DieserTypMatthias, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year? avatar

Factorio. And Cities: Skylines 2 if I’m playing it on Windows.


Factorio just makes hours disappear, it’s an amazing game! Have you played the expansion?


played? Past tense? You must be joking


Damn, you got me!

DieserTypMatthias, avatar

Yes, I did.

chloyster, do gaming w What is your Game of the Year?

UFO 50 without a doubt. Most creative bang for your buck that’s ever been released imo


Absolutely agree with this. The product could have had fewer games and each game could have been much more shallow and it still would have been “good”. But there’s honestly a ton of bangers in this collection and the variety and creativity is astounding.

harcesz, do zapytajszmer w Jak blokować Google Adsense, reklamy na youtube i cookies od Googla i innych niechcianych firm?
!deleted269 avatar

Chrome to w pierwszej kolejności narzędzie szpiegowskie googla, w drugiej przeglądarka. Jeśli ktoś szanuje swoją prywatność nie ma innej opcji niż przesiadka.

VolumetricShitCompressor, do gaming w Balatro is rated PEGI-18 and Among Us inspires disgruntled people with medical needs. What other video games have been secretly eroding the very fabric of American society?

Harvest Moon teaches that everybody can own land and live a good life self-sustainable off of his own work.

Viri4thus, do games w PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery

I’m happy to lobby for the balatro dev once he posts on a federated media (real fed, not bluesky).

Personally, I don’t care if balatro is popular here, the pegi 18 rating will impact sales 0%. Also, FC24s gambling should be banned EU wide or the rating of the game should be upped to 18+. Better yet, we should use this Balatro slip up from PEGI to get FC24s rating to be revised to 18+


Personally, I don’t care if balatro is popular here, the pegi 18 rating will impact sales 0%.

I don’t doubt that some weird ultra religious family will ban Balatro in their house because of that.

ProdigalFrog, do gaming w what's a game that has you like:

Thief: The Dark Project.

It’s everything I could ever want.

  • Excellent story perfectly meshed with the gameplay.
  • A strange high-technology medieval world.
  • Incredible level design combined with realistic roughly drawn maps, forcing you to take in your surroundings and build your own map.
  • Variety of gameplay, ranging from infiltrating a rich baron’s mansion to rob them blind, to delving into ancient crypts filled with odd creatures and an alien culture for some adventurous tomb raiding, to some of the most terrifying pants filling survival horror I’ve yet encountered.

It is, in my opinion, perfection.

eezeebee, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 15th avatar


My goodness this game feels like it was made for me. I feel the magic of Zelda (LttP, maybe Link’s Awakening) and Dark Souls, and I would say the game wears those influences on its sleeve.

The game drops you into the world with no explanation. Signs are in a foreign language. You can collect pieces of the instruction manual which includes map pieces. The manual is littered with the occasional word in English, just enough to guess at what you can / need to do. There’s basically no hand-holding at all. Combat is similar in that it can be difficult if you find yourself in an area you aren’t ready for yet (like I did).

There are lots of hidden pathways, ladders and chests to find. They do a good job of showing you treasure chests and shortcuts that are just out of reach, and you have to really observe and think about how to navigate to get there. To me the world design has big Dark Souls 1 energy in that way - already I’ve had that same “omg it’s Firelink Shrine?!” experience as I explore and open up paths.


I’ve been meaning to grab this one. Thanks for the wishlist reminder!


I really enjoyed Tunic. I loved collecting all the pages and learning about the world. I had to turn the difficulty down for the final boss as it just wasn’t fun but everything else was great. The ending was really good after I found all the collectables. Though I did look up where to find them after working out what I was looking for.


I love this game. It’s my current Steam Deck title I’m working through on trips. Absolutely gorgeous!

Crafter72, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Fallout 4. The amount of world exploration and itty bitty stuffs almost makes me lost myself in exploration, even though the story can be really short depending how you progress the content. On my first playthrough, I clocked at ~90hrs of play time and only just passed the 1/4 of story progression just because I sucked in sidequest and exploration.

Never thought I enjoyed the base building and assisting settlements aspects, Bethesda did great job on Visual storytelling speaking as Interplay/Obsidian Fallout fan.

Another case is STALKER Anomaly mod which can gives you theoritical endless playtime as long as you creative to build your own CYOA Stalker story. Though I don’t recommend Anomaly if you’re looking for the STALKER lore (as they’re fan project) and should be treated as post-vanilla playthrough.

essteeyou, do gaming w Inspired by another post

Like this: I woke to news of a cool-looking Witcher game?

ClassifiedPancake, do gaming w Water + hot oil

The fryers are on wheels so maybe it was moved there later on when it wasn’t in use anymore.

princessnorah, avatar

Those style of fryers aren’t usually on wheels as they have a gas connection…



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  • ArcaneSlime,

    Idk what he’s talking about, IME they are usually on wheels to ease in servicing them.

    That said they’d still likely be placed there for operation, they don’t get moved to use, they get moved from where used to clean, empty, check line, replace line, etc.



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  • ArcaneSlime,

    Yup that sounds about right lol, that’s what I’m used to too.

    SweetCitrusBuzz, avatar

    Idk what he’s talking about.

    Did you mean what she’s talking about? Her pronouns are in her display name…


    My mistake, don’t really read or care about usernames tbh lol.

    princessnorah, avatar

    No, I know that already, I’m talking about in the real world and how the game gets it wrong, as well as the dishwasher.



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  • princessnorah, avatar

    Huh, that’s cool. All the ones at places I worked just had the legs with adjustable feetsies. They sucked to move.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    The fryers at all the McDonald’s locations I work at are on wheels. You can detach the gas line. I have to regularly pull them out to clean spilled oil and shit from under and behind them (and all the other big appliances as well, which are the same). It sucks worse than cleaning the bathrooms.

    driving_crooner, avatar

    Moved by whom? The zombies?


    Zombie Chefs

    driving_crooner, avatar

    Exclusive images of the zombie chef moving the fryer close to the washer.

    darkmogool, do gaming w Water + hot oil

    You can’t even open the dishwasher…



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  • Schmoo,

    Worked in a few kitchens when I was a teenager and those industrial dishwashers usually have a sink to the right of them and a flat surface to the left so you can slide trays of dishes through them from right to left. The dishwasher itself divides the dirty and clean areas so there’s no cross-contamination. If one were set up so that you just slide the tray in and back out the same way I don’t think that would meet hygiene standards.


    From my experience the front would be towards the wall since the handle (the big pipe going around it, like here is on the back.


    Yup, thats exactly, why this one cant’t open

    mxcory, do gaming w The Steam Autumn Sale 🎮 is over, what did everyone get?

    Slime Rancher

    I would say definitely worth the 2 bucks. I wanted something I could play without having to pay attention to story, so it seems to fit the bill pretty well.

    garretble, do games w What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? avatar

    Animal Well.

    catloaf, do games w What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen?

    Myst was my answer even before reading your post, so I would say the rest of the series. Also Quern, in the same genre. Maybe The Talos Principle if you like puzzles, though I don’t remember reaching for my notepad while playing.

    agamemnonymous, avatar

    Exile was pretty good, minus the pixel hunting on the forest level, but I’d say overall quality dropped off pretty quickly after that.

    catalyst, do games w What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? avatar

    The last game I recall breaking out pen and paper for was Tunic. You can definitely beat the story without, but the later puzzles call for it.

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