code, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

My son and i play weekly. Heres our faves

Deep rock galactic

Helldivers II


Remnant and remnant II


ThunderWhiskers, avatar

How is the Helldivers community these days? I had so much fun with that one before the whole PSN debacle. It kinda killed the vibe for me at the time and I have since moved on to other things, but I was so surprised how much a third-person online shooter sucked me in at this point in my life.


Games playerbase is like, less than half what it was on Steam. Arrowhead has put out like 3 or 4 “apology” letters about “we hear your feedback, we will fix stuff” but its like, how many times you gonna say that? You know?

I haven’t played for a while. Last I played, the bots spawn rate was too high when only two people loaded into a 4-5 star mission. They said they put out an update so I played to check, and they actually made it worse. Maybe it has improved since, but I haven’t been back to check.

capt_wolf, avatar

They just put another one out last week.

The fact that they’re still apologizing for not listening to the player base and then going ahead and just not listening to the player base really doesn’t fill me with confidence.


As a “3 hour a week dad” who has managed to rack up 150 hours of this game, it’s a lot of fun. But it’s also insufferable when they release updates that cause rag-dolling to launch you all over the map, and new enemies that are just completely bugged out.

From a 400k player base at the start to <25k now, I’m convinced they’re actively trying to hurt the game to lower server costs. And why would they care? Each of those 400k players already paid their $50 for the game. And it’s not like the new DLC is any good. The snow-armour that didn’t help sliding on ice, and the fire armour that came with a fire-nerf.

It’s fun, but don’t go in expecting the same game every week. Chances are they’ll nerf your favourite weapon in the interest of “balance”, then ask for more money.


I remember just a handful of months ago when everyone was saying how “helldivers is already game of the year”

Lmao how the mighty has fallen


They just added a bunch of new missions, planet modifiers, and ship call downs, which was a pleasant surprise. Also, there is a lot of speculation that they’re going to introduce the third enemy race pretty soon, so if you were enjoying it before, now might not be a bad time to dip your toe back in the pool.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

I have considered it a few times and I even have Helldivers installed still, buuuut I’m balls deep in my first run of Elden Ring right now and I haven’t even hit the DLC yet, so 🤷‍♂️.


Ah, well I’m sure it will still be here if/when you escape from Elden Ring. Have fun!


We easily fill with friends so its a blast. We have a group we’ve been playing with for over 15 years when we need more than 2

Eggyhead, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

As a cis male, fwiw, I personally wouldn’t even think about it if the male body was option B or 2 or whatever, but what do you think about a feminine to masculine slider? I think Elden ring did that and it seems pretty clever. After that I think there were other sliders for options such as weight or fitness or whatever.


I was not aware of this slider, as I don’t really go for Souls-Like games, but it sounds like a perfect solution.


lol you should see what the slider does. it’s not great. max femme makes you turn cartoonish puffy and red


So max femme makes you look overly and cartoonishly feminine? I’m sorry I’m not understanding the problem. I’d imagine any slider pushed to one extreme end would give you an extreme result.


That’s morph targets and you just increased the budget for the character model and every single set of clothing and armour by a whole magnitude. Might even influence animations, though I guess with Elden Ring being the game that it is those are the same for everyone.

glitches_brew, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

There’s a game on Kickstarter called Outbound. It’s in alpha access right now.

The game looks like it’s literally Raft in a camper van. Haven’t tried it yet but I plan to.

Steam link

Ugurcan, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

Sophia Petrillo will be exhilarated.

AdellcomdoisL, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

I’ve had this exact thought in my head the past few days, including the idea that having 3 or 4 different types would actually fulfill the goal of avoiding “Male/Female” choices - something that only Saint’s Row has done, AFAIK.

The issue is that they only changed the label and Body Type A and B are still clearly Male and Female, but for some reason people praise it as not being gender locked because…?

Its even more ridiculous in games like Monster Hunter Rise for example, where you get the Type A and Type B body options…and then you still get gendered outfits where one is fully covered and the other is baring their midriff and wearing dresses! Wow, I wonder which is supposed to be which!? /sarcasm


I’ve heard that for Monster Hunter Rise “Type A/Type B” was decided upon by the localization and that in Japan (the country of origin for MHR) they just use Male/Female. Meaning it’s not the dev being lazy, it’s localization earning themselves a “You Tried” ribbon.

At least, that’s what I’ve heard.

