AstroLightz, rok temu do games w What were your top favorite video games as a kid? angielski Burnout 3: Takedown Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Mario Party DS Minecraft: Pocket Edition (The alpha versions) Mario Kart DS
execb5, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Need for speed 2 from 1997 has an amazing soundtrack
Need for speed 2 from 1997 has an amazing soundtrack
fosstulate, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski PHOENIX MAINS REPORT IN
Kraivo, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Ron don don
Ron don don
FeelzGoodMan420, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski
AsterixTheGoth, rok temu do gaming w Get ready for shitty games from WB next year that are full of always-on and battlepass Ok. Who cares? This shit was tired decades ago. Committee design is what it’s always known to be. It has a name. Everybody here who has the basics of understanding knows what it is.
Who cares? This shit was tired decades ago.
Committee design is what it’s always known to be. It has a name. Everybody here who has the basics of understanding knows what it is.
NaoPb, rok temu do gaming w What game company from your childhood do you remember with fondness? angielski DMA Design and Stainless Studios.
DMA Design and Stainless Studios.
Cybersteel, rok temu do games w What moment from a video game made you cry? angielski Kanon, Air, Clannad etc
Kanon, Air, Clannad etc
Darkncoldbard, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Also atelier iris 3 the grand phantasm has a great intro
Also atelier iris 3 the grand phantasm has a great intro
Darkncoldbard, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski “I had a dream that I could fly”
“I had a dream that I could fly”
Nihility, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Haven - The Beginning of Something. Whole OST is pretty good.
Haven - The Beginning of Something.
Whole OST is pretty good.
AnonTwo, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Probably the sting in the original Street Fighter II Though there's a sort-of full version in MvC as Ryu's theme A lot of games don't even have menu music anymore, or it's ambient and not really noticeable....
Probably the sting in the original Street Fighter II
Though there's a sort-of full version in MvC as Ryu's theme
A lot of games don't even have menu music anymore, or it's ambient and not really noticeable....
Ashtear, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Off the top of my head, either Ecce Valde Generous Ale (Behold the Precious Wings) from Panzer Dragoon Saga or the one in Trails from Zero.
Off the top of my head, either Ecce Valde Generous Ale (Behold the Precious Wings) from Panzer Dragoon Saga or the one in Trails from Zero.
AgentGrimstone, rok temu do gaming w How to gift a video game if I don't know the platform You can do an Amazon gift card. Pretty sure they’ll find whatever platform redeem codes they need there.
You can do an Amazon gift card. Pretty sure they’ll find whatever platform redeem codes they need there.
Lojcs, rok temu do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music? angielski Watch dogs 2
Watch dogs 2