If you’ve never played Dune 2 or Dune 2000 or whatever other iterations and remakes of the Dune RTS series, I strongly recommend it. It seems like a lot of Warcraft’s DNA comes from Dune.
Yeah, seems like. Like when I was a kid and I played Dune 2, then played Warcraft a few years later, the one seemed to inherit most of its ideas from the other.
But I didn’t like go look up the dates or exhaustively check that no other game came up with the format first. I know the first Age of Empires is somewhere vaguely in that same time span too, but I’m not certain of the order.
Oh sorry it seemed offensive or negative in any way, I just wanted to clarify that “seems like” i s a vast understatement. Dune 2 predates all of them, and became a template for mechanics and layouts. We’ve gone a long way since, but dune was the first of the models that we build RTS games as today
Chyba żadna korpo nie przestrzega praw pracowniczych ani nie szanuje ochrony danych, ale przy Xiaomi dochodzi kwestia powiązań z chińskim reżimem i ryzyko, że dodali jakiś szpiegowski dodatek nieujęty w specyfikacji…
Stranded Deep is on Game Pass, so figured I’d give it a shot. Good so far. Kind of a mix of Raft and The Forest. It is a little rough to start since you pretty quickly need to travel to other islands to get materials and the starter raft is not fun to use. Once I built my own it really picked up though
I’ve got a GTX 1070; I found the new Robocop game to look really cool, but the demo didn’t run so well for me.
The funny thing is, I would’ve believed that this card would’ve been too old years ago, but most games I still buy don’t need anything beyond what it provides. I enjoy visual appeal, but I don’t often play my games to count the pixels and inspect individual hairs on eyelids. The graphical plateau is real.
birth last level station brass horn rat cake berry industry butter bed flower humour tooth deep wall yellow jewel married brain push though bucket talk seat lock let agreement angry sock rule harmony face open thought run payment twist talk brake other to map boiling dark chief cake lift still
right step wall medical thought down hanging porter special interest apple head awake hole fear girl bridge pocket country square nut structure level berry tired impulse record thread root sky regular selection condition business statement great space move worm all tooth fly step purpose feeling ticket thumb suggestion iron full
smell branch war year angle month full sponge look give after earth political a keep young where drawer stage position fork flower table reward delicate separate view grain hair gun hole friend sock event potato complex vessel skirt payment past motion sad bag present lift porter side all cold feeling
Treasure! Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes. Bangai O. Not to mention the shmups. Damn they made some amazing games with super cool mechanics. Last I checked, they made a few anime tie-in games or something in the 2010s, but nothing since then.