Yorick, do games w Is Civilization 7 not fun?

If you’re not really into the civilization series, I would always wait when the game has a huge sale.

I started with Civ5 during a 10$ sale with all expansions, 200 Hours. As a treat I bought Civ6 on launch, which while slightly barebone (all civ games are on launch) was really fun, and after buying the expansions and a couple DLC I got 500h on it so clearly a good investment.

I would put Civ6 and Civ7 in your wishlist to get notified when there’s a sale, and see if you like it or not after the fact.

The current reviews for 7 are mostly about the UI and the limited selection of civs to choose, also for some reason some players can’t bare the idea of stopping the game at the cold war just before the moon landing.

ThunderWhiskers, do gaming w Goodbye my friend. avatar

As someone old enough to have chosen between save files to delete for space, I don’t really understand why people get so hung up on which games are currently installed.


Pffft, I remember typing without vowels to save space

Palerider, avatar

I old enough that, as a kid, every time I wanted to play a game I had had to wait for it to install from cassette.

Besides, download speeds now are amazing.

Horse, avatar

tape load times were a good excuse for a tea break

the download speeds being good now is kinda cancelled out by a lot of games being ridiculously huge now though


I remember how amazing it was to upgrade the memory cards in the PS2 to those third party ones.

Whereas the paltry 128kB memory cards in the PS1 were painful to deal with, especially with those games that demanded multiple save slots.

Cartridge based games varied so much with save slots. Some games I recall playing from the SNES era only had 3 slots I think. I remember Mega Man X used a clever passcode feature to let you ‘save’.


I mean, I’m also old and I get what you mean, but I still feel this way on many occasions.

Games nowadays are huge, and my 50 mbps bandwidth can’t keep up with today’s standard where I’m used to everything happens instantly.

Also modded games are usually painful to reinstall.

Pregnenolone, do games w EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy

Money. They released it again because it will give them more money.

boaratio, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

The Witcher. The first 2 games are real bad.

RampantParanoia2365, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Well, Machine Games other recent titles are pretty good in that regard, and every other regard.

threshold_dweller, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

All time gotta be Wolf ET. No contest. Then BF1942. And my first love RTCW


I should give Wolf ET another go. So many fond memoeries.


I am literally playing it right now for the first time in 12 yrs. ET Legacy is the way.

It hasn’t changed but I suck so bad.


ET Legacy is great. Played it a while ago.

The game hasn’t changed, but same as you I suck so bad. Not a snwoballs chaance in hell I could pull off the shenanigans I did when I was 16.

Hello_there, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Any game where you can do a texture replacement and fix all of the enemies to have elon's face

missingno, do games w Games Done Quick from home is a waste of time avatar



It’s no different than watching a regular stream.


So how is it any more of a waste of time than watching a regular stream?


It doesn’t need to be a GDQ event.


Are you aware that GDQ is a fundraising event for charity?

psx_crab, do games w Favorite retro games?

I just started my nostalgia hunt lately, and firstly it’s Digimon World after watching some content about it. It’s still hold up quite well tbh, even though it does show its age with its system.


When I was a kid I didn’t have my own memory card so I just played the first 2 hours of Digimon World every few days or so LOL. Good game.


Definitely worth trying it now with emulator, savestate and speeding up helps with a lot of tedious stuff and risk-taking, i emulate it with my phone and it sure helps that i don’t have to stick to the front of my pc to play it. I love the mystery the world bring, and it encourage you to explore. Difficulty is wonky though.

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I replay it every other year. It was one of my first games ever, started playing it when I was 5 or so and kept grinding on the same save file for more than 10 years.

For those interested, the Maeson patch fixes all the bugs that afflicted the game on release and adds a lot of QoL improvements, including persistent music across screens (in the original game, the music resets every time you change screen), diversified evolution lines, and rebalanced progression.
I replayed it last summer with the Maeson patch and it was very enjoyable while still keeping the “core” experience intact.

ICastFist, avatar

Damn, I’ll have to give that a try. I’ve tried to get back into DW via emulation and man, the game is ruthless! The enemies you fight on the first screen (after beating Agumon) will wipe you if don’t bother training at least one entire day first.

Aielman15, avatar

It may be surprising, but most of the difficulty of the game comes from it being very cryptic. Once you understand the underlying mechanics, the game is not hard. You are thrown into a completely foreign world and are asked to just figure it out; and most people go in expecting Pokémon mechanics, which doesn’t help at all.

What it’s worth remembering when playing it, is that the game encourages you to fail and try again. Your Digimon dies of old age and reverts to an egg every few in-game days anyways, and while it’s technically possible to complete the game with your starter Digimon, new players will probably repeat the cycle a few times at minimum.
It can be off putting at first, but it does provide the advantage that it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make, you can just retry next time, and you actually have it easier each time, because you keep all your items and progression, some of the Digimon’s stats, and of course the knowledge you’ve gathered up to that point.

The Maeson patch doesn’t fundamentally change any of that, but it does remove some of the bloat. Just a few of my favourite changes:

  • Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game, but with the patch is a perfectly viable way to farm money and learn new techs.
  • Exploring in the original has you filling your bag with mushrooms, but the patch allows you to find actual useful items that will help you raise your current or next Digimon.
  • Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).
  • Removed “trap” options, such as providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym and making evolution items useful, thus encouraging the player to try out things instead of punishing them for doing so.
ICastFist, avatar

Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game

And required for certain evolutions. Not fun times heh

Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).

