I just pick a character class that looks interesting, make them look like me, and get going.
Figure it out as I play, and just have fun. I pretty much never watch videos or read anything about games unless I get really stuck, or have already finished the game and am curious about other playstyles.
Yeah, WB is just late to the party. Sony was going to make a dozen different live service games, but they're reading the room now and cutting that forecast to less than half. With any luck, this is the tail end of the live service era.
Steam is an infinite money generator, yes, but any publicly owned company would have fucked it up for short term profits. Valve absolutely has its problems, but its focus on the long term and respecting its customers means it can make infinite money and do stuff like this.
I absolutely loved Carmageddon. My PC couldn't really handle it so it would turn into a slide show eith every crash, but I just loved it and didn't care.
If you want something that feels like Pokémon but was created by someone who isn’t just trying to shit out a new game every year, check out Casette Beasts!
Also if you really just want the same pokemon but better, check out rom hacks. Many of the pokemon community rom hacks are way better than they have any right to be
I guess I may suggest my all time favourite RPG. It’s Disco Elysium. A brilliantly written and crafted gem. You will find an amazing storyline, crazy dialogues and choices, psychedelic visuals. Such a gem must not be forgotten. What a pity the company almost dissolved after the release and the original authors won’t have a part in the sequel.
The video is impressive but it’s basically a OSU pro player playing OSU with a gun.
I don’t know if the skill would transfer to a FPS e-sport, though. I wonder how the key mapping would look like with various movement, skills and what not.
In my experience, while osu is a good warm up it’s not a substitute for a 3d aim trainer. Unless you are using mcosu with some modifications - using the fps mod and making the circle size smaller, among other things - the aim in osu doesn’t transfer one to one to shooters. While it certainly helps getting the hand movements like the flicks and such ready, 2d just isn’t the same as 3d since you can’t even map the sens to be the same, its kind of impossible actually.
Well, I tried this idea with Planetside 2 (Which is a very “messy” game where it can easily use more than 10 hotkeys at a time) and it started to feel “natural” after 30 minutes - 1 hour of gaming. And can’t really give you a key mapping that will work for you “just like that” but try placing your “non-aiming” hand at the keyboard (right over your commonly used movement keys) and pay attention to where your finger(s) are and change your shooting hotkey to where one of your “non-occupied” fingers are. Then test it for a while, and see if it “feels right”. If it doesn’t, then switch to something else.
As for me, left shift felt more “natural” since I use WASD and my left hand (when relaxed) lands exactly to where the left shift key is.
Most of your write ups seem decently done if you clicked with the game at all, but if you’re going to continue to review things, you might want to do reign in your personal biases a bit.
Low scores for games you didn’t play or realize you don’t understand the appeal of are pretty bad takes.
Vampire Survivors was quite literally one of the hit games of the year when it came out, to call other games of the genre that are following on its coattails “not really a game” and saying people shouldn’t buy a literal genre is just ridiculous. Is FatalZone trying to be some huge blockbuster, no, it’s just iterating on the survivor concept (same as Deep Rock Galactic is doing, which has more polish but less features than most). The game is literally $5 to buy right now in early access and as one of the many who do enjoy the genre, it’s probably worth the price with the content it has now (unknown if it’ll be same insane value VS has been).
Isn't that exactly what lead us to the "every AAA game is an 8/10" meta of current videogame reviewing? I think it's totally valid to make subjective game reviews. Big outlets trying to make their reviews objectives is IMHO the reason why they are totally worthless (for me).
Everyone has a bias and that’s expected and the stating of opinions as opinions is good, the line is stating opinion as fact or review bombing.
I didn’t play it because I didn’t want to log in, isn’t a review of the actual game, it’s at best review bombing against secondary logins. It tells anyone interested in playing the game nothing other than that a secondary login is needed.
The definition of the minimum criteria for what makes a game is pretty nebulous, but survivor styles are well above all but the most disingenuous definitions of what makes a game. Saying it isn’t a game because you don’t enjoy it is not having a bias that causes you to like something less.
The trending of most games to be 7+/10 is largely driven by idiots who tied the success of a game to metacritic scores and publishers who retaliate against games journalists for “hurting” that success by not cooperating with them on future products by providing review codes.
the line is stating opinion as fact
I totally understand what you mean and I usually don't like it either but I think this post is easily recognized as an highly subjective opinion. So I'm fine with the way it's written and wouldn't take it as a fact.
review bombing
This is definitely not what review bombing even means (yes, that's a fact).
People should have spicy takes. I love when someone goes, “I don’t like Dark Souls because it’s too hard.” Or “Not a fan of gore so Doom isn’t for me”. It tells me more about the writer and seeing their perspective.
There’s enough annoying fanboys out there. If I wanted a tamed review, Ill go read some gaming blog thats too afraid to piss off their advertisers.
“I don’t like X game/genre” is a fine take, calling something you don’t like “not really a game" is not, unless you can really justify it not meeting some minimum criteria to be called a game (doesn’t present a challenge or problem to overcome, doesn’t have a fail-state, has no player agency, etc)
I don’t even know where to begin on the question of “reining in my personal bias”, other than to note all reviews are based on a person’s personal bias, and what they know about the gaming format and industry as a whole. I know it’s a tired trope, but everyone has personal bias, and game/game demo reviews should not try to be objective looks at games (it’s near useless). Reviewers should instead make their experience and opinions known from the start, or throughout the review. That way if their opinions are diametrically opposed, readers who don’t share the same opinions can readily discount it.
Also, while you can empathize with and realize that someone might like a game if they’re into that genre, you can only go so far. I have not played Vampire Survivors, but if it’s anything like FatalZone, I will gleefully state it’s not really a game. Or if I want to be less glib, not really a game I’d recommend for others. Again, for you this might be a good cue to discard my reviews as worthless for you. You should make your own reviews in this subreddit in that case, as it could certainly use more posts.
I suppose I’d prefer if short games weren’t overly expensive, but I never liked the hours per dollar thing. I don’t like replaying games. I’d rather buy six two-hour indie games for ten dollars each and have each one be at least somewhat unique and engaging, than spend 60 on a sprawling hundred hour AAA game filled mostly with repetition and busywork. Life’s too short for that, you know?
They’re releasing this game as an early access. The Day One Game Pass release evidenced this, they wanted as many people as possible running this game to beta test this game.
Why not just release the game as an early access you say? If you release the game as early access there would be much less people buying and installing the game compared to a “full release” and we need the line going up for the Q4 so that our corporate overlords can buy another ranch at New Zealand my friend.
I wonder how many people reviewing the game even played the first one.
Also, seeing comments in reviews about how it’s ‘a good start’ make me sad about the state of the game industry, and how people are so willing to accept it.
Idk, having delivered on what the game purported to be in the trailer is nice imo. Due to the ambition and relatively short window between announcement and release, delaying it to resolve performance issues on PCs would have heightened expectations further than what would have been developed for it.
Performance issues I know are game breaking for many gamers and I can respect that. To me, it’s one negative within many positives. My 50k cities in CS:1 are a lagfest anyway.
Unless it's an online multiplayer game, let me pause whenever! Playing Starfield now and it's so annoying that you can't pause during dialogue or ship fight by hitting ESC.
Some of the dialogue is sort of a cut scene. Pressing escape skips the current statement. This is good for when you’ve already heard it, but bad for pausing in the middle.
It seems really stupid that trying to pause will just skip the cutscene and there’s probably no way to watch it again, or is there? They could have just used a different button like the spacebar.