Open up retroarch and apply the following as settings for a game:
adjustment filter to mirror the screen, I think it’s in an image adjustment folder but can’t check which one at the moment
swap left and right in the controls (in-game remap, not the menu controls)
Mirror mode! On any game! As long as you don’t care about text, it’s a fun way to add replay value. Great for platformers like Donkey Kong Country 2, Mario, etc.
If you really want a mindfuck, play a top down game like Zelda Link to the Past with the above but ALSO top down inverted too. I do that with the ALTTP randomizer sometimes.
Edit: hang on, I got Yoshi’s Story at launch and I 100% remember the ultimate aim of the game is to actually get all the melons. It’s not an alternative mode really, it’s the actual goal for 100%. At least, it’s how I played it in 1998.
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Getting ONLY the green melons on each stage has always been the goal to get 100%. I remember vividly filling up the records screen and even posting a results photo to N64 Magazine.
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. Getting ONLY the green melons on each stage has always been the goal to get 100%. I remember vividly filling up the records screen and even sending a results photo in the post to N64 Magazine back in 1998.
I’ll try and dig up the issue that confirms the goal is to get the green melons. It’s hard mode yes, but it’s not exactly a hidden goal. Yoshi’s Story is very intentionally vague on providing any instructions or written goals to the player, but the instruction manual and guides do.
Edit: here we go. Instruction manual scan, page 18. Specifically tells you to collect all melons for the best score. It was always there and the game guides of the day made it very, very clear. <a href=""></a>
Edit edit: this is a sore point for me as there are a lot of traumatic memories being bought back now of getting to 29 melons then accidentally eating a banana and having to start over! Was a fucking pain in the arse and I remember spending hours and hours on it.
That's pretty much me with most (open world) games.
I always treated games as a different worlds to get immersed in and that's how I approach them to this day.
I'm also a weirdo who likes to makes games more difficult and realistic/tedious for myself which means stuff like limiting the amount of carried items, not using fast travel, acting like an actual part of the world, turning off the UI if possible and choosing fashion over min maxing.
I don't think I ever did any kind of "gimmick" challenges. Probably because it kind of contradicts with my usual way of play.
It is however always interesting to read up on them - it amazes me what some people come up with to spice up their playthrough.
Yeah, it's definitely not for everyone nor for every game but it can be really fun and relaxing as long as you don't care about constant action or lots of progress.
Finding alternate ways of playing a game, whether by doing a self-imposed challenge, or just playing a game differently than it was intended, are a good way of spicing up games you’ve played hundreds of times.
Or in some cases, playing the game how it’s meant to be played. Like in a lot of RPGs, you’re not really supposed to grind.
I played Final Fantasy VIII without grinding cards, draws, items, or anything until end game content. It was relieving to not have to worry about any of it.
I had the opposite FF8 experience. I got lost like 3 times, and between over leveling and limit breaks, none of the bag guys ever got through their dialog trees during a fight. It was funny, but I don’t recommend it.
Żal mi tych ludzi, że nie są w stanie się razem zorganizować i wystąpić przeciwko pracodawcy. Prawo pracy ich chroni, mogą śmiało odmówić wykonania polecenia służbowego jeśli dana czynności stanowi zagrozenie dla ich zdrowia lub życia. Zgłaszać do PIPu takich.
Onepace is a fan project that recuts the One Piece anime in an endeavor to bring it more in line with the pacing of the original manga by Eiichiro Oda. The team accomplishes this by removing filler scenes not present in the source material.
They have torrents for all their episodes. I can really recommend, because Onepace is not as stupidly drawn out as Onepiece can sometimes be.
Ever since the pandemic, I wanted a multiplayer skateboarding game where the social aspects of it are just as important as the mechanics so you can hang out with your friends and skate in a way that feels authentic to doing it in real life. Instead of having a plain multiplayer lobby, you could have an apartment you could decorate that you guys could hang out in before you pick the map. You'd be able to sit on your skateboard or chairs and benches to get out of the way-or also to be an obstacle if you wanted. It would also be pretty cool to edit a map in real-time by having some items be movable by the players, like kickers. The maps would vary between skateparks, street skate spots, and DIY spots that have been modified to be more skateable. There could be a couple NPCs you could skate with if you don't have any friends online, but they would be more predictable in how they behave. There could also be NPCs that are purely obstacles, as well.
I’m using the Quest 2 and loving it. I recently moved my router (a Netgear Orbi) into my office and I’ve been using AirLink instead of the tether and it’s actually working super well. Probably gonna shell out the cash for the Quest 3 when it comes out because I think the fresnel lenses are the biggest drawback of the Quest 2.
For games I’ve been playing Into the Radius, a heavily moded version of Skyrim VR, and Demeo. If you like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Into the Radius is almost like an unofficial sequel and is soooooo immersive. Skyrim VR is worth the trouble of modding. Feels like a new game. Demeo is just a lot of fun to play with friends, but the amount of time it takes to play a full game usually kills my headset battery.
I just finished the game (40hrs) I would greatly recommend it.
It has some rough edges, it could benefit from a few QOL changes, and there’s also some weirdly useless mechanics (it rained almost every single day after unlocking the farm, making the watering can a bit of a joke, the sea people currency is far too easy to get) and the sleep gun is far too powerful compared to anything else.
That said it was a very enjoyable romp, I really liked all the pretty animations for upgrading stuff and the game had a lot of delightful one off mechanics which were fun.
Your inalienable right to free speech is to protect you from the government metering your speech. Free speech is speech free from governmental control and oversight, not from consequences. If you want to reference a legal document more relevant, look up the terms of service/rules of the forum.
100% agreed. After much though the issue is Substance Vs. Form… I suppose different wording might be looked at differently. Or Maybe all critics are banned?
The Gaming Porting Toolkit has worked fairly well for me with Diablo 4, so I imagine more PC-only games will be available as well as it exits beta. In the meantime Baldur’s Gate 3 (early access) and No Man’s Sky have native Mac support and I love how much time you can spend with them. I admittedly mainly play PC with those.
I also played the Middle-earth games on Mac if you’re looking for a more linear style of narrative.