Goronmon, do games w Deadrop developer Midnight Society cuts ties with Dr Disrespect following new Twitch ban allegations

He actually responded to this on Twitter.…/1805662419261460986

Two clear quotes from the tweet.

Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes.

and also

I’m no fucking predator or pedophile.

apfelwoiSchoppen, avatar

Usually what the predator pedophile says.

Speculater, avatar

“I did it! But she was 17! Get over it people. Gosh darn it.”

Who the fuck finds his streams entertaining.


Part of me wants to give some benefit of the doubt but it’s really difficult. Maybe he was trying to meet up at the nintendo panel for upcoming Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the Twitch admins read “I can’t wait to smash with you.”

If DrDisrespect has actually been wronged then we will find out eventually after a defamation suit, part of the reason they settled it last time might be because the mere allegations being released to the public could be harmful but that cat is out of the bag.


Part of me wants to give some benefit of the doubt

Why? Hasn’t his official statement said enough? I have no idea who this guy is. Is he that big?


Used to be the biggest streamer on twitch before he got banned


Welp, I’m not on twitch but if I ever heard his name before it never registered. Who’s the biggest now? Or just make someone up I’ll never know.


Probably the biggest streamer right now is a rainbow six siege streamer named jynxi who averages near 100k viewers


Is this real? Or are you just tricking me by using an older game I’d know?

Who can tell


No tricks here my friend. I don’t know how a console playing siege person could become that big but he did it


Because I think mob justice is criminal. If Dr Disrespect did wrong then he did wrong, but we don’t know anything other than the fact that he has in fact spoken to a person who was under 18, which in itself is not a crime.

Twitch banned him 3 years after the supposed contact between the two, and attempted to go without paying out his contract termination until he started a lawsuit and Twitch settled it.


casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate,

This is what he’s willing to admit. I wonder what constitutes “inappropriate”.


Twitch turbo ejected the largest streamer on its platform days after the messages were sent, so… likely pretty fucking inappropriate.

These were DMs, so never public, but the “tried to meetup at twitchcon” makes it seem like he was explicitly trying to rape a kid and thats where twitch, who could have just said nothing, hit the “fuck no” button.

Fuck this guy and good on them. Amazon still has some decent people, or at least did.


The messages were sent in 2017. They weren’t reported to Twitch until 2020, at which point they reviewed and took action - that was the whole “Doc got banned and we don’t know why” saga.

Now we know.


Defending a pedophile isn’t a good look, Guy.

FiniteBanjo, (edited )
  1. I haven’t defended him, I’ve consistently said he might have committed a crime, though that would be unlikely given it was 7 years ago.
  2. Labeling everyone you don’t like as a pedophile isn’t a good look.

Nah, sexually texting a minor isn’t a two sided thing. There is no justification for it. There is no ‘I’m not a pedophile’ about sexually texting a minor. The sexual texting a minor is the intent to do more. You don’t simply ‘play around’ sexually texting a minor.


Then don’t sexually text any minors. Very simple. Now that I’ve helped you sort out your odd unrelated moral dilema, do you have anything to say about the Doc?


Yeah he’s a creep and so are you


Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.



This is literally “I was inappropriately talking to a minor, nothing more” like wtf lol

can, (edited )

This man felt he finally had the opportunity to share his side of the story and decided to lead with that.

Edit: Now in skit form


I can finally share my side of the story now that Twitch employees have come forward. You see, all I did was indulge in a little bit of grooming. One might even say it was a minor case of grooming.

Anyways, I’m not a pedo.

Doc out!


This might be worse than when that woman ukeleled her sexual predator apology.


That’s what they always used to say to Chris Hansen when he’d confront them about the texts


Someone already got Chris Hansen to do a Cameo for Doc 😂👌


LOL do you have a link for it?


Most of the ones I can find are react content re-uploads. This one has corny captions on it but at least it’s the raw video.

simple, do games w Balatro is getting just a little bit easier in the next patch, and you can try it now

This is a pretty huge patch that vastly changes the balance of the game, and completely changes some of the higher stake effects. Full patch notes: ……/101c_experimental_branch_is_live_on…


Thank you for posting this, it sums it up nicely. A little heartbroken to see vampire nerfed, but a lot of the changes are good.


Yup, vampire and midas nerfs hurt… But the rest of the patch is super nice. Buffs to straights and gold ante changes sound awesome.

BaroqueInMind, do gaming w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign"

In summary, the writer says the game indeed sucked and it was not caused by racist hate coming from random bloggers, whom by the way they never named. That dev can continue to go fuck itself into bankruptcy.

bekopharm, avatar

The idea of random bloggers having any impact in 2024 made me laugh. Thanks for that :D

– a random blogger

_haha_oh_wow_, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games avatar

You know what tarnishes the rep of your games? Shitty business practices.

theangriestbird, do gaming w Stop blaming teeth for Cities: Skylines 2 performance problems, say devs

“… Characters feature a lot of details that, while seemingly unnecessary now, will become relevant in the future of the project.”

