xtapa, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

The first and it’s addons. Full stop.

littlecolt, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Still deep in Tears of the Kingdom, but I am close to 100% of shrines and light roots. Have not even tried fighting Ganon yet, but with my power level it shouldn’t be that tough. Gonna finish it this week and then hop back to Final Fantasy 16, which I binge played release weekend and got over 50% through according to the PS5 progress indicator.

NoraReed, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing? avatar

i love love love origins and da2, i have da2 tattoos, but i don’t know if I’d really recommend them. dai is overambitious and less well written than the other 2. I would give them all a shot but not feel bad about bouncing off the combat and graphics of any of them.

98codes, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

I thought DA:I was a perfectly cromulent game.

rikudou, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing? avatar

Play them in order. And if you love the lore, there are also books.

UprisingVoltage, do gaming w Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?

Definitely play them in order of release. They’re all very different games but an amazing series overall and definitely worth playing

Shikadi, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

Kill enemy, save, make certain jump, save. Takes a lot of risk out of the game. I like when games let you save anywhere but if you restart the game or load your save you start in the beginning of a room regardless of where you saved from. (Like ocarina of time)


I liked on Postal where if you saved too often it would announce “My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do”


Takes a lot of risk out of the game.

Indeed. But on the other hand, the thing at risk is the player’s time, and only the player can manage it appropriately. A game that doesn’t respect that can quickly become a chore.


It’s a balancing act, artistic choice and such. Also depending on the company, it might be designed to increase engagement to keep you addicted


it might be designed to increase engagement to keep you addicted

Perhaps, but that can just as easily backfire. A game that disrespects my time earns my contempt, both for it and for the people who made it.

For example, I returned Red Dead Redemption 2 and now avoid Rockstar games, in part for this reason.


I have to agree with this, for certain games limiting the saves is the correct answer honestly.

Something like the Fear and Hunger series wouldn't work as well with unlimited saves anywhere because a large part of the appeal is to have to struggle and power through horrible conditions, that would be lost if you could reload every time one of your pals got their arm cut off in a fight and stuff like that


This just reads to me as an excuse for people with no self control to ruin the experience for others. I you want to limit saves, no one is making you use a quick save feature but yourself.

some_guy, avatar

That’s the reason for a lot of gameplay design decisions these days.

Players have zero self-discipline so developers need to adjust their games so that players don’t optimize the fun out of them.

ampersandrew, avatar

The medium is full of design decisions that measurably saved players from ruining their own good time.

some_guy, avatar

For a well adjusted person that seems absolutely, ludicrously stupid.

I will avoid or return any game that doesn’t respect my agency as a human being. I don’t need external systems to limit me because I’m not a mental toddler and I understand how to have fun.


I understand limiting saves to avoid savescumming. Not allowing you to save and quit whenever you want in Funger makes no sense though. I quickly installed a mod for Termina to suspend and resume the game because it’s ridiculous to have to play 3+ hours straight before being allowed to close the game.


That can be overcome by handling save and exit and continuing from those saves differently to normal saves (is have normal saves be possible whilst continuing to play and be loadable as many times as you wish until it is overwritten, but have “save and exit” create a seperate save file that is deleted after successfully loaded.) One type of save allows you to undo in game events, the other only allows you to end your session an resume it at another time.

Does mean more work to do to make it work properly though.

Coelacanth, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th avatar

Just finished my first playthrough of Cyberpunk last night after about 120 hours. I had 3 or so gigs left but wanted to make sure I got it done before Baldur’s Gate 3 (will need to free up some disk space…).

Overall I liked it a lot, despite its many flaws. It has some moments, characters and stories that are really engaging. Judy was a standout for me, and her voice actress really killed it. I regret not choosing Female V now, but of course I had no idea at the time. And I know it’s controversial but I kinda liked Keanu as Silverhand, even though his voice acting isn’t always “good”. The relationship between V and Johnny was the thing I enjoyed the most, and Johnny’s character development.

Not sure I’m super happy with the ending I got, though, and I might go back and play out some of the other alternatives.


From memory, I’m pretty sure Judy can only romance female V (if that’s what your regret was).

I’m one of the weirdos who had a good time with Cyberpunk when it first came out. I’m really looking forward to the DLC and trying hard not to play it again before the DLC so I don’t burn myself out on it.

Coelacanth, avatar

Yeah, Judy made a big impression on me. I’ll wait a while after Phantom Liberty’s release until I’ll play again, but I’ll definitely play Fem V then so I can see the Judy romance.

I just played through another ending today, (Don’t) Fear the Reaper into the Temperance ending, and I much preferred that to the one I got at first (Rogue’s path into The Sun ending). I’m much more satisfied with the game now.


My first ending was Panam/Aldecaldo and it’s still my favorite probably.

Coelacanth, avatar

I have heard people like that one, and I have read roughly what it’s about, but I’m saving that one for my next playthrough.

I think which one suits best depends a lot on both how you played your V and how you felt about Johnny.

For me, V and Johnny became like best friends, and so The Sun ended up feeling mostly like a letdown and a nobody wins scenario, and it felt almost out of character for V, too.

Temperance felt perfect for the story as I had experienced it, and it was also really cool to see the final dialogues inside Mikoshi from both the perspective of playing as Johnny and playing as V. Highly recommended.

SPOILERSWhen playing as Johnny (the first time), I actually thought V would interrupt a fourth time on the bridge heading towards the light and forcibly kick Johnny back into his body and make the choice for him. At least that’s where it felt like the dialogues were going. I think that would have been a cool moment, if your relationship with Johnny is high enough.

theteachman, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

Recently playing Child of Light. The game has this autosave system that whenever you use a skillpoint or craft an oculi (gives attributes) by accident, it just saves then and there. Kinda fucked me up often

HalJor, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th avatar

Still playing Diablo IV (just hit level 72) and Puzzle Quest 3 (because functional addiction, which probably applies to Diablo IV as well).

Oh, and Cookie Clicker – 459 days and counting.

spiderman, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Just finished Marvel’s spiderman (main storyline) and it was really great. Loved the graphics, the story telling and especially this view from the top of the Empire State building

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