0110010001100010, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms avatar

It has been discovered that manipulating DLL functions with AMD’s technology could result in a VAC ban.

So actively altering game code can be misconstrued as trying to cheat. Well consider me fucking shocked.


Things like reshade and controller api modifcations redirect dll functions. The line is kind of vague about the specifics.

Should people on steamdeck ironically be banned for how proton changes how the DX11 is read and converts it to vulkan?


Exactly. Steam should just run a check to see if they’re using the feature and ignore it if so. It can’t be that hard to read the amd config file.


Then hackers would be able to bypass the anti-cheat by enabling it (or convincing the anti-cheat that it is enabled). DLL Detouring is common in hacks, and making a 'get out of jail free' card available would essentially make the anti-cheat pointless.


VAC already is a pointless anticheat, the game has been littered by cheaters for 10 years.


So you combat it by making it easier to cheat?


I mean, the way that Anti-lag+ interacts with dlls is likely unique. My point is that this is on Steam to figure out, not AMD.

Steam is erroneously marking legitimate processes as illegitimate, and behavior monitoring is a pretty well established security mechanism for virus detection.


Should people on steamdeck ironically be banned for how proton changes how the DX11 is read and converts it to vulkan?

it’s just converting the call that the game make to vulkan, it’s different, it don’t touch game code at all


Its not exactly, its a dll conversion. You overtake the dll the game uses and replace it with a different library. Same idea with reshade. You bypass the dll given by the game to use your own.


Possibly not since Proton is Valve’s thingy, but who knows.

Gabu, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms

And yet use of actual cheats doesn’t result in VAC bans, and the game is in just as bad of a state as CS:GO, with most old cheats being easily ported over. Good fucking job…


Not even purely just a CS/Valve issue, which is the worst part. Anything that runs BattlEye struggles with rampant unpunished cheating, and yet they successfully ban anyone running legit systems, or software that has nothing to do with the game. Somehow it’s only getting worse, because a bunch of new games are introducing Ring0 anticheats, that have access to way too much information, but still fail to do what they’re designed to

dym_sh, avatar

still fail to do what they’re designed to

they were designed to create chinese botnet, and they will

«anti-cheat» is the same as «anti-terror» — a gift-paper wrapper


It does results in bans of course but they sadly don’t catch up with cheaters fast enough… Or in some cases is difficult to catch on without the crazy anticheats we have seen complains about.

kadu, avatar


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  • Sethayy,

    Invasive anticheat aka rootkit

    kadu, avatar


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  • Sethayy,

    I mean its like saying we can cure HIV through genocide

    SURE it’ll work, but it doesn’t mean the nuclear solution is the best possible solution that exists and ever will exist yk

    kadu, avatar


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  • Sethayy,

    Easy, custom consoles/OS. Already has existed for a couple decades actually, and doesn’t include a bunch of private information

    kadu, avatar


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  • Sethayy,

    Nah you said name a solution and I did name one. Sure not flawless but pretty obvious that There’s more options than just a rootkit, the only point I was trying to disprove.

    Any other arguments I don’t have any bearing on ngl I’m not too emotionally attached to my counterpoint


    It’s over-the-top because people get banned from games with these heavy handed anticheat programs for merely having certain programs on their PCs like Reshade, CheatEngine, Autohotkey, etc. Having those doesn’t mean you’re cheating in the current game you’re playing, but you can still get banned by some games just for them being installed and that’s bullshit. I use Reshade in damn near every game I play and not for any advantage, just to make the game look better, I use CheatEngine sometimes in offline games just for fun but never in online games, and Autohotkey has millions of uses that have nothing to do with cheating but it’s automatically assumed that it’s being used to cheat if it’s running in the background.

    kadu, avatar


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  • JokeDeity,

    You’re glossing over what I said, there are literally anticheats that will scan your system and ban you just for having those installed. That’s bullshit. Also, there’s no reason not to use Reshade on competitive games, I use it to make the colors and sharpening better and I use it on tons of competitive games. Not that I play Valorant because I hate hero/champion games.

    kadu, avatar


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  • JokeDeity,

    Man, I just don’t have the patience for people’s long ass diatribes when they start off with lies and accusations.



    kadu, avatar


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  • Rouxibeau,

    Way to be an overly-sensative twat. You a Republican by any chance?

    hackitfast, avatar

    Not sure why people are downvoting you. I’ve been in about 2 Valorant games where I’ve seen people straight up get banned mid-match. It terminated the match immediately.

