Nednarb44, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

You could stand by and hope for great things with Brighter Shores, from one of the original makers of RuneScape. I’m hoping it gives me that seem feel rs did decades ago.


I’m done bro. I have no hope left in me after Back 4 Blood. The original creators of Left 4 Dead, totally failed to deliver a fun and interesting game. I can’t believe the whole “original creator” bait anymore

kembik, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

I don’t think this means ES6 is doomed. Did anyone play the Civ space game? It was an offshoot one-off experiment that wasn’t really well recieved and they quietly moved on.

My guess is that this game pivoted during development and they ended up with something that didn’t really work and shouldn’t have shipped. The failure to find something good in this experiment may be isolated to this game.

The fact that they released it in the state they did could be more about their workflow and project pipeline/target milestones they need to hit than it is about their ability to execute.

The failure here is in design, ES6 has a tried and true design to follow.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

I actually liked beyond earth 🥲

ICastFist, avatar

Story and worldbuilding wise, ES6 has a very bleak future ahead. Emilio Pagliarulo, the de facto director of Starfield and lead writer, has shown that no hole is deep enough that he won’t dig it further down when it comes to lack of quality and consistency. Not that Skyrim’s main story was good, but it was certainly better than Starfield’s. There’s also the disturbing indifference of “the world” to everything happening around it. Literally nothing you do in Starfield affects anything outside its own storyline. Hell, shooting up in the air or using fucking space magic in the middle of a city generates no reaction from npcs if nobody is hit.


Which one off Civ space game? Alpha centari or beyond earth?


Beyond Earth but I see your point, Civ has had several of these…/Civilization_(series)#S…

Point being that they can experiment and do something a little different, I don’t think that the quality of the spinoff indicates the quality of the main franchise.

!deleted6508 avatar

My sister loves Beyond Earth; I still prefer Alpha Centauri.


What we wanted: Alpha Centauri 2 What we got: Civilisation in a $2 shop Halloween costume.


Yeah they need to get rid of that cokehead.


If ES6 is just a refreshed Skyrim I really see no reason to buy it. There are much more interesting RPGs than the Bethesda style nowadays.


I think ES6 will have the advantage that it won’t be a procedurally generated world, or at least I don’t hope so.

But it will probably still run on the shitty Bethesda engine that they cling onto for dear life for some reason.

I think it will never actually live up to the hype, expectations are so insanely high, and the longer it takes the higher these expectations rise it seems.

And I bet it will turn out to be another half-assed game that they hope modders will fix. Like the last bunch of games, they all require mods to be even remotely playable, but even mods can’t fix core issues.

My expectations for Bethesda dropped to bare minimum with everything that came after Skyrim.

samus12345, avatar

Honestly, if anyone actually has high expectations for ES6 at this point, it’s totally on them.


It definitely will be running on the same old tired engine. It’s listed on the wiki as the engine in use already.


The problem is Starfield isn’t a one off. It’s the latest in a line of progressively worse games. Every game they’ve released since Skyrim has been worse than the one that came before it.


Since Skyrim? I’d say their quality has been slowly declining since Morrowind. It wasn’t that noticeable at first, since oblivion, fallout 3, and Skyrim were still quite good and fallout 4 was decent. But then fallout 76 was a mess at release, TES blades was shit, and starfield just seems lazy.

Cornelius_Wangenheim, (edited )

Skyrim was at least an improvement over Oblivion. It showed they had the ability to recognize and fix the mistakes of Oblivion and still create an interesting world.


and they ended up with something that didn’t really work and shouldn’t have shipped.

That sure didn’t stop the marketing department, as this game was being shoved in our faces left and right as if it was the end-all-be-all game we’d be playing with our grand children in 50 years.

gamermanh, avatar

My guess is that this game pivoted during development

Nah, the game matches pretty well with what Lyin’ Todd said he wanted to make almost 20 years ago

It’s also very clearly their usual design decisions but in a new setting

If anything the issue is that they stayed stuck in EXACTLY their usual development methods: no design document because Emil doesn’t like them, their writers make their quests too, and use an engine that’s absolutely not meant for the kind of game they’re making ON TOP of being ancient and garbage

iAmTheTot, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

$8 in 2001 is about $14 now. Kinda seems like the same value is there, it’s just adjusted for inflation.


OSRS was in the $4 per month range for me when I played it when it wasn’t OS. I never got it.


No, it’s adjusted for corporate greed. World of Warcraft has never once raised their subscription. Also, they shouldn’t have had to raise their subscription because they introduced microtransactions in both RS3 and OSRS which further boosted revenue. You’re comparing two very different times in the game. There’s no excuse whatsoever.


