“A man chooses! A slave obeys.” - Andrew Ryan, BioShock
In general a lot of Andrew Ryan quotes are captivating, but that one transcends thanks to both the events happening, and the realization of the plot reveal.
The fun part of “Oh. It’s you.” Is that it can be read in so many ways. It’s not a particularly good line on its own. But the way that it’s said in the voice of GLADOS is just a peak “I’m fucking done with this bitch” mood. Major props to that voice actress.
I still use Left 4 Dead’s “pills here!” any time I’m dealing with medication. It’s an involuntary reflex at this point.
Also not really a line but the intonation of Chadley calling out “Cloud!” when he starts a conversation is seared into my psyche. Kind of like a modern version Navi’s “hey!”