tomasz, do zapytajszmer w Jak przekonujecie aktywistów/tki, że używanie jedynie fakebooka do działalności nie jest najlepszym pomysłem?

Jak cię Cukiergóra odetnie od zasięgów i konta, to co poczniesz, gdzie cię znajdą twoi folołersi i fani?

!deleted269 avatar

Obecnie byłby w stanie w ciągu pewnie do pół godziny skasować z sieci prawie całość polskojęzycznego ruchu wolnościowego, który ma może 4 aktualne strony WWW, a całą resztę na FB/IG…

TheOtherJake, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

Toss it in the attic or under the bed and save it. You’ll appreciate it differently in the future, and FAR more than any money you will get for it in the short term.


It could be more economical to sell it now and buy a cheap used one in a few years though, especially if OP can think of ways they’d prefer to use the money.


Especially if it’s the better selling console. There will be plenty of them on the used market when the platform is 1-2 generations old.

acetone, do wiadomosci w Zielona Góra - miasto skierowało ludzi na toksyczne pogorzelisko w zwykłych ubraniach. Posłance odmówiono kontroli
!deleted621 avatar

Żal mi tych ludzi, że nie są w stanie się razem zorganizować i wystąpić przeciwko pracodawcy. Prawo pracy ich chroni, mogą śmiało odmówić wykonania polecenia służbowego jeśli dana czynności stanowi zagrozenie dla ich zdrowia lub życia. Zgłaszać do PIPu takich.

weremacaque, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

Ever since the pandemic, I wanted a multiplayer skateboarding game where the social aspects of it are just as important as the mechanics so you can hang out with your friends and skate in a way that feels authentic to doing it in real life. Instead of having a plain multiplayer lobby, you could have an apartment you could decorate that you guys could hang out in before you pick the map. You'd be able to sit on your skateboard or chairs and benches to get out of the way-or also to be an obstacle if you wanted. It would also be pretty cool to edit a map in real-time by having some items be movable by the players, like kickers. The maps would vary between skateparks, street skate spots, and DIY spots that have been modified to be more skateable. There could be a couple NPCs you could skate with if you don't have any friends online, but they would be more predictable in how they behave. There could also be NPCs that are purely obstacles, as well.

TheWiseAlaundo, do gaming w Do you play VR?

I’m using the Quest 2 and loving it. I recently moved my router (a Netgear Orbi) into my office and I’ve been using AirLink instead of the tether and it’s actually working super well. Probably gonna shell out the cash for the Quest 3 when it comes out because I think the fresnel lenses are the biggest drawback of the Quest 2.

For games I’ve been playing Into the Radius, a heavily moded version of Skyrim VR, and Demeo. If you like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Into the Radius is almost like an unofficial sequel and is soooooo immersive. Skyrim VR is worth the trouble of modding. Feels like a new game. Demeo is just a lot of fun to play with friends, but the amount of time it takes to play a full game usually kills my headset battery.

saigot, do gaming w Critic Reviews: DAVE THE DIVER

I just finished the game (40hrs) I would greatly recommend it.

It has some rough edges, it could benefit from a few QOL changes, and there’s also some weirdly useless mechanics (it rained almost every single day after unlocking the farm, making the watering can a bit of a joke, the sea people currency is far too easy to get) and the sleep gun is far too powerful compared to anything else.

That said it was a very enjoyable romp, I really liked all the pretty animations for upgrading stuff and the game had a lot of delightful one off mechanics which were fun.

sodiumbromley, do gaming w A Beautiful transcript with #ChatGPT4 about the situation/appeal/and judgement of my Forum Ban for #Diablo4 over criticisms about #RodFergusson avatar

Your inalienable right to free speech is to protect you from the government metering your speech. Free speech is speech free from governmental control and oversight, not from consequences. If you want to reference a legal document more relevant, look up the terms of service/rules of the forum.

muddybulldog, do gaming w A Beautiful transcript with #ChatGPT4 about the situation/appeal/and judgement of my Forum Ban for #Diablo4 over criticisms about #RodFergusson

You don’t have right to free speech on the Diablo forums.


100% agreed. After much though the issue is Substance Vs. Form… I suppose different wording might be looked at differently. Or Maybe all critics are banned?

CHOPSTEEQ, do gaming w A Beautiful transcript with #ChatGPT4 about the situation/appeal/and judgement of my Forum Ban for #Diablo4 over criticisms about #RodFergusson

Please touch grass.


Retired Army Veteran, grass has been touched.

Banzai51, do gaming w Let's talk about Remnant 2 avatar

I thought we were talking about Rampart??

Four_lights77, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

They are some seriously cool games coming out this year like Starfield, armoured core 6, and Baldur gate 3. Sell your ps5 and get a pc or steam deck.


This is a great time to also be introduced to the patient gamer movement lol

Most games that have come out recently have had their fair share of issues. I like to skip all of those games and instead play older titles that have already been patched, have a definitive edition, and are much cheaper

I can’t remember the last game that I bought on release and tbh it has saved me a lot of time and money. Usually when I start seeing video essays about a game is when I start thinking about getting it lol

It all comes down to personal preference though. I don’t mind missing out on initial hype even if it can be exciting to experience the community discovering new things all at once. Sometimes bashing on the developers/publishers as a community can be just as fun lmao


+1. As someone who’s working their way up through the PS4 library, I can easily say that I’m well fed, and PS+ has actually being really great in that sense. Patient gaming always leaves you with something new and different to look forward to without having to worry about long development times of games these days.


