masterspace, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

Games should just get rid of character creators. Just play the damn game with whoever the main character is and learn to empathise with someone other than yourself.


This reminds me of that “vessel creator” troll from Deltarune

HawlSera, (edited )

See, I don’t really care that the player is referred to as “They/Them” in Deltarune, because it’s established that you are playing as Kris and those are their pronouns.

(and in Undertale, the monsters simply had no idea what Frisk’s gender was due to an unfamiliarity with humans so it’s kept intentionally vague… with they/them simply being the most gender neutral thing to call them and the fanbase having their own headcanons on what Frisk actually is. Personally my head canon is Frisk is male and Chara is female, which seemed to be the most common interpretation in the fanbase back then… my headcanon for Kris is that they’re intersex with they/them pronouns as I see them as being representative of both Frisk and Chara, but however you see the situation is just as valid unless the creator comes out and says “No it’s this specific way, everything else is wrong!” and to my knowledge Toby Fox has not done that)

Sidenote: First non-binary person I ever met used ey/eir pronouns, this was so long ago that ey called eirself “Genderless” instead of Non-Binary as the latter wasn’t a word. Ey was femme presenting, but very much not female. Sadly we’ve drifted apart and wherever ey is I wish eir well.

I always wished ey/eir had caught on instead of “singular they”, because personally I thought “ey” sounded cooler and was more straightforward than “singular they”. But hey I’m not non-binary myself so it’s not really any of my business.

On a similar note, I used to see shi/hir pronouns more often than I do now as well, though that was more for intersex individuals than non-binary. I still see some usage of shi/hir, though the people I see with those pronouns tend to self-identify as “hermaphrodite”, a phrase that is considered highly insulting by most. I guess what I’m saying here is that there are all kinds and it’s probably best not to make assumptions or assume gender to be a one-size fits all phenomenon.


I would like to thank you for taking your time to write this response. For some reason, I was feeling blue. Seeing the lenght of your comment made me feel heard and really happy. Thank you for sharing this with me, may you have a wonderful day/night!


I’m actually all for this as well, unless the game is some open-ended roleplaying experience just give me a character to play as and design the game around who this person is (I think the original Dead Rising did a good job of this with Frank West, the remake… well unless previews are from an earlier build than what we’re getting in September not so much)

And I mean a REAL open-ended roleplaying experience, not something like Fallout 4 that was blatantly designed for me to play as Nate, a lawful good heterosexual cisgender male military vet with predefined goals… with gay romance options and the ability to play as his wife Nora existing solely to give the illusion of choice… An Illusion I still appreciate because when I play I always wind up being Nora with Curie as my wifey.

(I feel like FO4 would be far less divisive if it was a spinoff about Nate’s journey rather than a sequel to a series that is known for player agency, and even then the Brotherhood of Steel suddenly being a bunch of Nazis is still stupid as hell)


I see the point of character creators, but games shouldn’t be afraid to do what’s best for them, for some games character creators are basically the only way that makes sense, but also yeah I’d like to see more games that didn’t have them at all

Swedneck, avatar

keep the character creators, but only let the player use a randomizer button and a silliness slider.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

sea of thieves style


I don’t know whether we would have ever gotten the absolute brilliance that is Turg if proper customization weren’t available.

!deleted4132 avatar

Then we’d be going back to having the vast majority of games having a cis male protagonist. No thanks. I don’t mind playing as them from time to time, but I want a choice, especially if the main character is one of those blank slate types.


I’m not advocating for that either and I don’t necessarily they think they would these days. Ubisoft is steadfastly ignoring the dumbasses around the black male / Asian female leads for AC, no matter how loud they whine.

!deleted4132 avatar

Yeah, hopefully the inclusiveness trend continues.

luciole, avatar

Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn made me realize I vibe so well playing as a woman. If I had had the choice I probably would have picked the masculine option since that’s my gender. I’m glad that game forced my hand, now when I have a choice I give it a real thought.


Games could have multiple protagonists with different bodies, genders, personalities, etc… something like Overwatch did have that, you could even play as a hamster or a robot!


But what about games that require you to distinguish yourself from other real-life players as in all massively multiplayer games?

Sharan, do games w Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will end service in Nov 28 - but will transition to a paid offline app

What is the game like? Basically, this is the first time I’ve heard of it.


It’s a simplified version of animal crossing for mobile, with some microtransactions to speed things up. I played it on release and it’s pretty decent.


Ah, nothing to write home about. Thanks.

Daxtron2, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

Its runescape, the difference between the body types is like 2 polygons

Hupf, avatar
Megaman_EXE, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

One thing that always irks me with character customization is how often games have more customization options for girl characters. I have always assumed that developers only allocate so much time and resources to character creators and call it a day.


Not always true; I was quite disappointed with the lack of labia options in Cyberpunk 2077.


Hah that’s true. I thought it was odd that they mentioned how you could customize genitalia and then they had 2 options for penis’s and only one vagina option. It definitely seemed like an advertising strategy more than anything


I was disappointed that I spent time crafting my sausage but at no point in the game was I allowed to waggle it around to show dominance.


