So true, Cyberpunk can’t be fixed because it’s story is so bad, it has some cool scenes when johnny and v go into the dimensional merge, but that’s about it
I agree the main story isn’t that re-playable, though I’d say phantom liberty is worth 2 playthroughs because the endings diverge pretty heavily and actually have gameplay to go with them. I find the best way to play it is to do minnimal main story, crank up the difficulty, maybe install some mods and then play it as an rpg with all the side gigs.
Installed just using Vortex Mod Manager, played on very hard and trying to pick the stats and gear that I think I would pick if I actually got isekai’d into cyberpunk or something, also no crafting guns except when home at my apartment.
Tbh once i got through the boring introduction, I spent more time ffing around than actually progressing the story. If you do jobs instead of the main story, and consider that as the main gameplay loop the replayability is insane.
The real problem is how the game tries to funnel you into finishing the game, like the main quest is always there occupying the quest log when you open it, everytime you do a gig it defaults back to it etc…
Honestly the game is more fun imo when you are just running/driving around interacting with the world and accidently doing gigs rather than bee lining the story.
I really hate that there isint any new game + and that they cap levels. They should add a bigger spike of difficulty too.
Alan Wake 1. It’s one of the few games i can play over and over again and not get bored. Sometimes i’ll just pop in and play a chapter when i want something to do. I keep it and it’s sister game, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare on system at all times just so i can play it
I’m ashamed to say it took me until a few months ago to get to it. I finally got around too it though after my full yearly play through of Alan Wake 1 earlier this year
I’m still playing Triangle Strategy and played a bit of Granblue Fantasy Vs Rising, but I’m on pad as I didn’t have my hitbox with me so I’m trying to relearn the controls.
I’ve been also playing a bit of Genshin Impact and while I don’t like the monetization and think it hurts the game even if you don’t interact with it, it’s still enjoyable to play and the exploration is quite relaxing.
I’ve also been playing Etrian Odyssey which I had put on hold for a few months because I had gotten stuck on a certain floor, but now I figured out where to go. I am really enjoying it, it does feel a bit old, but it probably enhances how hostile the dungeon feels.
I’m watching a streamer play through Cyberpunk right now and it looks really good. I gotta play it myself next year, when I (hopefully) upgrade my GPU.
Riichi Mahjong - Been doing way too well in my IRL games all season. I think that means I'm due to lose this week. That's called like Gambler's Theorem or something, right?\
Blue Revolver: Double Action - This has been sitting in my Steam library and I saw it got a big update. Learning how to play a shmup is on my bucket list, but so far I cannot get any further than stage 4 on the lowest difficulty. Very fun though, and banger OST.
Also went down to Round 1 today, haven't been in years. Played a few rounds of Wacca, Chunithm, Arcana Heart, and Chaos Code.
If you are interested in another hard (but doable) shmup that not too many people have heard of, take a look at Jets’n’Guns Gold. Fantastic soundtrack, pure carnage, an absolutely insane story, astonishing creativity and variety and an excellent upgrade system. It’s filled with clever ideas from the first minute to the last and controls absolutely perfectly with every input method. I’ve been playing it every once in a while ever since the original version came out 20 years ago and it has lost none of its appeal since.
I mostly had fun, and felt the work they did to make Night City feel like a proper city, as opposed to the tiny village-sized “city” typical of open world games, really showed. (For example, the fact that people walking down the street had different ages, body types, and walking styles made it easy for me to forgive the occasional pair of NPC clones spawning next to each other.)
But yes, many of the activities/events offered by the game ended up seeming a bit pointless because their outcome was more or less predetermined.
Moreover, the RPG aspect of the game lacked depth, which seemed like a lot of wasted potential given that there were plenty of characters that could have been really interesting to get to know. Instead, the character development was nearly all Silverhand, nearly all the time, and I didn’t even have much influence over how that relationship developed.
Spoilers ahead:
What about Jackie? He was supposed to be my best friend, but I never had experiences with him to make me feel that way, and then he was gone in just a few scenes. What about Panam? She was so determined to make a difference in the lives of the people who mattered to her, yet she all but vanished once we bonded, after just a couple of missions. What about Judy?? Her personal mission-like encounter was really promising. We supposedly fell in love and were planning to leave the city together, yet for the rest of the game, we had no interaction but “dates” consisting of the same half-dozen lines of dialogue and two or three brief animations, repeated over and over again. I’m sure there are more examples, but I think I’ve made my point.
I think the biggest disappointment for me was the ending, though. And the other ending that I got by reloading and picking different options, and then the third ending, and the fourth. They all felt like such empty let-downs that I went online to read about the rest. [Edit: These might have been Phantom Liberty endings; I don’t remember for sure.] Surely there must be some good ones, right? Right?
