stoy, do gaming w Getting PSVR2 working on PC isn't as easy as it should be

I have been planning on getting the PSVR2 setup for the PC next month and I had not heard about needing a bluetooth reciever…

Sigh, I might just get the Pico 4 or Quest 3…

I’ll give it a month to get full reviews then I’ll decide on what to do…


I’m a Mac guy so I’m a bit out of touch with the state of PCs. I know PCs usually are a few years behind technology wise, but I’m kind of surprised they still don’t have bluetooth as standard. The technology is decades old.


That usually depends on if the PC has an inbuilt Wi-Fi chip. The Bluetooth controller is usually coupled in the same chip. So PCs that lack Wi-Fi usually doesn’t have Bluetooth.


I know PCs usually are a few years behind technology wise.

I am an IT technician, and it takes a lot of confidence and ignorance to be this wrong.

I’m kind of surprised they still don’t have bluetooth as standard.

This explains so much about your earlier statement, you seem to think that there is a a standard PC, there isn’t.

There are hundreds of manufacturers making PCs and PC parts.

I have never seen a laptop in decades that lack Bluetooth, however there are still desktop motherboards you can buy without wifi or bluetooth, but this is not my reason for making this post…

I am pissed because I don’t get why you wouldn’t just put the required Bluetooth into the PSVR2 PC adapter unit.


This is what happens when you’re in a walled garden. You lose sight of what exists outside of it.

Anti Commercial-AI license

Onihikage, avatar

At least their username is accurate!


I would argue that buying a $10-20 usb Bluetooth adapter is much preferred to giving my info and data and privacy away to Meta. Not to mention the other things you can use it for.

Personally I’m really glad Sony went with Bluetooth over some sort of proprietary tech.

stoy, (edited )

I am just confused as to why the adapter itself doesn’t have a BT reciever…

missingno, do gaming w Balatro passes 2m sales, with free major update due in 2025 avatar

Has there been any word on a Linux port? Since it's in Love2D I saw people were able to unofficially inject it into the native runtime, so it would be great to have that made official.


I’ve played it fine on steam proton on arch


Wasn’t it the most played game on the steam deck for a while?

savvywolf, do gaming w Balatro passes 2m sales, with free major update due in 2025 avatar

I don’t wanna wait that long. ;_;

onlinepersona, do gaming w Getting PSVR2 working on PC isn't as easy as it should be

it turns out the PS VR2’s Sense Controllers are very flakey when it comes to Bluetooth connectivity. Even though I have the required Bluetooth adapter built into my PC, constant connection losses meant that I couldn’t even make it past the headset’s initial setup process on PC.

Bluetooth has always been a bad experience for me. The connection will always randomly drop. Sometimes I’ll hold the two connected devices right next to each other or lay one on top of the other and the connection will still drop.

Any device that requires bluetooth is an immediate nope for me and life has been easier since.

Why don’t we have anything better? I’d even accept WiFi (802.11) connections over bluetooth. Sure, they aren’t as energy efficient (right?), but at least they are stable.

Anti Commercial-AI license

jlsalvador, do gaming w Getting PSVR2 working on PC isn't as easy as it should be

TLDR; the reviewer is upset because the PSVR2-PC adapter doesn’t come with a Display Port cable, and his Bluetooth adapter is not compatible. So he can’t review the unit on time until he receive both items. 🤷


And that’s perfectly valid…if Sony is selling something to make their device work on pc, include the things to make it work or don’t claim it’ll make it work without needing a bunch of other crap.

The average person won’t do prior digging to find out how the company is lying to them, they just trust…sadly.


At the same time, unfortunately it is pretty standard among electronics in general. Photography, synthesizers, music equipment in general, PC parts… When you buy a pc case, you expect the bare minimum to include screws, but they don’t always include things like SATA cables.

However for VR, a simple adapter should definitely be included. I just can see why it wasn’t given the history of electronics.


It’s been known since before launch that it wouldn’t come with a display port cable. Not sure about the Bluetooth thing. I couldn’t say for sure, but I Imagine it probably says something in the item description and on the box itself.

Default_Defect, avatar

Wait. Is it not normal to have a box full of extra cables and adapters just laying around?



Hello, fellow IT person. One day we will need the VGA cables we have saved.

Default_Defect, avatar

I had to drop everything and move halfway across the country on somewhat short notice (long story) and could only take what fit in my car. One of those things was my random cables/adapters box and it came in handy almost immediately. No one will ever convince me to throw that shit away.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Getting PSVR2 working on PC isn't as easy as it should be
!deleted6508 avatar

Ew… It uses Bluetooth for the main connection? 🤢


Just for the controllers I believe

!deleted6508 avatar

Could you even send the controller data through DisplayPort? I thought that was just for picture.


Yeah I think the display port plugs into the headset and that’s the picture data. The controller data is via Bluetooth

theangriestbird, do gaming w Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 years

wow Sony can still make original IPs? I was starting to wonder…


Ain’t just Sony. It’s actually difficult to think of any new IP, from anyone. (I see you indie scene).


I will use this opportunity to sing the praises of HiFi Rush, because that original game deserved so much better than it got. Probably would have gotten it as an indie game too.