AceFuzzLord, do gaming w best GBA games? I need recommendations

I personally enjoyed Spyro²: Season of Flame.

One of the biggest problems I will say about the game, though, is that you won’t always be able to tell where you’ll land when gliding and will probably lose plenty of lives because of it.


I’m guessinb its a 3dgame by that explanation? I prefer 2d


Fair enough. It’s mostly 3rd person 3D, but the view isn’t always great, making for some frustration. There are, if I remember correctly, a couple 2D levels where you play as the army bird guy, but otherwise, it’s 3D.


Oki :3

Takios, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? avatar

Core Keeper comes out of Early Access soon I think and should be up your alley

delmain, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

I agree that your setup would be perfect, but the reality of the situation is that it depends on the engine and how much time the programmers/artists/whatever have.

Like if the engine doesn’t support dynamically resizing equipment, then you have to make every single piece of equipment over again for every body shape. That is a potentially massive amount of work, even if there is tooling that will automate most of it and only require retouching. There’s only so much time in the day, and every hour that people are working on this is an hour that they aren’t working on building more levels or adding more systems, etc.

Is it better to have “Body Shape A/B” or “Male Body / Female Body”? Because those are the options that are the same amount of work.

It would be better to have a ton of body options. It would be even better to have sliders and have everything adjust itself to fit whatever shape you make. But both of those options take time to work on, and time is money.

I don’t think it’s fair to call (for a specific choice) BG3’s developers lazy because they only have 2 (or 4 for some races) body sizes. They are just optimizing their time investment.


Yeah, but In Baldur’s Gate 3 I can make a feminine looking character with tits and a big throbbing horse dick, a masculine character with a vagina, or an adrogynous character with whatever the hell I want… So having the pronouns separate from the build actually makes sense. The concept of binary gender identity is subverted enough for pronoun selection to serve a practical purpose.

In something like Old School Runescape or the Demon’s Souls remaster? Not so much.

If I’m ONLY going to have two body type choices, Buff Dude or Curvy Chick, why this unnatural “Body Type A/Body Type B” language instead of saying “Masculine/Feminine” ? It just makes me feel like I’m in some Orwellian New Speak environment that just simply doesn’t exist in day to day life. And again, Non-Binary individuals aren’t getting any favors here because they’re STILL forced into a dichotomy of Masculine or Feminine, it’s just now that “Those buzzword unfriendly M and F-Words” aren’t present. The best a non-binary individual can really get in that situation is do a heads/tails coin toss and pick They/Them pronouns.

No one’s needs are really being met here, we’re just forcing awkward corporate jargon to pretend the game is more inclusive than it really is.

HatchetHaro, avatar

Fun fact, BG3 only has a max of 4 body types per race, and the lower genitalia each have their own models to fit each body type, and that’s just for the “normal” sized races. The short races also have their body types, and so does the Dragonborn. Each armour and clothing piece has to have one unique model and rig to fit each of those body types; that’s a lot of modeling and rigging work.

Now how much gear is there in Runescape?


Not to mention the massive difference in age between BG3 and OSRS/RS3. RuneScape’s running on an engine that was never built with more than 2 body types in mind. Changing that is probably a much more monumental task than OP realizes, the armor models being just one (big) roadblock.

I’m no Jagex defender but I feel like the fact that they added even this small change to a 23 year old game’s character creator shouldn’t be labeled lazy. All that will do is discourage developers from trying.

Quacksalber, do games w Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will end service in Nov 28 - but will transition to a paid offline app

This is the future StopKillingGames wants us to live in.

MindTraveller, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

What if you’re a dummy thicc femboy with boyboobs?

You might think this identity is just a meme, but it’s not. And while some percentage of that is queer people secure in their identities, some of it is also questioning trans girls who aren’t comfortable selecting “female” yet but will try out exploring femininity through the “femboy” meme.

As an enby, I’ll pick body B most of the time, but I don’t like being called female. I’ll put up with it in an old game, but if a studio decides to not misgender me, I’m nothing but happy. I agree 100% that more options would be nice. But assuming that game companies aren’t going to spend money on artists to make diverse bodies, why yuck the yum I experience when a game at least tries to not misgender me?

Catpurple, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

Oh wow, I could never put to words why I didn’t like the body type system either, but you nailed it. Yeah, I also wish that games could just give you sliders and/or more presets or something to have actual variety. If a game will only support curvy girls and buff dudes, but won’t also let people make, for instance, cute androgynous cat boys, or anything else a person might fancy, then what’s the point of it?

