ItalianSkeletonGaming, do games w Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - PREVIEW THREAD avatar

@simple Can we have a spoiler free TL;DR?

  • 8 new weapon types
  • 100+ new weapons
  • There’s new types of progression where you can find items that make you stronger but only in the DLC.
  • The first area of the DLC is as big as Limgrave
  • People got to see the first 2 legacy dungeons, say they’re really good and there’s lots of secrets.
  • The consensus is that it’s more Elden Ring. Overall people are stoked.
iheartneopets, do games w Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - PREVIEW THREAD

I don’t wanna look too much, but boy does seeing actual gameplay footage make it feel so real! I’m pretty hyped

zabadoh, do trains w Abt System Train on the Oigawa Railway, Japan
simple, do games w What are some excellent free games/total conversions that are worth playing the whole thing?

If you haven’t already played it, DOOM: The Golden Souls is probably the best total conversion you can find. Just S tier all around. Adventures of Square is also pretty good despite looking a bit simple.

If you’re looking for free games in general, might I recommend Megaman Maker? There’s an absolutely insane amount of content, and the level editor itself is very fun to use.

CH3DD4R_G0BL1N, avatar

Came to say golden souls as well. Just started recently and it’s impressive and fun as hell. There is also a 2 released and recently announced working on 3 I believe.

Redacted, do games w The N64 avatar

Hard disagree. Most trailblazing console ever with one of the strongest lineups of first/second party games we’ve ever seen. Yes there were some shoddy third party ports but you didn’t buy it for those.

People moan about the controller but forget it was the first time a joystick was used and the only real issue was the redundant left prong. Loved the feel of the Z button for shooting games coupled with the Rumble Pak.

plactagonic, do games w I rewrote MathDoku as a PWA

Simon Tatham’s Puzzles

F Droid app that is regularly updated. It has 40 puzzles with weird names this one is named Keen.

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited )

Seconded this. Very small too, at about 10 MiB, or 250 kiB per game, which is tough to beat! The Android port is probably the best but a Linux and Windows version also exist. Get it on F-Droid

There is also, a similarly small app but with only 1 puzzle type, this one. There are more options though, including more operation combos, negative and non-consecutive numbers, and even rectangular grids! The controls are a little worse if you ask me and so is the performance but not by a lot. I have spent huge amounts of time playing the game in both apps and I slightly prefer this one thanks to more variation.

catloaf, do games w Lemmings, what is the Evercade console brand like?

Never heard of it.

coolusername, do gaming w Best Soulslike game for beginners?

elden ring probably. like you i found souls-style games scary. i think i installed dark souls 3 and quit before getting anywhere but i managed to beat elden ring even though I did initially refund it :D

DebatableRaccoon, do gaming w Best Soulslike game for beginners?

Personally, I’d say Sekiro. You need to be good with timing but the experience is much more streamlined. There’s no equipment system so you don’t have to worry about finding what’s good for you, let alone slogging it through the first however many hours to get whatever items get recommended in Top X lists. Also, I find the movement system is much more to my liking. It feels immediate instead of trying to sprint through a field of porridge. However, if porridge is what you’re looking for, Sekiro is a poor pick for you.

Lies of P is also a good pick for having tighter movement and QoL upgrades over Souls games though I dare say a lot of fans will want to drag me across the coals for saying that.


I very much enjoyed Sekiro and it led me to Elden Ring that I then, in turn, did not enjoy at all. haha Sekiro feels much more approachable but it doesn’t have the replayability of other Souls games.


Hm, what didn’t you enjoy about Elden Ring? I started with Sekiro, finished it, and have moved on to Elden Ring (in co-op tho). I have very much enjoyed both.


I guess the tuning of the game. With Sekiro there was, for the most part, a general linear path that you did to complete the game. You could go in some different ways but for the most part it was linear. With Elden Ring you can go in any way and as people have said, if you get stuck, go somewhere else and get higher level and go back. But I don’t like leaving so I would proceed to get dumpstered over and over and get frustrated which is entirely my own fault. But, in Sekiro it seemed like the difficulty of the encounters were created in regards to where you were in the story and even though they were hard, were better tuned to your character power. I bet co-op would be a ton of fun and could make my play through more enjoyable if I got back into it.


I’d have to agree with that. Sekiro has a lot of the trimmings of other From games while having a movement system much closer to the standard hack-n-slash adventure game like Assassin’s Creed or Ghost of Tsushima most recently.


Sekiro feels much more approachable but it doesn’t have the replayability of other Souls games.

Interesting perspective; I actually have double the hours in Sekiro (164) compared to Elden Ring (86) and DS1 (88). And I also didn’t really like Elden Ring (though I really wanted to).


I guess I assumed Elden Ring would have more replayability due to all the classes you could do playthroughs with.

steal_your_face, avatar

Elden Ring fans are salty at this comment lol. That does like it’d be better for my play style though.


