
58008, do gaming w [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.
@58008@lemmy.world avatar

It looks indistinguishable from every other tech site.

BertramDitore, do gaming w [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.
@BertramDitore@lemmy.world avatar

Huh, so now it’s the verge, but less unique and creative. Not to disparage anyone doing redesigns, it’s a valiant effort.

kate, do gaming w [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.

i don’t get it, it looks as generic as every other blog i’ve been to in a while. not that that’s a bad thing, i guess

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

It’s weird how little identity this has now, visually. The previous design was quite striking, now it looks easily confused for something else.

Maybe this works better with screen readers though since it’s just black text on white background in simple text blocks.


they’re owned by some company that owns a bunch of blogs, right? maybe this is testing a new look for all of them

PunchingWood, do gaming w [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.

So first thing I notice was the top 1/3rd of the page being a blank space.

Then I remembered I had an adblocker.

That said, I rarely ever visit the website, but it looks like every generic blog/news theme format I’ve seen in the past 10 years or so lol. Never change a winning team, but it’s nothing to write home about to be honest.


What?! They have very unique squiggles and bright colors! No one else is doing that.

I really don’t get the logic of redesigns like this or The Verge. Was the design team just told, “traffic is down make it look new so we can post a blog about it”?

altima_neo, do gaming w [Polygon site redesign] Welcome to the next era of Polygon! We made it for you.
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Oh great, it’s not like the Kotaku redesign ages ago?

That shit was a mess. They went from a gaming news site to a blog about whatever SEO shit they could crap out.

hal_5700X, do games w Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep

If you remove stuff from a remaster is it still remaster?




How? You’re removing something who is from the OG. The thing they’re remastering. So how can it be a remaster? Looks like Capcom playing a word game with remaster and remake. This is a remaster so it’s okay we remove stuff.


When movies are remastered a lot of times undesirable parts of it (vhs tracking lines, static, film scratches and the like) are removed. Same as when songs are remastered and they take out mistakes on the original recording. Hell, look at the amout of stuff that was changed with the “special edition” remasters of the Star Wars OT. In each case things are removed or changed, but it is still a remaster.


You’re talking about mistakes. But the Erotica bonus from photos is not a mistake.


You asked how stuff can be removed from a remaster and still be called a remaster. I explained how that can be so.

The Special Edition in particular is relevant because Lucas changed things based on decisions he made later. Removing the Erotica bonus is equivalent to making Jabba a CG slug in his scene in A New Hope rather than a human gangster, as he was originally envisioned (yes the scene was cut from the theatrical release but the footage of human Jabba still exists). It’s a change in artistic vision that the creators want reflected in their new definitive version.

With any luck Capcom won’t pull a Lucas and make it nearly impossible to get the original version if someone wants to play it warts and all.

!deleted6508 avatar

Hal’s argument sounds more like pedentry about what a remaster is vs what a remake is, and I would have to agree that this game sounds like a complete remake, and not simply a remastering of the original with what has been detailed about it.

Thcdenton, do games w Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep

Thats fine I got the og if i wanna get my creep on

Katana314, do games w Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep

I’ll admit: I play games that are sexualized in a cringey way. But I don’t want those themes aggravating people that just want a fun zombie apocalypse, forced to play as a hero that randomly reverts to a horndog at random times.

That said, saying it now I wonder about Snake’s personality in the MGS3 remake, since every bit of that game is classic…


I would have no problem if they left it in this game as long as there is an option to turn it off at the beginning of the save.


I never really considered how weird some of this stuff really was until remakes changed it. Like the voice line for looking up Ashley’s skirt in RE4. Lots of weird stuff like this in games where it kind of doesn’t fit, although I did think the erotic bonus in dead rising was funny in a kind of campy B movie way. Sexualized zombies are kind of a staple of the culture in a way, I think.

Now, I hear they’re making a Lollipop Chainsaw remake and I hope they don’t change anything there, as an achievement of shame for looking up the characters skirt was pretty funny and fit the general aesthetic of the game well.


Something that I think is a good criteria is whether an inclusion negatively affects the experience of someone who’s, let’s say, “normal”.

Ex: A female streamer plays Resident Evil 4, really enjoys the characters for Leon and Ashley. Then, Leon for some reason tries to peek under her skirt in a cutscene. Even if some people find it funny, it makes the streamer feel uncomfortable - both for a character she likes getting violated, and for making it clear “Even if you like fighting zombies, this game was made for horny BOYS. Not for YOU.”

Contrast that with players, in gameplay, spending time at a ladder with a sniper rifle to set up a curious angle. That requires specific player intention, and once it’s clear the player is involving themselves with that stupidity, it’s perhaps more appropriate to quickly lampshade it.

That said, I’m glad the remake had enough creativity it wasn’t invested in remaking tired jokes like that. You could say Lollipop Chainsaw is perhaps more ready to keep those elements given that the intention is clear from its cover art.


