CleoTheWizard, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

Well I can tell you that a PC is definitely in your interest because not only is there access to great indie games and modding, but it acts less like a subscription service and you get to keep the games on steam forever. Unlike PlayStation, your games won’t be obsolete and you can run them on newer hardware to enjoy them all over again. Want to play Morrowind at 4k, you bet.

That being said, here’s what I would do in your shoes. I wouldn’t invest in a steam deck up front. I think the deck is great for a lot of gaming experiences, but if you’re used to a Ps5, it’s not going to satisfy you probably. Too little power for more complex games isn’t enough for me as my only console.

I would get a cheap computer. Learn to build one yourself if you can, it’s not hard and can be a fun community effort to get parts in your price range. Consult forums for the individual parts. Sounds hard, but it’s not that bad.

The next part will sound weird because subscriptions are bad buuuut I recommend anyone new to Pc games go look at humble bundle and especially at their subscription. They usually provide a good value for games while also donating to charity.

But yeah overall, you should probably take a break after selling your Ps5. I think it’d be a good opportunity to see if gaming still feels right for you.


I think I’m also in the boat of moving into PC gaming soon. I would be interested in doing a cheap build, but I don’t know much about good components and wouldn’t be sure where to start my research. It would definitely be a good project and I would feel more invested with a build I put together and can upgrade over time.

I do think I need a break from the PS5. The thing is that I’m a college student and just started my summer break, so I didn’t play the PS5 for about 6 months. Now that I have time, I pick it up again and quickly feel drained or uninspired by what there is to play. Even going through the store I struggle to find anything worth my time. So my thinking is that if I already need a break again, then it might just mean that I have outgrown the console gaming life and would benefit from moving onto PC or simplifying my gaming to lighter titles that are more story rich.

I think I’m going to take some time to evaluate the PS5 more. Probably if I don’t use it much before Christmas, then I can look to offload it.


Ah, I have more advice then. So most people build their PCs on PCPartPicker. Other than that you can find or make posts on Toms hardware, the LTT forums, the Reddit pc gaming sub, or even probably here. There are plenty of people much more skilled than I at picking parts. It’s somewhat of an art but you have to start somewhere. Also just consider your upgrade paths. Don’t buy a motherboard without knowing that there is a better CPU for the same socket. Stuff like that.

The college life is rough. I do it myself so I’d just keep in mind if you’re moving around a lot, you’ll need to be okay with moving the pc and it’s components. I move mine around often in a large case with a big monitor. It’s a task for sure. So consider building in a smaller case, it’s harder but may be worth it in the long run.

Not sure what kind of games you enjoy but steam loves their sales. Both the sales and humble bundle are a good way to try games for really cheap. Also steam let’s you refund games with less than 2hrs played. So trying things out for a bit and returning them is a very good deal. Also no subscription for online so that’s cool.

WaterWaiver, do gaming w I finished Killer Frequency today and goddamn was it a fun game.

Something nice to see when I searched the steam forum for this game:

FoV is in the settings


A few years back I tried playing the original Halo 1. It gave me headaches and my brain simply couldn’t enjoy it.

On a similar note: a lot of modern games using Unity or Unreal seem to be magnets for mouse delay and filtering; which makes me very uncomfortable when playing. Those that have bought Killer Frequency: does it have any of this?


I never noticed anything like that.

HidingCat, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

I mean, I've never really liked consoles, but it doesn't sound like the console itself is the issue here. Most of the indies I play on PC also have a PS port, so you should be able to find a lot of non-AAA and non-overhyped titles on the PS platform.

I suppose there's also the matter of weighing the prices too; for me I always need a pretty beefy PC to begin with so having a console is just additional expense for a worse experience, but that's for me. You might have to pay quite a bit more and get a lot more games for PC's cheaper games to break even on the decision to move.

HidingCat, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

I mean, I've never really liked consoles, but it doesn't sound like the console itself is the issue here. Most of the indies I play on PC also have a PS port, so you should be able to find a lot of non-AAA and non-overhyped titles on the PS platform.

I suppose there's also the matter of weighing the prices too; for me I always need a pretty beefy PC to begin with so having a console is just additional expense for a worse experience, but that's for me. You might have to pay quite a bit more and get a lot more games for PC's cheaper games to break even on the decision to move.

HidingCat, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

I mean, I've never really liked consoles, but it doesn't sound like the console itself is the issue here. Most of the indies I play on PC also have a PS port, so you should be able to find a lot of non-AAA and non-overhyped titles on the PS platform.