I’m pretty used to it at this point. My best friend is a big Souls fan and is one of the many who refers to Elden Ring as the most approachable From game yet as well as Sekiro as possibly the hardest. The comments I’m used to seeing are ones calling X boss the hardest they’ve ever gone against and those are consistently the easiest for me. Personally, I’m terrible with the bosses that have a wind up for their attacks and make you wait for the timing as opposed to the ones where it’s almost pure reflex. If that sounds more your bag then I’d say Sekiro is your thing and you likely won’t enjoy DS or ER. Bloodborne is somewhere in the middle, debatably closer to Sekiro though I’ve seen arguments for both ways.


Came to make the same recommendation. It depends on what aspect of the games you find intimidating. Most people recommending Elden Ring will likely be assuming that you mean mechanical difficulty, but in my case, the openness, variety, stat numbers etc of ER are all intimidating.

Sekiro is more approachable in this regard, the way forward is mostly clear, and the mechanics are clearly communicated, so you’re just left with practicing them until you’re good enough to progress.

I’d say that most people who say Sekiro is one of the hardest fromsoft games probably came from playing souls or Elden Ring and have the extra challenge of unlearning some of the foundations. I hadn’t played any, and though Sekiro is hard as hell sometimes, it clicked with me pretty quickly. Completed 3 endings and most of the optional, hardest content so far


Sekiro, like Bloodborne, is different from the Dark Souls series. The mechanics, story, and atmosphere of each are distinct, with Elden Ring falling most closely with the Dark Soul series in mechanics and ‘feel’.

Dark Souls 1 has the best atmosphere and environmental storytelling, in my opinion. It really is clear how innovative and influential a game it was.

Sekiro is hard to play from a Dark Souls foundational playstyle. Sekiro players, I find, seem to have an easier time adapting to Dark Souls. So it may very well be a good start for a FromSoft game.

altima_neo, do games w Senua's Saga: Hellblade II - Review Thread avatar

How far Ninja theory has come.

From a fun, but full of offensive stereotypes, in Kung Fu Chaos, to the fuck you of video games, DMC Devil May Cry, to finally this.

drspod, do games w [QUESTION] What is the most realistic-looking game that can also run on Linux distros?

The facial animation in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is still the best I’ve ever seen, and that game came out in 2017.

Incredible looking game. I hope the sequel lives up to the original.


It was barely a game though.

romano, do games w WTF is wrong with Killing Floor 2?

I tried liking KF2 but it just lacks the crispness and the atmosphere of KF1. I also missed the shop lady with her opening shop in the weirdest locations in between rounds. So yeah, KF2 lacks charm IMO and I still like KF1 more even on its aging UE2.5 engine. I don’t think KF3 will find my interest, with all the multiplayer games going “live service” and all.

synapse1278, avatar

I am a fan ever since KF was a mode of UT2004. I played KF1 a hella lot. This game has a really atmosphere that I can’t really explain. I have less than 1h play time on KF2…


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt like this. I kept thinking maybe I just wasn’t giving it a fair chance but I loved KF1 and was immediately put off by KF2.

I felt the same way about Red Orchestra 2 to a much lesser extent. I was super hyped about Tripwire overall at the time and thought it was awesome a mod team was getting funding to make the full-scale games they wanted, and they basically just immediately lost all momentum after that.

Kovukono, do gaming w Does Arkham Knight get better?

I genuinely enjoyed Arkham Knight, but those mandatory Batmobile sections are easily the most miserable part of the game. If we had those for an entire game, it might not be too bad, but most of the time you just end up using it to get from point A to point B. If you can put up with being stuck for a bit on those sections, you might enjoy it.

Its big issue is that it has to follow up on Arkham City. It’s not a bad game by any stretch, but it’s following up to one of the best superhero games out there. If you’re not invested in the story, there’s no harm in dropping it. Play something you’ll have fun with.


100% agree. I picked it up very late and very cheap. Worth the $10 or so I paid, but the batmobile sections almost made me drop the game.

simple, do games w The PlayStation 2

Jak & Daxter/Ratcher & Clank trilogy were goated. I know a lot of people throw around “they don’t make them like they used to anymore” but in term of those two franchises on the PS2, they really don’t.

As an aside, I picked up the newest Ratchet & Clank on PC and was disappointed. They tried making it so much more cinematic and story-focused with tons of scripted scenes. Also it lacked any of the satirical humor the original 3 had.

MamboGator, avatar

I could never get into the Ratchet and Clank games, except for Deadlocked which I know is generally disliked by fans. I was really into arena shooters at the time.

I’ve tried a bunch of the others and they are definitely good, but not my kind of game.

caut_R, do games w Half Life 3

Valve isn‘t publicly traded (AFAIK) so they don‘t have to squeeze every last penny if they don‘t want to. And Steam revenue alone can fund anything gabeN wants to do. They don‘t have any ideas for HL3 they‘re satisfied with so they don‘t make it. And I respect that a lot TBH.

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