Miclux, do gaming w Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

And that for a game that looks like shit.


If you compare the game on max settings to modded C:S1 (and if you ignore the leveling plot issues), I actually think it looks better than C:S1, or at least pretty close.

amju_wolf, avatar

…which makes it pretty terrible. What did they change/improve if not the graphics? It should be so ahead that you don’t even have to think what looks better.


What the fuck do you expect a city builder to look like?

And seriously, are you still at the level of brain paralysis where you think PERFORMANCE = GRAPHICS?

Do you not understand CPU vs GPU bound?

Nighed, avatar

It’s a less cartoony art style I think (although the style in original skyline evolved a lot) we will see.

Remember mods can fix/change loads

Skyline969, do gaming w What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games? avatar

Make 4K textures a separate download, via a free DLC. That way if people only ever play in 1080p, they don’t need to waste disk space on files that will never get used.

blazera, avatar

Texture resolution isnt the same as screen space resolution, textures have to be wrapped around what might be complex, high surface area models. And dont forget how close you can get to things, where just a fraction of a whole model is filling your whole screen.

The option would still be nice but 4k textures do have an effect even on lower resolution screens.


You are totally correct, but I feel like pointing out that a surprising number of games use the 4k texture nomenclature in a totally illogical way; they label it 4k because it’s meant to look good on a 4k screen, not because the texture itself is at that resolution (or any loosely related resolution).

Which is itself really annoying. But I guess less savvy crowd might not actually understand what ‘real’ 4k textures even refer to?

tal, avatar

They also aren’t measuring the same thing, even aside from the factors you mentioned.

A 4k screen is 4k on the long dimension.A 4k texture is a square that’s 4k in both dimensions.

Also, the 4k texture is typically lossily-compressed, so in practice, you’re getting less data than the resolution might suggest.


I don't think making it the default is realistic.

But steam offers games to offer custom branches for users to select. It would not be particularly difficult for publishers to provide one (or more) lower resolution asset branch for users to select. I really wish Steam had taken advantage of publishers wanting to support Steam deck to nudge them into doing this.

Lowbird, do gaming w PeerTube is amazing for streaming! :)

I want an alternative to youtube as much as anyone, but I just don’t see how peertube can be viable in a world where child abuse materials and nazi propaganda exist and can be posted there.

I mean, at least as of when I last looked at peertube, it works sort of like torrenting does, yeah? But it doesn’t require you to whitelist the channels or instances you seed. Therefore: random people are going to end up seeding child abuse materials, revenge porn, hate screed videos, and so on, unknowingly and without intending to.

Lemmy already has had issues with child abuse materials because of federation and poor moderation tools. An image will get posted on one instance, then it automatically gets copied to other instances, and even if the original instances delete the image that doesn’t automatically delete it off other instances. Admins have to manually contact other admins, who then each have go in and painstakingly delete it manually, and that’s if all those different admins see and respond to the message. This is a problem that has been growing as lemmy gets bigger and more popular. And this is just with instance hosts - with peertube, you have individuals seeding/contributing to the hosting.

So it seems to me that peertube as it is involves a degree of moral and legal (since people can and have been deemed legally responsible for seeding torrents before) risk that is just not worth it a compared to the privacy-invading but blessedly safe option of youtube.

And even if individuals decided that risk was fine, advertisers absolutely won’t, which makes the platform a no-go for channels that depend on ads rather than patreon or merch for their livelihoods.

I’ll be happy if there’s a reliable way around this problem that doesn’t completely break the mechanism whereby peertube is supposed to work, but as of now I can’t see one.

Duamerthrax, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next?

Grow the factory.

at_an_angle, avatar


atrielienz, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next?

It’s animal crossing. I eat some fruit and then forget and hit a rock and break it.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Animal crossing certainly isn’t the worst one to be stuck in but the limited nature of it quickly becomes apparent since you can’t really ever leave the island (you can visit other islands, but you can’t move there and you also can’t visit the mainland).


Nah mate, the goal of life is to laze away on an island with your friends eating fruit and building shit together. Why would I ever want to leave?

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Sometimes you might want some variety, like you might want to go on vacation to some exotic places.

joelfromaus, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? avatar

WH40K: Darktide. In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium I am so F-ed in the A.


We have a grim, and painful life to look forward to. At least it will be brief so there’s that.

So you rather die grinding in the factories, in prison, as emperor-corpse food or horribly in battle? Tough choice.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, do games w You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? avatar

I spend three years locked in a tiny capsule and then die because the engineers forgot to add parachutes.

Damaskox, avatar

Aww man! Not the best experience to have before death!


For me, the issue is not parachutes. It’s always forgetting to add antennae for communication

Renacles, do gaming w Cyberpunk dlc sucks. 10 side missions and like 5 story missions for 30 bucks.