    On top of that, I’ve never seen obvious cheaters in Valorant. Go play Counter-Strike for long enough and you’ll find spin bots.

    Is rootkit anti-cheat sketchy? Absolutely. Does it work really fucking well? Absolutely.


    I think he’s being downvoted purely because of “iNvASiVe AntIcHeAt” being capitalised like that. It’s needlessly hostile.

    I think he’s right, or at least adding to the discussion, people just don’t like the tone.


    It’s of course easier to ban something that modifies game files without hiding it, than it is to ban something that tries its very best to hide its very existence.

    Oha, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms

    AMD when injecting code into a game triggers the anticheat


    degen, do games w MSI CLAW gaming handheld leaked, features Intel Core Ultra 7 155H with Arc graphics and 32GB memory

    Wow, finally a handheld with malware-like bloat and a near guarantee of serious design flaws!


    Isn’t that every Windows handheld?


    Yes but just wait til Gigabyte gets their hands in the game. It will. E so much worse.

    Wolfwood1, do games w MSI CLAW gaming handheld leaked, features Intel Core Ultra 7 155H with Arc graphics and 32GB memory

    Wow! Intel processor AND Windows? The worst of both choices for a handheld!


    Might make a superb hand-warmer in these cold Winter months, though


    Meanwhile the Deck is both a hand warmer, and an aromatic candle.


    I felt like mine gave me cancer when I first turned it on, it was the dankest robot fart I’ve ever smelled.


    For 10 minutes before it needs charging again

    BlinkerFluid, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms avatar

    It sucks but I mean, the game is basically a sport now. I get the necessity.


    Professional players should all be using the same hardware and software configuration

    VAC is to keep the game fun for more casual players


    Professional players should all be using the same hardware and software configuration

    This would be a serious challenge in real-life and basically impossible online.
    You're bound to encounter minor model differences unless you spend dramatically more on hardware.


    I mean… professionals always have to spend dramatically more on hardware…

    There are rules around the engines and bodies f1 and nascar drivers can use, there are rules around what shoes runners can use…

    A slimmed down operating system on a specific hardware configuration isn’t unreasonable


    F1 is still largely a pay2win affair with clear competitive advantages for having a bigger budget so not a good a comparison IMO.


    The worlds greatest cs2 player may live in a 3rd world country and never been able to afford a PC


    I see what you’re saying but you’re comparing $500-1500 for a PC to the millions of dollars you need to even prototype an F1 car, let alone transport and race it.

    ozymandias117, (edited )

    That’s sort of my original point - bringing VAC into the discussion of “it’s a sport” isn’t very meaningful

    VAC has never, and will never, had an affect professional esports


    Much more limited these days. F1 teams all have to stay within a budget cap these days, and while the top ones are still benefitting from the money they poured into R&D before the caps, ongoing investment is much more limited.


    I’d buy in to that. You could even do it the way NASCAR does it: here are the specs. You can buy it from us to guarantee you are in compliance, or if you’re good enough to replicate this setup you can use your own, but we’ll tear down your setup to inspect after every contest. The only changes allowed are peripherals


    Irl professionals dont use their own pc. They use a pc provided to them, and their own accessories thats tested before hand for any suspicious modifications.

    Online of course is unenforcable


    Real sports let you change the source code






    Are all open source; it’s not that esports aren’t sports. It’s just most are advertisements not sports


    That’s not a great argument. Real sports don’t let you change which rules you play by while others are still using the normal rules.

    What you described is more like making your own league.

    ILikeBoobies, (edited )

    What do you think open source is?

    If you’re using a modified version of something then you need other people using it too

    Code is rules

    empireOfLove, do games w NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 rumors: 2.9 GHz boost clock, 1.5 TB/s bandwidth and 128MB of cache avatar

    it’ll only cost $2600 lmfao

    remotelove, avatar

    Given the current inflation rates and by the time that card is released, $2600 is probably going to be the price of the 5070.

    empireOfLove, avatar

    It won’t matter, there won’t be any cards available to buy anyway because 97% of their silicon will be going to AI accelerators to make CEO’s richer.

    remotelove, avatar

    I am guessing that dangling 3% are cards that go to YouTubers…


    Because useful tools that generate income are more valuable than things that make games look more better.