Custom Dentist Minigame DLC confirmed!


Either that, or “News Cameraman with Carnage Closeup Mode DLC”…

Sanctus, (edited ) do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle” avatar

Yeah this was a messy one. But I used their default settings and it was jumping frames everywhere. Can’t really blame the consumers. Also, intro cutscene has been about 10-20 frames. I know a 2080 TI isn’t new but its not supremely ancient either.


Yeah having reflections or global illumination above medium automatically turns on raytracing. Setting both to medium should give good performance.

Sanctus, avatar

My point being, the only thing I did was cap fps to 60. Their default settings did everything else. Also, the intro video plays before you can change any settings. How is it the consumer’s fault if even that is running terrible? Lol

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

How is it the consumer’s fault

It never was. We should never accept their bullshit attempts to gaslight and dodge culpability.

Sanctus, (edited ) avatar

I will say yesterday’s patch did wonders. Disable cross play if you haven’t. That seemed to be a huge problem. As soon as i enabled it to play with my cousin my fps dropped back down.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Huh I have a 2060 and it runs fine at 1920x1440

Just clicked auto set and forgot. a few drops during cutscenes.

Maybe a driver issue for your card vs mine? Did you update drivers and rebuild the cached texture thingy

Sanctus, avatar

Check my comment down below. I updated my drivers beforehand.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Ah cool! good to know.

I’ll keep that in mind as a tip for people.

Hope you’re having fun! This game takes me back to 2014 ds1 haha. Including all the rage as nobody knew where to go or even what stats did.

antaymonkey, do games w Indie gaming is on the verge of an immersive sim eruption

I’ve never heard the term “immersive sim” before, but if Half- Life, Deus Ex and Thief are examples, then sign me up.


Bioshock, System Shock, and Dishonoured are also examples.


Prey (2017) is another example.

GrammatonCleric, avatar


  • Loading...
  • FooBarrington,

    Please read up on what an “immersive sim” is, because you’re plain wrong.

    JowlesMcGee, avatar

    You can argue half life, but Deus Ex and Thief are the quintessential "immersive sim" forbearers (along with system shock 2). When they say sim, they mean the game reacts to play action in ways that aren't predetermined or scripted. The idea is they value player agency and their impact in the game world over pre-set events


    It’s not a super descriptive term for sure, but I have no idea what it would be called otherwise. It’s similar to things like Metroidvanias or Soulslikes in that it’s a very specific niche without a clear delineation of what it is, but fans will know it when they see it

    totallymojo, avatar

    When I hear immersive sim I think of Arma and not Bioshock.
    I don’t know how sim plays into the genre.

    mateomaui, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 patch 3 releases today and lets you change your appearance and pronouns

    Aw hell yeah, more meltdown videos on the horizon

    mojo, do games w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

    What the fuck, this will actually kill Nintendo. Aren’t they way too big to buy?


    Yeah, also they probably have no interest in being bought. I wouldn’t worry about what a greedy MS corpo wants in this regard

    EnglishMobster, (edited )

    Microsoft is bigger.

    Nintendo’s market cap is about $56.7 billion.

    Microsoft’s market cap is $2.44 trillion, with $111 billion worth of cash (not equity, cash) in the bank.

    Microsoft is 43 times bigger than Nintendo. They can pay for Nintendo with only cash, if they desire.

    These trillion-dollar players are an order of magnitude larger than anyone around them. They can do what they want, same as how Apple ($2.8 trillion) can easily buy Disney ($150.5 billion) if they wished.

    This isn’t an exact science, but you can use market cap to ballpark these things and get an idea of how much an acquisition would cost. For example, Twitter had a market cap of $31 billion in August 2022, and Elon bought it a few months later for $44 billion. That’s a 1.4x increase, so applying the same math buying all of Disney would “only” cost about $214 billion - which both Apple and Microsoft (and Google) could do. Nintendo would cost about $80 billion, which Microsoft could do without even taking out a loan.

    The issue isn’t necessarily the price; it’s the regulators.

    tal, (edited ) avatar

    What is Microsoft even making money on these days?


    Azure, Office, and (still) Windows, apparently.

    Only 8% of revenue is gaming. They sure do went to grow that.

    InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC avatar

    Prepare for microtransaction hell

    MountainWizard, avatar

    Just by reading the headline I can tell that’s will be a terrible Game. But it will make a lot of money.

    ConditionOverload, do games w Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag can’t be bought on Steam due to a “technical issue”, not an incoming remake, Ubisoft insists avatar

    Weird to think it was because of a remake. The game isn’t old and still holds up very well.


    Last of Us part 1 remake says hi


    Yeah but the original wasn’t on PC for TLoU

    Virkkunen, avatar

    They didn't remake the game so they could port it to PC, they did it so they could sell more banking on the triple dippers


    Both is correct.

