lloram239, (edited ) do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states?

Prince of Persia (2008) is a game where you can’t die. You get a companion, Elika, early on and whenever you are on the verge of dying, she jumps in and rescues you. They even use that mechanic for a little puzzle later in the game where you have to find the real Elika out of a bunch of illusions and the solution is to

spoilerjump of the nearest ledge towards your death, real Elika jumps in and saves you.

All the Wing Commander games featured branching story lines, where things would take different paths depending on if you lost or won a mission. Even if you got yourself killed you still got a funeral cutscene ending your story instead of just a Game Over screen.

Eurofighter Typhoon had an interesting concept where you took controller over multiple pilots at once across a lengthy war campaign. You could switch between them freely at any time, the remaining ones switch to AI when not controlled by you. If one got killed, injured or ended up as POW, you could just switch to another one and continue as usual. The missions you would have to fly were dynamically generated based on how the war progressed and your success and failures. Basically a flightsim with an RTS running underneath, along with story cutscenes for some important moments. The game had some rough spots and arguably EF2000 or Falcon 4 did the dynamic war campaign better, but at least on paper what Typhoon was trying to do was really interesting. Rather sad that 20 years later we still hardly ever see games that do the small scale and large scale simulation at the same time.

LoamImprovement, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states?

Disco Elysium is probably the best implementation of the ‘Fail Forward’ ideology I’ve seen in a game - not ‘Game Over’ per se, because running out of Health or Morale will give you a game over, along with some nonstandard endings, but failing important story-related checks doesn’t lock you out of the story, you’re just encouraged to go explore other parts of the world - raising the skill associated with the check you failed opens it up again, and certain objects, thoughts, or interactions can also open them up again. In the same vein, failing noncritical checks can often lead to more interesting and/or advantageous outcomes than succeeding. As an example:

spoilerOne red check (noncritical, can’t be retried) you make early on is to try to remember your name via Conceptualization. Succeed, and you’ll just admit to yourself that you can’t remember. Fail, and you immediately land on ‘Raphael Ambrosious Cousteau.’ You can then spend the rest of the game referring to yourself as RAC, with humorous reactions from pretty much everyone who hears it, and if you do it enough, you unlock a thought that raises your Savoir Faire and Espirit de Corps skills.

Great game, by the way, highly recommend.

PowerSeries, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states?

Monaco is a fun example where stealth frequently fails and yet, you just have to scramble to do something and ruuuun. You can end up hiding and trying again but short of getting everyone killed, it’s hard to get a game over. Your friends can revive you, as long as they don’t get caught and killed themselves.

It’s a good mechanic where it’s more “let’s go save Dave” then “thanks Dave now we need to restart”.

No I don’t know any Dave’s, names have been changed to protect the guilty.

ThemboMcBembo, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states? avatar

Rogue Legacy! You are a knight invading an evil wizard’s castle. When you die, your children take up your mantle and try again.

Dying means you get to try again with a descendant that has different quirks, like “being left-handed” or “dwarfism”

GenBlob, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

The Ooze. My memory on this is fuzzy but on genetics lab part 2, there is a room you can enter that has a checkpoint. If you enter the room then you’re locked inside and if you collect the checkpoint and die, you will respawn back into the room and your only option is to lose all your lives or reset the game. I remember getting really pissed off finding this when I was a kid because I spent days trying to beat the game and I had a really good run up until that moment.

bomanicious, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Ys 8 has a soft lock toward the end where if you didn’t do enough side quests to build up enough affinity with your castaway group and party members you would get treated to a bad/neutral ending. Fortunately at that soft lock point there are enough ways to build up those points so you can progress past that point.

Anticorp, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

I guess this is tangentially related. RDR2 had the full ending for Author and then kept going. I didn’t care what happened beyond that so I never finished the epilogue.


That’s not a soft lock and your clearly never played the first game lol.

Mr_Buscemi, (edited ) avatar

Aw you missed out on some fun parts of the game. If you were just playing for Arthur’s story then I can understand why you’d stop there though. I’ll spoiler tag the stuff below but it’s why I think the epilogue is worth it if you wanted closure on something dealing with Arthur.

!Micah is a totally bitch. Epilogue dealt with John dealing with him and that shit was great !<

Won’t say more about it than that.


I heard later that >!Micah finally gets his in the epilogue!< and meant to go back to finish it, but never did. I still may some day!

Theharpyeagle, (edited ) do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

I’m pretty sure I soft locked my New Vegas save a good few years ago, or at least locked myself out of the ending I wanted. I was going for the Yes-Man ending, but I wanted to let House upgrade the robots first. I let him do it and then killed him to get the platinum chip back, but turns out he didn’t have it on him. Without any way to give the chip to Yes-Man, I was SoL. I think you can still complete the game with a couple other factions, but I know for sure that I already pissed The Legion off so I don’t know how many options are left. Maybe I’ll dig up that save somehow and try again.