The only microtransaction in OSRS is the ability to buy membership with in game gold. As someone who is normally staunchly against all MTX it’s a very reasonable tradeoff


It has unequivocally ruined old school RS. Not only do people still buy gold for real life money. They also real world trade, too. some very popular streamers have RWT permanent bans. So the bond has solved literally no problem it claimed it would. It really just allowed people to buy gear for money in real life which is really sad. I get you can buy membership with gold. But that was never a thing back in 2007 and shouldn’t be allowed now. That sort of insane feature is directly fueling the bot industry


People buying gold for real life money has literally always been happening behind the scenes (yes in 2007 as well), so again I have no issues with this. With membership bonds it even removes gold from an inflated economy. It seems to me though that you want a version of the game exactly how it was in 2007, in which case you’re SoL

hal_5700X, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

I have no hope for The Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5. It was a good run but like all things. Everything comes to an end.

JusticeForPorygon, do games w Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens avatar

Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel like complaining about loading screens being hidden in gameplay is pretty much just looking for something to complain about. The game has to load assets. That’s a fact. Is it not better that it’s done in the background than giving you a generic loading screen every time?


People gave Starfield shit for all of the loading screens during travel. Now OP is complaining about them finding ways to make it more immersive. The gaming community is ridiculous.

JusticeForPorygon, (edited ) avatar

I say this alot when referring to the Minecraft community, but it’s really a blanket statement.

You can’t please those who have no desire to be satisfied.

Edit: Oh, and even when there are loading screens everywhere cough cough BOTW, it doesn’t even come close to being a deal breaker.


It is more that the people who act like these opinions come from the same person are ridiculous.

“You say your favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry but yesterday someone else said his favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla. Humans are ridiculous!”

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

That is why I used the word “community” in my reply ;-). Community means multiple people. You can look it up on if you need to confirm the definition.

Try reading more carefully next time. Maybe read slower or try to pay more attention.



People gave Starfield shit for all of the loading screens during travel. Now OP is complaining about them finding ways to make it more immersive. The gaming community is ridiculous.

xD great you used the word “community” so what?

You are saying that “people” said one thing then “OP” said something different and that makes the gaming community ridiculous?

And after pointing out that this makes no sense because you still treat it as two different opinions coming from the same entity, you counter with “thats why I used the word community.”? That makes even less sense xD

The irony telling me to pay more attention.

You are ridiculous :D Lay of the weed maybe then you can formulate a cohesive thought.

Thanks for the laugh :D


No, thank YOU for the laugh :-)


At least Starfield has pretty screenshots to look at during the loading screens. And if you use photo mode, it’ll shuffle your pictures in with the default ones.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

so many pictures of sarah morgans ass are my loading screen that i cant imagine ever complaining about them

PapstJL4U, avatar

Holding forward during the loading screen is not better than being free to do anything.

Noone is against background loading. This is a given. People are against pseudo interaction.


Me personally I’d rather have the loading screen. It’s being honest about what’s happening rather than trying to hide it.

I don’t find constantly moving through tight corridors immersive at all.

clickyello, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

they’ve done a really good job culling the bots in osrs, imo the biggest hurdle in it is the long boring grinds it takes to get to midgame pvm where it starts getting really really fun.

I’d also say that if you think rs3 is the default game you are very mistaken

graph of percentage of RuneScape accounts playing osrs

osrs has been the more popular game by far for almost a decade now.


they’ve done a really good job culling the bots in osrs

You’re badly misinformed. Their official subreddit is rife with complaints constantly about how bad the bot problem is. Some top ranked players on high scores are bots too.

Example one where top fishing skill players are bots.

Example 2 The top 25 Bandos highscore ranks are dominated by ranged-only tick-perfect bots, with a combined kill count of 1.7 million, generating approximately 225 billion gold from Bandos sets and 50 billion gold from hilts, and similar botting issues persist across other high-level bosses and activities.

Example 3 where CVC admits they have no fucking idea how many bots there even are but that they’re important to OSRS and part of the game.

The bot problem is out of control and they obviously profit from it massively, banning them takes away subscribers


example 1 is from a year ago, 2 is new so it may still be a thing but likely something they’ve already dealt with and 3 is from “someone close to CVC” how on earth are you gonna take that as fact?

from mod ayiza’s response to that 3rd one:

"To give some context in the form of data, here are some ban stats:

Last year we banned over 6.9 million accounts.

So far in 2024, each week on average, we ban over 2,300 RuneScape accounts.

