DoucheBagMcSwag, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

Replay with mods on PC


Can you recommend any mods?

DoucheBagMcSwag, (edited )

My favorite is the 3rd person mod…makes the game completely different and cosmetic actually matter how they look


Honestly the fact that the game puts such an emphasis on customizing your character and then is 1st person all the way through annoyed me to no end. Thanks for the recommend, didn’t know there was a mod that changed it

DoucheBagMcSwag, (edited )

Yep! The only thing is that when V talks their mouth doesn’t move.

I do notice that V’s mouth will move during the radio which is bizarre and interesting that V is the audio source of the radio

It’s a shame Jali can’t be reversed engineered to get V to speak

It can be a bit janky during platforming though and interacting with items. But with the Hyst body mod that’s not really something that’s a deal breaker

Another mod recommendation: Virtual Atelier. Thousands of customization from fan mod and you can “buy” them right on the store tablet that you can buy cars with

EDIT: IMMERSIVE FIRST PERSON. there is a mod that improves the FOV of the first person view and angles the camera to be more realistic of looking through V’s POV.


Yeah if I ever give it another go I’ll definitely check it out even if it’s a little janky. I liked the intro but after the first few missions I gave up. The POV thing was such an unreasonable thing to be a deal breaker, but I really just couldn’t get immersed after spending so much time making my character and then not seeing them as part of the world

FinishingDutch, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Apart from Flight Simulator 2020 and DCS, I absolutely love games like Euro Truk Simulator 2 and Snowrunner. I put ungodly amounts of hours into those. Especially ETS 2 is incredibly relaxing. No pressure, just a lovely drive. It’s definitely not for everyone though.

ooli, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

5k hour in Tales of Maj Eyal…/Tales_of_MajEyal/

Beat it in every difficulty once… except the last one. Half of my time must be on trying that.

Voroxpete, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

If you’re a Destiny refugee, the most obvious answer is Warframe, which just keeps on getting better and better.

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Does it have multiplayer or is it single player only? Destiny 2 was only really playable because I had a community/clan that I played with actively for the social aspect of it. Horribly boring playing it solo


Warframe is a bit similar to Destiny in that it's built around multiplayer, but most of the main content can be solo'd if you wanted. But that said, the Warframe community is still thriving, so it should be pretty easy to find a group to play with if you want to avoid the in-game matchmaking.


You’ll almost always end up doing missions with other people other than when you intentionally want to do certain tasks solo.

A lot of the game is built around guilds and player to player interactions.

PvP sucks and it’s almost all PvE content vs Destiny though.


A lot of the game is built around guilds and player to player interactions.

For a while that was true. But that entire design direction has basically been abandoned. Clans are more or less a vestigial organ at this point. Literally the only interaction I have ever had with a member of my clan was when I asked for an invite.


In many cases yes (though I’ve been in good ones when playing off and on, usually the smaller the more there’s actual group activities).

But they are essential to be a part of for blueprints and trading, which are very core parts of the game.


Sure, but again the amount of actual player to player interaction involved in that is minimal. Like I said, I’m in a clan, and outside of obtaining my initial invite (which basically went “Clan plz” in chat followed by clicking accept) I’ve had literally zero social interaction with my current clan. Trading has been effectively automated by Warframe market. You copy and paste something into chat, and the rest of the interaction consists of a pro forma exchange of "ty"s. Also, you don’t actually need a clan to trade, because anyone you’re trading with will inevitably invite you to theirs, so they’re only really important when selling.

This is absolutely nothing like the way that raiding and guilds are core to World of Warcraft. Clans play an almost purely mechanical role in Warframe, they’re not remotely the same thing, and do not have remotely the same requirement of social interaction.


There are a few sections restricted to solo only, but it’s not the default, the matchmaking is pretty quick for a random group and there’s a variety of people always looking to form groups for different tasks. One word of warning, people move fast, until you get parkour down, you might just end up running from the start to end of a level if you join groups, they’ll have completed the objectives and be waiting for you to extract.

Clans exist, and each have their own space station called a dojo that’s customized by them (cost is based on size of the clan, as a solo I was able to build up and level a clan on my own).


The core story content is single player only. The rest is multiplayer, but unlike Destiny there’s nothing that requires you to form your own group outside of the game, and all the gameplay is designed in such a way that you really don’t need to communicate. You can basically just turn on public matchmaking and get a bunch of humans who might as well be bots for all you’ll have to actually interact with them.

