Lampenoel, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

For RTS I can highly recommend Beyond All Reason (BAR). It’s very similar to Total Annihilation or Supreme Commander and runs on a very performant custom engine. And the best thing: it’s free and open source, even though its still in active development it already has quite a stable playerbase and is extremely polished with a ton of qol features.

Cadeillac, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots avatar

I love fishing in games. Sega Bass Fishing is great. I recently downloaded legally backed up it and the sequel

I’m glad you are giving Ys so much love. I feel more people need to know about it

AntiOutsideAktion, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots avatar

One centimeter for every month since she was born



davidgro, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

If you don’t mind gacha games, I’ve been enjoying Honkai: Star Rail. The battles are turn based, some of the puzzles and events are a bit reaction time dependent, but not difficult generally.

Ephera, do games w I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying.

There’s this open-source, Diablo-like game/engine, called FLARE, which I find interesting in that regard, because the basic gameplay is there. My monkey brain is having fun with it, i.e. getting an endorphine rush, because big numbers go brr.

But they obviously don’t have the budget of Blizzard, to try to hide that that’s what it’s doing.
I think, around 4 times throughout the campaign, you get the same spider model, but this time it’s five levels stronger than last time. 🙃

Muffi, do games w I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying.

Hades filled a Diablo shaped hole in my heart, after being disappointed by D4. Highly recommend the Hades games.


Would you recommend it to the current price (24,50€) or would you recommend to wait for better deal?


If you like rougelikes then you’ll get your money out of it. Honestly it’s worth more than that, but it does go on sale occasionally and they’ve already released (in early access) a sequel Hades 2.


Al’right, thank you. I have it on my wishlist, it’s just that I don’t trust games anymore, which is why I wait for better deals. But the positive reviews speak for themselves in this case


If you played and liked any game like dead cells or rouge legacy, then Hades should be worth it.

Its basically an action rpg rougelite with a lot of unlock ables, story directly tied to the die/repeat cycle, and lots of interesting challenges.

feedum_sneedson, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

she cute

GuyDudeman, avatar

She 12.


Apparently she’s quite tall, so more likely older, but like it’s all made up so


I feel like the anime art style can make women of any age look pretty cute - which makes it hard for me to understand why they choose to make all of their combat-experienced, leader-professionals just entering high school or even earlier.

Dana is some sort of friggin leader-priest, and hasn’t even hit puberty. Japan is so weird sometimes.

GuyDudeman, avatar

Japan is fucked up.

pixeltree, do games w I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. avatar

You specifically called out PoEs passive tree, but honestly the tree isn’t the crazy complicated part of making builds–its finding combinations of mechanics that synergize above average. On the tree sure, but the gear and actual skills are really what makes it crazy. Planning around what items can have what mods and what you can reasonably expect to get on what budget is the real brain disabler for me. I love build crafting, but fuck I hate planning rare tier gear.


You gotta have a crazy amount of hours in that game. That tree is complicated to read, nevermind to understand.


I had to take another look to see if they’ve shat the tree up worse somehow. But, no, it’s the same. The tree isn’t complicated to read or even that hard to understand. It’s a tree: you start at the base and make decisions at the branches.

Perhaps it’s an extension of people getting paralyzed by decisions, which I don’t experience, but it’s only difficult if you are in the strange position of “knowing enough about the passive tree to know a build/specific passive exists” but also don’t know the tree enough to figure out how to get there.


If you simply start at the base and just get going, the branching paths quickly add up to an enormous amount of options. If you don’t get any decision paralysis from a tree with literally over a thousand nodes, you might just be a superhuman being.


Not superhuman, just very simple. I pick what I want most at the moment, especially in a game where I can refund points if my decision wasn’t great.

Banichan, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? avatar

Disgaea games are always fun

kralk, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

Y’all need Jesus


Jesus hung out with fishermen.

zzx, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?

CS is like chess. Perfect and timeless. 6000 hours over 12 years of non-stop queueing competitive


Counter Strike Source was like chess if you ask me. In CS GO they added this gambling system, which made the game less attractive for me


gambling? interesting. i just play I don’t know where my mom’s money is



CosmoNova, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

I guess you’re just playing the wrong ones, really. The Age of Empires games (specifically 2 remake) have been celebrating a decent comeback and AoE4 was released to critical acclaim. Of course Blizzard won’t release anything worth your time anymore, but not everyone is Blizzard. As for turn based RPGs: They’re more popular than ever and I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about. Turn based JRPGs are hugely popular and even CRPGs can be hugely popular if done right.

dev_null, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

I looked at the latest and most “recent” heroes games… they’re all rated/reviewed SO harshly.

Many of the negative reviews are (and rightly so) because of Ubisoft forcing you to use their crappy launcher, adding DRM, and otherwise making the customer experience horrible, and not because there is anything wrong with the genre.


As far as I have heard, 5th game is the last good one. Personally, I haven’t really played it ever, I am mostly just playing HOMM3 and 4.

fushuan, do games w I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying.

