
lowleveldata, do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

Don’t use a password there that you’ve used anywhere else

Just get a password manager already

@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

This is the correct answer.

Ledivin, (edited )

I just wanted to drop a reminder that both LastPass and Norton LifeLock have been hacked within the past year alone.

@SaltySalamander@kbin.social avatar

I just want to drop a reminder (to you specifically) that you don't have to use a cloud-based password manager. Roll your own.


Can I discourage rolling your own password manager (like using a text doc or spreadsheet) and instead recommend what you hopefully meant, self-hosting your own password manager?


I don't know what you're trying to say. I think it was safe to assume Salty probably meant the local-based keepass or something like that?

I wouldn't have immediately gone to text doc or spreadsheet. those aren't password managers.


The only annoying part about the modern world is that you want to have that keepass file synchronized between devices, at which point you either go down the path of something like Synchthing (not mainstream user friendly) or you just end up asking yourself “fine, what cloud service do I trust to not go looking at my files?”


I always synced my database manually either directly over usb, or wifi (KDE Connect). I have to admit that it’s not really user friendly, but once I got used to it, it’s no problem at all.

And uploading it to any cloud service should be fine as long as it’s encrypted with a strong password. But that kind of defeats the point of an offline password-manager in my opinion.

@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

I have mine in a self hosted Nextcloud instance, best of both worlds

@h_a_r_u_k_i@programming.dev avatar

Good advice only for tech-savvy and people who are interested in self-hosting. There’s so many things that can go wrong like improper backups and accidental networking problems.


Use KeePassXC and you can’t get hacked

DrQuint, (edited )

Well, you can. But you have to be PERSONALLY hacked. At which point you’re at a level of risk equal to “will my house burn and my notebook full of passwords get lost?”


And here’s a reminder that trusting centralized service with high security access control is usually a bad idea.

I stay away from LastPass for the same reasons I stay away from TeamViewer. Security through obscurity on top of decoupling my security interests from others means other people being attacked is much less likely to cause me harm at the same time

@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

Offline password managers like KeepassXC are a thing, plus self hosted remote storage like Nextcloud means you’re not worried about any third party interference


I use Pleasant Password Manager, which is keepass compatible. Big fan of offline cache with online sync for access anywhere with an internet connection on top of my phone offline


KeePass is a thing that exists and is fantastic.

Vash63, (edited )

And at least for LastPass no passwords were compromised. Saying they “were hacked” and leaving the extent of the hack out implies something worse IMO, it’s misleading. The safes themselves are E2E encrypted so they also don’t have your password.

That said, my vote is to Bitwarden as it’s open source and allows self hosting if you think you’re a more reliable admin than they are. Open plus more choice is always better.


And at least for LastPass no passwords were compromised

I’m just going to leave this here:



This is true, but they have your encrypted vault, and all the technical data to make unlimited informed attempts at cracking it. If you used LastPass, you definitely need to be changing passwords for your critical services at a minimum.

@ram@bookwormstory.social avatar

Just this month a link was made between $35 million in crypto being stolen and the 150 victims being LastPass users.

In 2022 Lastpass was compromised through a developer’s laptop and had customer data like emails, names, addresses, partial credit cards, website urls, and most importantly vaults stolen last year, and given they’re closed source, have no independent audits, and don’t release white papers, we have no idea how good their encryption schemes actually are nor if they have any obvious vulnerabilities.

In 2021, users were warned their master passwords were compromised.

In 2020 they had an issue with the browser extension not using the Windows Data Protection API and just saving the master password to a local file.

What will 2024 bring for LastPass? They were hacked, and there’s no reason to think they won’t see more breaches of confidential customer information and even passwords in the future. This is a repeated pattern, and I’d better trust a post-it-note on my monitor for security than LastPass at this point.


I want to suggest 1Password even though it’s not free (I used bitwarden for many years though). It has its own SSH agent which is a dream.


The only problem with their SSH agent is, if you store let’s say 6 keys and the server is set to accept a maximum of 5 keys before booting you, and the correct key happens to be key number 6, you can end up being IP banned.

This happened to me on my own server :P

That being said, my experience was using the very first GA release of their SSH Agent, so it’s possible the problem has been sorted by now.

@miroppb@kbin.social avatar

BitWarden is awesome. Been using it since 2 of my colleagues went to work for them


How is this better than Firefox built-in password manager?


Firefox is extremely easy to get your password from behind the *** if it autofills. Requires physical access, but literally takes seconds. Right click the field, inspect and change the field type from password to text.


So if my passwords are behind fingerprint there’s no problem?


On mobile I’m assuming. I personally don’t know a way to bypass the fingerprint locks. And if you’re also having Firefox create random difficult passwords, its significantly better than reusing the same one. So you’re probably a much harder target than the majority of people. I’d have to double check but I think even on desktop if you have a master password for Firefox and don’t just have logins auto filled you’re probably good there too.


