
SplashJackson, do gaming w Many are worth checking out

GTA 2 and Warcraft 2 were the best in their respected series


WC2 was my first RTS

I had lan parties with GTA2, such good memories


GTA 2… Best

Bold opinion, got a reason?


Cause it was really the first of it’s kind and was on a console. GTA while was also console released was a lot different and not as polished.

This meme was made by someone who didn’t grow up during the time of top down games, WC/WC2, FO1/2 and GTAs all were insanely good for their time.


GTA2 and 3 might as well have been different series for how different they were. Both were great but I’ve always wanted to see a top down successor to GTA2. The game was much goofier and the top down view let you kite a ridiculously large police force through the wildest chases imaginable.

GTA2 was just plain fun.

Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations, each with a separate story and timeline even (The Metroid Prime series splits off after Super Metroid, and Fusion / Dread diverge significantly)

With Prime 4 lost in the pipe somewhere, Dread was an honest surprise to see. Even more surprising was to see it was a 2D Fusion sequel over a decade later! And it felt like a real return to form for Metroid and was a blast to play.

This is how I feel a GTA2 sequel could be received, but they would need some way to identify it from the 3D titles that most people identify as GTA now.

Maybe even an HD remaster with some new content would be well received. I would love to play GTA2 again in HD.


Out of interest, did you play GTA 1?


I never had a chance to, I was pretty young when 2 came out and had never even heard of the original game.


Kind of like how Metroid forked into its 2D and 3D incarnations

Most people use Zelda as their example for the phenomenon


I would be surprised to see another mainline 2D Zelda though, Zelda has pretty much been 3D since OOT except for the DS games.

Metroid had gone the same way and that’s why Dread was such a surprise to see and I feel like top down GTA would be the same sort of thing.

I doubt we will see something like Dread from the Zelda series after BotW/TotK were such expansive open worlds, Zelda just seems to be getting bigger.


Stop saying sad and probably true things! We need another 2D Zelda.


Did you try Chinatown Wars? I thought it was pretty awesome.


I thought it was just a mobile game and ignored it but it actually looks like a real game and pretty good, I should check it out! Too bad for some reason they overlooked a PC release, have to play it on DS emulator in low resolution I guess.

dual_sport_dork, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity
@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar

You forgot:

  • Forced to create an account with a password of arbitrary complexity.
  • Get sent a code to verify your email.
  • Have to solve a captcha to put in the code.
  • Captcha doesn’t work.
  • "Your code is expired, please try again."
  • Mandatory shitty launcher that defaults to running in the background all the time.
  • “Severs offline, please try again later.”
  • “You are logged in in too many locations.”
  • "Exclusive: $31.99 $29.95 for DLC content that should have been in the base game! Flash Sale! Buy now!

2 years later.

Subject: recent security breach

We stored your credit card and account information in clear text and hackers penetrated our “secure systems” and took them.

5 years later

Subject: compensation for security incident.

Here is $12 in credit for our store as compensation for mishandeling your PII.


You forgot *nothing in the store cost less then 39.99$


No no no, you buy store credit in multiples of 400 credits but things cost multiples of 700 credits.


Just that, and then you somehow end up with 3 credits that will forever be stuck there because nothing ever cost anything that can make the 3 go away. So you will never have a round number of credits again.

How could I forget that.

vickyW, do gaming w Many are worth checking out

Just finished persona 5 and persona 3 reload , I heard there will be a p2 remake so I’ll wait for that (Still haven’t played p4 tho).

Pothetato, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity
@Pothetato@lemmy.world avatar

But old games would sometimes ask me to register the software to get free help and updates or whatever. And I had to click no thanks every time I installed one of those games. I thought it was suuuch a hassle.


If funny now, but if we’re honest with ourselves, it still pissed us off, then.

It felt like I would always find that damn screen sitting there waiting on an answer, after leaving the installer running overnight. I would click “no thank you” and then see “your installer is starting, progress 0%”.

deadcream, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity

Yeah I hate it when my game breaks and have to carry it to a licensed servicing centre for expensive repair 😔


Sorry but there’s water damage on this digital live service, we cancelled your account and billed you for the time it took us to do it. By entering our service center you agreed to the terms that we will charge you fer word spoken at a rate of $0.99 per word unless you have our live service subscription as a live service gamepass which gives you rewards points for every $100 spent at our location in the Nevada desert.


