Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?
!deleted6508 avatar

If they’re on Fandom, it’s because Fandom fucking sucks to work with. It sucks to view, and it sucks to edit. So I could understand people not wanting to deal with that shit.

They’re also still new and fairly large games. Unless the dev itself makes the wiki, they don’t usually have much content the first year or so of a game’s life.

Confetti_Camouflage, do piracy w Why are categories basically useless in qbittorrent? avatar

Tools > Preferences > Downloads > Saving Management

Change “Default Torrent Management Mode” to automatic


what does this do?


It will move files to location you have set in category settings. If you are using sonarr it can automatically set tv-sonarr category and then qbittorrent will move it to your tv shows folder.

Confetti_Camouflage, avatar

Qbittorrent will save downloads to the assigned category’s folder instead of manually specifying the download location each time.

UntouchedWagons, avatar

Oh okay, thanks!

coffeentacos, do gaming w Beautiful games? avatar

17 years on, Okami is still one of the best.


Hell yeah. I love that game, but got stuck on the last block guard guy. :_(


Use a piece of paper :)


Just gave me a flashback of my friends and I doing the same thing on a CRT lol.


That’s how these puzzles are meant to be solved and I won’t accept any other answer! Lol :D


Just picked up the HD remake and was thrilled to see someone made a mod to patch out the film grain and motion blur. I’m puking rainbows.


I came to say the same thing

Aurenkin, do gaming w If the same game is available and on sale on GOG and Steam, on which platform you rather buy it?

Used to be GoG but now Steam. I run Linux so it’s nice to have a client that makes that easy rather than having to rely on a 3rd party one.


Check out Heroic Game Launcher. It works with GoG, handles GoG Galaxy Cloud Save support, and works with Proton (similar to Steam). A very good client.


As someone also using Linux, Steam has an official client, the workshop and is continuously advancing gaming on Linux. While GOG promised a native client years ago they haven’t delivered and Heroic has much fewer features than Steam.


Yeah, heroic is amazing and I really appreciate the amount of work that’s gone into it. It’s still much more convenient to buy direct from Steam and it rewards the company for the efforts to push gaming on Linux forward.


I’ve been trying to get Heroic working with my Epic account to no success.

Generally, that has been my experience with most open source solutions to closed source app gardens.

Hundun, do gaming w As a recovering video game addict, what is the best way to avoid 'the jitters' when exposed something that reminds you of gaming?

Are you sure you are addicted? I’m sorry, but to me it seems like you only have a problem with games that are deliberately designed to be addictive (WoW is basically a giant Skinner box, no wonder). In that case you would be just as susceptible to lots of things: like infinite-scrolling feeds on social networks, or recommendation algorithms on TikTok and YT.

Maybe if you find a way to filter out games that exploit your psyche for engagement, there will be a way to enjoy your very clearly beloved hobby in a healthy way?

Also, have you talked to a professional?


Yeah it sounds to me like OP could get on fine if they restricted themselves to games where you pay once and get the whole game. No subscriptions, no microtransactions, no DLC. Also it might have been a mistake for OP to ask a gaming community about this

Blaster_M, (edited ) do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Sulphur Nimbus: Hel’s Elixir, a $6 (currently) game on It started from the idea of an MLP fangame, but early in development evolved into an original setting.

This is a 3D physics platformer adventure with an unhindered flying character. Your hippogriff, Sulphur Nimbus, is an aerial photographer aboard a cargo ship, which is passing a mysterious atoll on the way to their destination. The crew want you to get pictures of the island, which has a castle that’s been abandoned for decades. Unfortunately, after flying over there, a nasty storm builds up and you get zapped by lightning. After a flashback tutorial on how to fly, you wake up on the island shores, your wing is injured, and you have to run to safety, finding out this place is dangerous… so dangerous a resident dogicorn (like a hippogriff, but it’s half dog and half unicorn instead of half bird half pony) has to rescue you when a lovecraftian horror tries to take you down into presumably Hel. Waking up in a castle room, your wing is healed, and you can fly again.

Now the game begins. Clear the boss monsters and rout them out of this island, area by area. Break the curse that binds you to this island. Find out what happened here.

What’s unique about Sulphur Nimbus is the movement. Running, fighting, and jumping has physics to it, allowing for some parkour stuff to be possible, like running up steep inclines and wall jumping. Flight is realistic. There are no arbitrary limitations, other than a regenerating “flap” stamina. If you can get enough speed to take off, and if there’s enough room to maneuver, you can fly. Level designs include lots of caves and enclosed spaces, but also lots of open areas, so being able to fly is a requirement to get through it, while also a challenge. While the game is designed for kb and mouse controls, honestly, a gamepad works very well with this game and is preferred. It also is cross platform, as it is made in java, and includes Windows, Mac, and Linux. The source code is on sourceforge and allows you to build the whole game yourself if you are so inclined.

