A line from the main character of Beyond The Edge of Owlsgard. The English voice actor confirmed that the line was improvised. It’s probably a lot more tame in the German dub, but the line is so funny that they probably had to put it in the English dub.
My favorites to randomly quote at work:
“More work?”
“Off i go then”
“Stop poking me”
“What, mortal?”
“Im blind, not deaf”
“Youve got a chip on your shoulder, aye, i have fish there too”
“Vrroooom” “It came from… behind…”
“A sound plan”
“With this character’s death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.”
Any time a critical character dies (usually because you’re on a killing spree) it says that. But it’s also become a meme when someone famous dies in real life.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. It happened when important NPCs died, rendering unfinished or future quests associated with that character impossible to complete or start; iirc essential NPCs didn’t have immunity to damage and death in Morrowind like in later Bethesda titles, so these NPCs were protected only by the player reloading their save after getting this message upon the essential NPCs’ death.
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped… in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is it a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle… and wonder if we’ll have the chance to kill him.