    AI is what’s justifying pumping over $7bn into R&D per year, which drives improvements to gaming cards too.

    Every card they sell makes a CEO richer, among a huge swathe of other effects.

    empireOfLove, avatar

    Of course they are valuable. But corporations will always prioritize that which generates value for themselves.

    What good are those massive improvements to gaming cards when GPU costs spiral into the multiple thousands of dollars and become completely unavailable to 98% of gamers? 'Cause institutional buyers have no qualms dropping $20k per card, and that will inflate the market to an insane degree. Jensen knows this and will happily kick individual consumers right into the firepit.


    “we shouldn’t be happy we should make people that slow down innovation richer cause… uhh they have a monopoly”


    Huh? They don’t have a monopoly in any space, and have significant competitors. And I don’t really see how they are slowing down innovation. I think it’s fair to say that Nvidia are investing significanly in R&D, and is driving innovation more than anyone else in the industry for the moment.

    Infernal_pizza, avatar

    To simplify things for the customer Nvidia will simply use the product name as the price

    Linktank, do gaming w Sony officially teases PlayStation 5 Pro

    Just buy a gaming PC.


    I like to play my games knowing the developers optimized it for exactly the hardware I’m playing on.


    Typically they still have performance issues though? I haven’t played on consoles since Xbox 360, other than the odd Nintendo game. I spent thousands of dollars on 360 and PS3 games and hardware and have none of it now. But my entire PC library is still playable.


    Now the games are attached to your windows and Sony accounts so they’ll follow you around as much as steam games do


    Oh yes my fully disc based games are all on my account now of course, not like they’d make you buy them again right?!?


    This is why pirating what you already owned should be morally correct :)


    I like to play my games on hardware that I picked out and put together personally. Also I like that hardware to be using an OS of my choosing with as much expandable storage as I could possibly want. Also, I don’t like to give my money to companies that encourage exclusivity on their hardware.


    Yeah, if you enjoy the process of fiddling around with your system and installing cool new drivers and programs to get your game running then PC gaming is better no doubt.

    I just want to turn the game on and play though


    But once you get it working, it works. It’s not as hard as you imagine, got a working Linux gaming setup in less than an hour after building my PC, and with software like EndeavourOS and Proton, you can get yours setup in such a short amount of time it’d blow your mind.


    It works, and then you don’t enjoy the game so it was all for nothing, or they release a patch that changes something so you have to do it all over again. And then you have that to look forward to with every new game you want to try out.

    I follow a lot of PC gamers on social media and they’re always crowd-sourcing technical questions about why this or that isn’t working like they expect.


    Right, hate it when my gaming PC gives me depression lol.


    I have no idea what you just said.

    Most games you just click play and they work. You don't need to install drivers or programs or whatever you think everytime at all.

    If they release a dodgy patch or one you don't like, you can just revert it. On console you are stuck with whatever they give you.

    Don't like a game after a couple hours? Doesn't work correctly? Refund it.

    Mainly its linux that will have issues you have to navigate and that is probably where most of the technical questions you come across root from. If you have Windows then 99% of games will just work as you expect.

    • Batman: Arkham Knight
    • Assassin’s Creed Unity
    • Battlefield 4
    • Homefront: The Revolution:
    • Forza Horizon 3
    • Total War: Rome 2

    All high profile games, all had my social media feeds full of PC gamers complaining about how they ran like shit on their 4,000 dollar PCs.

    You say you don’t know what I’m talking about, but then list every single hoop I’m trying to avoid with the tagline of ‘just jump through them!’.


    I've only played two of them and they worked just the same as any other game. You are putting words into my mouth now, I refuted every 'hoop' you listed, I never said 'just deal with it'.

    I could build a pc, give it to anyone and it would work in the same vein as a console. What is the point you are trying to make? That PCs have loads of issues? The consoles are flawless? Make sense.


