cloudless, do gaming w Review: Starfield avatar

I don’t see any issue having individual post for each review (article).

This is big gaming news, so it makes sense to have more posts.

ivanafterall, do gaming w Review: Starfield

That's encouraging.

ono, do gaming w Steam Deck alternative Lenovo Legion GO is real, coming October

Lenovo’s machine will run on Windows 11 as opposed to it being a Linux-based system.

No thanks. I want less Microsoft in my life, not more.

(Also, I would rather give my money to Valve than Lenovo.)


i wish you were in charge of IT procurement for my employer.

Itty53, do gaming w Steam Deck alternative Lenovo Legion GO is real, coming October avatar

Nintendo just waiting for the thing to go on sale to drop their lawsuits.

GreenAlex, do gaming w Steam Deck alternative Lenovo Legion GO is real, coming October avatar

I feel like I'm in some crazy minority here, thinking that none of these competitors are even worth considering without trackpads and back buttons. Handheld PCs just don't work without them.


The new players have to learn the hard way why the Steam Deck was successful.

rhacer, do xbox w New limited edition Cult of the Lamb controllers are available now

Those may be the ugliest things I’ve ever seen.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

They definitely aren’t the best looking controllers. Fans of the game may love’em though!

RightHandOfIkaros, do xbox w Alone in the Dark reboot delayed to avoid competing with October rush of games  – Destructoid

I hate this trend. I dont really care about the game itself, I just hate this thing that publishers do when they delay a game purely because they want to min-max sales.

!deleted4231 avatar

Another way to look at it is to say that if it comes out and gets absolutely killed then you’ll likely never see a sequel, regardless of how good a game it is. Look at Titanfall 2.

cloudless, avatar

The whole purpose of developing games is to maximise profit. Game developers are not charities.

JelloBrains, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 detailed: what's free, what's not? avatar

I played the game at the beginning of the year, it was OK, I'm glad I missed it at its worst. But, I don't think I will buy the DLC, maybe if it gets a significant discount for one of the Holiday Sales.

That being said, 2.0 sounds like it's going to fix the game in a lot of ways, basically making the game what it should have been from the start, I might start a new game if the reviews of the 2.0 system are really good.


1.0 is promises fulfilled, 2.0 sounds like something on a level of a new entry (or a big advertising exaggeration). We’d see.

Kaldo, avatar

That sounds like the smart option tbh, I am still not convinced 2.0 will address my biggest issues with the game like gear progression and inventory. Not really sold on the skill rework either, looks kinda as boring as before. Maybe I get the dlc eventually but there's no rush - it's not like they are making more dlcs for the game and need the money, and the sequel is already confirmed anyway.

I really wanted it to be great but for every high the game hit for me, it had double the amount of lows. I can't really be bothered to get hyped anymore for it.

muse, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 detailed: what's free, what's not? avatar

I am so excited for the last leg of mods for this game post 2.0. 2077 modded with a handful of realism tweaks was my go-to game all of last year

Ginkko117, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 detailed: what's free, what's not? avatar

For some reason I had terrible FPS drops in the original Cyberpunk from time to time - had to reload the game every half an hour or hour to restore FPS. If that would be fixed - I'm in. Liked the game otherwise, so all I need is some new quests, which PL should provide

Weylandyuta, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

I wonder if this has anything to do with not being able to load my saves. I went to mars and exited the game after a long gaming session. Came back the next day and I get a full system crash upon trying to load the exit save. Tried the autosaves, same deal. Tried my last normal save, same deal. Every once in about 5-6 full system crashes I can reload one of the saves from just landing on mars but if I try to enter caledonia then it’s a full system crash. It’s weird too, I can still hear the game running in a loop but I can tell there is no input and the graphics fully fail. Very frustrating. I finally got back to my main rig to be able to play and the game has just been straight not playable since about the day after it came out. Can’t even get a hotfix from Bethesda. Bummer. I’ll just have to wait to play it again. I’m not going to restart a new character just to run into the same thing.


The crash on loading has bricked two of my characters now. I don’t think I can be bothered again till they patch. One bricked in mars, the second bricked before I made it there. Waste io many hours.


That’s where I’m at. I’m excited to be able to play again but I have to wait for however long it takes them to release a patch addressing this. I’m not mad about anything I’ve seen. But I literally can’t play a game that I can’t trust to save and be reloaded.


That’s where I’m at. I’m excited to be able to play again but I have to wait for however long it takes them to release a patch addressing this. I’m not mad about anything I’ve seen. But I literally can’t play a game that I can’t trust to save and be reloaded.


Well that’s a truly horrible experience… I think it warrants a refund


Normally, I’d fully recommend that but I still want to play the game. I was actually really enjoying myself. I’ll just wait until they actually issue a patch. I’m a little shocked not even one hotfix has gone out.


Why do you assume they're going to issue a patch?