Are the missions long at least or is it something like 6 hours total?


Check out howlongtobeat. It takes about 20 hours to complete main + side content. OP is just a really salty poster - take a look at his comment history.


So I went and looked. OP seems like a very unhappy individual. I found traces of the below plus a lot of the “whiney entitled gamer” archetype. I sure hope they find happiness someday.

It’s Easy so it Sucks

It’s Short so it Sucks

Unpleasable Fanbase

“Stop Having Fun” Guys

apolinariomabussy, avatar

TIL tvtropes has those tropes. I only knew about the Broken Base page. I am so keeping those for reference.


My favorite is Stop Having Fun, Guys. Broken Base hits too close to home for too many franchises I enjoy.

lemillionsocks, avatar

Lol a new monthly issue of a comic can cost about $4-$6, breakfast at a cheap diner can get $10-$20, a 2 hour movie can be $20+, and of course there are $60 video games selling that are less than 20 hours long. Its really funny how undervalued videogame entertainment is.

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

I like “cost per hour” which is what you’re getting at.

  • Movie at the theater: $16 total.
    • $8/hr
  • drinks with friends, at 1 drink an hour for 4 hours
    • $7/hr
  • Dinner out, decent restaurant 40/person
    • 20/hr
  • Cyberpunk dlc, $30, 20 hrs to beat
    • $1.50/hr

Yeah I’d say that’s a pretty good entertainment value per hour compared to other leisurely activities for me. I apply this to most entertainment things and it does help. I find comparing things to going to the movies is the best, if it’s more per hour than a movie in a theater than no it’s probably not worth it. Those stupid $50 slingshot rides? Nah.


50% fetch quests. If you use the teleport points you can finish this in half a day

Skipping the dialogues of course,which are dogshit acting anyway.

MaxPower, avatar

50% fetch quests

I have just played it through. What you are saying is 100% incorrect.


Half the quest are literally go there talk to this person and come back or some variation of it.


So … like real-life? You can abstract everything to the point that it looks trivial.


are you for real? XD the sidequests are boring, that is not ok since its the main content of a 30 bucks game


That’s subjective. I play through the game the third time currently and still enjoy it.


then say " i personally liked it because of X" what was that stuff about real life is boring? XD


I criticized your chosen abstraction. “go there talk to somebody and come back” is basically the definition of most interactions. That describes “going shopping”, “going to work”, “going to a customer” and in extension describes almost every quest in every game. That discriminates nothing of value.



Exec, avatar

Skipping the dialogues of course

Why are you skipping the dialogue in an RPG?


As I said,because the acting is dogshit. I played bg3,can’t go back to this shit

Exec, avatar

Okay, so you basically reduce the game’s content because you nullify major sections due you not liking it then claim it doesn’t exist? In the end all RPGs are based on the variations “talk to someone” with action being the second thing. I wish you don’t ever start playing Final Fantasy 14 which has like 60% of the content are cutscenes and dialogue.


If they are good I don’t mind





How do you define a role playing game?

You’re playing as a person in an alternate reality.

You have character stats and builds.

Someone else is in control of the overarching narrative (you can’t just decide to become a plumber for example).


Stats matter, role matters. RPG ended once nomad, corpo, and the third thing converged onto the linear story


Stat blocks don’t make an RPG.

Part of the definition is that you in fact play a role. This means making decisions from their perspective as if you were them and their world was your reality. Any game that doesn’t allow you to make informed, meaningful decisions isn’t actually a role playing game.

Naturally, video games can’t really give you total freedom in that regard, as any option you can pick needs to be anticipated and coded by the developer. But there are candidates that fit the requirement somewhat more and those that definitely don’t.

Cyberpunk, while being a fun experience, doesn’t really give you a lot of meaningful choices, at least not in the bigger quests, especially not the main plot. Most often different dialogue choices only lead to slightly different answers and the same outcome. You can’t decide to rat Panam out to Militech when stealing the tank for example. You’re not really playing the role of V, you’re watching their story play out and maybe deciding what to do first and last.

CDPR have their own inhouse example of a better RPG to compare against.

kux, avatar

tbf the fast-forwarding way you can skip dialogue and just read the subtitles without missing anything is one of the best things introduced in this game


Are you fucking kidding? You should put this in your OP so everyone knows to completely disregard your post. You skip all the dialogue in an RPG and then complain that it’s too short and the missions are just fetch quests?

This has to be a troll post…


I wouldn’t skip it if it was good,I read of course but I’m not gonna listen to bad acting.

ashamam, avatar

A very successful troll post as well. Would have thought people were smarter than that these days, especially in the fediverse.