I don’t even know why you can choose between circumcised and uncircumcised in that game. It feels like they wanted to add more sex things but didn’t get around to it

Berttheduck, do gaming w Is Callisto Protocol a hidden Dead Space remake?

It’s very similar but nowhere near as good. I got it for free on playstation a while back and stopped playing it to go back and play the dead space remake again.

PhlubbaDubba, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

There are some sicilians who are about to be horrified listening to all the characters suddenly sounding like their third cousins from America who insist they can speak “italian”


Lol I can imagine, it’s often the same with shows and movies trying to do Dutch and then it ends up being the most incomprehensible and cringe attempt with an insane accent.

Hopefully they just hire legit Sicilians to do the voice acting. Otherwise they might just as well not bother.


I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.

The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.

It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.

Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.


I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.

Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.

Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Wait wait wait, can you give an example? I have to see this 😅


One recent example that comes to mind from recently is a scene in Oppenheimer where apparently there’s a bit of Dutch during a lecture, but nobody can really tell what they’re even saying lol

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness
!deleted7243 avatar

I think that trying to please everyone is generally a bad idea, especially when it comes to niche social justice issues and identity, because everyone thinks their personal rules are universal these days.

With that said, body type over gender is step in the right direction.


Again, I feel like it would be if this wasn’t just “Gender Binary with feel-good buzzwords to fake inclusivity where little is present”

I just believe that you need more than “If we just don’t say the M-Word/F-Word then we’ve solved transphobia forever” for this to be a proper step in the right direction, as it stands it just feels like “Don’t say Latina/Latino! Say Latinx!” all over again, and we now how well THAT went.

You simply need more than a couple of rainbow pins on your jacket to make meaningful change.


I won’t stop until we allow slutty costumes for all body types.

maniel, do gaming w Is Callisto Protocol a hidden Dead Space remake?

nope, not hidden, it’s almost official “spiritual successor”

Wahots, do gaming w best GBA games? I need recommendations avatar

Red rescue team, if you haven’t played a pokemon mystery dungeon game before. I played the DS version (blue rescue team) and loved it.


I play that :3

Wahots, avatar

It’s so cute, I love their cute little facial expressions :)


Yea :3

I really like the GBA pokemon stuff. Looks a lot better than the 3d games

Wahots, avatar

I agree!


Yea, gen 7 looks kinda ugly. Even tho I like gen 7

BumpingFuglies, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

To me, the obvious answer is to do away with the concept of “gender” altogether. It’s a societal construct that doesn’t really need to exist in video game character creation, anyway.

Everybody is born one of two biological sexes: male or female. There. Those are your choices. Call it “apparent sex” and include a pronoun option to allow for players who want to roleplay gender nonconforming characters.


But like, not everybody is born one of two biological sexes, so if we’re doing away with societal constructs we may as well get rid of this nebulous concept of a rigid biological sex binary.


Technically there is an extremely small amount of people born as both sexes (intersex), but they tend to have appearances that favor one sex over the other, so from a game development perspective, they’re covered by having two sex options.


I think you’ll find a good many intersex folk would have something to say about being “covered” by being entirely excluded by your arbitrary choice of categorisation.


Eek, this reads like a white person getting upset about someone using “black” instead of “African American”

Who’s being excluded here? My suggestion was to change ‘sex’ in video game character creation to ‘apparent sex.’


You said in your comment “they tend to have appearances” which in itsself alludes to the true fact that there’s some who won’t be “covered”. I was more upset by your dismissal of their experiences than I was by your game design suggestion.


OOPS sex is a social construct too

BumpingFuglies, (edited )

How so? Biological sex is a quantifiable fact. Every sexually reproducing species on the planet has two sexes, easily identified by gamete size - males have small gametes and females have large gametes.

I don’t wanna start a flame war, but the science on this is sound. Sure, in science, nothing is absolute, but there’s never been any evidence of more than two sexes.


Biological sex is far more complicated than small and large gametes. You can choose (somewhat arbitrarily) to define biological sex by one or more of

  • chromosomal sex (which has a variety of variations beyond just xx and xy, so you’re fucked for choosing a binary here)
  • hormonal sex (which has a variety of variations beyond just “male hormones” and “female hormones”, so you’re fucked for choosing a binary here)
  • reproductive sex (which is gonna leave you defining a lot of people quite incorrectly compared to the other criteria listed)
  • how receptive their cells are to particular hormones (which will vary wildly from person to person, so good luck shoving this into a binary)

The only people who think biological sex is a simple categorisation are people who don’t fully understand the biology of sex.


Man, I thought I’d found my people in this community, but my perfectly civil comment discussing scientific definitions of ‘sex’ was removed. That shows that this is likely just another echo chamber that can’t abide civil conversation around scientific facts when said facts make people feel icky.

The worst part is I’m on your side. I’m all in on inclusivity and representation. I’m trans. I’m bisexual. I’m just open-minded, seemingly unlike whichever mod removed my comment.

