0.18% votes per capita is nothing, gamers literally don’t even mind having a few of their games deleted. The numbers speak for themselves, we’re choosing to have an insane market.
Factorio was in early access for 8 years. What’s your point? Indy games take a while to develop because they gain haters and naysayers, like you, logarithmically compared to the funding that they get.
So far, Dyson Sphere Program has been in early access for 4 years, and they have one hell of a game.
I technically own Project Zomboid, I just don’t really have any particular projects to complete in that platform, so I’m not exactly what you would call a fan of the game. I can see potential for an absolutely immersive RPG that could compete with Fallout 1 and 2 once the developers have time and funding to complete what they want to do.
My only word if caution is that the game will start you on Scout, and it feels miserable. You’ll unlock Gunner pretty quickly, so it doesn’t hurt for too long. The Warthog is completely cracked. If you see it, take it. Have fun, miner!
The only thing I care about on the store right now is the factorio dlc, and that’s never gonna go on sale. I’ll probably buy that once I finish all the achievements for satisfactory.
I can only recommend it. After about 60 hours I finally landed on vulcanus and I’m now experiencing the feeling of how it is to getting used to all of these long and complex Ressource chains.
After 60 hours I finally left Gleba. As soon as I got “home” had to head back to Gleba. Still stuck there. In the beginning I hate Gleba, now I love it. It gave me back the feeling of playing Factorio for the first time, running around and know nothing (and I I have over 3.5k hours). 10/10 would recommend the DLC.
After 200 hours I have a “factory” on Vulcanus, Fulgora, and Gleba. I need to redesign all four factories, including Nauvis, at this point to use Foundries, and Electromagnetic Plants at scale, oh and Biological Science Labs. I have finally started learning circuit networks and train scheduling.
I had over 3000 hours in the game previously, got all the achievements that didn’t require a time limit, and had beaten Pyanodon, SeaBlock, Bob’s and Angel’s overhaul, and several other overhaul mods that I don’t remember, but I never managed to fully finish Space Exploration because of randomly generated items, and a complete inability to comprehend how the old circuit network worked.
Space Age is absolutely the best of all the overhaul mods combined into one single expansion pack. I cannot wait to get to the Shattered Planet and find out what no one has shown yet. I’ll be weeks behind them when I get there, I’m sure
Get it as soon as you can afford it. As you have already noticed, the price only goes up, and it never goes on sale. The people that made this game know that they made digital crack, and aren’t inclined to spread the addiction.
Unless we count pokemon, played that to death when I was younger, would be willing to say I have “young person time” amount of hours in the Gameboy versions.
FF7 Remake. I tried a “demo” and have been waiting for a sale. It’s still more than I’d like to spend on the game, but I want to go back and continue my saved game.