mox, (edited ) do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.


To the people who come into point-of-view threads like this one and downvote what other people took the time to share, how about describing your own experiences instead? It would make Lemmy a nicer place to be, and might even add something of value to the discussion.


Yeah, well said!

I hope those bots agree with you too!

bfg9k, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar


I just can’t stop crashing cars into things in slow motion.

msage, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Dota 2.

I’ve played Dwarf Fortress, Stellaris, yet I still find Dota to be the most complex game ever.

It sucks that it’s a multiplayer game, and you need people to play it well with you, but when it works, it’s amazing.

Everything in it has layers of usability, usually componded by the everything else in the game - hero abilities, items, map, neutrals, even the stupid trees play a large role in the game.

I’ve spent hundreds of hours studying the mechanics, and I still don’t grasp everything.

I played a lot of DotA too, but that doesn’t have a playtime counter. But I have over 3000 hours in Dota 2.

My second favourite game is OpenTTD. It’s just so satisfying to optimize the train network and add another 100 trains to it. I’ve tried Factorio, but for some reason that did not scratch that itch.

Or some roguelites, like Slay the Spire (or the Touhou: Lost Branch of Legend), Synthetik (haven’t tried second one yet), they are always fun.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Great list! I’ve tried Dota 2 as well, it’s definitely extremely complex and addictive but not my kind of game, I just cannot thrive and enjoy that sort of game. Same goes with League of Legends. Just not my cup of tea.

I am a little curious about Stellaris though. That game seems so incredibly complex, like, what about it is The draw for people? I’ve heard so many people talk about it and has so many freezy steam reviews but when I first tried it as a demo, it seemed so absurdly complex That my head was spinning. Like I had no idea what the heck was going on. I’m not sure how to enjoy it I guess


LoL sucks, it’s like a shallow copy of DotA. I’ve played around 300 hours, it’s very silly in comparison.

Stellaris is kinda easy once you figure out that expanding is the No1 priority for the entire game. Expand, build ships - nobody will be able to stop you.

There was always a need for a ‘tall’ empire - so you don’t expand, but focus on your small part of the galaxy - but so far it’s always crushed by the expanding ones.

Once you get stargate tech, it’s 24/7 war. For even more territory.

Right now I remembered a game that never was really finished, Stardrive, where you could design your own ships down to the electrical wiring. It had layouts with sections, and you could fill it up to your liking. It was a shame that ground troops could finish the game in minutes.

Sometimes I feel like 4X games are usually more suited for roleplaying than actual challenge of micromanagement.

Anyway, I have a huge jam on my main line in OpenTTD, gotta fix my intersection again.

Takios, avatar

It’s a mix of strategy and role-playing. Sure if you want to survive on higher difficulties, you probably need a build that is meta. But on medium difficulties or lower you can pretty much roleplay your empire as you like and there’s many mechanics in the game that help with this. Your empire can be a democratic haven for all, a mega corporation, a machine hivemind forcefully assimilating organics into its network…and much more.

There’s also a great exploration aspect of the game. Your exploration vessels regularly find anomalies that tell a neat little story and provide bonuses to your empire (which can range from a small resource bonus to making one of your leaders immortal).

Of course, there’s also the power fantasy. You start with just one planet, but you will quickly expand throughout the galaxy. You can then wage war against other empires, build a federation together with them or convince the galactic community to crown you as Emperor of the entire galaxy. But the game also regularly throws adversaries at you if the AI empires are starting to become no match for you, may it be one of the space fauna suddenly becoming extremely hostile or a Great Khan uniting a marauder horde and demanding everyone to become their vassal.

It is also rare that a bad outcome leads to a straight loss. Losing a war (usually) does not doom your empire but you only lose a bit of territory or get vassalized, both giving you ample opportunities to build up your strength again or make allies to stand together against an enemy.

edwardbear, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

Tell me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077 without telling me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077.

My dude, the easter eggs have easter eggs.

acosmichippo, avatar

easter eggs don’t make a game deep or replayable.


