Pxtl, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games? avatar

Deep Rock is good at letting you ignore what you don’t care about. I’ve never needed a wiki for it. It’s just fun and silly co op action, with massive complexity mostly about trivial things.

bionicjoey, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games?

The Baldur’s Gate character creator is a lot less daunting if you’ve played D&D before. Honestly I’ve seen far scarier character creation screens

Poggervania, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games? avatar

BG3 is based on arguably the most user-friendly version of Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition (5e). Larian themselves also do a fantastic job at easing you into the mechanics via gameplay, so you can honestly jump in and just play something that sounds cool to you without worrying about having to min-max or optimize your character. The game lays out what you get on each level-up pretty well and it defaults you to being a single class, so you won’t have to worry about multi-classing unless you want to - and because it’s based on 5e, you can honestly get away with not optimizing your build that much, if even at all, and manage to do fine as long as your main damage (STR for melee, DEX for ranged and Finesse weapons)/casting stat (INT for Wizards, CHA for Bards/Sorcerers, and WIS for Clerics/Druids) is high.

Can’t speak on OW2, but with games like Deep Rock Galactic and Vermintide, I found it’s best to just play it and figure stuff out slowly from experience. A lot of it can sound complicated, but I found it’s easier to digest the complexity of the mechanics and systems a bit at a time as your experience with the game grows. Like with Vermintide, as an example, I recently started really diving in deep with Cleave, Stagger, and Frontline/Heavy Frontline/Tank property mechanics and numbers for melee weapons; you literally cannot see these things from the game’s UI, and starting out I had no idea these things even existed, and it only really matters once you start playing on the hardest difficulties, Legend and Cataclysm. If I had to figure out all that stuff early on, I would nope out of the game super quick lmao.


5e might be easier to grasp than previous editions, and even easier to play than other TTRPGs, but even then. I started playing DnD after my second playthrough of BG3, and even having some experience with CRPGs, reading through the DM book, PHB, and all the sourcebooks I totally legally acquired, felt like trying to map a room with my eyes closed. Bg3 streamlines the math, but the complexity is still there.

Half of all the time I’ve spent as a DM has been spent devising homebrews to streamline the game further.

ulkesh, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games? avatar

Experience. I’ve been playing video games for 40 years. Many of them of any given genre tend to follow a familiar formula. While I also wing it, like others have said, it usually doesn’t take long to recognize the patterns of the formula.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, do gaming w Get ready for shitty games from WB next year that are full of always-on and battlepass avatar

Game of Thrones

Wait there are game of thrones games which aren’t shitty mobiles or reskins of unrelated games?


Telltale did a series years ago. Plus there was an RPG on the 360/PS3 gen too.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

Yeah, i meant more like the new ones since OP context seems to suggest future ones.

AGoT have really bad luck for games, that old RPG was decent RPG (but bad as specifically AGoT game) and the best AGoT games are mods for Crusader Kings 2/3.

bogdugg, do games w What are some other sites like Lichess for tabletop/board games? avatar

A couple years old, hopefully most of the websites on here are still alive:…/

frog, do gaming w Anyone knows about calm Windows games with 1-finger touch screen support?

I’ll need to double check them on my touchscreen laptop this evening, but 95% sure that both Dorfromantik and Townscaper work well with the touchscreen, and they’re also some of the calmest games in existence. I’ll also check Stardew Valley, which I haven’t played on my laptop, but the Android version is compatible with touchscreen so the Windows version may be too.


Townscaper is so chill


Oh yes, Dorfromantik! I have this on my radar for a while. It looks so lovely. I did not know about Townscaper, but that looks very chill too.

I have Stardew Valley already, never thought about trying it on the tablet, but that´s something I will do. I love this game, but only played it with Mouse & Keyboard so far.

Thank you very much for your suggestions :-)


I also just realised: if Civ V works with touchscreen controls, then Civ Beyond Earth probably would as well, since it is essentially the same game but with a sci-fi setting. Same developer, same controls, almost identical gameplay mechanics.


That´s a good idea. A Sci-Fi setting is a nice change from the classic Civ theme. I loved Alpha Centauri back then, could not stop playing. This might scratch that itch. Thank you :-)

ampersandrew, do gaming w What game genre would you like to see more entrants in? avatar

I'd like to see more first-person shooter campaigns in general. They've mostly disappeared. And what I don't mean are the likes of Dusk or HROT that harken back to the Quake era. I'm looking for the era just beyond that, like Halo, BioShock, Half-Life, F.E.A.R., Crysis, 007 games and so on. A Cyberpunk expansion and, to a lesser extent, a remake of System Shock are all I have to scratch that itch this year. Someday the indie scene will cycle around to getting nostalgic for that type of game, and I'll get more of it again. With Free Radical facing near-certain death on that TimeSplitters revival, so do my hopes for getting more of that type of FPS again. With LAN and split-screen co-op and deathmatch with friends while we're at it too. Trying to make a game into a live service that inevitably dies is just telling me not to buy the few promising games that come around, like Friends vs. Friends.


Ditto, I love boomer shooters, but I don’t think I’ve played a game more like Halo or Half-Life released in the last decade.

ampersandrew, avatar

Only a handful sneak through. Half-Life: Alyx, Cyberpunk, Titanfall 2, there's one Wolfenstein game I haven't played yet; but options dry up fast.