At least you have a physical location! When mine breaks I have to resolder my cpu.

LemmyExpert, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity

Sounds like a Louis Rossmann rant. 😂

ArmoredThirteen, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity

Shout out to MOO2 which had instructions on the disk for which files to copy where so you could play it without the disk!

chemicalwonka, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity
@chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Richard Stallman, the prophet of libre software had already warned us about this inevitable future.


superduperenigma, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity

New games: 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

dangblingus, do gaming w Many are worth checking out

Assuming TSE is a typo (Elder Scrolls), I would say to everyone PLAY DAGGERFALL.

Also, Skate 1 and 2 are dope. 3 is great though.

Fallout 1 and 2 are the actual good ones lol

@RavenFellBlade@startrek.website avatar

Absolutely. Daggerfall is an excellent game! It has some bugs, sure, and the procedural dungeons are sometimes broken, but it is such a fun game that really pushed what was possible in its time.

BirdEnjoyer, (edited )

Arena is actually way more interesting than people give it credit for.

One of the most fascinating parts, and IMO one of the greatest lost features to the entire series, is that it had Terraforming.

Since the world was kinda on a grid/cell system, you could cast spells to make pits or walls, which was kinda simple for the time, but just think about it- as a strong enough spellcaster, its a viable strategy to create a pit all the way to the magma layer to avoid a martial opponent, and just sling spells at them.

Imagine if that popped in TES VI! Friggin Earthbend and yeet that Dark Brotherhood assassin to one of the moons


Preach on, Arena was amazing at the time. The “wall” spells to make and destroy walls were super powerful and pretty unique in RPGs. I also liked the “simple” ADND2 style spells (e.g. RNG value * level fireball). Daggerfall was better in most every way other than bugs, but Arena was great. It’s hard to go back and play it though, it would need to be totally remade which might kill a lot of its charm.

ABCDE, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

We’ve been playing a lot of co-op (just finished the new Turtles game) and competitive games against each other, so Lumines (had it on Xbox Live Arcade and installed it on my Series S for some PSP/Xbox 360 nostalgia) has been given a good run. PlateUp! looked like Overcooked but a little bit different (you get to move the kitchen and tables around); soon after, I realised I take these types of games too seriously and become kitchen Nazi, ordering people around and generally not enjoying my time.

Brotato for some sessions in between as it’s on Game Pass (already completed quite a few characters - some level 5 - on PC) and so easy to pick up.

Having only tried it on the Switch (and it looked/played awful), we loaded up Fortnite based on a student’s recommendation (he is only 11 though); it’s actually pretty fun! We won half of the time out of a hundred people, can do couch co-op (was a little fiddly to get started), but is a large-map, relatively sparse experience until you get into vehicles and track people down. The missus warmed up to it after a game or two and now enjoys pratting around on the motorbike and acting as bait so I can destroy waves of kids.

Roguebook: I’d been lucky enough to stumble upon Cobalt Core which I’ve since finished and needed another Slay the Spire-esque game to scratch that itch. Roguebook is almost it, it still needs polish but that is unlikely to come. Runs are quite long, and the map system, while expansive and fun to explore/strategise around, makes it a bit too much at times. I had it on my wishlist a fair while and it handily appeared in a recent bundle, so I can’t complain much. I’ll get a few more hours out of it (there are four characters to unlock, and you use two - and their cards - in each run) before moving on. The style is nice, the music motivating enough, although the enemies aren’t the widest in variety. A fine little game that serves its purpose.

Baldur’s Gate 3: I just loaded it up on my Mac (Air, M2)… the framerate isn’t there. It’s a bit choppy, has a fundamental bug which I had to find a workaround for (controller was recognised as two players for some reason), and generally is a fiddly game in the 40 mins I just put in. I’ll tweak the graphics a little more and see if I can get a smoother experience before putting it down. I don’t have any plans to get a gaming PC anytime soon so I’ll give it a go in a year or so I reckon.