They patched Skyrim, fallout 4 and 76. They are a big enough studio that I have no reason to believe they’d just release it and move on. I’m not talking about changing what the game is. I’m just talking about technical patches to do some bug fixing.

circuitfarmer, avatar

Are you playing on PC/Steam? Something weird happened to me yesterday where an exit save wouldn’t load. Upon trying an earlier save, I found none would load (game crashed to desktop when selecting). I could not figure it out.

On a whim I verified files in Steam, which triggered a 30 MB update. After verification, my exit save worked fine. I’m at a loss for why core files would change.


Yup, steam with a Ryzen 5600x and rx 6800xt. I’ve tried verifying the game files a couple times. I’ll give it another go in a bit. I’d love for there to be a change but I think I’m in that weird category that should work fine but it’s just borked. The game ran great otherwise. Just trying to load saves and on the one attempt that actually works if I try to enter Caledonia it’s an automatic I have to reboot my system.


I had the same problem, this vkd3d update fixed it. But had to run it with lutris where i can select the vkd3d version manually.

Dasnap, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield avatar

I’d assume an issue possibly at the engine level isn’t something that a mod can fix?

whileloop, avatar

The end of the article seems to say as much. However, it seems the Vkd3d developers are trying to improve what they can.


if it run better on linux because of that i’m gonna laugh so much

whileloop, avatar

That did happen with Elden Ring. Valve found an issue with it and patched it for Vulkan, so it ran better on Steam Deck than Windows.


I had a single crash playing starfield on PopOS. Other than that, it’s been incredibly performant for me. Ryzen 5700x and 6700xt GPU


I’ve got nearly the same specs (5800x and 6700XT), and mine crashes fairly often.

Virkkunen, avatar

I've had not a single crash so far and most of my frame dipping issues (from 60 to 40) were solved by lowering the shadows to medium. The only bugs I had were ships spawning in other ships so they spaz out, but that's very rare. On the other hand, Baldurs Gate 3 would constantly drop to 10 FPS and I had severe bugs that locked me out of entire questlines.

But I guess I'm not allowed to enjoy games and have fun because gamebryo = bad

circuitfarmer, avatar

I’m on a 7600x + 6600XT, and the only crash I’ve ever had was yesterday when loading a save. Also running Pop.


I mean, you could run VKD3D on Windows too to get the improvements.

dustyData, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

No, Todd Howard doesn’t make mistakes, you just have to buy a more expensive graphics card!



Todd Howard doesn't do what Todd Howard does for Todd Howard. Todd Howard does what Todd Howard does because Todd Howard is... Todd Howard.


The Todd Howardest.

He permits you to bathe in the light of his Todd Howardishness.

NegativeLookBehind, avatar

It’s actually just pee, but not just any pee, Todd fucking Howard’s pee


Totally unrelated but did you know there’s a promotion deal for AMD’s latest and greatest RX7000 GPUs?


Quite the coincidence huh /s

TimLovesTech, avatar

Best Buy had Starfield free with a 6700XT the other day when I was pricing out a move from Nvidia.


Sure but bundling the latest game with a gpu has been common practice by both green and red for a while. When the Egyptian assassins creed was coming out I remember seeing a card next to the GPUs at Microcenter saying you got it free with a qualifying purchase.

Jaysyn, avatar

No matter how expensive your Intel Arc GPU was, Starfield won't run on it.

dojan, avatar

The Intel Arcs are really cheap though.


Also, Intel are going pretty hard with driver updates and fixes. I’m really hoping they make it, we need more competition.

The main issue is probably nobody works with Intel to do any testing before launch.

dojan, avatar

I took a gamble on the Arc 770 when I built my PC a few months ago, because I honestly am not too keen on the current GPU generation. Like why would I want to pay through my nose for cards that are incredibly power inefficient, with tendencies to catch fire to boot? The Arc series offered decent performance (save for old DX9 games and such, but I already had a GTX970 I could use for those if need be), and shocking amounts of memory, so I gave it a shot and I’m really happy with it.

I have some weird graphical glitches in FFXIV from time to time. It’s nothing overly annoying, sometimes a box will flicker on the screen for a frame, and sometimes the light fades out briefly. Other than that I’ve had no issues, it’s chugging along really well. My biggest (and only) gripe with the card is the control centre software not allowing you to remap keybinds. That’s pretty dumb.

All that said, I’m not a hardcore gamer by any means, I don’t buy all the latest AAA games at launch (often not at all, really) and I don’t care much for maxing out my graphics and running at 900FPS.


It just works.

pancakes, avatar

That’s false, the mistakes are part of the experience.

Renacles, do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

If this is such a big issue then Bethesda should make it a top priority to fix it, it does sound like a complicated issue though.


They should but its Bethesda. A company that misread the room thinking people making memes about how unoptimized their games are meant fans thought it was endearing rather than something deserving of mockery.


Or let the community fix it for them


That’s exactly what they’re going to do because it costs nothing. The problem is they won’t ever accept the community fixes into official updates since they’re binary patches or file replacements.

Pratai, (edited ) do games w Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield

As usual, it takes free labor for Bethesda to get their shit working the way it’s supposed to. What a garbage developer.


