Albbi, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Subnautica, because lots of people said it was a great game and there were things that could be spoiled, so that indicated a neat story. The beginning was freaking awesome! But I hate crafting survival games, so I didn’t play for very long.


The grind and particularly the inventory management make me never want to play Subnautica games again despite loving the first one. I hope they sort this out for the next game in this style if they do it again. The base needs to have a shared inventory that it pulls from when crafting, and preferably stacks of items are shown instead of individual items.

That said, I don’t know if they’ll do another survival game again. They made Natural Selection before it (which is awesome and still has a community) and have made Moonbreaker now. They tend to jump around to a ton of different styles of games.

Send_me_nude_girls, do piracy w [PIRACY NEWS]Team MKDEV retires after releasing FIFA 23 as their final crack(Denuvo Crack). They also posted some stuff about cracking Denuvo on their discord that I am sharing below. avatar

We need to start creating an AI for that as soon this might get too complex for a human to crack.


i really dont think ai is the solution to this problem. if humans made it, humans can crack it


No, any sufficiently advanced A.I can and will outclass humans. For example: there are chess A.I’s that have beaten GM’s as good as Magnus Carlsen on multiple occasions. The better an A.I gets at something the tougher it becomes to counter it. This is one of the biggest risks of A.I development that one day we might make something that makes us seem obsolete. On the positive side that day is really really far.





i have my own opinions on ai, but all of that doesnt matter in relation to cracking denuvo because humans can and do crack it.

i bet everyone with the skills to reverse engineer it has a nice job in cybersecurity (like working at denuvo), instead of cracking video games for some donations.

whodoctor11, (edited ) avatar

First: you’re comparing Chess, what’s a super simple algorithm, in what machines already “outclassed humans” like,, with anything humans can do. That’s is simplist and wrong.

Second: until today, the so called Artificial “Intelligence” were only capable of, by consulting a human made big catalogue of many things humans did, reproduce some parts of it or resume a little, what is not that difficult if you have a good synonyms dictionary and tons of human people training you on what is a decent resume and what isn’t. In resume, A.“I.” doesn’t do anything that people didn’t did before, and, when it comes to write texts, it does something objectly worst, in a self-help level of writing. A."I. isn’t creative.

Third: still, there are objectly a bunch of works that are under attack by A.“I.”. The thing about this works is that: or they were obviously possible to be automated before, or they are pointless, or they’ve been doing automatically (a.k.a. alienabally) by the workers, or all the above.

Fourth: the big guys who are trying to sell everyone the idea that A.“I.” will “outclass all of us” want to believe that there’s no need for human work to generate income, what’s is materialistically and economically not true at all. They say they dream of a world without hard work, actually they mean a world without us, working class people. But they’re wrong, they are still depending on our existence as a class and always will be until the day there will be no classes anymore.

Kissaki, avatar

Where between being beaten in chess and making us obsolete do you think we are? Where do you think cracking games is between chess and human mind?

I think your estimation is off by a lot.


I don’t know if AI is technically better it’s just different and doesn’t play like a human. Humans hate lossing pieces but AI doesn’t care as long as the outcome is a win.


Newsflash: Humans also sacrifice pieces in chess. Chess engines are mathematical beasts that are designed for these things only. But what is more important: Chess engines also needs to be made by humans.

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

AI absolutely plays like a human as it’s trained by humans. The only difference is, AI will do the most optimal move, while humans might hesitate. That’s also the reason why it’s bad to put AI into fighter or bomber jets. The AI has a clear goal but a human might struggle to fire at an unknown target. Because the human has to life with the consequences.


That’s false.


how so? ignoring mathematically unbreakable things like encryption, given enough time, i think pretty much anything could be reverse engineered and cracked, its just a matter of how much time it would take


ignoring mathematically unbreakable things like encryption

That’s literally how it’s false.


yeah but your cpu has to run the unencrypted game, and so i would think its currently impossible to have a local, 100% uncrackable game

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

DRM already only does check for validity every other frame or even minute. There’s no use in a game that just closes because it recognized a violation. You do know what causes Denuvo fps spikes? It’s whenever it checks. Of course the software got better by now so it’s less of an issue but it’s still there.