Yeah that’s a fair take, for sure. Although tbf there was never an explicit cutscene where Leon looks up Ashley’s skirt in the game, it was something that only happened when the player or Leons head in general looked up her skirt. That being said, it still felt weird and out of place regardless. Not to mention it just happened too often in weird ways, like suplexing an enemy near Ashley.


Never played it, but it sounds like the achievement is meant to surprise you. Like, it’s not meant to encourage people looking up skirts, it’s more like the console going “Busted!”


I like that as a framing question, and it helps me to further understand why it is that scenes like the RE4 one feels so weird to me.

I think the thing that makes me uncomfortable in that scenario is the fact that Leon is the hero. I’m a woman who has loved gaming for basically my whole life, so I’m used to playing as someone who doesn’t look like me — there’s a certain amount of abstracting away of gender that’s necessary if I want to be able to participate in some heroic escapism. That’s why scenes like Leon being a creep are so jarring, because he’s the hero. The narrative of the game is endorsing this kind of behaviour because it’s being done by the hero.

Dead Rising is a somewhat more ambiguous example, but still weird overall. I don’t necessarily even mind that the photography intro quest highlights the fact you can take sexy(?) photos, because the NPC in that quest is written in a way where it’s like the game itself is saying “yeah, this guy is a weird creep”. Getting points for “erotic” photos is a bit weird though, because whilst you can choose to not take photos like that, it feels like the mechanics of the game are endorsing the creepy dude’s mentality overall.


So, to be clear: The idea of Leon doing that in a cutscene was theoretical. The only thing the first game had was an Easter egg triggered from looking at Ashley via low angle, which as described takes specific intentions to pull off.

Luis, a sleazy side character, does say something raunchy to her, and that was removed in the remake. It’s a little more fitting because he’s painted as untrustworthy and imperfect; but, I also realize with how many people like Ashley, it’s the sort of line that has no good response to let her be cool. In the original she just pouted “How rude!!”


But I don’t want those themes aggravating people that just want a fun zombie apocalypse, forced to play as a hero that randomly reverts to a horndog at random times.

To be fair, nobody is forcing them to play the game. Zombie game market has a lot of options.


This really feels like a cop-out answer. I understand it’s the same feeling as when difficulty is too high for a game. But I think it’s different when someone has an opinion like “This game feels exactly like what I wanted!…Except for this one big issue.”

Sexualized scenes that make people really uncomfortable (or just un-immersed) can be one of those issues, and high difficulty can often put a barrier on content.

In this case, I genuinely cannot think of too many open-world zombie swarm evasion games that work quite like Dead Rising, complete with its arcadey aesthetics. Having that “one thing” can exclude some people from that exact type of game, even if that doesn’t affect many people. And for those seeking sexualized scenes - the same could be said. No one is outlawing them, just ensuring people get what they’re expecting.

And, to be clear since I brought up difficulty, Dark Souls has so little in the way of direct storytelling, people arguably wouldn’t find much interesting if the game had a story mode that skipped/trivialized gameplay. So in that case, the “one thing” isn’t really a barrier to much other than the credits.


I don’t care that they remove it from the base version of the game, but if you’re going to remake the damn thing I want the full, authentic, experience. If it requires me to download “horndog pack” as a free add on, so be it. Getting anything less is just a subpar product that isn’t worth discussing.

9point6, do games w Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep

Sadly, I’m sure there’s a dark corner of the internet where someone is very angry about this.


You mean Twitter and Lies Antisocial?


I mean, a small part of me dislikes the lost potential for satire. Dead Rising was always an over-the-top franchise, and Frank always came off as a kind of “wants to be taken seriously, but often finds himself selling candid shots of celebrities to tabloids to get by” kind of photographer. But the presentation was too serious and felt ultimately creepy, rather than being funny or coming off as social commentary.

@SanguineBrah@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I do think the sleaze is an integral side to Frank’s character that should stay or he would be a lot less interesting. I don’t think anything in the article actually demonstrates that they are changing his character despite the headline. If I recall correctly, Off the Record also included the mechanic even though Frank was not the protagonist so perhaps it was never meant to reflect on his character and was just there to reward the player for being kind of gross.

altima_neo, (edited )
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Yeah I thought that was part of Frank’s character? He’s a has been that never was that reluctantly finds himself becoming a hero.

In the second game, he’s shown to be moreso a sleazeball, as he’s basically making a living selling the rights to his story and starring in a survival game show.

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

Yep it’s called reddit dot com

Deestan, do games w Dead Rising remaster will make Frank West less of a creep

Thank fuck. Those parts of the game were grating.

ShinkanTrain, (edited ) do games w Final Fantasy 1-6 Pixel Remaster games 20% off through this weekend

I’d argue there are better ways to play all of these except maybe FFIII (Japanese FFIII, not VI)

Do note that I’m a weird person though, if you just want to play the games, those versions are fine and effortless

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

I can’t speak for the other, but in my opinion the Woolsey Uncensored version is the best way to play FFVI.


I use the Woolsey translation as part of Dancing Mad, which compiles a lot of stuff and gives you the option to use MSU1 for CD quality tracks.