Builds out thousands of hours well written, acted, and intricately laid out rpg content that people are immediately sinking hundreds of hours into, has minor technical issues

What a garbage developer

What a garbage commenter

dojan, avatar

Well written? Bethesda?

I mean sure their games are fun, but they’re not particularly good by any measure.


So many PS5 owners in the comments today

I’m gonna go back to enjoying Starfield


Bye, go collect your trinkets


Thanks for admitting you’re just a butt hurt hater

dojan, avatar

I’m not sure what this means. Is the game not on PS5?

You’re absolutely free to enjoy the game. Like I mentioned in the comments, Bethesda’s game is like instant ramen. It can definitely be delicious and enjoyable, but it’s not good/healthy food.


Lmao, bruh you haven’t played the game … slow it down on the haterade, it’s not good for ya


Hey now. Morrowind was beautifully written.
Then by Oblivion they cheapened out and used AI to start generating the map and dungeons.


Oblivion being developed with AI driven layouts is a hilarious supposition. It was 2002 dawg.


Oblivion was 2006, Morrowind was 2002.

Regardless, your point still stands.


No it doesn't.

Morrowind's entire map was hand made. All of its quests were hand made.

Starting with Oblivion, they moved to make most of the map and quests automatically with minimal human intervention.

To the point that they admitted it was too much for the tech at the time and actually hurt the gameplay, and pulled back for Skyrim, using a mix of computer made and human made content, adding in the radiant quest system in an make the gameplay "endless".

The modern thing we call AI is just the chatbots from a decade prior with improved processing power and vastly larger data sets to work with. The tech in those chatbots had been working in various pieces for a decade before that.

dojan, avatar

There’s a lot of interesting world building and history to draw upon, it’s just a shame Bethesda doesn’t do that.

You’re never really presented with moral choices. The story never really has you think about things. There’s a tonne of lore books and tapes and what have yous that spill a rich tapestry of stories at you, but you’re never really shown any of it. I’ve had fun with Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, and to a lesser extent Fallout 4, but at this point I’m kind of tired of it. They’re all the same game. They have the same floaty combat. The same lacklustre storytelling. The same awkward “talk at you” conversations.

Been there, done that.


what does this even mean? “sure they’re fun” and also “not particularly good by any measure” are conflicting statements


Biodome with Pauly Shore is one of my favorite movies. I have fun every time i watch it. It’s not a “good” movie.

Neato, avatar

I would like to add Hook to this list. I was flabbergasted when, as an adult, found out it was poorly received. Then I rewatched it as an adult and was forced to agree. Still one of my favorites.


isn’t it “good” by the measure of it being your favorite?

dojan, avatar

Fast food can be delicious and filling, but it’s not good food.

Bethesda makes the game equivalent to fast food. Specifically instant ramen. You can tweak instant ramen, add veggies, eggs, meat, seasonings, etc. and transform it into something new. It’s still instant ramen, but it’s different.


So they take years making this food but it still turns out to be fast food level?


Fast food can be delicious and filling, but it’s not good food.

this is a completely different argument. Fast food is “good by any measure” because it’s good by the measure of delicious and of filling. It doesn’t make sense to complement something and then say it’s not good in any aspect.


E.G. Fallout 4 is fantastic exploration.

It's best gameplay is when your ignore the plot entirely and create your own story.

Same with Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Oblivion.

The actual main plots are simplistic, boring and oddly quick. Weirdly, each of the games has an expansion that has a well done quest line, so its not that they can't do it, they choose to not do it.


Yeah when people tell me that Fallout or Skyrim are "well written" I know that they don't read.

Montagge, avatar

Better than Larian and Fromsoft by a country mile


It does not matter how extensive the lore, character design and world building is if the fucking game runs like shit and crashes. The game being in a playable state is the bare minimum.

Its like a chef spending hours decorating a dish made with spoiled raw chicken.

Neato, avatar

Bethesda is sub-par in just about every aspect of game development. Shallow combat. Basic dialogue trees. Skill/feats haven't evolved in several games. Engine so old it has to have loading screens for every type of transition.

But you picked the story and acting to tout as good? Bethesda is well-known to have pathetically bad main-story arcs. Only a handful of side quests end up being engaging to most people. The face animations are...better now but still deeply in the uncanny valley. Their acting is usually deadpan with only the merest speck of emotion and shown as if the actor is reading their script for the first time during recording.

Honestly the main thing that Bethesda games have going for them are a detailed, hand-crafted world that is fun to explore and experiment in. Which...Bethesda handily disposed of to have the majority of its world and worlds be procedurally generated.


Wow, so informed you are, you are talking of Starfield right?

You wouldn’t happen to just be talking out of your ass trying to make broad generalizations about games made 20 years apart to try and cast shade on a game you’ve never played would you?

Neato, avatar

This comment doesn't actually say anything. It's just casting aspirations against me because you didn't like what I said. It doesn't rebut anything or offer differing opinions on anything I proposed.


I’m not sure I’d give them well acted. The characters feel like puppets when they are talking. Maybe I’m just spoiled by BG3…

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