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

Look up RSA algorithms and project that to other mathematically complex DRM protections. You’re wrong because you don’t understand the tech.


all im saying is that, if I own the CPU that runs the game, there are incredible advanced techniques for reverse engineering, and given enough time and effort i think it would always be possible.

encryption isnt exactly the same thing here, because encrypted data just sits there until its unencrypted, but it NEEDS to be unencrypted for your CPU to run it.

the CPU has to read code that it can execute, and if you can get that code, its probably impossible to have an uncrackable game. that doesnt apply to video game cracking, but I’m sure the NSA could crack denuvo if they wanted to, and could crack any game DRM.

at the very extreme, if i know the state of all of the transistors and etc inside my computer, nothing is uncrackable. thats all I’m trying to say. yes denuvo will likely get too complicated for anyone to try to crack it, but given enough time and resources, it would be cracked.

Kissaki, avatar

Current AI is not smarter than humans. It needs supervised training, and then acts according to that. That’s inherently incompatible to novelty and correct exploration.

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

AI is good in doing complex things but bad at doing easy things. Supervision is required at first for learning of course, there’s no AI that works out of the box.

Kissaki, avatar

That assessment entirely depends on what you consider “complex” and “easy”.

What do you mean by it’s bad at doing easy things but good at doing complex things? I don’t see how something complex would work better than something easy.

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

In short.

Look up what AI does good right now, like finding complex solutions to mathematical issues a human couldn’t. Calculate stuff very fast, replicate natural language etc.

Look up what AI struggles with at the moment, like drawing hands or recognizing objects or driving a car.

This statement is only valid in this current state, as AI is advancing faster than most peoples mind by now. Most people have yet to understand LLM or generative AI models.

That’s what I’m talking about. If you look at the process required to crack Denuvo, then you’ll notice that there’s a lot of guesswork done, something the AI is good at if learned properly. The amount of people who know how to and are willing to spend time cracking Denuvo is shrinking by the day. The amount of software DRM encrypted is rising every day. We need automation soon.

AI will soon be mandatory for software security as malicious actors will use AI to find zero day exploits and you want an AI to protect you from those real time threats. Anti Virus software already work somewhat into that direction by now but there’s still much room.


It’s not even real AI lol there’s no thought, just text transformation


This problem seems like the sort of thing machine learning could be good at though. You have some input binary code that doesn’t run, you want an output that does, you have available training data of inputs and correct matching outputs.

nottheengineer, do piracy w VPS/VPN and Private Trackers (Questions)

If you live in a place where you can buy anonymous SIM cards and USB modems, that’s a safe way to make sure no IP information can be traced back to you.

It’s probably a bit overkill for this but if you’re not Edward Snowden, you can use that setup for a long time and don’t have to discard it.


Thanks for answering, I’m not trying to circumvent these sites rules, but to actually better understand em.

I get it that they are probably defending themselves from attackers, abusers, or who knows what else. I just fear that needing people’s real IP at time of registration (and even accumulating data that links this ip to the future use of the site) can become a big problem in the future, if something bad happens to them. I mean, they can even be forced to handle their users data, some sites have done that already, using it as “bail”/negotiation when pressured (Torrent Freak has some examples).

So I thought that since the problem could be some user causing harm to their sites, maybe having some other static ip address route (not a shared vpn address) could suffice. But I don’t know if that’s the case.

Thanks for your suggestion, are they ok with that or would it be considered cheating?

regalia, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

That’s not what fomo means. I have a bad case of FOMO right now with Genshin Impact. I genuinely like the game, but it forces me to login twice a day with the resin system (basically energy that accumulates over time), otherwise it caps and I lose progress. Also a lot of their content is in the form of limited time events. They do this for the obvious reason of it being extremely profitable. This is why you should be very cautious about getting into live service games.


Welp, I was interested in trying GI until reading this.


Yeah it’s a legitimately a really good game and still has a huge amount of permanent content, but that’s the nature of live service games. They need that constant engagement to survive. A game like Baulders gate, you buy it and the devs are paid regardless of how much or how little you play, not really the case with live service.