There’s no other platforming adventure game that attempts this, and I have tried every “become birb” game out there. They all are either bird simulators or use flight as a fast travel, but not as a core gameplay mechanic like this.

Aviandelight, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Maize, a point and click/walking simulator/puzzle game about a secret military project to create sentient corn. Quite possibly the silliest game I’ve ever played.


Link doesn’t seem to work for me because the parentheses breaks the link.

Here’s the steam link for anyone else

Aviandelight, avatar

That’s weird. The link should be to the Wikipedia entry but thanks for making a steam link too!

all-knight-party, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Voices of the Void a free (likely while it's in pre-alpha) light simulational game about receiving outer space signals and recording them to sell. You use the currency to clean up, upgrade, and decorate your small facility while moving around the Swiss forest valley you're in to repair and upkeep the satellite dishes that make the operation function.

It sounds very purely simulational, but there are a lot of secrets and interesting signals that are more than signals. It's also an Unreal engine game, but features a lot of Source engine love, for example the art style is reminiscent of Half-Life 1, all of the sound effects are EXTREMELY Source game nostalgic, and there's crouch jumping.


Goated game. I enjoyed so much and it has tons of replayablity.

BombOmOm, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Avorion - In which you command and build a spaceship designed by yourself (or others on the internet). Soon you have AIs you command and space stations you own. The game allows you to lean as much or as little as you want into the fleet command and economy aspects. If you want, you can just pilot one big-ass ship and do it all alone.

subignition, avatar

I had a good amount of fun with this game, it's a shame I have to downvote it. It was a little difficult to get into at first, but I stuck with it and had a lot of fun. I chose to develop a big-ass ship like you speak of and eventually became a lumpy Death Star knockoff.


Oh no, avorion is getting down votes!

BombOmOm, avatar

Seems it is better known than I thought!

IchNichtenLichten, do games w What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? avatar

Just give me a new Deus Ex game please.


Glad I wasn’t the first one to suggest it. It’d be so much better if they finish it off and provide the missing gap to the original game.


Cyberpunk scratched that itch for me to a surprising degree. It’s not a perfect match, but it felt closer to the original than the sequels did somehow.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

Given how well that game sold, it’s even more baffling that we don’t seem to be getting another Deus Ex. Don’t they like money or something?


They do like money. That’s why they made two shitty prequels.


Yes please, one close to the original <3

coffinwood, do gaming w I asked what your fave controllers are, now. What is the worst controller you have used?

Hot take: Nintendo Switch Joycons. They’re a nice and clever concept but in reality they’re bad.

Too small even for casual games. The Wiimote was much better at it.

Very expensive at 80 € per set. Yes, you get two of them but in most games outside of Mario Kart you also need both. And even then they’re fine at best.

4 out of 4 of my controllers got stick drift. Nintendo had to be sued into repairing them.


Fuck joycons


All the cool kids hate Joycons.

Seriously though, I replaced them immediately and never took them out of the drawer again.


I used them for s bit before I got something better. The sticks have less travel than a fucking 3ds slider


On the other hand, you can play with your hands in completely different locations which is nice for being lazy on a couch.


My reasonably sized, more ergonomic, multi-system wireless controller with hall effect sticks does that for a little more than half the price.


Yeah it’s not the best option. But it did popularize the form factor


Which one? I’d love a controller that works for PC that I can split apart like joycons


It’s a conventional GameSir controller that has a Switch mode among others. The split design of the Joycons rarely plays out, most of the time it makes the controllers unnecessarily complex and thus expensive IMHO.


Sooo you can’t play with your hands in different positions like you said?


You mean both hands have to grip one controller opposed to having a Joycon in each hand? That split-design can be an advantage, but IMHO doesn’t cancel out the shortcomings of the Joycons. I find them still too small and not grippy at all.


Here’s the comment chain as a reminder.


On the other hand, you can play with your hands in completely different locations which is nice for being lazy on a couch.

You literally replied:

My reasonably sized, more ergonomic, multi-system wireless controller with hall effect sticks does that for a little more than half the price.

So can you play with your hands in completely different locations with your “conventional GameSir controller” or not?

If not, why did you say that you could?