You, apotheotic, seem civil enough. I was looking forward to discussing biological sex with you, maybe expanding my understanding in the process, but it’s not worth trying to have a conversation if I have to worry about my responses being unceremoniously removed. For what it’s worth, your reply has inspired me to do some more reading on the subject.

Reddit mod practices seem to have bled into every corner of Lemmy. Community: blocked. Good riddance.


I think it may have been removed because it was a misrepresentation of fact.

In case you still want to understand, here’s a good place to start:

subignition, do gaming w Is Callisto Protocol a hidden Dead Space remake? avatar

I haven't played Callisto Protocol, but it seems like it's explicitly a spiritual successor, yeah

USNWoodwork, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

TIL that Sicilian is a language that is separate from Italian?

Virkkunen, avatar

Never confuse an Italian with a Sicilian


I hear it’s also bad to get into a battle of wits with a Sicilian - especially when death is on the line.


Italy is incredibly linguistically diverse.…


Its a dialect. But i assure you if a Sardinian, a Pugliese, a Siciliano and a Valdostano all speaks their dialect only, there won’t be any communication going

Clasm, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Nine Parchments - Top down Magic slinging romp. Similar to the Majica series, but with less knowing how to do certain key-press combos.

Orcs Must Die 2 - 3rd person tower defense where you place traps and use spells and weapons to take down foes. Continues the story of the first game, which did not have multiplayer, unfortunately.

Children of Morta - Top down dungeon crawler. Take on the roles of a family trying to hunt down an ancient evil. Like the Belmont’s of Castlevania fame.

Full Metal Furies - Top down action fighter. Fight the Titans as some of the last remaining survivors of Ragnarok. Fun dialing with a good-sized world map to explore.

Astroneer - 3rd person survival crafting on a randomized planet. Cute component designs and a unique air management system. Plays best with a mouse & keyboard.

Deep Rock Galactic - Space Dwarves Corporate mining simulator. You and up to 4 friends drive do into infested planetoids in order to make some Gold. Destructible terrain and shenanigans.

Hyrulian, avatar

Is there any reason you recommend two specifically over three? I know there is a third Orcs Must Die game but I have no idea if the community considers it “good” or not.


I haven’t played the third one co-op yet, unfortunately so I can only assume that it holds up like the second one does.

GnomeComedy, do gaming w Zwift Linux Alternative

I’ve been zwifting exclusively on Linux for a few years now with this:

It’s pretty distro agnostic. I’m using it with Podman on RHEL 9.

Still requires you to use the companion app on your phone for your Bluetooth connections, but it beats keeping a Windows machine around. Good luck!


Thanks. The Companion app never seemed to work on my sandboxed Google Play profile on GrapheneOS however. I’ve since found Golden Cheetah which is a native Linux program and totally free. Zwift raising their price was the final straw for me to move on and I’m grateful for it.

GC works perfectly on Linux Mint with my Garmin USB ANT+ dongle, Garmin heart rate strap, and retains all the functionality with my Zwift Hub trainer if anyone is curious.

TheBest, do games w Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp will end service in Nov 28 - but will transition to a paid offline app avatar

This is… kind of weird, no? Like why would they pull the plug on an app that keeps the microtransaction money rolling?


I recall Nintendo claiming they wanted to move away from mobile again a while ago but I didn‘t really believe it back then and I‘m still skeptical now. They‘ve received more criticism for their predatory mobile games lately so maybe that got something to do with it or it‘s simply not making enough money anymore to bother with it and they‘d rather get the devs working on something else.


nintendo and DeNA crates a joint venture team last year, so i highly doubt theyre pulling out of mobile, theyre just relying less on it.

Deceptichum, avatar

Maybe Switch 2 will be announced around than with a new AC as a launch title?


I have to imagine the game is no longer making enough money through MTX to staff a dev team anymore.

This seems like a pretty good way to end a live service game, though. This way your game doesn't just disappear into the ether completely.

TheBest, avatar

That was the most logical answer I came up too. Its just crazy to do the right thing and make if work offline instead of just binning it like so many other live service games.


I mean, I never paid for it but I did the math many years ago, to explain predatory microtransactions, and found out that for a chance - a perfect rolled no dupes chance - it’d be cheaper to buy a 2DS and a physical copy of new leaf.

Like, there’s only so many times they can release a set or do a palette swap for a ‘new’ collection.

Zozano, avatar

I always wondered this myself.

I think I remember reading a while ago that apps need to be updated occasionally to comply with .apk guidelines.

This is presumably dependant on which permissions the .apk requests. So a simple calculator app wouldn’t need to be updated, but the calculator plus app, which tracks my blood pressure, how many glasses of water I’ve drank, and my semen count, would need to be updated occasionally to comply with Google’s privacy policies.

But I’m not an app developer, so don’t trust me on a whim.


I see your post has a few upvotes. Therefore, I will trust you implicitly on this matter. Thank you!

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