You can play all the content solo if you want to, but the difficulty might get a bit much, especially starting out (there are also certain game modes / mission types that really lean on having a full group).

cows_are_underrated, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

I am Not even close to 1000h but devinetively Factorio. Be aware, this game is a massive time sink and makes you play for way longer than you want. Especially with the new expansion you can spend enormous amounts of time in this game.

crestwave, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Don’t Starve Together scratches the MMO itch for me. It’s not an MMO, but there are public servers where you can hop in and hang out, raid bosses and whatnot. I have ~4k hours in it now.

therealjcdenton, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

FFXIV, the campaigns alone are roughly 500 hours long and then Team Fortress 2

therealjcdenton, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

So true, Cyberpunk can’t be fixed because it’s story is so bad, it has some cool scenes when johnny and v go into the dimensional merge, but that’s about it

CheeseNoodle, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

I agree the main story isn’t that re-playable, though I’d say phantom liberty is worth 2 playthroughs because the endings diverge pretty heavily and actually have gameplay to go with them. I find the best way to play it is to do minnimal main story, crank up the difficulty, maybe install some mods and then play it as an rpg with all the side gigs.

My mod list: `_----Cyber Engine Tweaks----

----Dependancy Mods----

----Overhaul Mods----
Responsive NPCs
Night City Alive…
Random Netrunners

Immersive First Person
Virtual Atelier…
Virtual Atelier all clothes…
Browser Extension`

Installed just using Vortex Mod Manager, played on very hard and trying to pick the stats and gear that I think I would pick if I actually got isekai’d into cyberpunk or something, also no crafting guns except when home at my apartment.

Mechaguana, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. avatar

Tbh once i got through the boring introduction, I spent more time ffing around than actually progressing the story. If you do jobs instead of the main story, and consider that as the main gameplay loop the replayability is insane.

The real problem is how the game tries to funnel you into finishing the game, like the main quest is always there occupying the quest log when you open it, everytime you do a gig it defaults back to it etc…

Honestly the game is more fun imo when you are just running/driving around interacting with the world and accidently doing gigs rather than bee lining the story.

I really hate that there isint any new game + and that they cap levels. They should add a bigger spike of difficulty too.

MyNameIsAtticus, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Alan Wake 1. It’s one of the few games i can play over and over again and not get bored. Sometimes i’ll just pop in and play a chapter when i want something to do. I keep it and it’s sister game, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare on system at all times just so i can play it

domi, avatar

1000 hours in Alan Wake is impressive. I assume you played part 2?

MyNameIsAtticus, avatar

I’m ashamed to say it took me until a few months ago to get to it. I finally got around too it though after my full yearly play through of Alan Wake 1 earlier this year

quinkin, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?


_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th

I’m still playing Triangle Strategy and played a bit of Granblue Fantasy Vs Rising, but I’m on pad as I didn’t have my hitbox with me so I’m trying to relearn the controls.

I’ve been also playing a bit of Genshin Impact and while I don’t like the monetization and think it hurts the game even if you don’t interact with it, it’s still enjoyable to play and the exploration is quite relaxing.

I’ve also been playing Etrian Odyssey which I had put on hold for a few months because I had gotten stuck on a certain floor, but now I figured out where to go. I am really enjoying it, it does feel a bit old, but it probably enhances how hostile the dungeon feels.

StereoTypo, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th avatar

Finally playing Cyberpunk. That and Webfishing.

StereoTypo, avatar

Also I too am running out of steam for Vampire Survivors. I enjoyed Halls of Torment much more.


The class with the flamethrower is so much fun in Halls of Torment.

Poopfeast420, avatar

I’m watching a streamer play through Cyberpunk right now and it looks really good. I gotta play it myself next year, when I (hopefully) upgrade my GPU.

missingno, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th avatar

Puyo Puyo Champions - help me I'm relapsing

Riichi Mahjong - Been doing way too well in my IRL games all season. I think that means I'm due to lose this week. That's called like Gambler's Theorem or something, right?\

Blue Revolver: Double Action - This has been sitting in my Steam library and I saw it got a big update. Learning how to play a shmup is on my bucket list, but so far I cannot get any further than stage 4 on the lowest difficulty. Very fun though, and banger OST.

Also went down to Round 1 today, haven't been in years. Played a few rounds of Wacca, Chunithm, Arcana Heart, and Chaos Code.


If you are interested in another hard (but doable) shmup that not too many people have heard of, take a look at Jets’n’Guns Gold. Fantastic soundtrack, pure carnage, an absolutely insane story, astonishing creativity and variety and an excellent upgrade system. It’s filled with clever ideas from the first minute to the last and controls absolutely perfectly with every input method. I’ve been playing it every once in a while ever since the original version came out 20 years ago and it has lost none of its appeal since.

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