I have crazy high hours on Skyrim because I replayed it in French and Spanish. It is a very fun way to get the cheapest language immersion ever (though your vocabulary becomes a little, um, specialized)
Votre français est très bon, mais vous avez un accent étrange. D’où venez-vous ? (“Your French is very good, but you have an odd accent. Where are you from?”)
X4. Come for the arcadey spaceflight simulator, stay for the galactic-scale empire building, leave for another save file once the Xenon start sending multiple I-class battleships against your Teladi allies but they cannot muster the strength to repel them and the entire gate network falls because you were too busy solving the Paranid Civil War.
UE5 is just a tool. Developers are the ones who are responsible of the game performance, more than Epic.
There are some problems that plague UE5 games like transition stuttering (moving from one zone to another) among other things, but overall I couldn’t blame the engine when the ones who use it are not me, but the developers themselves.
Same flak for Rocksteady and Batman Arkham Knight. They used Unreal Engine 3 instead of 4, and ran like crap anyway.
Studios and publishers will happily pay UE fees if that means pushing the game on schedule than wasting 2 years creating an engine from scratch that can’t resell or reuse (there are exceptions , tho)
I never had a C64 and was pretty jealous of this series.
I played a few DOS based clones and various ports and they were pretty cool but from what I’ve seen everything they’ve done with the franchise since 2000 has been soulless.