So far in 2024, each week on average, we ban over 67,000 Old School RuneScape accounts.

Of these accounts, 2,800 are for botting popular boss-related content.

Each week, around 1.5T GP is removed from the RuneScape economy.

Each week, around 900B GP is removed from the Old School RuneScape economy. "

they’re playing wack-a-mole because there’s no possible way to preemptively ban bots, but they’ve done a good job of it and will continue to.


In addition to what the other commenter said, it’s more likely as someone newer and thus engaging in lower level activities to encounter bots since it takes less time to set them up and get going than mid to late game content. I find it rare to encounter an obvious bot as someone doing high level pvm/skilling


There is also iron mode which helps to ignore bots. Yes they can still steal your ore deposit but there are enough worlds to go to.

coffee_with_cream, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

Waiting on Brighter Shores to come out!

Kraiden, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time avatar

worst Bethesda DLC's released of all time

Are we including Horse Armor here?

Deceptichum, avatar

Bethesda literally invented shitty DLC

Carmakazi, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

There are fan projects like 2009scape that you can play for free.


I agree. 2009scape scratches the itch that RuneScape provides and it’s playable offline. The game doesn’t have every single quest, but the addictive part is still there.

lowleveldata, do games w Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens

I have been playing death stranding recently and the gameplay (= traversal) is surprisingly fun. It’s challenging and the characters acknowledge that too.

Skyline969, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? avatar

Perhaps Albion Online for a similar kind of game?


Never tried that. What is it?

ogmios, avatar

Bit of an interesting game, when I tried it a long time ago, but it was too much of a grindfest for me. Then again, I never got into Runescape either for similar reasons.


RS was a grind but it was relaxing. That’s what I loved. Come home, chill, chop some trees, level some skills, be a mage and kill some bad guys for slayer. Now it’s just min maxing for end game. The grind is unreal for some people, they kill the same bosses 20000 times for a pet to drop

ogmios, avatar

Come home, chill, chop some trees, level some skills, be a mage and kill some bad guys

Well, that sounds a lot like what I found in Albion Online, though I can’t speak for how it’s changed. From what I understand, it has some extensive guild/clan systems too, where you can work together to build larger projects and wage war with rivals.

ICastFist, avatar

Albion Online has a fully player-driven economy (or at least had last time I played it, back in 2022, prolly still does)

You can play it almost entirely as a gatherer, crafter or merchant (auction houses/markets are local to the cities they’re in), avoiding combat nearly everywhere. It does put a lot of emphasis on PVP tho, but at least the areas/maps where that can happen are clearly marked. Higher level materials are only found in these pvp maps, though it can take quite a while until you can even start gathering them.

AFAIK, all gear that drops from dungeons can be crafted as well. Nothing is character bound and being on red or black maps means that you lose all your stuff being carried on death.


At low levels, a free-to-play isometric fantasy MMO.

At higher levels, a grindy gankfest.


I played Albion Online for a while until it was clear it needed a lot of grinding and paying to be able to play properly. Not going back.

MarcomachtKuchen, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

Hey im all for giving Bethesda shit for publishing an incredibly bland game, but 8 reviews hardly seem like a solid foundation to make that title.

EDIT : I’ve realised that autocorrect might have gotten you since around 1, 1k user reviews still sit at around 42% positive

RangerJosie, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

I’m enjoying it.

Chocrates, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

But but, we’ve been told Bethesda hears us and was fixing it!


Thats just usual Microsoft speak while plugging their ears and finding new ways to milk you.

Another_earthling, do games w Day -11 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

What an awesome game. Metal gear 1 and 2 will always have a special place in my heart


I can never decide if MGS2 or MGS3 make my list of best video games of all time.

Both continue to be amazing.


For sure!

I used the sound effects of metal gear for years on my phone :D (…)

I should tell my family that they must play the metal gear solid game over sound at my funeral lol

Do you also have many special memories with those games?


The sheer joy of MGS2 the first time. The mix of shock and shlock at Ocelot’s possession by Liquid’s arm. Being totally stumped by “Fission Mailed” the first time it came up. Getting annoyed at the swimming section with Emma.

With MGS3, slowly realising the wide ranging freedom in how one interacted with the game world. Watching my brother get slaughtered by crocodiles. The bizzareness of the pain and his bees.

They’re both well made engrossing games with a serious point but don’t let that get in the way of fun experiences.


I see, I see

If I think about the first time playing mgs, it just blew my mind what you can do there. Even the simple things, like when the soldiers saw your footsteps in the snow. What they did with that game back then was extraordinary in many ways.

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