Honestly, I’m more into the progression planning than the fighting itself. I would not like a game where I have to put too much effort in the fight part of the game. Even soulslike games have ways to cheese them and any proper diablolike arpg should have ways to destroy enemies with little thought on the combat.

It IS gory stardew valley, I see no problem in that though? The only reason I don’t play stardew is that the feel of the game is too slow, not because I dislike the gameplay loop.


I’m all for the cultivation part, but not when games make it so planning it wrong means starting over and grinding a hundred hours more. To keep the analogy, if your farm is not going too well you can just change things after the next harvest. Experimentation is something that helps these games stay fresh.


It’s not a hundred hours, I play multiple character for less than 20 hours epr season of PoE.

Sure, if you lack the knowledge it sucks, but that why there’s so much content on guides.

I enjoy having to investigate the best ways to plan and having tools to emulate planning scenarios to be able to take informed decisions in game. It’s cool if you don’t enjoy that but then this genre is not for you.

I’m guessing you are referring to the passive respects of PoE. Honestly, I pseudo respec and tweak my tree a lot per character and spend a lot of currency for it. But it’s fine, I’ll just farm more currency. Having to start over happens only when I decide that it’s best to do whatever with a different class, that’s the only truly non respeccable part, but that’s really basic, right? Having an inefficient tree is not that big of a deal honestly, it’s usually more about gear and other big decisions that break characters.


And that’s entirely valid; like I say, stardew gameplay is immensely satisfying in and of itself.

I just feel like all these other mechanisms in arpgs are thrown on top to try and disguise the nature of the thing, and it’s that disparity that leaves people jaded.

Stardew doesn’t have an endless progression of increasingly fell and eldritch vegetables that need you to constantly grind for upgrades just to tend to them. You water things in one click all the way through, and that feels good; you don’t need to chase a sawtooth pseudo-progression in order to be satisfied.

Stardew doesn’t make you do NP-complete multi-knapsack-problems in order to even have a viable character, or drown you in overly complex interactions so you can’t usefully plan in your head; there’s complexity there, but of the kind that opens up more options.

It manages to be fun without those things, but ARPGs seem to overwhelmingly rely on them in order to be engaging at all.

Why is that?

Why does gory-stardew need all those external obfuscations, when the normal kind doesn’t?

How could you make a gory-stardew that’s comfortable in its own skin?


You call them obfuscations, I call them fun. Having different ways to scale my killing machine is fun. having to design different and new ways to becoming a mowing machine is fun. I’m with you with the “endless progression” thing, that’s what I prefer from D2 and PoE, once you reach the top tier content there’s no infinite content.

Stardew doesn’t make you do NP-complete multi-knapsack-problems in order to even have a viable character

Oh come on, you don’t really need to optimize that much to have a viable character!

drown you in overly complex interactions so you can’t usefully plan in your head

You don’t plan for all, you just pick the ones that are useful. I enjoy using out of game tools to optimize my in game characters.

It manages to be fun without those things, but ARPGs seem to overwhelmingly rely on them in order to be engaging at all.

It’s a different kind of fun. Stardew is fun not really because of the farming gameplay loop, but the farming gameplay loop within a town with character interactions and tbh, I haven’t really finished all the content it offers because its simplicity bores me.

What you need to ask yourself is not how to remove those obfuscations, but what each game offers to the player. I assure you that neither SV, PoE, LE, GrimDawn, even D2 are designed to offer you the simple gameplay loop of “mowing the field of vegetables and monsters and getting the produce aka loot”. Stardew offers a chill experience with a simple gameplay loop so you don’t feel pressured into being good at it, alongside with a story around the townspeople and the farmer. D-clones offer a multi layered toolset with complex interactions to prepare better for the mowing, a big big part of the fun is in the preparation, for a lot of people the “mowing” process is more there to test the machine than to enjoy the game.

I honestly think that if you don’t like the layered design space that most ARPGs offer, it’s not your genre.


Obviously ideas of fun vary; people are allowed to enjoy things I don’t like :)

Also I’m not rampantly disagreeing with you here, just picking at the edges for discussion because it still doesn’t sit quite right in my head.

It’s just… sometimes I feel like the implementation of complexity in these things is just kind of lazy, comparable to adding difficulty by making enemy bullet-sponges. It’s certainly more work to defeat them, but is that work rewarding?

Consider the annoyance that triggered this whole post.

In grim dawn, mid way through elite. I had some gloves with fairly miserable specs for my level, but they were providing most of my vitality res. Can I change them out?

Well there’s some with better overall specs but no vitality but they do have a lot of fire res, so I could swap those in, then the ring I was getting lots of fire res from could go, and there’s one with some vitality but unfortunately no poison, so let’s see, I do have a helmet that …


… but now my vitality is three points too low to equip the pants, oh fuck off. How is this fun?