GaimDS, do games w What games have you been playing recently avatar

Honestly, I started replaying Skyrim to see if I can actually finish the damn thing lol


Oh man every so often I boot it up with fresh mods! I love that game so much.

I remember when it launched, I never heard of it, didn’t see any promotional material and just bought it out of curiosity. Was an incredible surprise and put so much hours into it


I was a huge fan of oblivion and I remember staying up into the early hours at uni waiting for the crack to be released. I put 16 hours in on the first day and never really looked back.

Currently wrestling with whether or not I can justify spending £800 on my pc to play starfield…


Eh, Ive got a 1080 ti and starfield runs terribly. I’m averaging 24 to 30 fps regardless if it’s high or low settings. So maybe wait. Not sure what you’re thinking to buy but starfield has pretty poor optimisation and if it’s a minor bump I’m not sure you’ll see much gain.


My graphics card isn’t horrible actually to be fair. I’ve got an RTX 2070 but it’s on a 10 year old AM3 motherboard with DDR3 in it so it’s time to replace cpu/mobo/ram.

At the moment it’s not playable for me, I forced myself to play the first few hours but speech visual lags behind the audio and I’m stuck waiting for 10seconds with every sentence. I know loading screens aren’t great for anyone but a solid minute for each screen wasn’t doable either.

philomory, do gaming w What unusual genre mixing video games would you recommend to try?

Yoko’s Island Express: Pinball Metroidvania!


Yoko? Oh, no. It’s Yoku’s Island Express, and it’s fantastic.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, do gaming w Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded. avatar

Because every douche canoe would just beat the game then ask for a refund.

jarfil, do gaming w Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I’ve put together?

Wrong question. The right one would be:

“Based on the PCPartPicker list I’ve put together, how many mods will I be able to add to Cities Skylines 2?”

There is no PC in existence capable of running all of them all at once, but I’d recommend getting as much RAM as possible (256GB better than 32GB), it’s going to be your main bottleneck. Followed by the CPU… and the SSD is only a bottleneck at load time. GPU is optional, CS2 barely uses it.

Also: better to have twice as much RAM, than RAM twice as fast. RAM itself is 100x faster than an SSD, so you’re better off keeping stuff in only 50x faster RAM, rather than going back and forth to a 100x slower SSD.

HidingCat, do gaming w Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

Might want to wait for the benchmark tests to come out first, if the build is for CS2. I remember CS is pretty CPU heavy, so you might want to hold off on your choice of platform first.

Edit: Also, do check with the PSU tier list, don't have to get A tier, but try something from B. A good PSU will help with the longevity of your build!


And a good power supply now can last several systems down the road.


I pretty much exclusively buy psu from seasonic or EVGA rated platinum or higher. 1000W and fully modular. These things last me at least 10 years and are as future proof as you can get. If you calculate price per year of use over its lifetime, it’s even the more affordable option.


Yup, Seasonic and EVGA for me too. Expensive, but worth it.

Ashen44, do gaming w What are some games similar to They are Billions other than Age of Darkness and Alien Marauder?

Creeper World is sort of like this. Basically the enemy is a self replicating liquid that destroys everything it touches and you have to fight it off and secure each map. It was originally a flash game so go with those expectations but it’s pretty fun regardless. I recommend CW3 as the best one.

Catastrophic235, avatar

That game was probable the first proper RTS I ever played, or is at least the 1st I remember.

I was probably 10 y/o old or younger when I played the OG flash game.

Never played CW3 but I have played CW4 and it definitely scratched the same itch as the OG, what about 3 makes it the best?


3 just feels a little more polished than 4. The transition to 3D was very cool but I think the developer’s inexperience with working in 3D hurt the game a little. Plus 3 has a lot more user content than 4 due to being much older. They are both very good games regardless!

hascat, do gaming w What's the most surprising facts about a game you've gleaned by reading a game's achievement/trophy acquisition percentage?

I think using mods disables achievements for cyberpunk, so that could bias the numbers. I don’t know how many people are actually using mods though.


That’s the reason that only 15% of Crusader Kings II players have “The Marriage Game” achievement, which is awarded for getting married. In a game about dynastic politics.


It’s worse for CK2, you only get achievements if you’re playing on ironman mode. Given how complex it is to just understand how to play the game properly, even if you really enjoy it you might play for hundreds of hours before even starting an ironman run!

melmi, avatar

Paradox games require you to turn on Ironman mode to get achievements, which is why all of them have really low achievement percentages. That combined with vanilla just seems like not a whole lot of fun to me.


That’s stat is on ps5 and there’s no mod support, also achievements aren’t disabled if you use mods on the GOG version. I mod it to reach level 72 and max all the stats and I still got the achievements.

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