Oh and GI is gacha which isn’t good either. But then they do cool stuff like make a really good card game in game that’s completely free with zero paid stuff, and even hold irl tourneys with big prize pools.

OpenStars, avatar

The only live service game I have and likely will ever allow myself to play is Another Eden, ostensibly a mobile gacha but unlike any others in that genre (and yet... not entirely if you know what I mean:-D - it is less predatory than any modern game that allows in-app purchases that I've ever even heard of but that aspect is not entirely absent from it). It hits the JRPG nostalgia feel for being a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger and Cross, made by some of the same developers actually, and the artwork and music especially are just gorgeous.:-D

And ironically, many people complain bitterly that they want it to be more like GI, with a pity system. Never mind that the gacha can be irrelevant here as you can do everything purely with the free characters (and more effort, especially JP-style i.e. heavy grinding), the FOMO salt is real, and I see now that games are just giving the people what they want, regardless of whether that's good for them or not. On the one hand it keeps further game development going, and people are free to spend how they please, while on the other there are horror stories of people dropping hundreds or even thousands of dollars (I think even USD $ currency), while having little to show for it in the end.

Predatory is predatory, and while on the one hand I'd love to check out GI someday, on the other I just don't think I could stand the gacha elements in it. It warps and twists EVERYTHING it touches, e.g. increasing pressure to make waifu/husbando portraits that objectify both women and men in it, and leads to content that looks visually appealing but in Another Eden at least, has not been tested and is not "fun" to play.

The funny part is that originally I had to choose between GI and AE, and I am so glad that I went the way that I did. Although probably better to avoid any such gacha at all in the future.:-|


To be fair, a pity system should definitely be a thing if there’s any sort of gamba. That way there’s at least a hard limit on what you can waste your money on until it’s guaranteed. I at least find GI characters not to be too predatory, you mostly pull them for fun. In fact some of the best characters are the starting 4 stars lol, and you pull cuz you like the character a lot. They really develop the characters a lot, and if you’ve seen any comic cons or anime conventions, you’ll see an insane amount of Genshin cosplays cuz they suck you in by really loving the characters. The gameplay is honestly so easy you absolutely don’t need a good character, and it’s actually incredibly balanced. The earliest characters released are actually still S tier because they fucked up the balance a bit with them so the new characters are still good but more niche focused, so everything is still relevant.

The only hard content is what’s called the spiral abyss, which is a completely optional dungeon that rotates every 2 weeks and 100% clearing it gives you like 5 free gacha rolls, so people really just use it to bench mark characters since nothing else in the game is remotely challenging, nor is there any pvp aspect or anything.

But yeah, also Gacha and live service games tend to be a drug, once they have you hooked it’s hard to quit. Sunk cost fallacy is real hard to overcome in gacha games.

OpenStars, avatar

I mean... you are not wrong, but to put on my debate hat (for the funsies:-D) I suppose the counter-argument is that since they made it so that the ga(t)cha system is itself irrelevant (at least, in the earlier days of the game, before Power Creep became rampant), they seemed to feel like that was the way to keep the game "balanced". It might also go over better in Japan than the more Western world where people might less like this idea of something that is unattainable. Oh, and one REALLY crucial detail is that you can straight-up exchange irl cash for any particular character that you want (well, any OLDER one, while the absolute newest ones are only available by the gambling approach that offers no such guarantees). Those sales only come every so often each year, but with them you can have your guarantee - and e.g. if you pull your desired character in the meantime, then you can select someone else, whoever you want in the list. Also iirc (some of?) the paid banners offer a "guaranteed 5-star", though it lacks GI's system where (eventually) it is the particular 5-star that you pulled for. There is also a second, subscription system where you pay to support the game each month and get increased basically stamina-style rewards, and you select 7 characters where you are guaranteed to get one of those.

So there is a "pity", technically, just not available at all for F2P, and instead comes in the form of a P2W purchase opportunity.