Big companies avoid risk too much, they want to make revenue, not games. I haven’t been interested in any AAA game in some 10 years. They’re all just the same open-world, microtransaction-DLC, soon-to-be advertisement platform with uninspired gameplay features.

Independent developers on the other hand are innovating and making cool and fun games.

altima_neo, do games w Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 years avatar

After which they’ll make a sequel and remaster it

BroBot9000, do games w Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 years avatar

About time!

I_Clean_Here, do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow

What was the business case for doing a remaster of Braid? Either terrible market research or this was super cheap to make.


“braid made us money. We like money. Braid stopped giving us money. We want more money”


I believe it was a desperate attempt to get a new source of revenue. His upcoming Sokoban game is taking forever to make, so it’s not going to bring them any new revenue anytime soon. In large part because he made the arcane decision to create a new programming language for it (as a replacement for C++), because apparently Sokoban is the type of game where you really need that high performance.

Matty_r, avatar

Sometimes writing the game engine is just more fun than making the game itself, ok…


Yes that can be true, but fun doesn’t pay the bills.


Yes, but read that again, he’s making a new language, not a new engine… To put it in terms of food, using things like Unity is equivalent to eating industrialized food, you have absolutely no control and you get what you get; Using other engines like Unreal or Godot that have open source is like cooking at home, some work but you can get it just the way you like; Building an engine yourself is like having a little farm in your backyard and doing everything from start to finish, it’s slow, you’ll face problems that have nothing to do with cooking that were handled by the farmers before and at the end you’ll get something only slightly better than what you could using store bought products; Building a language from scratch is the personification of the saying “to make an apple pie from scratch first you have to invent the universe”.

And you know the worst part? It won’t be any faster or better in any mensurable way, large groups of developers spend decades to develop the languages we have today.

ampersandrew, avatar

I think his use case is that the new language allows for more rapid iteration in development. Years ago now, I saw his demo of the language, and it compiled so quickly that it may as well have been done by the time he pressed Enter. For all the gains he got from that, it still hasn’t helped him release a game by now, but I do see the problem he’s trying to solve, and I do think it’s worth solving.


Faster compilation is probably nice, but making a new language with all its tooling from scratch is a huge endeavor. Props to him for actually doing it.

The problem is that all this work takes away time from the actual game development. I’m not sure about the scope of his next game, but from what I’ve seen I don’t really understand why his Sokoban adventure game can’t be made in Unity. I don’t think he’s pushing any hardware limits with it.

Unity also got hot reloading nowadays, which is about as fast iteration you can get.

I’m just armchair guessing, but I believe he would’ve been done with his game by now if he just used Unity.

ampersandrew, avatar

Hollow Knight: Silksong is a Unity game, last I checked, and it’s not getting done any faster. As per The Witness, it’s probably far more about how he’s retooling puzzles rather than his language, if I had to guess. Plus, it’s not just iterating within the editor; this thing exported a build in well under a second. I worked on a Unity game a few years ago, and it definitely took me far longer than that. It even had a bug for a bit there where we couldn’t see the game when run via the editor on Linux, so the only way we could test it was by exporting a build until we got an update to Unity.


Fair point.

Time will tell when Sokoban and Silksong releases. It’s hard to know what’s happening internally at the studios and why it’s taking so long.

Making an entire programming language is a bold move, and I’m skeptical it’s a move that’s going to pay off.


A pretty terrible one. Remasters are for games that are high on replay value and deeply nostalgic. Braid was cool and innovative and I enjoyed it when I played through it the first (and only) time, but I have no desire to play it again.

ekZepp, do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow avatar

Are you telling me that this late 90’s game priced 19,50 won’t sell as well as a modern indie game sold for less???..


curiousaur, do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow

What do you want us to do? Buy it again?

overload, do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow

I was going to buy braid, but the original was delisted and the anniversary edition is 10x the price on sale. Will have to wait a few years for it to fall into 80% territory again.


Or you can just pirate it and choose not to support an anti-vaxxer


I didn’t know that about the creator. I’m fairly anti piracy when it comes to indie games, even if I don’t agree with the devs views. I still hope he gets it and has a bad time with COVID if that is the case though.

hal_5700X, do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow

No one wants to buy the same game again. Who saw that one coming?

rozodru, avatar

Braid is like Myst. Everyone and their grandma either bought it, got it as a gift, got it in a bundle, or just pirated it way back in the day. I mean I friggin have it in my steam library and I don’t know how I got it.

So it doesn’t surprise me that no one bought this remaster or whatever.

add to the fact that remasters really work if it’s of a game that is on an older console or is an older game that has a hard time running on modern PCs. Braid isn’t either of those. Why pay for a remaster if chances are you already have it and is still runs.

KingThrillgore, (edited ) do games w Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow avatar

First off I didnt know Braid was remastered until now and secondly Jonathan is an anti vaxxer which means I’m not gonna give you any money.

And I thought Braid wasn’t very engaging when I first played it ages ago so I’m not really interested now. Apparently Jonathan has been spending his free time working on a programming language that isn’t public yet (for a while now) and just talking a lot of shit on X/Twitter.

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