HighElfMage, do gaming w Many are worth checking out

Warcraft 2 was actually a really great game. If Warcraft 3 and StarCraft never came out and utterly eclipsed it, it would have been an all timer. Warcraft 1 was also good, but inferior to 2 in basically every way and never got time to shine.

Witcher 1 was incredibly tough to play through, but Witcher 2 was great.


WC1 was iconic at the time and we thought nothing could top it. Then WC2 absolutely blew our minds, and SC destroyed them as (I think) the first popular RTS with highly asymmetric but balanced factions.

Blizzard was absolutely on the top of their game then.

Of course nobody (including myself) realized that both games were just Warhammer / 40k in disguise, because those games were only for true nerds at the time. Only in the last few years as 40k has become mainstream did it become obvious where Blizzard got the lore and aesthetic to create such iconic games.


Yeah I really enjoyed WC2, it was epic and WC3 was a real disappointment to be honest. I still play WC2 every so often though


Same I never played much WC3 we mostly stuck to StarCraft and AoE2 in that era. StarCraft for a quick weeknight game and AoE2 for prolonged LAN party wars


I heard (so feel free to go down the rabbit hole and try to varify it, cause I am struggling to find a definitive source) that Blizzard was actually trying to make a 40k game but the deal fell through so they went for legally distinct lore. And one of the reasons all the cerabrates were killed between brood war and wings of liberty was because games workshop didn’t feel they were legally distinct enough and blizzard didn’t want to get in a protracted legal battle over them.


I’ve heard that it was Warcraft that was supposed to be a Warhammer licensed game but I don’t believe it. I don’t know what the armies looked like at the time when Warcraft 1 was being designed, but the Humans certainly don’t look like anything in 5th Ed - TOW.

StarCraft is clearly inspired by WH40k, but it came out after they should have resolved any licensing issues with Warcraft.


I looked into it this morning because I was curious and it’s all very blurred lines. However apparently Blizzard and GW do have an agreement about allowed content going forward so something happened between them.

It’s like… There’s only so many ways to draw a space marine but Terran marines are clearly Space Marines, right? And the Zerg and Tyranids are just too similar for it to be a coincidence.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Many are worth checking out
!deleted6508 avatar

Everything except The Witcher, Shin Megami and Yaluza I am a fan of because of the first 2 games.

The Witcher 3 I skipped out on because the first 2 were jank as fuck and I couldn’t actually finish either of them despite thinking the ideas and story were rad. It wasn’t until way later I gave it a shot and it was definitely a better game than the first 2, but the combat got super stale after 20 hours and that’s not even like 1/5th of the story.

I don’t know why I never got into Persona or his other games. Just never tickled me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yakuza I only recently found to be awesome with Lost Judgement.

My friends usually wanted to hang out at my house because I was the only one with a PC and the only way they could ever check out shit like Fallout and Diablo.


Witcher 3 is really a a joy, I hope you’re able to try it some day.


I don’t think the Witcher 3 is anything special at all. In fact I think the Witcher 2 is the best game of the series.


Witcher 1 best lore and most “witchery” in that planning and hunting monsters was more of a thing. Witcher 2 was great but too short and abandoned some of what made the first interesting. 3 is a totally different game with plenty of merit but it’s weird how disconnected the games feel.

Kinda like Mass Effect, honestly.

!deleted6508 avatar

And I really liked 1 because of all that. I just didn’t like the game breaking bugs that didn’t allow me to finish it :(

Maybe it might work better now… 🤔

Crafter72, do gaming w Many are worth checking out
@Crafter72@lemmy.world avatar

Such bizzare moment when someone acknowledged megaten series and its fanbase on this kind of forum.

Fallout 1(!) and 2 is still enjoyable due to its turn based and variety of char build. Although may be frustating if you do not understand how the game played.

Meanwhile on Saints Row series, the best are on 1 & 2 (back when they have more grounded story though they have whacky side content).

son_named_bort, do gaming w There was beauty in the simplicity

Thing breaks

Have to buy a new one

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