    These dingleberries aren’t going to get it…Im the one true gamer master race, I play everything on all consoles and PC, phone, handheld etc… PC is fun and there are games you need a mouse and keyboard to play …but I also just want to turn on my Xbox sometimes, and sit on the couch and not have to open Bluetooth to connect a controller, or make sure steam and the GPU and the games are up to date.

    If you notice the operating system then it’s not doing a good job of being an operating system.

    umbrella, avatar

    you just need to do that once


    You make it sound like any of that is difficult or extremely time consuming, which it isn’t. The payout far exceeds the price for entry.


    I do PC game, so let me give you a counterpoint:

    I have GeForce Experience which manages my drivers, but after a windows update awhile back suddenly the updates fail at like 80%, no idea why.

    Now I’m just barely smart enough that I could probably fix it if I sat down for an hour or two and did some googling.

    But why would I do that? I can just hit the power button on my Xbox and not have to troubleshoot an obscure problem.


    You are paying hundreds of dollars to avoid minor driver issues that most people don’t even face. That’s your choice, but I can’t say that I see the sense in it.


    I spent 2 grand on the PC that gives me minor driver issues that only I experience. The hundreds of dollars I spent on the Xbox that works just like everyone else’s Xbox seems like a bargain to me.


    Both major consoles literally have multiple versions with differing performance lmfao


    As opposed to PC which has infinite variations


    I’m with ya. When it’s gaming time, I just want it to work. I don’t want to be fiddling with settings constantly.

    That being said, I do prefer RPGs and RTSs much more with a keyboard and mouse, so I’ll usually play those on my computer, but that’s not such a problem any more with keyboard and mouse being supported by consoles.


    Totally, mouse and keyboard are very clutch for those genres

    Jode, do games w MSI CLAW gaming handheld leaked, features Intel Core Ultra 7 155H with Arc graphics and 32GB memory

    This thing is going to have like a minute and a half worth of battery life.

    JokeDeity, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms

    That’s fucked, imagine having no idea, enabling it and being banned from a game you’ve been playing for years because of something your graphics card manufacturer suggested.


    valve said they would undo the bans based on this once amd gets rid of their anti lag software for the game

    BigTrout75, do games w MSI CLAW gaming handheld leaked, features Intel Core Ultra 7 155H with Arc graphics and 32GB memory

    Just shows how successful the Stream Deck is. Funny, the “PC selling game” has traditionally been BIGGER and FASTER, so that’s what they’re doing. 🤔

    Go Steam Deck!

    falcunculus, do games w Use of AMD Anti-Lag+ technology in Counter Strike 2 will result in a VAC Ban, Valve confirms

    The game also supports NVIDIA Reflex technology, but Unlike Anti-Lag+ which works on a driver level, Reflex is incorporated into the game itself.

    This shows how Nvidia’s size and money allow it to improve its market position without necessarily having better tech. They may sign deals with game developers to implement Nvidia-exclusive features rather than have to tamper with DLLs and such.


    Or…you know… they actually provide a SDK for devs to implement it (unli’e AMD).


    Not sure what you mean, obviously they must provide some bindings for developers to actually use their product.

    But it’s not enough to offer a solution — you need to get people to use it. Doing it this way means Nvidia has to go out and convince studios to spend the effort, provide assistance if necessary, etc — which plays to its strengths as market leader, because it doesn’t require their product to be better, it “just” requires more employees and business contacts.

    AMD, being smaller, instead goes for a riskier lower-level approach that needs less contact with developers, hopefully side-stepping the need to extend resources to drive adoption, because games get the feature “for free”.

    Jmr, do games w NVidia DLSS 3.5 dlls are available

    If you don’t have a super expensive graphics card.

    Look out for AMD FSR 3.0

    mp3, avatar

    Hope to see it implemented in Cyberpunk 2077 soon ♥️



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  • danielbln,
    Kolanaki, do gaming w Sony officially teases PlayStation 5 Pro
    !deleted6508 avatar

    What even is the point, though? The number of games made specifically for the PS5 can be counted on 1 hand and it’s not like those have significant performance issues that warrant even more powerful hardware.

    Do any of these bigger numbers mean one would at least be able to play an existing game in 4k with ray tracing at higher than 30fps?


    PSVR maybe

    noxy, do gaming w Sony officially teases PlayStation 5 Pro avatar

    ah yes, for professionals

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Only to be played for business purposes!

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