Not new management, but they definitely changed direction. From Portal 2 to Half-Life Alyx was a dark age of live service titles and hardware. Fortunately, it seems like they’re finally getting back to their old selves?
Alyx was supposedly their re-entry into releasing games (hopeful that HLX is good), the Steam Deck caused them to go back and fix several of their titles (plus do the huge Half-Life update we just got), and while they’re not exactly making their games as open as they used to, they’re letting the community handle things like TF2 events and L4D2 patches.
So, I dunno, cautiously optimistic for their future. At least as long as Gabe is running the company.
Yep, buying a Steam Deck this Christmas. Not played one, myself, but I have been a Steam Controller user for years, and they seem to have nailed their latest offerings.
There was definitely a period in there when they felt very anticompetitive (apathy-competitive?), though.
I just bought the Steam Deck. Its amazing. More and more games keep becoming Deck Compatible and the community has uploaded so many controller configurations.
I love the Deck and Controller, just a heads up that the Deck “feels” slightly different from the Steam Controller. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to the trackpad on Deck and still haven’t quite gotten it figured out. It may just be a practice thing. Basically the way I’d describe it is it’s like the rotation setting for the Steam Controller is never quite right and the slightly smaller trackpad and different positioning maybe affects whatever muscle memory I’m trying to use or something.
As an example, I made the top community config for Monster Hunter Rise, but on Steam Deck it just isn’t quite the same and I needed to pretty heavily adjust the settings for the mouse input, even still I can’t quite get it right.
However that said, it doesn’t actually matter too much, the Steam Deck overall is awesome and I’d take it any day of the week. Luckily, Bluetooth w/ the Steam Controller feels exactly the same as it did on PC w/ dongle and it’s sooo nice.
Yeah. They got sold once around 1996 and then again to Hasbro in 1998 after they were failing IIRC. So they were kind of an amalgamation of a bunch of different companies
Dynamix’ Earthsiege was such a magical thing back then. So were Bullfrog’s Syndicate, Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper. Many, many years ago when Peter Molyneux was not a dumbass but gave us gems like Populous and Black&White.
I loved Earthsiege! IIRC I got the game with an expansion card (STI Lightning 128?), and it really was fun playing with my first flight stick, a CH Products flight stick.
I worked for Interplay back in the 90s. It was pretty great for me, launching my IT career. Working in QA did temporarily ruin my ability to play games for fun though.
I’d say a GameStop gift card should be fine, they should be able to buy most games there except for PC games, and if that’s what they’re after they should be able to spend it on a card for Steam, Roblox, epic, etc at GameStop. Same logic should also apply to a visa gift card I would imagine.
Probably an obvious one, but Life is Strange was a pretty emotionally fraught game to play through. Everyone’s probably aware, but it is filled with choices that determine lots of different small outcomes as well as the main ending. So after I finished it, I spent the evening watching streamers react to the ending and sniffling along with them.
Personal story about that, a good friend passed away unexpectedly right before the pandemic, and his wife asked for my help finding some things on his computer. He was a great guy, big burly dude not known for being overly-sentimental but a wonderful imagination/DM. As I was going through stuff she was reminiscing about him. So we opened his Steam library and he had 2 games installed. Fortnite and every chapter of LiS. She had no idea what that game was, but imagining him secretly huddled over his laptop, guiding Max & Chloe along just broke me.
Another game that drew me in instantly was Hellblade: Sennua’s Sacrifice. Seeing the character’s backstory in the first couple of scenes and knowing that this was a story game dealing with mental health and loss was major, and I was immediately motivated to help her get through the healing process.
LIS holds a special place in my heart, it was the very first character focused game I played/actually paid attention to while playing. Really beautiful game.
DLC is also 100% worth it. Adds lots of depth, extra items, charectors and levels, and in level item “mutators” that completely change how important items work if you want.
Super good. Makes a fun and deep game more fun and deeper.
Yes. The bottleneck with games consoles has basically always been how fast you can get into data into memory and optical media has become a limiting factor in the last few hardware generations. I would say games started recommending installation to reduce load times in the late 360/PS3 era and have slowly started requiring it as the latest games are targeted at systems with SSDs and no optical drive at all.
I never thought I would say that but if remote/streamed gaming is a thing and it works fast, I might consider this option. Pretty sad how the media evolved.
There is basically no other choice now as optical drive speeds haven’t kept up with hard drive and SSD speeds. The PS5 for example can read blu ray discs at around 35 MB/s, compared to its internal SSD speed of 7100 MB/s. Doing the math that makes reading the disc over 200 times slower. Imagine the loading screens.
I can't imagine there's any way to make optical drives that much faster. The spin rate is already very high and the media size has been standardized. (You'd get a lot more data throughput with a laserdisc-sized drive spinning at the same speed as a CD/DVD.)