Back in my PSX days, I would “save up” the poop so that my 'mon would evolve straight from a baby into Sukamon on the first missed potty. Since that evolution halved all stats, and a baby’s stats were super low, it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.

providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym

So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.

Aielman15, avatar

it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.

As long as you don’t do it for the first few generations! All training stations get silently upgraded if you train a Baby I or Baby II digimon there a few times each.

So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.

Yeah. In the original game, the slots are rigged so that you have a set chance to either hit three symbols in a row (40%) or three jackpots (10%), and if the guaranteed chance doesn’t trigger, you automatically fail.

With the Maeson patch, you still have the rigged chances to win, but you can also attempt to win the minigame manually if the rigged chance doesn’t trigger. Imo it’s a bit too good (I liked it better the way the Randomizer handled it, by removing the rigged chances altogether and only allowing the player to win the minigame manually), but it’s still an improvement on the original.


My Leomon lose to a caterpillar haha

I think the dev intended you to avoid most fight, but it’s kinda lame since a lot of time enemy will just place right beside you when you enter the area and then rush toward you, and since fighting is not rewarding it’s kinda pointless.

ICastFist, avatar

Yeah, there were also some areas where you’d pretty much get fucked because you’d hear the digimon footsteps and, as soon as the screen faded back in, SURPRISE BATTLE. Your mon having to fight up to 3 enemies made things even harder


Nice, that’s an interesting patch. Can it be done with existing save file?

Also does it patch the monochromon notorious item shop minigame 🙈

Aielman15, avatar

I don’t know about the existing save file. It should be compatible, though. It’s worth a try.

As for Monochromon, yes! It’s a lot less frustrating now.


Great! Gotta try it after work

Bamboodpanda, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

I will share my personal favorites:

Faster Than Light, Into the Breach, Inscryption (don’t look up anything just buy and play it)


For those who fondly remember FTL and think they got everything out of it; I highly, HIGHLY, recommend getting the Multiverse mod. It’s essentially FTL 2 and adds an absolutely insane amount of content. Seriously, it’s like 10x bigger than the base game. Dozens of new ships and equipment, several new races, hundreds of new events, new paths, new victory conditions. It is amazing and has really breathed new life into such an awesome game.


Oooooo I didn’t know this! I’m gonna give it a try tonight!


Definitely do! If anything, I’m underselling just how much content it adds. It’s even set a few decades after the base game so it really is like a full sequel.

CileTheSane, avatar

Seconding Inscryption. Excellent game. Read nothing about it and explore it on your own.

chonglibloodsport, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

You owe it to yourself to try some traditional Roguelikes:

  • Caves of Qud (Just released 1.0 a month ago. Amazing game. Unique science fiction world full of weird and wonderful characters, complex tinkering crafting system, crazy mutants and really cool cybernetics. Huge amounts of lore and a rich detailed world. I can’t stop playing it!)
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Really awesome game with a friendly developer who posts on Lemmy. Extremely well balanced classes: 5 main classes with a 6th in development. Cool character customization and equipment upgrade system. Super deep alchemy system. Probably the best mobile roguelike but amazing on PC too, with a great UI for every platform)
  • NetHack (old school, developed since 1987 and still active, very tough game, might not want to try this one first. Incredibly rewarding once you learn it! Absolutely crazy amount of interactions between items, characters, and features in the dungeon. Takes its “verb-based action system” much farther than any other game, including text adventure games)
  • Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup (very complex but not as brutal and spoilery as NetHack. Extreme replay value due to the huge number of species, backgrounds, skills, and gods)
  • Tales of Maj’Eyal (not as many races as DCSS but still a huge variety of character builds. Great music as well)
zephorah, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

Prey is worth your time.


Prey is so good! It’s one of my favorite games. It is not really like Starfield, though


Yeah, I’ve heard that it’s a great immersive sim. I wouldn’t call it a big space game™.


No, there’s nothing Skyrim about it in terms of game style. No open world, but it’s a very cool rpg space game.

scutiger, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

Dead Cells is 50% off on GOG right now.

If you enjoyed Hades, you might like the new Ninja Turtles game, Splintered Fate. It’s definitely a bit more than “inspired by” Hades. Doesn’t quite hit the same, but it’s still a good time.

evening_push579, do games w What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Growing up:

  • playing Perfect Dark either story coop or battle simulator with my best friend or brother
  • getting totally immersed in Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask
  • Silent Hill 2 and 3 with best friend
  • playing Star Craft online until way too late, also with best friend
  • not only joy maybe, but FFX was very memorable for me
  • organising Xbox lan parties at our house playing 16 player death matches in Halo


  • Getting a Switch totally re-ignited my gaming passion. Having a full time work and family it is hard to find the time to sit down and focus on a game, the Switch with its quick sleep/on/off and tv/mobile feature changed that. I felt like a teenager again when I lost track of time (usually late at night) while playing Breath of the Wild and the Xenoblade series
  • FFXIV and getting immersed once again in a game world
zedgeist, do games w What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game?

Life is Strange, with the final decision of Bae vs Bay. It made me quit the game for two days before I came back and decided (Bae forever). I love a good, story-impactful decision. That might be weird in this context, but it was so great, and that enjoyment came entirely from the game.

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