While playing Final Fantasy X the first time, I got to Old Zanarkand and inside the dome, I saved behind a sealed door in the Cloister of Trials. I wasn’t savvy to good saving practices and after solving the puzzle, got into a battle I was completely hopeless to defeat. There was no way to walk back out the door from which I entered, the only way out was through; and with my existing inventory, spells, charged up aeons, etc. I absolutely could not defeat the boss.
It was pretty crushing because this moment is so close to the end of the game, but I gave up and had to come back months (years?) later to fully start the game over. I think maybe I played 99+ hours of Final Fantasy VII and then decided to give X another try. The second time, I was much smarter with maintaining multiple save games for safety. Not to be bested again, I grinded up all of my limit breaks and aeons for safety and completely obliterated the boss in one go the next time around.
Oh I vaguely remembered it being beyond the ¾ point, but also I wouldn’t have known and it certainly FELT like that was the case when I got soft locked.
Odd Giants is based on the old MMO Glitch, and in that, when your character succumbs to empty stamina, you go to the underworld to recover. It’s a truly special game.
In Chernobylite, when you die (either by getting killed in specific circumstances or by committing suicide in a special device), you get a chance to alter the past by changing decisions you made in the game, which will end up in changing the story and a whole lot of things like companions’ attitudes, weapons at your disposal etc.
Theoretically you could create it with KDEConnect on a phone and use it as a mouse
this might be easiest to implement as you’d need a smartphone, a pc, then install KDEConnect on both
the con being the mouse part becomes more of a haptic trackpad as the phone itself doesn’t relay back global positioning changes(although it could with GPS but might not be cost/time-effective)
All 3 games require you do/don’t kill certain people at different levels in order to get the ‘true ending’. When I first played I just killed anything that moved, but then found out the consequences of doing so. Honestly it improved my game experience so much more when I had to carefully consider each action.
My sonarr has handled disenchantment fine, the files it grabbed are s5exx but they imported automatically as s3exx just fine. I didn’t have to do anything.