UprisingVoltage, do games w [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale?

I finally bought horizon zero dawn! I just hope to have some time to play it…

dopeshark, avatar

Same :'), but i bought Titanfall 2


Highly recommend this launcher for Titanfall. The Northstar client allows mods and private servers.

dopeshark, avatar

Thank you good sir :)


it's hard to describe how good it is. you'll make time.


Horizon Forbidden West is set to come to PC at some point as well!

kingaloo, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

The first major issue for me was that the launcher was a crypto miner and they didn’t tell anyone.

Since then, I have 0 trust in them and refuse to install the launcher. I don’t care for the “free games”


Is this true? AFAIK the reason sometimes the launcher took a lot of resources to run is because Epic actually uses UE to make EGS.


No, of course it’s not true. Somehow people still upvote some random conspiracy theory from a fortnite subreddit…

grayhaze, avatar

Was there any actual proof of this, aside from someone posing the question on Reddit because of high CPU usage? At least give genuine reasons.

miss_brainfart, avatar

Whatever it is, the launcher is just bad in general. May I reccommend Heroic Games Launcher instead? You log in, get authenticated, and then it can download the games directly from the source, without ever having to run this god awful launcher.

spuncertv, do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

Sea of thieves is great, but only plays 4 at any given time. It also has alcohol and some T rated violence, but it depends on what your boundaries are for the kids.


Hello, fellow pirate! I would argue nobody could actually take the violence on Sea of Thieves as being T-rated - it’s a bunch of goofy, heavily deformed people fighting with swords that don’t draw blood.


This is a good suggestion. I like this game as well. There’s a lot of customization that can be done without paying extra for it, but I am an old fart and don’t care to have all that crap in my game. Give everyone the same pair of pants and lets go. Time to go change the onion on my belt.

TonyHawksPoTater, do gaming w Looking for a rec: story oriented RPG with minimal focus on combat avatar

Not scifi or fantasy, but have you heard of Pentiment? It's by Josh Sawyer, lead designer of New Vegas. You're an artist in 1518 Bavaria completing your masterpiece at a monastery, when someone gets killed and you must collect evidence. There's much more to it than that, of which I can't speak without giving anything away. However, I can tell you that the game has no combat, it's just exploration and dialogue. The whole game looks like an illuminated manuscript, and you walk around engaging in some of the most captivating conversations ever to be in a video game. The character creation is extremely unique; in the beginning, you pick where you spent your year abroad, what you do in your free time, what you got your Master's degree in, and what your favorite subject was at university. All of these determine your attitude on and knowledge of pretty much every subject in the game. It has one of the most unique speech check systems in any RPG, with entire conversations counting toward convincing someone, showing you what you said right and wrong at the very end. Masterpiece.

troyunrau, avatar

Never heard of it, but it sounds like a well crafted non-combat game. Niiiice :)

Lunar, do gaming w Looking for a rec: story oriented RPG with minimal focus on combat

Planescape Torment, Disco Elysium.

troyunrau, avatar

Oooh, nice! Watched some trailers. Steam version? Or are they better on a console? Both look like they’re PS4 titles as well.

HarvesterOfEyes, avatar

I’ll chime in and suggest PC, as you can probably get them at a lower price than on PS4.

troyunrau, avatar

Price doesn’t matter. Just want a low bug comfortable experience. Sometimes games are better on one or the other. I liked No Man’s Sky a lot more on the PS4pro than on the laptop, for example – just felt more like it was the right tool for the job :)


Those games seem more tailored to PC. With point and click gameplay.

troyunrau, avatar

Excellent - thanks!

onlooker, do gaming w Players who don't like survival games as a genre: Which survival games are your personal exceptions, which ones have you enjoyed nonetheless and why? avatar

Does Terraria count? If so, Terraria.


I have owned this game for ages, I think I bought it shortly after its release, but despite having a clear memory of playing it, it was so long ago that Steam doesn’t even tell me when I last launched it.

Perhaps I should give it another go.

onlooker, avatar

You should! The beginning may be a bit slow, but before long you’ll be building sweet bases or exploring the underground or doing whatever you like, really. It also has a ridiculous amount of content with even more to come next year, apparently. Also, no hunger/thirst mechanics! Like yourself, I don’t like 'em. Terraria has HP and MP, that’s it.


I bought Terraria a few months ago while I was buying some other games on sale and it’s legit all I’ve been playing. I absolutely love this game for the depth of he crafting system and the cosmic horror themed bosses and setting. Really just the whole thing is so well crafted.

AngryCommieKender, do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

Late to the thread, and you already have loads of suggestions, but Portal and Portal2 may help your partner with their spatial issues. I’ve heard that those are the games to use to introduce someone who doesn’t play videogames in general, but specifically FPS, to the media and basic controls that most of us gamers take for granted.

Lennnny, avatar

Yes! A very fun game to play as a couple! I liked how it was more graphically interesting than a lot of other puzzle games, and dialog is fantastic.


NOPE. This might work for some people but my partner couldn’t handle it :/. When walking around in 3D and paying attention is hard portals are just too hard when thrown into the mix. I would kill to be able to play Portal 2 coop, but alas :C. Maybe Portal 2 would be better to start on, they do a better job of introducing some concepts and the story is harder to completely ignore lol.

peachfaced, (edited ) do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner avatar

A lot of people have mentioned It takes Two, which really is great and you get to try many different mechanics.