I heard that GI was really bad, but also that was like several years ago, and it has been cleaned up significantly since then. And some banners much worse than others - particularly weapons ones iirc? - where like you get this 5-star weapon and then nobody who can use it. Ofc this is biased, listening to the stories of people who decided to leave it, rather than stay and git gud:-).

It does look gorgeous though, which is kinda weird for a mobile game imho but so long as processing power can keep up...

uzay, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Among Us. But it was free and I only needed a couple of rounds to figure out I don’t enjoy it much

anon5621, do piracy w help needed with linux and torrents

What client are u using




I suggested using qBittirrent or Deluge


There is also biglybt that I heard is good for some few seeds/hard to download torrents.

pixelle, do gaming w Starfield Review Thread avatar

IGN gives it a 7. Oof.

d3Xt3r, (edited )

A mission might send you to the other side of the vast starmap, but the actual travel time between systems is always the same (and the poorly explained fuel system, which is actually just your range, isn’t much of a limitation). When I discovered that so much of space flight is effectively a series of non-interactive cutscenes, it largely shattered the illusion of exploring a vast universe. It’s impossible not to compare Starfield to the way you freely enter and exit planets’ atmosphere in No Man’s Sky, so it’s a bit of a letdown every time you see a planet and remember it’s just a picture of a planet you’ll never be able to reach by flying toward it. It’s something that happens a lot.

The fact that you can’t fly over to planets and land, and that you get around the vastness of space by simply fast traveling, is disappointing. This seems less space-y, and more like Fallout-y to me.

As someone who isn’t really into FPS games these days, I think I might give Starfield a skip.


Just played for a few hours on my Steam Deck and yeah it does feel a lot like Fallout, but with extra steps. It’s very polished and I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun with it eventually, but so far I’ve been disappointed with the little I’ve seen.

I got the game for free though, so I don’t feel too bad lol

amju_wolf, avatar

And I’d argue that even in No Man’s Sky it’s not as fun as one would want it to be; sure it’s “seamless” but it’s also more or less just a glorified loading screen. Turns out there just isn’t much meaningful gameplay you can do while moving from one place to another through empty space across vast distances especially when the game has to work in the background to load and unload everything.

But at least it’s immersive. In something like Skyrim you at least have something to look at, or in Fallout you can marvel at the desolate landscape that’ll be different everywhere you go. Space is just that, space. Which is why in, say, Mass Effect it works well, because you get to explore your ship and talk to the crew between missions and that’s fun, while the travel is minimized (though still just loading screens).

d3Xt3r, (edited )

Which is why in, say, Mass Effect it works well, because you get to explore your ship and talk to the crew between missions and that’s fun, while the travel is minimized

This is exactly what I was expecting. I mean, I’m not asking of hours of travel thru endless space, they could’ve employed wormholes to cut the travel time, but still make the distance seem… distant, a bit more believable and immersive. It could only be a few minutes of travel if you take the wormhole into consideration, but there’s so much you can do to fill that time. Like the spaceships are vast, so you could be assigned activities to do around the ship, like maintenance and minor upgrades, or maybe you could access the ship’s various computer terminals to do stuff - could even have various mini games, or just a mini spaceship RPG type elements, similar to some of the Star Trek games. Just because space is vast and empty doesn’t mean you’re just sitting there and staring at darkness.

Or maybe I had my expectations too high and was expecting a space sim, which this clearly isn’t.


Tbh it’s worse than fallout. In fallout you didn’t have loading screens every 15 minutes. Going from planet to planet is just a loading screen after loading screen and some additional meaningless steps like “get out of spaceship”. It’s a Bethesda game but with worse exploration mechanics. But now we know what fallout/tes in space from bethesda is gonna be like.

Otherwise it’s decent. Mind you I haven’t gotten far but story is kind of interesting, side stories(the larger ones) as well. I think they did a good job with lore. Can’t say anything against shooty combat, don’t know about melee.

I just wish there was less garbage to pick up. In a game where you can gather materials for crafting and projects etc, where you are in a room with 20 object you can take but just 2 of them are not trash it’s tiresome

Mandrew002, do piracy w So how fast do y'all think Starfield will get cracked when the early access goes live tonight?

