I just broke 1400 hours and still going strong. There’s so much to do and so much to learn, and it’s so good at rewarding grinding and keeping you chasing those incremental improvements. It’s 100% replaced RuneScape for me.
I have broken 1000 hours with Cookie Clicker, Guild Wars 2, RuneScape, and Eve Online. I don’t recommend the latter two anymore, but CC and GW2 still hold up.
Honorable mention to Factorio. I’m still in the hundreds but it’s climbing.
Not a huge fan of the sets and how the bonuses work, but it’s still pretty straightforward and better than the old armor system. Everything else is great. Magazines are a little weird in a split group because we typically have one person go into loot perks, but magazines drop based on the skills of who loots the container, but it gives access to crafting recipes to people who otherwise wouldn’t have them because they were previously skill level locked.
Have done at least one fresh run through major updates since a16 and the game has never gotten worse, in my opinion. The new pois are amazing. As well. Oh and the trader system is fixed and quest leveling overhauled, rewards improved, and progression made transparent. A little glitch in multiplayer though, last I played.
I played both games on Xbox and i like it!Cyberpunk77 i bougth since day one had lot of bugs but for me was playable on that time even with bugs lol!I like the story mode but my expectations was more higher!For me the Witcher 3 was i had a best experience and the longivity of the game is insane!Both games are good but different styles!
Apart from Flight Simulator 2020 and DCS, I absolutely love games like Euro Truk Simulator 2 and Snowrunner. I put ungodly amounts of hours into those. Especially ETS 2 is incredibly relaxing. No pressure, just a lovely drive. It’s definitely not for everyone though.
I am Not even close to 1000h but devinetively Factorio. Be aware, this game is a massive time sink and makes you play for way longer than you want. Especially with the new expansion you can spend enormous amounts of time in this game.
Don’t Starve Together scratches the MMO itch for me. It’s not an MMO, but there are public servers where you can hop in and hang out, raid bosses and whatnot. I have ~4k hours in it now.
So true, Cyberpunk can’t be fixed because it’s story is so bad, it has some cool scenes when johnny and v go into the dimensional merge, but that’s about it
I agree the main story isn’t that re-playable, though I’d say phantom liberty is worth 2 playthroughs because the endings diverge pretty heavily and actually have gameplay to go with them. I find the best way to play it is to do minnimal main story, crank up the difficulty, maybe install some mods and then play it as an rpg with all the side gigs.
Installed just using Vortex Mod Manager, played on very hard and trying to pick the stats and gear that I think I would pick if I actually got isekai’d into cyberpunk or something, also no crafting guns except when home at my apartment.
Tbh once i got through the boring introduction, I spent more time ffing around than actually progressing the story. If you do jobs instead of the main story, and consider that as the main gameplay loop the replayability is insane.
The real problem is how the game tries to funnel you into finishing the game, like the main quest is always there occupying the quest log when you open it, everytime you do a gig it defaults back to it etc…
Honestly the game is more fun imo when you are just running/driving around interacting with the world and accidently doing gigs rather than bee lining the story.
I really hate that there isint any new game + and that they cap levels. They should add a bigger spike of difficulty too.
I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…
I used to think like this. It took me a while to realize it wouldn’t be different at all. You gotta take care of yourself in life and that includes your mental health and well-being. Sometimes that’s playing a game you love