You can also check out Fling or Keywe on steam. Only 2 players max (as compared to 4 players on Overcooked or Plate Up), but less complicated controls. Bread & Fred is another I’ve been meaning to check out too.

Unrailed has simple controls but more objectives to accomplish, and Out Of Space is similar to Overcooked but not in a cooking setting.

Edit: Didn’t realise I used a shortened name. Fling refers to ‘Fling to the Finish’


I’ve played it takes two with my partner and kinda got a little complicated around and after the first boss, definitely gonna give KeyWe a shot! Work our way up to it takes two again

derekabutton, do games w Recommend a game for me to play with my partner

Overcooked is only fun if everyone is terrible or everyone is great. It’s a great concept but definitely not going to work out for most groups.

For Mario kart, did you put on some bots? Without the NPCs, 2 player is lame, even if you are both quite good.

Have you played It Takes Two? This sounds like it hits your requirements.

For couch coop, I’d actually suggest Mario Deluxe over the very recent Mario Wonder if you wanted to try a side scroller. Wonder is great, but it’s couch coop is poorly implemented unless you are both good or both terrible as with overcooked. Deluxe doesn’t have that issue, in my opinion, due to the way the scrolling works in game. It might feel odd spending $60 on a 10 year old game from the WII U, but Nintendo originals always hold up well.


I think they struggled to even parse what was going on in overcooked, and need more experience playing games generally to be able to enjoy that kind of chaos because they just felt lost.

Alas, beating bots on Mario Kart means nothing to them.

That’s 2 fast recs for it takes two, so I think thats probably gonna be on the shortlist.

I think I have NSMBU on wii u in storage at my parent’s house. We’re visiting in for the holidays, so maybe we’ll hook up the wii u there and try that. I remember liking that game a lot.



I actually think that’s what they called Mario deluxe for the WII U. Definitely look into it before buying a 2nd copy of the same game like I did. I mean, I’ve 100%ed it a few times now but still I wish I knew it was the same.

In fact, it’s better on the Wii u. Player 2 can either play as a Luigi or play as god on the Wii pad. Putting down tiles and making the game dead easy.

chloyster, do gaming w The Game Awards 2023 Discussion Thread

No silk song news 😭😭😭

Overall good show though. Sooooo excited for world of goo 2. New kojima game I’m hyped for as well.

My personal goty was re4 remake so kinda sad but I’m not surprised. This year was too stacked

Megaman_EXE, (edited ) do gaming w Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat

Valve works differently than other companies. Internally everyone works on what they want when they want. You can literally wheel your desk to a new location if you decide to want to work with another team. Because of this though it creates an odd dynamic that isn’t always going to work out best for the developers or the consumers.

This is why it feels extremely random whenever valve releases something new. You would think they would just release banger after banger of hot AAA titles. But it’s more complicated than that unfortunately. This is also reflected in things like fixing cheats in team fortress 2 etc etc.

This video will answer a lot of your questions

peter, avatar

I thought they stopped doing this during half life alyx?

Friendship, avatar

One can only hope. That policy has left Valve spinning in circles and accomplishing very little for a long time now.

TheMinions, do games w Whats your favorite Main Menu music?

I’ll go with Mass Effect, the music in the first 3 games is incredible. Especially in the first game I think. This particular piece is called Vigil.

Here’s the not hour long version haha.


Dude, I only just played the games for the very first time earlier this year and I absolutely feel what you mean. It’s the very first piece of music you hear when you start the game, is used throughout the trilogy in pivotal moments, and is the very last theme that plays in the third game. So awesome


Oh yeah. Leitmotifs are very effective at tying a story together and really help add some punch to those emotional moments.

I absolutely adore Mass Effect. It’s probably my favorite game ever. Top 3 at least.


I do see that the narrative and the gameplay have some flaws, but overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the games and the ~100h it took me to finish the trilogy. The Citadel DLC was probably my favourite part of the entire series. I’d also probably put the games in my top x favourite games.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Someone: Doesn’t like Mass Effect



Eclipse Vanguard 💀

Alchalide, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry?

Ff7 when aerith died.

Carighan, do games w What moment from a video game made you cry? avatar

Puuuh, a fair few over the years.

  • Same one as you, Rosalina’s backstory made me tear up a little bit. It was really really well done, and so unexpected in a Mario game of all places.
  • When first reading through Katawa Shoujo, Shizune’s path (botched as it is) still hit me really hard with Misha being an aside that can’t fit in, then later Rin’s neutral ending also got me really bad.
  • Teenage me at the end of disc 1 of FF7, of course.
  • The ending of Signalis just recently.

And probably a lot more. FFXIV has a lot of sad and emotional moments, although none of them hit me quite as hard as some other games did.

ShaunaTheDead, avatar

Ugh yeah, FF7 when Aeris is killed by Sephiroth. And the scene where Cloud carries her into the water... I was bawling. Afterwards I think I just sat there dumbfounded, staring at the empty spot in my party until after like 5 minutes I turned off the game cause I needed a break to mourn. I know the graphics don't really hold up these days, but it was all to real to me as a child and it was one of my first experiences with death even though it was just a video game character.

Tavarin, (edited ) do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games? avatar

I just pick a character class that looks interesting, make them look like me, and get going.

Figure it out as I play, and just have fun. I pretty much never watch videos or read anything about games unless I get really stuck, or have already finished the game and am curious about other playstyles.

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