I use the Synthetic Origins tracks by Matthew Valente which tries to be as close to the original as possible while using uncompressed samples.

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

Great tip, I’ll look into it for my next playthrough!

@Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t like that they stripped out all of the extra content that the other releases added.


As I said in another topic, this is the only way to play FF3 in its original form (or at least close to it) and in a language other than Japanese, outside of emulation. The DS remake is fine, but it is definitely a different experience.

ramble81, do games w Final Fantasy 1-6 Pixel Remaster games 20% off through this weekend

Am I the only one who thinks those prices are still too high for 25+ year old titles? Don’t get me wrong, absolutely love the games, but this “discount” feels closer to what it should be.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

All 6 games bundled for 30 dollar/euro would be fine.


Am I hallucinating, because there was definitely a bundle that had all 6 remasters that I got… for $50 in 2022 I wanna say? All 6 are in my library and there is no way I spent $25x6 (or whatever the price is, I know FF I and II are lower in price).

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

You’re not. There’s a bundle but for a collection of 16 bit games from the 1990s, 50 dollars is too much, IMHO.


They aren’t though? They’re not ports, they’re partial rebuilds of the games in Unity with native resolution support, new pixel art, full arrangement of most of the music, and huge QoL and gameplay improvements/modernization.

I’m not a huge fan of SqEnix’s money grabbing (see: literally any of their FF gatcha content), but the Pixel remasters are one of the few that are actually worth it…at $50 for the whole bundle. Not $25/ remastered game.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

They aren’t though? They’re not ports, they’re partial rebuilds of the games in Unity with native resolution support, new pixel art, full arrangement of most of the music, and huge QoL and gameplay improvements/modernization.

Call them what you want, I recently paid 15 Euro for 62 1990s Capcom games. 30 for 6 Square games would be fine, given the bigger scope.


Ok but again, are they ports or did new content go into it? Did a whole new soundtrack and full orchestral recording go into your 60 Capcom games? There IS a labour difference between adding new/upscaling the content vs porting it to new hardware and calling it a day.

Saying “call it what you want” is pretty disrespectful to the people actually working on modernizing these games (I’m one of those people).

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Ok but again, are they ports or did new content go into it? Did a whole new soundtrack and full orchestral recording go into your 60 Capcom games? There IS a labour difference between adding new/upscaling the content vs porting it to new hardware and calling it a day.

Then give me a bundle without all that crap. Now I’m emulating the games and you get no money on top of what I paid for the SNES originals back in the day. I’d happily pay again for some convenience but not 70 Euro for six 30 years old games.

Saying “call it what you want” is pretty disrespectful to the people actually working on modernizing these games (I’m one of those people).

The cost is very disrespectful to us customers.

jay, (edited )
@jay@mbin.zerojay.com avatar

Absolutely not alone on that. Square Enix's prices on all their old titles are about 50% more than I'm willing to drop on them at any given time.

@radix@lemmy.world avatar

Square 🤝 Nintendo
Charging 2-3x too much for games you already bought.

@Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

Original price of $10 each feels about right. They put work into the graphics, music, and bug fixes. But stripped out all the additional content of later releases.

$18 for one of these games is ludicrous. I would have preferred to just pay for the older version that they removed from the app stores.


I totally agree. I recently bought on sale Final Fantasy 1 for mobile, mostly because I didn’t feel like digging out my PlayStation and putting in one of the original remastered disks. To be honest, the load times were pretty long on a kind of it being PS1. But the prices they’re asking for for all of these remasters are excessive. Also some of them have 3D instead of pixel sprites; FF4:TAY in particular was ruined that way. You know what I’d like to see; all of the newer Final Fantasy is done in pixel art style. Like from 7 onward. That would be fun.

MelonYellow, do games w Final Fantasy 1-6 Pixel Remaster games 20% off through this weekend
@MelonYellow@lemmy.ca avatar

Sale goes for iOS and Android too

@Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

The PS1 games on Android are also 50% off. Although on my device, I can’t buy them directly because it’s “not compatible”. But I can buy it on an older device, and it will be available for download.

DoucheBagMcSwag, do gaming w Call of Duty finally comes to Game Pass with Modern Warfare 3 release

And I still won’t play it. Not after how the campaign ended

GammaGames, do gaming w Call of Duty finally comes to Game Pass with Modern Warfare 3 release

Wow, right after a price hike? Who could’ve seen that coming!


They rose the price of the game?


They raised prices for gamepass and made it so the lower tiers don’t include day 1 releases


Ohhh dammit. Of course. Man that sucks. Thank you for clarifying!

I was hoping they would make gold cheaper because that’s really all that I need. But of course they tack on every other thing and then raise prices even more.

As a rental service game pass is great. But at regular price it is too much for me. I’m gona miss converting 3 years of gold to ultimate, though, lol. I’ll be going back to the cheapest tier when I run out.


Wait, they made a new ‘standard’ level, but don’t those grandfathered in with the ‘console’ tier still get day 1 releases?


They do! Better than nothing


Ok cool, then I don’t need to cancel my gamepass yet

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