VelvetStorm, do gaming w Black Myth: Wukong breaks records in 24h as the most-played singleplayer game on Steam

That’s a shame.

joelfromaus, avatar

Care to elaborate?


In the info packet they sent to streamers, they asked them not to talk about “feminist propaganda” and they don’t want you to talk about how shitty china’s game industry is(I fully recognize just about all game industries are bad now though).

joelfromaus, avatar

Good points! Thanks for providing info.


What’s wrong with not talking about politics while gaming? They ask to leave gaming for gaming.


They shouldn’t be asking you not to talk about human rights. That is up to the individual streamer to decide if they want to talk about it or not.


those individual streamers can decide not to play the game


And they have, but you are missing the point entirely.


what point? they can decide not to play the game and share their lame political opinions to their followers, hell they can even go on a rant about how Nuking China will cure cancer if they want. free will and all that


It’s really sad to see such a lack of understanding in people, and it’s sad that to some people, human rights for 50% of the human population is somehow a “lame political opinion”.



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  • VelvetStorm,

    And there are women fighting for that btw. As far as the other jobs you mentioned why the fuck would anyone want those jobs? They pay shit and they destroy your body so ya why would anyone regardless of gender want to do that?

    2ugly2live, avatar

    I wonder why women don’t normally take those kinds of jobs. Could it be that men have often made these kinds of jobs a “boys club,” forcing women to constantly prove themselves and deal with harassment so they feel unwelcomed? I mean, it couldn’t be that, even after women were allowed to do these jobs, they faced an uphill battle getting in, let alone being taken seriously. I mean, damn those women for not enlisting until it was legal (even though many women worked as spies, nurses, and even disguised themselves to fight, but whatever. ).

    Hear that women, we’re having fun. We’re just looking for comforts such as * reads notes * bodily autonomy and the privilege of, let’s see, ah yes, the privilege to talk about what issues we may be facing and to truly be seen as equal and not just “beta men.” Male political issues are well and good though. That’s not on the list, thank goodness🫂




    What year is this? Are we in GamerGate again?


    wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game


    I just looked for it and found nothing to indicate it is fake. If it has been proven as a fake, I would love to see where that info is coming from, and if it turns out it is fake, I will edit my other comments to link to that fact.


    Is this mandatory in any way?


    only if you are accepting to be in their content creator program and get the free key


    That’s still shady, though. Google/YouTube’s “content creators” should reject and expose this kind of deal.


    I’m split on this. Obviously bad, but not sure I can blame the developers for this fully as (if I understand it correctly, which I might not) they are sort of bound by CCP law? I imagine “stirring up controversy”/“making China look bad” might have some rather dire consequences for the developers.


    Let’s be clear here I very, very much doubt that this was the devs and was instead most likely a pr drone but I do take your point to an extent. All the had to do was not say anything and it would have been better for them though


    There’s a circlejerk online hating on this game because incel gotta incel.

    Crackhappy, avatar

    The fuck are you talking about?

    MossyFeathers, (edited ) do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

    As someone is very much not cisgender, I look at it and go “Well, isn’t every FTM going to pick Body Type A with male pronouns while MTFs like myself go with Body Type B with female pronouns? Who outside of a Far Right Troll trying and failing to be funny is gonna pick the buff bearded dude and select the she/her pronouns?”

    Me! What do you have against bearded, manly ladies? They’re awesome!

    It is kinda lazy to have “full masculine” and “full feminine” as your only choices while pretending they aren’t just “male” or “female”, but at the same time, I think it’s a step in the right direction. Today the options might be “not-man” and “not-woman”, but the future might have “not-man”, “not-woman”, “man-woman” and “woman-man”!

    Shou, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

    Divinity original sin 1 and 2.

    The first one is harder. 2nd one if better to start with. Good fun if you like strategy and storytelling.

    Dnb, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

    I’d highly recommend Stolen Realms. Pretty cheap too

    It’s a hex grid turn based game. You can have up to 6 characters (difficulty scales per character) and can each control as many in the party as you want. Turns are taken as enemy, and players with the players able to act at the same time so you aren’t waiting too long if you are communicating about what you want to do.

    It has multiple “classes” with skill tiers that require you to take a few from that “class” but you can spec however you want.

    The roguelike mode is very fun for quick sessions and will reward you with a choice of random skills and armors after every fight, but it also saves if you need to go and play later.

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