Workers rights absolutely. Pay your human workers even while using ai to make a great product. AI didn’t do anything to me, it’s how the companies decide to use it.
Oh yeah I’m sure they will use the ai to pay human workers as well. You definitely know that if they are allowed to use ai they won’t use it in a way that means they can stop paying humans and can just have ais generate everything all whist delivering a lower quality product to the customer.
It’s a win win, as long as you are an executive or a shareholder.
I am potentially okay with this. The entertainment industry has been creatively bankrupt for too long. Actors will move to more independent work, more interesting and experimental content will get made, corporate will advance AI technology. Win-win?
Or more Ai as a cash incentive. It’s already an industry that creates npc’s, Ai will improve this, Indy’s might just sit there and craft perfect Ai actors and license them out.
Hey voice actors, take this five bucks today so we can make your job vanish tomorrow, it’s a win win! For us. Not you. This guy thinks you should do it though because we already… make npcs? That you currently voice.
I just think it’s inevitable that we will see fully voiced and interactive ai npc companions. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, I’m in a union and I’m pro worker but this is tech and I think tech is gonna tech.
It’s inevitable if you give up and let companies do whatever they want yes. It’s not if you get them to sign papers and lobby for regulation to protect workers.
I don’t understand this defeatist mentality at all sorry.
“But I promise that you’re going to be blown away by the promising I’ll be doing in the future. My promising will be authentic, intuitive, life-like and indistinguishable from the real thing. This is promising like you’ve never experienced before, and these are promises they will still sound assuring twenty years after they’re made. I’m so proud of the team for the work they’ve done on this and I’ve promised them a pay rise, holiday in Bora Bora and a blowjob from a $10000-a-night hooker with a mouthful of warm honey. That’s the kind of promises I’m talking about, promises that will change the way we think about promises and, if you have a moment, I’d like to make you some promises too…”
The guy has been a con artist for decades, and he hasn't made a playable game since the 1990s. He also hasn't "over-promised his games", as the title of the article so cutely claims. Rather, he has lied through his fucking teeth to steal money from people, over and over and over again, and lied some more to steal more money, and lied some more, and lied some more. I'm sick to death of these pathetic redemption pieces for this no-talent loser. He's a thief and a liar, nothing more. He's not a genius. He's not a creative maelstrom that needs to be reined in. He's just a fucking liar and a thief, same as Elon Musk, same as everyone else who has tried to sell this particular brand of con artistry over the years.
I mean, you can blame him for a lot of stuff but he designed quite a few iconic games. Most game designers will spend a lifetime and not achieve just what molineux achieved in the 90s.
How game b breaking are we talking about? Like slider set to 100 instead of 99, or are we talking about memory loop around, nuclear Gandi level of horny?
Lae’zel simultaneously hated me and wanted the D. It wasn’t game breaking, but I know a couple of ace people that were a bit disturbed by the constant advances.
I accidentally ended up in a romance scene with a character I had clearly told I was not interested in them. I thought the scenes were just their side quests for a while.
But other than accidentally having dinner kinky sex in the game it wasn’t that big of a part.