Given the botched launch, this isn’t much of a surprise. Only thing I can say is that I hope it serves as a lesson to people with the mindset of “this game’ll be great ^in 5 years^”
In which case, I’ll clarify that I meant the people who bought, found it was borked then chose to wait for updates instead of getting an easily deserved refund.
It’s remarkable how well this game looks, plays, and performs. The game was somehow made by a single guy, yet it puts just about every other medieval city builder that’s come before it to shame. Only real issue with the game is a lack of content due to being early access, but everything that’s there is incredible.
Looks really promising but way too much in early access for me to risk that price tag, I'd rather try furthest frontier or the game from the settlers creator since they are further along iirc. I do look forward to trying it out one day tho, seems right up my valley if they manage to add some meaningful late game goals or challenges!
I feel “early access” has this implication that it’s not just a product that is unfinished being sold for money with a pinky promise that it’ll get better in the future. It’s better than a normal release that ends up being unfinished, but only by being somewhat open about it.
That being said, game looks fantastic. If they keep at this, could become something really really cool in the future.
Early access is extremely effective, when used correctly. It lets smaller studios get an income stream a lot earlier, which helps significantly. It also lets them form a tight feedback loop with fans. They can find out what works and what doesn’t. Some examples of it working well would be Rimworld, Kerbal Space Program, and Factorio. All released as amazing games, primarily due to early access.
Unfortunately, a lot of companies seem to be abusing the idea right now. Particularly bigger studios.
Yeah plus from a consumer perspective it’s nothing special.
It’s just a buggy release, only the bugginess and unfinishedness is known and openly announced. Which makes it more earnest, of course. On the other hand just like with any other release you have 0 guarantee or influence over whether missing features get added in the future and/or bugs get fixed. If the content is worth the money asked it’s a buy, if not it’s a wait.