Optical drives were a major bottleneck in every gaming system that used them. They were convenient because they offered a lot of data storage for cheap, but the trade off was that games performed worse than they could. The fact that consoles have moved off of optical storage and onto fast internal storage is a boon to people that care about performance. That may be a sad situation for you, but a lot of people find it to be a good thing.
I once installed a 540MB hard drive in my 486/33, dumped the Wing Commander Privateer CD onto it, and was amazed at how fast it ran, the lack of loading wait, and just how much more smooth it was than my 4x speed CDROM. It was great for a few days until I needed the space (I didn’t buy it just for gaming).
Old farts unite! I’m right there with you, although I think my first wing commander game was 4. I think I did something similar with Myst to escape constant “hunting” on the disc drive. The noise of the cd drive revving up and down 2ft from my head is seared into my brain.
Good news: steamlink can stream your pc games to your tv and you can play with a ds4 or xbox controller. It’s the more environmentally friendly way anyway and it works well.
I don’t mind downloading stuff (ie from steam) on PC as this device is multitasking but for a gaming console aka “appliance”, I expect a plug n play approach. and when i speak about streaming, I mean, plug n play, no downloading time and minimized loading (between 5 to 10sec max).
Don’t forget Cities Skylines and the recently released sequel. They’re both a lot of fun but for the sequel they really listened to the community. It’s a bit of a performance hog. There are performance patches coming but in the interim there area lot of settings one can change to make it run better on lower end hardware.
I’ve got a decently beefy machine but it’s not top of the line or anything (Radeon RX 6950 XT, Core i7, 16GB memory) and with a few tweaks it runs pretty well. Definitely looking forward to the performance updates, though, because it’s a truly beautiful game.
Although it looks like you’re mainly focusing on single player games, Titanfall 2 is a great alternative to Call of Duty. Its movement is insane, it’s fanbase isn’t toxic and it’s actually fun.
Right? When I was a kid I would specifically enjoy the “challenge” of trying to beat something over and over. Nowadays though… I just like playing a game for the experience. I still like feeling “progression”, so things go from difficult to easy as my character advances. But having to repeat something multiple times? Eh… just not my jam anymore.
In the end, it’s personal preference, and so both play styles should ideally be supported.
I love a challenge, it’s how I relax. If something isn’t challenging for me I quickly get bored and stop playing. I basically need my brain to be stimulated and thinking and trying to properly relax. Which is why I often trend towards “hardcore” or difficult/brutal games.
Just to see if I got that right: you basically set the fire button key on the keyboard instead of a mouse click and it made it easier to aim? Is this a common technique among pro players?
i feel like this set up would be best in a game that is very spammy with mouse clicks, say Minecraft 1.8 pvp. i don’t know how those people do it, but given 2 keys to press on my left hand rather than 1 on my mouse, i could maybe stand a chance with the clicks per second.
Indeed. Theres also burst firing, which can get significantly easier/more “natural”. Or when you are an old chap like me who panicks all the time, lessening the effect quite significantly as well.
That makes sense. “Trigger control” is hard so moving the trigger to another hand guarantees you won’t click with too much pressure adding unwanted movement to the mouse.
I’ll start, having grown a city to 40k, it’s low-medium quality and hovering at 20fps but at least it’s consistent. I don’t get huge amounts of stuttering unless I swap tabs from the game which I have to change my resolution up and down to fix. I’ve been having fun with it despite that and I’m looking forward to a smoother prettier experience later.
Traffic AI is way better, the Industries are much better integrated and freight rail being managed by the player makes it way easier to deal with because external trains aren’t clogging your lines and trucks aren’t in a long queue waiting to enter the station. I like that some citizens like to jaywalk more than others.
I still can’t figure out how to flip one way street directions. I’d like the destination path view of a person or vehicle again. I’d like to be able to assign a stop sign to only two of the four directions of an intersection.
I wish for a way to capture 30-60 seconds of a simulation to go forward and backwards in Photo mode.
I wish for a way to capture 30-60 seconds of a simulation to go forward and backwards in Photo mode.
Pretty sure both Nvidia and the Windows Game Bar (Win+G I think?) have recording functionality. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but an easy way to capture a short vid and then scrub through later for screenshots.
I know I could stream/video edit, but more I’m thinking about setting up a short video within the game. For example, following a train pulling into a station but you want to get the angle and position just right or from multiple angles. Currently the simulation can be slowed or stopped but every time you play the thing the simulation only moves forward rather than returning to the previous state.
Ohhhh gotcha you’re wishing the cinematic camera mod was in the game 😂 that was the name of the mod that did that in CS1. lack of mods is another reason I’m holding off on this one!
I still can’t figure out how to flip one way street directions.
It took me a while too. With the Replace tool selected, click and drag along the length of the street segment in the direction you want the traffic to go.
Words cannot express my gratitude. My solution up until this point has been just relaying them, but that’s obviously kinda annoying. Thank you so much.