    I mean if you don’t understand that they’ve ported or remade their PS exclusives to PC because they also wanted a new untapped player base that didn’t own playstations, I don’t know what to tell you, brah.

    Endorkend, (edited ) avatar

    It's not weird to think as the remake being in the works has been reported many months before they pulled the game from Steam.

    It's a decade old and big studios are creatively bankrupt, so they just love simple redoing old shit and reusing the old work.

    Skyrim wasn't the game that started this shit, but it sure was what popularized it with studios.


    It holds up well until you try to run it. Terrible issues on PC they never fixed…

    ConditionOverload, avatar

    Weird, I don’t get those issues on my PC. I usually install it every year at least once to play through it.


    I think it can go one of two ways. Either it runs fine

    Or you need windows 98 compatibility mode, change some ini setting, set physx or whatever its called to off and be finally able to play.

    Then see yourself standing in your ships boundaries, unable to move. This all happened to me and I just stopped playing.

    It did play well a few years back but that was on windows 8.

    ConstableJelly, (edited ) do gaming w Remembering Prey, Arkane Austin’s masterpiece

    I don’t know if Prey is my favorite game of all time, but it’s on the short list. I can, however, say that it is the game that most fills me with awe. Talos 1 is an extraordinary playspace filled with incredible detail, choice, style, and diversity. The narrative, possibly the weakest element of the game, still packs in a lot of cool ideas and genuine surprises.

    Prey also contains by far my favorite opening “level” of all time. Without spoiling, the immediate tonal shift, the creepy mystery, the complete recontextualization of your first 10 or 15 minutes, it’s an absolute spectacle.

    In a perfect world, all these devs get absorbed by WolfEye Studios or something and they get a bunch of funding to make another massive masterpiece.


    I only played until my first encounter with the enemy that hunts you, for some reason I couldn’t get past that dude or escape and got frustrated enough to give up


    The Nightmare Typhon that has a timer? That sucks. I don’t remember having too much trouble in my first playthrough - I have memories of just hiding in a bathroom that it was too big to enter until the timer ran out for one of the encounters. But I can imagine that if you’re in a particularly bad area when it comes for you it could cause problems.

    wagesj45, do gaming w Remembering Prey, Arkane Austin’s masterpiece avatar

    I'm still salty that we never got a proper sequel to the original Prey.


    Great goddamn game, the gravity effects!!


    There's a port of the game that runs on Quest and Pico VR headsets that's dope as hell. Officially comes with the demo version and requires pulling files from the PC version to get the full game which is a bit difficult to get legit at this point, though there are other ways.

    steal_your_face, avatar

    That game has one of the most insane and memorable boss fights of all time. If you played it you know the one.


    We were going to be badass BOUNTY HUNTERS on an ALIEN PLANET and it would’ve been so fucking cool! I loved the original game, I love Prey 2017, but I’m salty we never got the 2 they revealed.

    etchinghillside, do games w Blizzard have cancelled their in-development survival game alongside today's layoffs

    the combined powers of Microsoft’s 22k-strong Gaming Division have to be denuded to the tune of 1,900 human beings. That amounts to about 8% of the division.


    have to be

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    Balmer needs them dividends, bruh! /s


    What? Ballmer hasn’t had anything to do with msft since 2014 man.

    SnotFlickerman, avatar


    You don’t gotta be working there to own stock and get dividends.

    IWantToFuckSpez, do games w Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

    Square needs to hire good writers.

    helloharu, avatar

    What would you consider the last Final Fantasy game they made with good writing?


    Final Fantasy 7: The Tale of the Mungus.

    IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

    imho I have never experienced really good writing in any FF mainline game. Like they all have very creative and cool story arcs but it's the execution that ruins it for me. The dialogues and characters are always so cringe af, you can basically tell that the writers have based their writing framework solely on lowbrow manga. Which is fine when the dialogues weren't voiced since you could speed read trough the dialogues. Like I thought 6 and 7 were decent and 9 was okay (8 was annoying emo teen angst drama). But once they started voicing the dialogues and added longer cut scenes the bad writing just stuck out like a sore thumb. 10 was just really bad even though I loved 10 for the gameplay. I even skipped 12 because of that. With 13 they improved a bit, but with 15 they slid back almost to the level of the dialogues of 8. I haven't played 16 yet but from the trailers I've seen and based on opinions of my friends who've played it I don't have hope that the dialogues are any better.

    And also Octopath and Forspoken just proofs that Square just can't write good characters and dialogues. Even when they hire non-Japanese writers. They need to look at Naughty Dog and Larian for how it's done. Neil Druckmann adheres to "Simple story complex characters" with his writing which makes his stories always compelling. While Square, and Japanese video game writers in general, always does the opposite.


    I found myself involuntarily agreeing with most of this(except ff12 whose dialogue I actually enjoyed)

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