I suppose there's also the matter of weighing the prices too; for me I always need a pretty beefy PC to begin with so having a console is just additional expense for a worse experience, but that's for me. You might have to pay quite a bit more and get a lot more games for PC's cheaper games to break even on the decision to move.

ampersandrew, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5? avatar

I have a beefy PC because it plays nearly everything. I have a Steam Deck because it plays most of that stuff when I'm on a train. My favorite games of the past few years run the gamut when it comes to system requirements, and since about 2017 especially, I have largely not been impressed by AAA games, with some exceptions. There are some genres that see more love than others, but chances are whatever type of game you enjoy most is out there and just not getting the most marketing. I've found some of my favorite games ever by just checking boxes for features that were important to me in Steam's advanced search. You have no commitment to buy the biggest games just because they've got the most hype.


I think that is something I have been experiencing too. Recent AAA games have failed to impress me. I am someone who likes story, so I’ll always appreciate clever dialogue or a well thought out story over flashy graphics or an open world.

I would be interested to know some of the gem games you found using the steam advanced search

ampersandrew, avatar

Vagante is the one I remember most clearly for that example. I really loved Streets of Rogue, and I wanted another 4-player, online and local multiplayer, action roguelike.

Dead Cells was billed as a metroidvania roguelike, but it's more like a Castlevania roguelike; pre-Symphony of the Night. So I searched for metroidvania roguelikes and came across A Robot Named Fight. You get a new version of Super Metroid every time you play. It's phenomenal.

I got really into Fantasy Strike one summer and finally understood what made fighting games tick. I looked for other fighting games that worked on Linux. Today, the only fighting game I know that doesn't work on Linux is Dragon Ball FighterZ, but at the time, there was literally only one other fighting game that worked on Linux short of emulation, and that was Skullgirls. Skullgirls is now my favorite game ever.

Hairyblue, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5? avatar

I got a PS5 and built a Linux gaming PC. I have them both connected to a big TV and game on my sofa now. I figured that I should be able to play just about anything that comes out. I don't think the next Elder Scrolls will come to the PlayStation. And I am gaming more and more on my PC. Baldur's Gate 3 is preordered for the PC. I plan on exploring Faerun on my comfortable sofa and using my Xbox controller.

And Steam/Linux works very well. And know Steam has sales all the time.

Hairyblue, (edited ) do gaming w Find a Party for Baldurs Gate 3 avatar

Baldur's Gate 3 has a community in the fediverse. Maybe some players there are looking.

sadreality, (edited ) do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

I have nice PC and ps5. Ps5 games are too expansive so it is used like media player with few exceptions like shooters that don't work on Linux and Hogwarts for gf


I have a disc version. Just bought and sold ff16 with only 5€ lost



VulcanDeathGrip, do gaming w Let's talk about Remnant 2

I’m also really liking it so far. Probably would have never tried remnant 1, but got it for free from PS plus. So far I think my favorite part is the exploration and puzzle aspects. It’s been great to get on the mic with some good friends and ask “is it open now?” “No?” (Pull lever) “how about now?”. And while the story isn’t particularly cohesive, it is at least interesting. I look forward to seeing what builds we an create.

KaapeliTV, do gaming w Find a Party for Baldurs Gate 3

Yeah I would be down for that. I also play mostly in the evenings or weekends. My time zone is EEST. Also this is my first game in the series, but I have played the previous larian games.

s12, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

I’ve been a Nintendo gamer most of my life and recently got a Steam Deck.

I’ve never really played or seen much of an appeal with most US studio games.

With how much many companies are trying to take power away from us, it does feel very satisfying when you find a game that’s available under a free, redistribution-permissive, license that you find very fun. Sadly, those are very few.

Sidyctism, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

I finally got superhot: mind control delete during the summersale. Very simple but engaging combat mechanic, and story is kept to a minimum


Played that quite a long time ago. Such a good game.

oeightsix, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5?

You’re absolutely right that a PlayStation - like a Kindle, or even Apple devices - is a big subscription box.

I’ll echo what others have said: Build a PC to connect to your TV and switch to that for a few years. You can even keep using the PS5 controller. Keep the PS5 around for exclusives and you won’t have FOMO + you can enjoy many years of PC exclusives as well as new, upcoming, early access indie darlings.

GandalfDG, do gaming w Time to Move on From PS5? avatar

I would piggyback on the people saying to get a PC, and think about building a home theater PC. You can use steam big picture mode to make it act like a console, but you can also use it for other things. You can even use steam’s streaming capabilities to stream to other devices on your network like your phone or laptop if you want to be elsewhere.

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