Finding a reasonable solution doesn’t make you feel clever, and making an awkward compromise doesn’t feel like a justifiable sacrifice, it feels like you finally got too exhausted to search through more combinations and gave up. You can’t really look forward to getting better gear to fill a gap, because you’re going to have to go round and round in circles again trying to build a whole new set around the deficiencies that come with it.

It’s like debating against a Gish Gallop - taxing to keep up with but without any real sense of achievement.

And honestly it doesn’t feel like that’s really intended to be the real gameplay. If the genre is really a build-planning-combinatorics game with a bit of monster-bashing on the side, where’s the quality-of-life UX to go with it? Where’s management tools to bring the actual problem-domain to the fore? Where’s the sort-rank-and-filter, where’s the multi-axis comparisons? Where’s the saved equipment sets? Why is the whole game environment and all the interface based around the monster-bashing, if that’s just the testing phase? And if navigating hostile UX is part of the the challenge, then again I say that challenge is bad game design.

And all the layered mechanics across the genre feel like that: bolted on and just kind of half-assed, keeping the problem-domain too hard to work on because of externalities rather than the innate qualities of the problem itself. I know, let’s make the fonts really squirly and flickery so you can only peer at the stats for five minutes before you get a headache, that’ll give people a challenging time constraint to work with.

Did you ever play mass-effect: Andromeda, with the shitty sudoku minigame bolted on to the area unlocks? You know how that just… didn’t make the game fun?


Also it seems to me that if the prep-work was really the majority drawcard, we’d be seeing a lot more football-manager-like tweak-and-simulate loops, if that’s what they were going for. Build your character, let it bot through the map (or just do an action montage), then come back with a bunch of loot and XP to play with before sending it out again.

I think an ideal game would hit all three kinds of satisfaction: tactics/graaagh, exploration/harvesting and mastery/optimisation. And ideally, each of those three targets would be free of external complications and left to focus on their own innate challenge and rewards.

I know that’s easy to say and hard to do… I’m just surprised that we haven’t got signficantly better at it in the last couple of decades.


Regarding your grim dawn complaint, did you not have enough level for augments? Augments and the crafted thingies you put on itels are what usually caps you until you reach suepr endgame in grim dawn. You don’t really need to be 100% capped anyway, I usually pick strong gear and augment/enchant it with resistances where I can to cap myself. The typical constellation paths also have resistances.

Dunno, I usually decide to lose that resistance and risk taking the damage and something else drops, it’s grim dawn, where most mobs die in 2 seconds and you can recover damage very fast.


I think you should try “The slormancer”. It got the gear quality of life stuff solved. You can go pretty much any spec of whatever you want and make it work. Just have to work a bit to get there :)


You described the garlic-like genre. Which has gotten VERY big. “we’d be seeing a lot more football-manager-like tweak-and-simulate loops, if that’s what they were going for.” They are MAKING THEM it’s VAMPIRE SURVIVORS lmao

Most of your complaints about obfuscation make me think you haven’t played Last Epoch and don’t know there is a solution: simply put the information someone would alt+tab or otherwise leave the game to find it IN THE GAME! LE has a robust in-game guide with info on everything from weird status effects down to how elemental resists work against elemental penetration and reduction.

A large portion of the issue is the ever eternal Minecraft Problem imo, it seems like you (and many people in general) have trouble setting your own goals when it comes to why you’re making the character more powerful. ARPG have different approaches to this: diablo 3 hasn’t got much stuff to “distract” you from pushing greater rift levels, while Path of Exile gives you a 12 boss checklist in different dimensions and you need to finish a LOAD of content, then fight 4 of them to fight the bigger bosses after them (and content beyond even that). Without knowing which bosses or how to find them, some players get lost.

TL;DR the genre is evolving as people ask these kinds of questions and you’re slightly behind the forefront of questioning here. Not a knock, just worth mentioning that what you’re looking for (an ARPG with sparkling information clarity) already exists, and the thing you’re thinking might exist in the future (streamlined ARPG with less mechanical intensity) also already exists.


The optimization problems are the game. Figuring out builds you like is the point.


That’s the big reason why I loved Diablo II, but was lukewarm on the following two. The skill tree was fixed and a had nice synergies between the skills. I used to keep a notebook with plans for different builds that seemed fun and was primarily interested in the skills rather than items.

In Diablo III, the skill tree was much more limited, and you could swap things out at any time. So planning out a build and starting a new character was pointless. You could just swap the active skills.

It also didn’t seem to have any hard spots. If you followed the main quests, your character improved just fast enough to keep the challenge throughout consistent. So I never really felt a need to grind. I mean, I hate games that are all grinding, but I also like it when there are walls that you have to spend some time and effort to move past.

Diablo IV was even worse for this as the areas adapt to your level. So no matter where you were, the challenge was the same.

Neither of the two were awful, in my opinion, but they dropped the parts that made Diablo so exceptional to me. So I really didn’t spend too much time with either of them whereas I played Diablo II for about 10 years.

grayhaze, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots avatar

I too like going fishing in my underwear.

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