Sepix, do gaming w Best chiptune/gaming-inspired music? avatar

I compiled a pretty funky mix out of my chiptune favourites. Check it out if you want to.

xep, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people

Takes a bit of getting used to, but Earth Defense Force 4.1 or 5.

Thelsim, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th

I’ve started playing Rogue Trader. I’m not very familiar with the warhammer 40k universe and my god it’s a depressing place. I’m heavily leaning into the iconoclast play style because I don’t think I’d be able to roleplay as a dutiful servant of the empire.
There’s also a ton of stats that make my head spin. But I usually just avoid thinking about that by decreasing the difficulty and choosing upgrades that sounds interesting.

Biorider, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people avatar

Dragon Ball FighterZ is a 3 man team fighting game.

blindsight, do gaming w Best chiptune/gaming-inspired music?

I initially thought you had terrible taste in music after listening to the first song… I had NewPipe set to 2.0× speed.


Thanks for the recs, OP and everyone else.

hightrix, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people

Outriders and Remnant 2. Both solid games and 3p coop.

wesker, do gaming w Good multiplayer games for 3 people avatar

My friends and I recently discovered Aliens: Fireteam Elite, and the 3 person coop is a lot of fun.

CharlesReed, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th

I didn't have too much time for gaming this week, except for my usual Diablo bs lol.

Diablo 3: Season 29 - Finally completed the season journey. I've got my pretty wings and a new pet. D3 is now going to the back burner until the Darkening of Tristram event in January.

Diablo 4: Season 2 - The Midwinter Blight event started this week, so my focus has been temporarily on that. Well, that and farming Forgotten Souls in Helltide, bleh.

shnizmuffin, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th avatar

Pokémon Violet: Indigo Disc DLC.

zbych, do zapytajszmer w Liczba pustostanów - Wroclaw avatar

Strzelał, że może na geoportalach miejskich jest gdzieś warstwa z zagospodarowaniem i aktualnym użytkowaniem? Spróbuję jutro/pojutrze zerknąć, jak siądę przy kompie.

comicallycluttered, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th

Edit: Lol, wrote a whole thing about Elite: Dangerous here since I was about to start it.

As predicted, not for me.

Trying out Deathloop. It’s not bad, but also kind of just makes me yearn for older Arkane. I do enjoy the setting and humor, and the '60s spy-fi vibe and artstyle is great.

Just feels like it’s missing something. It might be that the whole thing is in like bite sizes as opposed to the usual “wide open levels” of other immersive sims.

A quick run through a mission takes a few minutes. They get longer as the game goes on and each Loop itself can take a bit of time to finish, but it also feels a bit like it rushes you with to the whole “times of day” thing instead of really letting you take your time and soak it all in.

All said, it’s got charm and is pretty fun. Less emphasis on stealth than I expected, but I can still generally stealth through most of it.

Also, I thought Dunkey’s video with all the kicking was just him being, well, him. But the kick is actually very versatile (sometimes feeling a little, but not too, OP) and does make for some pretty funny moments.

shnizmuffin, avatar

I’ve got over 1000 hours in Elite: Dangerous and can confirm: it’s skippable.


Thank you for telling me about that video

sub_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 17th
  • I’ve finished Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising, as a preparation for Eiyuden Hundred Heroes.

    • It’s not a good game, but it’s not terrible either. I played it while watching TV.
    • The combat is interesting, you have 3 attack buttons, and each of them switches your main character. However it’s really unpolished, you can’t do uppercut or downward attack before upgrading your weapons.
    • The story… is not interesting at all. It’s largely fetch quests for the residents to build / expand stuff.
  • I’m halfway thru Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

    • This is a bad game. The gunplay is okay, but the level design, the enemies become increasingly dull and boring in later chapters. Halfway thru the game, I just find most chapters are way too long, empty, and repetitive.
    • The story / writing is not good at all. All those Deepground characters are boring, cliched, and annoying.

Also, I’m back with my BS, where I play Resident Evil Zero with a guide and skipping all the cutscenes, so that I can get the infinite rocket launcher, before replaying the entire game for the story.

0thr, do zapytajszmer w Liczba pustostanów - Wroclaw

Przeglądając wiki OpenStreetMap udało mi się znaleść wartość tagu o nazwie vacant, który określa brak zagospodarowania(w tym przypadku sklepu), ale do rzeczy…

Kopiąc dalej znalazłem typy node’ów jak “abandoned:” i “disused:”, które idealnie pasują pod opis pustostanów, więc technicznie rzecz biorąc powinien istnieć taki spis. Jak uda mi się takowy odnaleźć, z pewnością tu podepnę, bo sam jestem zaciekawiony tematem.

!deleted2556 avatar

Pytam trochę dlatego, ze - zdaje się - jakiś czas temu natknąłem się na podana ilosc pustostanów w Warszawie. Podejrzewam, ze GUS może mieć to wyszczególnione co gdzie kiedy ile i jak.

!deleted269 avatar

Możesz zapytać samorząd, najwyżej cię pokierują. Teoretycznie to oni powinni mieć takie informacje i mają obowiązek ci odpowiedzieć. Tu garść przydatnego info i możesz w razie czego pogadać z ludźmi z tej organizacji co i jak, dobre mordeczki;…

delay, avatar

Sugeruję wysłanie zapytania przez epuap. Mają dwa tygodnie (?) na udzielenie odpowiedzi. Pewnie uwzględnią nieruchomości podlegające zarządowi gospodarki komunalnej. Inna kategoria to prywatni właściciele i nieruchomości skarbu państwa.

CountCorvinus, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 10th avatar

Elder Scrolls Online. According to Xbox’s 2023 year in review, I’ve spent over 750 hours in Tamriel this year.

Also been enjoying Fallout 76 and the new invasion season of Mortal Kombat 1

astromd, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 10th

I’m playing Starfield on Xbox cloud. I only get to play an hour or two a week so progress is very slow but I think I’m about 50% of the way through the primary story.

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