I would consider myself a patient gamer as well. The last game I preordered was Star Wars Battlefront and after that I swore off of investing in a game before it can out. I definitely could spend time going through my PlayStation library and not run out of games for a while.


New games should be considered marketing material, hence unfinished product like a movie trailer uses bits of the unedited footage, or footage that has been edited specifically for the trailer.


Not sure if I fully understand what you’re saying, but if I do, it’s hard to agree when new games are now costing $70USD

!deleted5791 avatar


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  • BigBananaDealer, avatar

    at least it is fixable now, back then if a game was buggy on release it stayed buggy and you just had to deal with it

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    i bought borderlands 3 on release but didnt even play it until earlier this year lol

    i was told i was playing it in the best possible state

    i also didnt pick up hogwarts legacy until around a month ago, and the only bugs ive seen are visual bugs that ultimately impacted nothing and fixed themselves pretty quick


    PC gaming does appeal more to me lately. The fact that more games are becoming exclusives, might as well get into PC gaming. Lots of smaller games come out on PC as well and it takes forever for them to show up on console if they ever do.


    I’ve thought about getting in to PC gaming myself. I have a switch, PS5, and Xbox X (whatever the newest one is). I’d keep the switch and maybe get a steam deck. Have completely mobile games.


    Not a bad idea considering that both can be docked for a more traditional console experience.

    I use my steam deck the most for gaming nowadays. Plus, the steam deck is basically a console as long as you stay on steam. I have added heroic launcher for games from GOG and even that is really simple


    Keeping in mind just how much Sony is moving to have their exclusives on PC. It’s slow going but it is happening. Most Xbox exclusives already come out on PC anyway so it’s a happy medium ground currently. Keep in mind most controllers now work on PC by one means or another and there are ways to PC game from a sofa so it’s not like some years ago when it was almost a rule that one machine was for one setting while the other had to go somewhere else. Personally, I exclusively use my computer from my sofa on my 50" tv because I’m more comfortable that way.

    PaupersSerenade, do gaming w Can you guys recommend some good games for me that would work well on an MBP M2 Max? avatar

    The Gaming Porting Toolkit has worked fairly well for me with Diablo 4, so I imagine more PC-only games will be available as well as it exits beta. In the meantime Baldur’s Gate 3 (early access) and No Man’s Sky have native Mac support and I love how much time you can spend with them. I admittedly mainly play PC with those.

    I also played the Middle-earth games on Mac if you’re looking for a more linear style of narrative.

    th_in_gs, do gaming w Game Pass - What's your favorite sleeper hit?

    Was a sleeper - not sure it still counts, because it caught some good press, but Pentiment. Way more fun and engrossing than any short description makes it sound. And I feel like I even learned a bunch from it!

    kittenroar, do gaming w Actual Hidden Gems on Steam

    Star Valor looks cool as hell. I can’t actually run it, since it’s Windows-only, but one of y’all might like it. If you liked the classic Escape Velocity games or endless-sky, this looks similar.


    Star Valor does look great. If you’re on Mac or Linux you can play Endless Sky or Naev, which are both free. Or outside Steam try Starsector, which might be the best 2D space game on the market, or The Ur-Quan Masters; a continuation of Star Control 2 and also free.


    Do you know of anything like this for the switch? I’m a late comer to handhelds since I developed some shoulder problems and can’t really PC game anymore.

    I used to love a game called transcendence back when it was a free alpha. Top down, open world, semi-roguelike, big focus on combat with satisfying 2d physics and lots of ship customization. Less focus on trading and world interaction stuff.

    I’ve looked at a couple you guys mentioned, but I’m really trying to find something that’ll scratch that 2d space combat itch on a handheld.


    That’s a tough question. There’s a handful of 3D space combat games like Everspace, Starlink, or Manticore: Galaxy on Fire. There’s also bullet hell games like Galacide and AstroWings: Space War. But none of those are quite like the more open top down games above. Your best bet to find something might be to ask on a larger Nintendo forum. I hope you find something!


    If you have an android, there are two games that did a great job with 2d space combat and trading - spacerpg3 and spacerpg4. 3 is definitely inspired by EV Override, while 4 is very much its own thing.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried spacerpg4 but it hasn’t held my attention as much as I hoped.

    I did find an android port of star control 2, and that is some good stuff. Really scratched the 90 gaming itch too.


    I have played all of those except for Ur-Quan. I didn’t like the combat or trade mechanics in Naev, but the storyline and the planet art is cool. I played endless-sky a lot, but at this point I just want to see the main storyline for it finished, but that will have to wait until MZ has the time to dedicate to it again. I have starsector, but it looks more complex than I would like.

    Moonrise2473, do gaming w How well does PSVR work on PC?

    isn’t better to buy a WMR headset? Probably cheaper and supported natively by windows

    CorrodedCranium, avatar

    I own a PS4 so having the dual functionality would be nice though I would primarily be using it for videos. As I said in another comment they are also quite cheap (~$100) where I live and I’d like to avoid any of Meta’s software and only Oculus products (and the PSVR) are available second hand

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