Also, In the original Thief games (Thief: The Dark Project, Thief: Gold, and Thief 2), there was a brief fadeout period between dying and getting kicked to the game over screen. This death state didn’t lock the controls, so you could still move around, interact with objects, and, critically, quicksave. If you happened to quicksave at the moment of your death, there was nothing you could do to get out of dying. There was only one quicksave slot and no autosaves, so if you weren’t manually saving every now and then, you had to start the entire game over. Learned to make occasional checkpoint saves the hard way.

The death mechanic did lead to at least one hilarious fan mission where you had to get through a door and complete the mission after falling to your death.


Yes Man is the failsafe ending, so you should always be able to do it I’m pretty sure. Killing Yes Man should work like killing Victor and he just jumps to a new body if I remember correctly.


Link to the fan mission? I’ve been getting my annual itch to go back to The City

obywatelle, do zapytajszmer w Czy któraś partia ma w programie zmianę systemu wyborczego, żeby był bardziej demokratyczny? avatar

Żaden system wyborczy w demokracji parlamentarnej nie jest prawdziwie demokratyczny.


tbh żaden system wyborczy nie będzie prawdziwie demokratyczny jak się nie można z niego wypisać

obywatelle, avatar

Uznawanie odmowy głosu to też problem, ale chyba mniejszy od tego, że w systemie parlamentarnym nie można w żaden realny sposób wpłynąć na decyzje wybranej osoby przez 4 lata. Detale w postaci rodzaju ordynacji itp są też mało istotne.


jasne. Tj w mojej hierarchii “utopijności” sytuacja przedstawia się tak

demokracja reprezentatywna < demokracja bezpośrednia < municypalizm (technicznie forma demokracji) << anarchia (głosowanie najwyżej jako narzędzie)

obywatelle, avatar

A tbh jak kiedyś czytałam o różnych ordynacjach wyborczych i ich implikacjach to model d’Hontda jest chyba najmniej przypałowy ze wszystkich – cała reszta rodzi jeszcze gorsze patologie. Brakuje mi tylko zniesienia progu wyborczego, tęsknię do Sejmu z lat 90. który nie umiał się dogadać w dosłownie żadnej sprawie.


Jaka demokracja jest prawdziwie demokratyczna? Mógłbyś opisać?

obywatelle, avatar

Widzę że zamieszczanie zaimków w ksywie naprawdę nie ma sensu, bo nawet wtedy wszyscy mnie misgenderują, ale trudno, przywykłam.

Demokracja jest wtedy, kiedy ty jako człowiek możesz wpływać i decydować o swoim otoczeniu oraz o wspólnych sprawach na każdym możliwym etapie i w każdym możliwym momencie - możesz zarówno dla swojej wygody powoływać coś w rodzaju władzy czy reprezentacji tak samo łatwo, jak później ową władzę lub reprezentację całkiem odwoływać. I to odwoływać w sensie dosłownym, nie tylko zamieniać na inną.

Wszystko inne to farsa.


A nie zauważyłem zaimka, przeprasza.

To fajnie brzmi, ale gdyby tak każdy każdego mógł odwoływać, to odwołań byłoby chyba więcej, niż powołań. Nie widzę tutaj korzyści, wręcz dużą niestabilność.

obywatelle, avatar

Stabilność zapewnia pewna wspólnota interesów, która musi się porozumieć, żeby dojść do jakiejś konkluzji. Kiedy ludzie zauważają, że nie ma lidera który odwali za nich robotę, z reguły w końcu sami się za nią zabierają, tylko początkowo płaczą, że chcą zrzucić na kogoś odpowiedzialność. Ale jeśli nawet to zrobią, to musi to być zrealizowane w modelu, w którym twój mandat znaczy tylko tyle, ile masz realnego poparcia a grupie. Istnienie jakichkolwiek instrumentów (prawnych, przymusowych itp) gwarantujących ci utrzymanie się u władzy to zaproszenie od nadużyć. Efekty widzimy na co dzień.

Poza tym nie można wszystkiego tłumaczyć stabilnością. Faszyzm jest najbardziej stabilny i bezpieczny, co nie oznacza że mamy poświęcać wolność w zamian za stabilność. Jasne że anarchistyczna wizja społeczna nie daje łatwych odpowiedzi, bo nie istnieje coś takiego jak dobry i uniwersalny blueprint na każdą możliwą sytuację - demokracja i wolność wymagają dość intensywnych starć rozmaitych modeli ze sobą, żeby można było w drodze praktyki społecznej ustalić najbardziej optymalne rozwiązanie dla danego miejsca w danym czasie.