Sorry I misunderstood. And literally followed up with a clarification so what’s the problem


And literally followed up with a clarification

You weren’t clear until now. I know I spent a couple of minutes looking for a GameSit controller that splits, hahaha.

seliaste, avatar

I think they are actually really good at very specific things, the clicky buttons are great for ace attorney and tetris


Single joycon is barely usable, but the Wiimote was terrible for sideways holding.

Its shape was clearly never intended for it, and the d-pad was absolutely awful, one of the worst I’ve used.

The d-pad worked as buttons (which was how most games used it, in vertical mode), but for movement it was very stiff and almost impossible to get diagonals. For a console that featured virtual console heavily and needed a lot of classic controls, that was very bad design.


I hate the Joycons so much. The clicky buttons are terrible, the split dpad sucks for games that use it for movement, the sticks aren’t great either for precision (ignoring the drift issues), and I find them painful to hold.

Kolanaki, do games w Fuck Ubisoft.
!deleted6508 avatar

I know of at least one other place it is available, and they have it for the cheapest price 😈

Speculater, avatar

Wrong. I know a place that will pay you to download it, if you’re willing to first disable Windows Defender.


Don’t they also offer a great discount if you pay within 12 hours to unlock your personal files? I’m in!

Deestan, do games w What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children?

The judgemental attitude and self victimization detract from your post. You’ll find people to be friendlier and more helpful to you if you manage to tone it differently.

Anyway! It sounds like you want games that prioritize being interesting over being popular? Dwarf Fortress would be my immediate thought.


There is no judgement and no self victimisation in my post. Minecraft changed drastically from what it was and I‘m fully allowed to not like it.

But thanks for the suggestion dwarf fortress seems to be quite the thing to try. Will check it out.

Aielman15, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices avatar

The obvious answer is Pathologic. You play as one of three possible characters in a black plague-infested town in the russian steppe, trying to help people and survive.

As days go by, the situation worsens and, in order to survive, you are forced to make very hard decisions. Can you spare the food for the others? Will you rob someone of their medicines? Will you risk going to the most dangerous parts of the city, where the stench of infection permeates the air?

I’ll quote The Nocturnal Rambler’s review of the game, which is one of my favourite video game reviewers:

Making it to the end of a day is a genuine accomplishment in this game, considering all the work you have to do to stay alive, and that the game really doesn’t care if you live or die. It won’t hold your hand to make sure you get through to the end; it’s entirely possible to make it through 10 days and then back yourself into a corner where you have absolutely no hope of survival, short of loading a save from a few (in-game) days ago. Or perhaps to save yourself the agony of replaying several hours of the game, you end up in terrifying, desperate scenarios where you have to sell your only weapon for a few scraps of bread, or murder a child for the medicine he’s carrying while you’re about to die from infection. That’s true horror right there.

It’s not an easy game and it’s not a good game, even. It’s old and dated and janky, but it’s also full of charm and personality. I wouldn’t say it’s a game meant to be played, as much as it is an experience worth going through. You won’t have fun playing the game. Even if you can overlook its pain points, it’s an objectively oppressive game that will make you feel miserable from beginning to end, and increasingly so. I wouldn’t say it’s for everyone, and I don’t mean that in an elitist way. Some people simply won’t stand this much bleakness during the time they are supposedly spending to find entertainment.

flying_sheep, avatar

From what I heard, Pathologic 2 is basically a 2019 remake of the original, so it should be prettier, less janky but still basically the same game, right?

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I have heard very good things about it, but I can’t talk for myself, as I haven’t played it. My only recommendation is to stay away from the console versions of the game, as I tried it on Xbox One and it was unplayable (heard the same about the PS4 port, too). Maybe it’s better on next gen, but I wouldn’t risk it.

Two things worth mentioning:

  • The remake only has one character, the Haruspex. If you want to play as the Bachelor or the Changeling, you’ll need to grab the original game.
  • There are difficulty settings in the remake. I would leave them as default, as I think the difficulty of the game, and the conflicting decisions you’ll need to undertake because of it, is an integral part of the experience. That being said, if you really like the game and want to see it through, you can tweak the difficulty a bit, and accessibility is always a plus in my book.
  • Again, this is just hearsay as I haven’t played it, but from what I’ve gathered, Pathologic 2 is more a retelling than a faithful remake. Same setting and same ending, but a different road, so to speak. You could play either one and then move on to the other if you like it.
toototabon, avatar

Interesting are all the points you share. I’ve never been so convinced to try a game even after being explicitly told it’ll not be fun. Give me that sweet pain.

Kiwi_Girl, avatar

Hope you enjoy it then. Please update us when you get around to it!

stoly, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

Making a Portal mod is much different than possessing and using the original source code of a game. I don’t understand why they thought they could get away with such a high-profile title as TF.

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