The only vaguely satisfying ending that I found was a secret one that (IIRC) requires specific choices early in the game, and a very strong bond with Silverhand, and letting the game sit at a particular dialogue screen for several minutes without picking any option. The endings that players are actually meant to experience left me feeling empty. The great deal of time I had sunk into the game was for nothing after all. I guess that could be considered appropriate for a cyberpunk dystopia, but as an experience and a story, it left me feeling cheated. I wished I had my time back.
So, as I said, I mostly had fun playing it, and it had its share of highlights, but I don’t expect to ever play it again. I hope CD Projekt Red keep much of the technical progress they made with this game (I was so relieved that my character’s movement was responsive for a change!) and work more on character development and player agency in the next one.
Ah, see, I love the game. I’ve been replaying it, actually. I think the endings, yeah, they’re all pretty sad. Even the one ending where
Tap for spoilerYou actually get the cure, it’s a massive, massive bummer. Life moves on without V, and they are stuck. They try to go back to their life, and they realized it’s all gone when they got what they were trying for the whole time. Every ending but one is genuinely sad.
And that’s super duper rare, it feels like. I truly appreciate that everything was a gut punch. I really like my V, and when I’ve replayed it I make them the same way (looks-wise, I have made different builds). The male voice actor was not for me. I think he sounded like a douchebag and I couldn’t root for my own character. And that first play through I was honestly a little disappointed with the game. But when I found “my” V, I was much more invested.
I love the difficult choices they saddle you with. It was a big part of the game for me because they really made you feel like there were no right options, or two right options, and you weren’t just choosing black or white, you were choosing moral grayness or moral grayness. And you had to sit with those choices and, as OP pointed out, watch the consequences unfold for the—I feel, very well-written and acted—NPCs.
I really love the game. It and RDR2 are my favorites. I was never a gamer growing up. In my thirties I started playing games, but I am a huge story person—books, movies, tv shows—and I think the stories and the characters made it. So when I found games that let me really get a sense of these characters, even if there is a lot of dialogue, it’s like I’m playing a really long movie. That’s ideal for me. I could see how some people who game heavily wouldn’t like it though. But I fuckin love that game and its spiritual twin (IMO), RDR2. Both maybe “limited” for true gamers, but for some filthy cazh like me, fuckin excellent and highly enjoyable.
Almost every content creator I watch say their VR headsets are collecting dust. Part of that is because there aren’t many good VR games, but also I think there are very few types of games that are fun in VR. They’re just not made for long-term play, you’ll quickly get exhausted in half an hour and want to rest your eyes (or if you’re playing something movement heavy like Beat Saber, rest your body as well).
I tried Skyrim VR, albeit the vanilla version. It sucked. Once you get over the initial hype of “wow, it’s like I’m really there!” you quickly start to realize that VR adds nothing to the experience. It’s the same game, except way clunkier with broken combat and makes you dizzy after some time. Most VR games feel similarly shallow. Even when it comes to racing games which I thought would be killer in a headset, I came away realizing I’d prefer just playing it on a flat screen.
I don’t know where you live, but here there are a couple of places where you can try a headset. I would recommend finding a way to try it first before buying.
Very accurate. We have the Quest 1 and 2, both just collecting dust now, I’m not even sure if they would work anymore. We set up a VR gaming night with a few friends who also had headsets, played Beat Saber and Synth Riders a bunch, then got bored and decided to explore a new game where you walk about and chop wood and whatnot. Five minutes of that and I was so dizzy I almost threw up. It made me realize that the type of game you can play on these is very very limited. I did get a lot of mileage from Synth Riders, so I’m not saying it’s all worthless tech, but we probably could have got a better ROI just buying a regular console with the money.
Yeah there is some getting used to games where you walk around. I also managed a couple of minutes at a time at first. Now i can play for hours without issue. Also i havent been getting carsick anymore.
I think I have 5k hours in and the development style finally got to me in a bad way. I can go into detail if needed, but I don’t feel I need to to anyone with enough time in the game.
Thanks! I blasted my way through the main quest in preparation for 1999. Now I’m just working on getting my MR up and good frames and weapons built. My friends are so much farther along than me and they are a huge help. My fave part of the game, by far, is the fashion
I’ve started playing through some classic SNES and GBA games.
Chrono Trigger – Oh man, this one’s good. The soundtrack is on fire, and the game does a good job at making you feel like your actions make a difference.
Metroid Fusion – If you told me this was made in 2024, I’d probably believe you. It has a sense of pacing and suspense that I wasn’t expecting for a metroidvania.
I haven’t gotten very far in either, but so far it’s looking like they’ve aged like wine.