Depends on the easter egg though, no? Look up FF:06:B5 and see how deep is that for you.

mox, (edited )

You’re talking about different things. I love a well-crafted puzzle, but that’s not what most people mean when talking about game depth.


If you have to dig that deep, then it’s probably not worth it digging (for me at least).

grandel, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?


GetKebab, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

7 Days to Die for me

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Do you like the latest updates? The way the game is headed?


Not a huge fan of the sets and how the bonuses work, but it’s still pretty straightforward and better than the old armor system. Everything else is great. Magazines are a little weird in a split group because we typically have one person go into loot perks, but magazines drop based on the skills of who loots the container, but it gives access to crafting recipes to people who otherwise wouldn’t have them because they were previously skill level locked.

Have done at least one fresh run through major updates since a16 and the game has never gotten worse, in my opinion. The new pois are amazing. As well. Oh and the trader system is fixed and quest leveling overhauled, rewards improved, and progression made transparent. A little glitch in multiplayer though, last I played.

stealth_cookies, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Trackmania 2020. Great example of a game that is simple in concept but super deep in skills that you can both play super casually at your own pace or super competitively. Plus there is a great community and endless content to play.


I want to do this so bad because I see cup of the day stuff and think “man that sounds fun” and then I remember it is a subscription (as far as I understand) and I lose interest.


Yes it is a subscription to access the servers. But you also get a ton of access to other content forever (all the past campaigns and TOTD tracks released) so the value is still pretty damn good. Considering I’ve got 2000 hours in the game since release and it has in total cost me about the same as a normal game I’m not going to complain about it being a subscription.


That’s the $20 bucks a year price, right? If so, maybe I’ll give it a look when I’m a bit more solvent.

WolfLink, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Minecraft FTL Destiny 2

tee9000, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Pavlov VR

Okami_No_Rei, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Path of Exile. Hands down.

I just broke 1400 hours and still going strong. There’s so much to do and so much to learn, and it’s so good at rewarding grinding and keeping you chasing those incremental improvements. It’s 100% replaced RuneScape for me.

I have broken 1000 hours with Cookie Clicker, Guild Wars 2, RuneScape, and Eve Online. I don’t recommend the latter two anymore, but CC and GW2 still hold up.

Honorable mention to Factorio. I’m still in the hundreds but it’s climbing.

Sunny, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar


Just hit 3.5k hours and it’s still the most exciting game I’ve ever played. Nothing else gives the same adrenaline kick as a good encounter or a fight in Dayz. Also a great game for meeting new people as talking to others in this game is a must.


I’ve never understand anything in this game. I don’t find any loot, anything to defend myself. I install it, play 30 minutes, don’t find anything and then quit.

Sunny, avatar

It does have a steep learning curve, I’d suggest watching some content on it if you’re struggling. RunningManZ is a great content creator for Dayz.


Thanks for the recommendation ! I will watch his channel before any attempt

Sunny, avatar

This seems to be a solid starter, Syl is a great and funny guy to watch too :)


Thanks, i will check his guide

Andre87, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. avatar

I played both games on Xbox and i like it!Cyberpunk77 i bougth since day one had lot of bugs but for me was playable on that time even with bugs lol!I like the story mode but my expectations was more higher!For me the Witcher 3 was i had a best experience and the longivity of the game is insane!Both games are good but different styles!

captain_aggravated, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

The only two games I have that much time in are Factorio and Satisfactory.

User79185, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?


Adalast, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Factorio: 2344

Path of Exile: 2736

Rimworld: 2191

Kerbal Space Program: 1071

I have a bunch of honorable mentions in the several hundred hours ranges that are only not 1k+ because I have severe ADHD and something else became a hyperfocus before they hit that point:

Backpack Hero


The Last Spell


Factory Town

Dyson Sphere Program

Loop Hero



Path of Achra

Against the Storm



Commas, please.


Honestly, I had it all with line breaks, but it didn’t take. I will fix.


I’ve had that same issue before.

Thank you for fixing it!


Have you tried modded Minecraft ?

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