Thank you. I do use master password on everything. This does ease my mind a bit.


One vote for 1Password here.


I literally trust them with my life. Agreed.

jonne, (edited ) do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

Sending your password right after you created it might not be best practice, but it doesn’t mean it’s stored unhashed in the database. It looks like they’re using a third party forum software, so it should be pretty straightforward to figure out whether they do or not.

Looks like they address it here: forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&amp…


it should be pretty straightforward to figure out whether they do or not

Not really since it’s closed-source: www.ubbcentral.com

But they seem to have been in business since 1997, so I highly doubt that they’d fuck up the “never store passwords in plain text” rule.


Yeah, I was looking it up, and when I saw they’ve been selling this forum software since 1997 I was less confident about passwords being hashed. They address it in their forums and they’re making it clear that the passwords are actually hashed, and they’re looking at migrating to other solutions regardless.


That thread is from 2020, where they said they fixed the password send issue.

Op, how old is ths image above?


Image was taken immediately before posting. The issue, apparently, has since shown up again.

AlmightySnoo, do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

That doesn’t really mean that they store it in plain text. They sent it to you after you finished creating your account, and it’s likely that the password was just in plain text during the registration. The question still remains whether they store their outgoing emails (in which case yes, your password would still be stored in plain text on their end, not in the database though).


Yes, still not worth risking using a duplicate password though.


Honestly, why risk duplicate passwords even then? I have one strong password that I use for accessing my password manager, and let the password manager generate unique random passwords. Even if I had an easier password that I duplicated with some small changes, I’d still use a password manager to autofill it anyway. I use bitwarden personally, you can also self host it with vaultwarden but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth imo

Decoy321, (edited )

This is a friendly reminder to everyone that password managers are not risk free either. LastPass was hacked last year, NortonLifeLock earlier this year.


Personally the risk of bitwarden is outweighed by its convenience (compared to self hosted/local only solutions) in my opinion, but I know that’ll change real quick if bitwarden ever has a breach. If it does I’m jumping ship to a self hosted or local only solution, but I’m hoping that doesn’t have to happen

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Bitwarden is end to end encrypted. If the host gets hacked your passwords are still as safe as your master password is. Self hosting wouldn’t really be a huge help there. Possibly even detrimental depending on your level of competence at securing a public facing web host.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

I heard people’s LastPass accounts were getting compromised after that theft, but I also don’t know how strong their master passwords were.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

Yeah at this point it’s considered likely that LastPass vaults are being cracked, based on LP being the common link between various other accounts that are being breeched.

A small number of rounds of encryption being the default for users with old enough accounts is believed to be a significant part of the issue. It means even if their password was a good one, the vault can be brute forced comparatively quickly.


If their password was actually good (18+ random characters) it’s not feasible with current day technology to brute force, no matter how few PBKDF2 iterations were used.

Obviously it’s still a big issue because in many cases people don’t use strong enough passwords (and apparently LastPass stored some of the information in plaintext) but a strong password is still good protection provided the encryption algorithm doesn’t have any known exploitable weaknesses.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

your passwords are still as safe as your master password is

They’re as safe as your master password is…and as the encryption is. LastPass famously got hacked recently, and in the aftermath of that many users noticed that their vault was encrypted using very small numbers of rounds of PBKDF2. The recommended number of rounds had increased, but LastPass left the number actually used too low for some users, rather than automatically increasing it. Users of Bitwarden and any other password vault should ensure that their vault is using the strongest encryption available.

Self hosting wouldn’t really be a huge help there

Well, self-hosting makes you a smaller target. The most determined attackers are likely going to go after the biggest target, which is going to be a centralised service with thousands of users’ vaults. If you host it yourself they probably won’t even know it exists, so unless there’s reason for someone to be specifically targeting you (e.g. you’re a public figure), or you get hacked by some broad untargeted attack, you might be better off self-hosted from a purely security standpoint.

(That said, I still use centrally-hosted Bitwarden. The convenience is worth it to me.)

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re underestimating the attack surface of a self hosted set up. You don’t need to be specifically targeted if, for instance, someone hacks the Bitwarden docker image you’re using, or slips a malicious link into a tutorial you’re reading. It’s not a set it and forget it solution either, you’re responsible for updating it, and the host OS. Like I said, depending on your competency, it’s not inherently more secure.


This is why I don’t use a common centralized password manager, just like I don’t use any of the most popular remote desktop solutions like TeamViewer for unattended access.

I run a consumer copy of Pleasant Password Manager out of AWS and use NoMachine for unattended access to any machines where I need it.

Security through obscurity is tried and true. Put as little of your security attack surface in the hands of others as is reasonable.

@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

Centralized, third party password managers, yes. Local-only managers like KeepassXC though, no concerns over some company getting hacked or cheeky


Applies to every site ever


I actually think this is the case. I could be completely wrong but I swear I saw the same question like 6 years ago in another forum software that looks exactly like this one lol. And people compalined about it storing plain text, but the response when asking the forum people was that it was only during that password creation, it’s not actually stored.