Idzie o to, żeby te rozwiązania pochodziły od samych zainteresowanych, jak to mówi socjologia,* aktorów społecznych*. W obecnym systemie zostały one nam narzucone przez porządki związane z państwem narodowym, a wcześniej władzą feudalną i królewską, nie są wynikiem jakichś “umów społecznych”. Dowodem na to jest choćby fakt, że nie możemy tych umów renegocjować.

HarvesterOfEyes, do piracy w OST For Games avatar is the best I’ve found so far. Some numbers:

  • Total albums: 43,913
  • Total songs: 1,325,601
  • Total size: 12581

That’s amazing - thanks


Thank you !!!

GrayBackgroundMusic, (edited ) do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Xmen on Sega genesis. At one point you have to literally reset the console. I was 10 and didn’t understand that’s what it was telling me to do. No game had ever done that, and prof x was breaking the 4th wall telling the player to do that. The game never broke the 4th wall otherwise. I didn’t understand until a decade later when I read it on some listicle.

jws_shadotak, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks?

Not really, unless you know a lot about sound engineering.

I don’t think there’s any version of the show that doesn’t have a laugh track.

SirGaston, avatar

Too bad, thanks!

battleshack, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks?

Original video assets from a studio has multiple audio tracks, but they are transcoded down to a single audio track before distribution to the end user. Sorry.

You could do some fancy editing, or maybe you can use machine learning somehow.

But removing the laugh track really messes with the comedic timing.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

Depends on the show and how it’s used, in my opinion it feels more disruptive than the interruptions left behind by its absence.

kersploosh, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks? avatar

Not easily. The laugh track isn’t a separate audio stream by the time you get the episode. It’s all mixed together with the dialogue and music.

Watching a sitcom with the laugh track missing seems like it would be awkward. The actors are constantly taking extended pauses between lines, or sometimes in the middle of a line, while the laugh is happening.

SirGaston, avatar

Yeah I get what you mean, I just watched the link from the comment below and it feels really weird to watch it like this.


Now you must go further down the rabbit hole and watch musicless music videos on youtube.

downhomechunk, avatar

Challenge accepted!


This one’s my favorite:

SirGaston, avatar

Hahaha, pure art!


What the hell is that instance name xD


Just the Invidious instance I found on the official list a long time ago. I like them because they’re relatively local, super reliable, and unlike a lot of other instances they actually have the download feature enabled. But yeah, their domain name is a bit awkward, lol.


Do you mean muted music videos or is there something else entirely ?

CmdrShepard, (edited )

They’re music videos where the music and singing is cut and ‘ambient’ noise like squeaky shoes, breathing, grunting while doing dance moves, etc is dubbed back in. You’ll see what I mean if you watch one. It may be the same thing but I’ve just always heard of them referred to as “musicless music videos”


I did. It was quite funny listening to just the lyrics. Would have been nice if they managed to keep the original vocals but that whispering voice made it funnier.


I used to work in a nightclub. We had a TV show book the club during the day to shoot some scenes, so the cast were acting out drinking and dancing, but without any music. It’s probably the most surreal thing I’ve seen in my life.


I don’t see anything preventing someone from not just cutting the audio out, but the video, too. Then there shouldn’t be any awkward pauses.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

It might make for some very choppy transitions in certain areas, you’d need a way to smooth it out to make it less abrupt while still cutting out the majority of it in the parts where hard cutting wouldn’t work well.

0x6E68, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks?
ensignrick, avatar



I remember trying to filter out the vuvuzelas during the African world cup I mainly failed and just gave up on that whole tournament.

Seeing this makes me think if it happens again I might have better lick.

ensignrick, avatar

Seems possible. I dabbled in audio engineering, you can train a filter to remove specific noise, specifically background noise of a location.


If I remember correctly, they did that on TV after some time. But the improved audio still wasn’t good.


Woha. WOHA!

SirGaston, avatar

Thanks man, I do not understand completely how to do this but will read into it!


the power of an annoyed programmer


I think this (mild/moderate annoyance) is probably the most common reason for inventing things. From cars to remote controls.


That’s wild


this video is 5 years old already, impressive


Wow. Super impressive. Guess with today’s technology you could do it pretty much 100%. I saw that model that lets you separate music into separate tracks for guitar, vocals, drums, … Guess something like that could even separate the laughs from the next actor resuming to speak.

Kind of also reminds me of those videos where they stabilize / de-shake Star Trek. There are some scenes where the ship gets shot at for example. And the actors act that out and the camera is shaking too and a bit at an angle. Looks funny once that camera shake is removed.

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