1 hour and 13 minutes

ram, avatar

Yup, was just Steam DRM. There’s universal tools to crack that. Less so “you can’t play our game unless you spend money” and more “it’s slightly inconvenient to install this way, innit? Why don’t you go buy it instead, bruv?”

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

I sometimes say that Steam is the best DRM; most advantages for the least inconveniences.

totallynotfbi, do piracy w [PIRACY NEWS]Team MKDEV retires after releasing FIFA 23 as their final crack(Denuvo Crack). They also posted some stuff about cracking Denuvo on their discord that I am sharing below.

The images are too compressed, so I can’t really make out what they say. I’m guessing that EA finally updated their outdated Denuvo implementation, making it much tougher to crack now


Must be a client issue. Are readable here


Try the desktop version of the site

netchami, do piracy w What are good mullvadvpn alternatives with port forwarding


redxef, do piracy w help needed with linux and torrents

With the limited info you have given my first thoughts would be: dns: ipv6 vs 4; firewall; basically anything network related

Grrbrr, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO? avatar

Umm. It sounds more like that you are just trying out new things and genres and finding that it’s not always a hit with you. That’s healthy.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

When you put it like that yeah but I was forcing myself through games I wasn’t necessarily enjoying.

derin, avatar

It’s okay to stop playing a game after you’ve played enough of it to understand it isn’t for you.

I think I had about 10~12 hours played of Diablo 4 before I noticed it wasn’t for me and stopped. Still enjoyed what little I played of it, but wasn’t motivated to continue.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

That’s not really FOMO. FOMO would be like, pre-ordering a special edition of a game you aren’t even sure about wanting for $90 because there’s a “Preorder-Only” in-game perk and you just have to have, or falling for those “Limited Time Only” microtransactions in FTP games.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I guess I meant it more so in the fear of missing out on something culturally relevant. Whether it’s a modern multiplayer game like Destiny 2 or a classic that is frequently referenced like Half Life. Not being able to be part of the conversation when it’s brought up

KoboldCoterie, avatar

I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Kind of the fear of missing out on being a part of the gaming zeitgeist.


There’s an important moment where you have to ask yourself…

“Is this story so bad I’m not invested in it anymore?”

“Is the gameplay bothering me so much that it feels bad or unfun to me?”

If the answer is yes to both of those, you may feel free to drop the game with full confidence you’re not gonna play it again.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I get what you are saying but a lot of the time it’s just a mediocre experience and I’m not necessarily disliking it. More indifferent than anything. Occasionally a game has made a pretty solid turn around in the last act

MJBrune, do gaming w Starfield Review Thread

Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Edwin Evans-Thirlwell - Unscored

A short, sparky and colourful 2D PICO-8 blaster about a space captain fighting fascist robots.

This one is a parody/joke about someone who put a game on itch titled Starfield. Kind of shitty for RPS to allow. Especially since it’s directly connected on OpenCritic to Starfield the Bethesda game.

SenorBolsa, avatar

That’s why it’s unscored.


It’d be extremely unethical to score it. It’s still pretty bad to have added it to the 2023 Starfield opencritic page. A few reviewers no longer score their reviews because score in general is not a great way to recommend something. A blurb on recommendation is ideal. Like “If you are okay with X, Y, Z and are a fan of the genre then you might like Starfield.” Unscored reviews are becoming more common because of that.


No Fun Allowed


Eh, it’s more that fun should be restricted to your own website. Not an aggregator website meant to show facts at a glance. Thus you are potentially ruining the factual glance.

ulkesh, do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review avatar

Sounds like you simply don’t like science fiction video games then. Thanks for letting us know. I’m gonna go play some Starfield now.

amju_wolf, avatar

Well I (not OP) would love me some actual Mass Effect 4, for example. Not really excited for a sci-fi Bethesda RPG though.


what lol — he doesn’t like starfield so that immediately means he doesn’t like science fiction games??

I’m a huge scifi and fantasy fan and I refunded starfield after 4-5 hrs

sexy_peach, avatar

I love death stranding for example.

sparklepower, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

stardew valley and the stanley parable. no regrets :)

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