I don’t know if it’s crazy for me to think it’s the same forum from that many years ago, still doing the same thing and getting the same question.

ono, (edited )

Your guess is confirmed here.

There are plans to update the forum, including for better security (the main issue with changing the forum software is concern over reliably migrating all of the existing content). After emailing (admittedly not current best practice), the passwords are hashed and only the hash is stored.

…and later…

The forum has been updated to https, and passwords are no longer being sent by email.

Which raises the question of how old OP’s screen shot is.

Also, no, the password would not necessarily still be stored in plain text on their end. The cleartext password used in that email might be only in memory, and discarded after sending the message. Depends on how the UBB forum software implemented it and how Larian’s mail servers are set up.

EDIT: I just verified that this behavior has resurfaced since it was originally fixed. OP would do well to responsibly report it, rather than stirring up drama over a web forum account.

Asudox, (edited )
@Asudox@lemmy.world avatar

It is still a bad idea to send the password in plaintext via email. You never know when Bard will peek a look and then share your password along users as a demo account to try that forum.


Nobody suggested otherwise.


You should always change your password from the system generated one to prevent that from happening. The app that you signed up for should enforce that by making you change your password when you log in.


It’s not a system generated one they sent, it was user generated.

Empricorn, (edited )

There’s a lot of reasons why emailing passwords is not the best practice… But AI bots stealing your password to give people free demos is a wild paranoid fever dream.

EDIT: Apparently, I replied to a joke.

@Asudox@lemmy.world avatar

It is meant to be as a joke, of course the AI is not that dumb enough to give it away as free demo. Why am I being downvoted? Why don’t people understand jokes these days? Do I always have to include /s when making a sarcastic joke even though it is so obvious?

@elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve seen people argue stupider things earnestly.


OP would do well to responsibly report it, rather than stirring up drama over a web forum account.

¿Porque no los dos?

Took them 23 years to fix it last time, seems public awareness would be important in the interim, no?


Came here to say this


Well you’re late


I’m good thanks


We all know that they store it in plain text.

Miclux, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

CP2077, no man’s sky, Dredge and Dave the Diver. In this order.

learningduck, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

I’m playing Lies of P. It’s a good soul like game, but felt like the dev took some wrong lessons from FS.

I’m really frustrated that the distance that I have to travel to retry each boss is so far. It’s like playing DS1 with some flaws that FS grew out of.

mayo, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023
@mayo@lemmy.world avatar

Playing Last of us 2 while I’m in the middle game of covid.

kaosof, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Warframe, after seemingly finally shaking a crippling Lost Ark addiction.

There is nothing else out there quite like Warframe.


That’s the space ninja one, right? Loved that one.


That’s the one!

ezures, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Bomb Rush rush Cyberfunk, got almost all of the tags, now I’m trying for the ~15 mill score achievements, which I somehow always fail at like 13 mill. pain

Miimikko, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Mortal Kombat 1. The kameo fighters make labbing the characters quite interesting, so many possibilities!

solidsnake2085, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023
@solidsnake2085@lemmy.world avatar

Currently playing Yakuza Kiwami. Just 100% 0 and moving onto completing the entire series.


My only suggestion would be to take your time and take breaks between them to play other games. They’re great, but they’re all very similar. An easy recipe for burnout.


Second this. They have so many activities, but kinda repetitive if play each entry back to back. With a somewhat Grundy nature, it burnt out fast, if not rush.

ceilingcelery, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Just starting to properly explore the depths in Zelda TOTK after already spending about 65 hours so far. Have upgraded armour enough at this point that battles are feeling pretty easy with bosses not even doing much damage (eg the

!shadow ganondorf !< fight was only taking quarter hearts of damage)

Still feeling like there is a lot of life and exploring to do before I try finish the main quest.

Gamerman153, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

I’ve been hooked on “God of weapons”, recently. Pretty good rng auto combat meets slim downed “Hades”, worth a look and the dev seems to be looking for feedback.

Spacecraft, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Just switched from starfield back to cyberpunk for the 2.0 update. It’s consuming my life again. When I finish the dlc I’ll switch back to starfield and let that consume my life.


Same here dude haha. Starfield was fun, but man has Night City just sucked me back in. I love Cyberpunk so much. I am looking forward to going back to Starfield at some point, it is a great chill out and vibe kinda game.


I love it now more. Really enjoying it, taking small being-adult steps through it

Adeptus, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Crusader Kings 2 with Elder Kings mod.

Tom_bishop, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

Work has been busy, so i played Call of Duty DMZ after work for some short relaxation. Been doing for months, kinda getting good at it. 6 days ago i was shadowbanned for killing to many players who probably reported me. Now i’m getting matched in high ping >200ms lobby. I swear I’ve never use hack or hardware cheating things. So i uninstall and start getting into Titanfall2

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