RavenFellBlade, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry? avatar

Final Fantasy IX. Just… everything to do with Vivi and Quina. Those to characters cemented IX as my favorite in the series after initially writing it off as inferior to VII and VIII. While those games have some great narratives, Vivi and Quina both do such a great job of exploring what it is to be human, in their own beautiful and heart rending ways.

The entire experience of Outer Wilds.

So many parts of Persona 3, 4, and 5, but especially 4.

Here’s a weird one: Starflight on Genesis. Not so much because of the story or content, but because I played this game so much with a friend of mine in middle school, and had all but forgotten about it. I was playing through some old Genesis games a month or so ago, and started this game up. As soon as the title screen came up, a flood of memories washed over me and took me right back to 1992. Bawled like a kid for about ten minutes as I realized I had an awesome friend that I had basically completely forgotten about.

Ilflish, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

Mother 3 may be the only game that made me teary. I think there may be another I’m blocking out but I generally avoiding trying to be sad

electrogamerman, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

golden sun, pokemon, fat princess, time commander,

thejodie, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

Playing against Xero on Nightmare! setting.

CharlesReed, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

The end of LA Noire got to me. I still can't play the last case without tearing up.

Krauerking, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

Spyro. Hard stop. Beat over 100% several times. Loved the platform mechanics, the visuals, the humor, and the sense of wonder. Lovely games that basically scratches that itch of a mobile collecting game but with a story to follow and purpose for doing it.

The Halo franchise is also up there but i actually was just one of the people that just built maps in forge for custom game modes and think that was super fun, limits that made me more creative with how i built the maps. Then to see them get played and filled with people was always so fun.

alkheemist, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

“Trust me.”

Mannivu, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 26th

This past week I started playing again Stellaris. I unfortunately had to start over a new save since the many updates made my old save impossible to use at full power. Still, this new run seems to be better than my old save!

RepulsiveDog4415, do piracy w E-Books, best places to get them?

Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?

I use library genisis. Great for scientific papers and adequate for fiction.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Anna’s archive is a catalogue which goes through multiple databases including libgen, therefore it’s preferable

TSG_Asmodeus, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

Think Quick! immediately comes to mind as the an early one I played a lot of, followed by Mines of Titan.

I am not sure I could go through the 90’s games that left lasting impressions on me. I guess Homeworld, Sacrifice, Marathon, Alpha Centauri, and Chrono Trigger have occupied a massive amount of my mind for ages now, haha.

zilla, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

syphon filter and syphon filter 2. The multiplayer against my cousin where we just ran around and throw grenades at each other was just pure fun.


the first syphon filter was so mind blowing as a teen.

nul9o9, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

PS2 really had the bangers.

FFX, Devil May Cry series, and MGS3 were awesome.

Moved over to the 360 and played MW2 / Halo 3 with the bros in highschool.

fireangel108, avatar

Oh yeah dmc was realy good though i just watched my brother play it, i only actually played last year with the hd collection

The second game is torture but i finished somehow

BeatTakeshi, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid? avatar

Street fighter and Mario kart 64.

Nelots, (edited ) do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

I wasn’t able to start gaming until I was around like 12, but when I did, I loved a game called Dungeon Defenders on the Xbox 360. Came out in 2011, so it’s not nearly as old as most of the games listed here.

Dungeon Defenders was actually full of modded accounts on the Xbox, and they distributed loot everywhere that did like a billion damage and one shot everything (yet somehow I still sucked at the harder maps lol). I could never enjoy the game now with all the modded shit, but back then it was fucking awesome. It’s the game that got me into modding and is the reason I’m as computer savvy as I am today, so it will always be a fond memory in my head.


Dungeon Defenders was a fantastic game. Too bad DD2 flopped, and now there’s barely anyone playing.

NOOBMASTER, do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid?

Nox. It’s a computer game by Westwood Studios.

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