Dark_Arc, avatar

Crytek is working on Crysis 4 🙂

ampersandrew, avatar

As long as it's closer to Crysis 1 and 3 and less like Crysis 2. And even though 3 was good, the story was already sent off the rails in 2.

azdle, do gaming w Did anyone get the Limited Edition OLED Steam Deck avatar

Yep! I got one.

Got it into my cart within seconds, didn’t even get through more than the cart screen before I started getting 502 errors. Eventually went out of stock. But, showed back in stock a few minutes later and I was able to get my order in. My order email shows 12:29 (10:29 PST).

Already had a 512 Deck that I got in Feb 2022, but when you combine mainstream Linux gaming, OLED, and a translucent shell, apparently I have no self-control.


So glad I posted this, lol. I was still able to order an LE just now and was able to use the automated system to cancel my original order.

PeWu, do gaming w Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos.

I think Valve in on very early steps of enshittification. Maybe not everyone, but most companies started like that. I mean being nice to users. Counterargument to my claim is that they are already millionaires, which is true, but humans’ greed may be limitless.

helenslunch, avatar

Valve is not a new company and they’re easily worth billions.


Okay, I may have misplaced few zeros here ant there, my apologies.

SaltySalamander, avatar

Gabe himself is worth over 4 billion.


Always be on guard and claim no allegiance to any huge company.

Also, Valve have been pretty consumer friendly for 20 years.


I fear when lord gaben dies volvo will go public and enshittification will begin


Looks at copier sheet that’s not a Vol-vo.


Fortunately Gaben has only a minor interest in Volvo 😉.

But actually his son is involved in the games industry, and there’s plenty of other like-minded people at Valve. Hopefully the (far) future of Valve is as bright as its present.


I think a reason that Valve has been able to be consumer friendly for so long is that they aren’t public and not beholden to shareholders.


To be clear, that gives them the opportunity to avoid enshittification. There’s plenty of private companies that are dogshit. Valve happens to be one of them that took the opportunity and ran with it.

When Gaben retires or dies, things could very easily change. But I don’t think it’ll happen before then.


This is the correct answer.

When a company only has to please customers they are allowed to bend and in extreme cases break their own rules for a customer to be satisfied.

When you have to please share holders and customers. You as a laborer must decide to please the customer or the share holders. Sadly the longer you work somewhere the more like you are to please a customer if you work with them directly. The further you are from the customer the more likely you are to disagree with choosing customer satisfaction over shareholder satisfaction. Begin enshitirication.


That’s interesting. Are there other large non public gaming companies? I actually want to ask this outside of gaming, but don’t want to stray outside the community.


Epic Games*, Mihoyo**, IO Interactive, Bethesda/ZeniMax***, Deep Silver.

  • Epic games is 40% owned by a publicly-traded company, Tencent.

** Mihoyo filed for an IPO in 2017, but withdrew its application for unknown reasons.

*** ZeniMax Media was recently acquired by Microsoft, and is now a Microsoft subsidiary. I’m not sure if this makes it count as a ‘non-public gaming company’ by your definition.


Valve being a private company is probably the thing that allows them to focus on putting out good products w/o dealing with shareholders demanding more.

And they make a ton of money doing right by their core consumer base, I would be very surprised if we see any of that change.

If Valve were any other company they would have laid off half their staff and coasted on that 30% from Steam. They’re not perfect, but maybe the only company I feel good about giving money to, consistently.


If valve were public, and required to make a lot more money than the previous quarter, they would absolutely need (want?) to get the maximum amount of money from wherever they could. It’s what I think it’s happening with netflix & others. It doesn’t matter that (hypotetically) they make a billion dolars of revenue. They need to make more next quarter. So they need to raise prices, forbid account sharing, reduce content quarity, anything to earn as much money as possible for next quarter.

Volvo could earn a billion dollars, and if they don’t want to earn more, they could happily stay the same. They might even want to make moves thinking on the long term, such as keep customers happy and excited, or invest in new technologies like proton. Compared to netflix execs, who don’t care about the long term, they care about next quarter.

I don’t know a lot about the stock market, but it looks stupid to me to bet on infinite growth. If the company earns money, and I own shares, shouldn’t I earn money via dividends? It looks to me like the only way to make money is to buy low and sell high? Or is that just greed?


The fact that you said Volvo on accident brings me back to the old ThioJoe troll days

jarfil, (edited )

If the company earns money, and I own shares, shouldn’t I earn money via dividends?

You do. Companies give dividends all the time (well, every x months, usually at least yearly).

It looks to me like the only way to make money is to buy low and sell high? Or is that just greed?

Just greed… mostly. A lot of people want to “get rich quick”, and a bunch of already rich people like to gamble to get even richer, so a lot of market volatility comes from greed… but a share price with good growth expectations can make it attractive enough that the company may decide to give lower dividends (no need to attract people), so if you can “buy low, sell high”, you may still want to do it regardless.

You can still ride the market mostly on dividends by diversifying and investing into multiple companies whose share prices will average out in the long run (picking the right diversified portfolio, is an art on itself).

need to make more next quarter

That’s mostly an effect of tying C-suite compensations too closely to share prices, with no further checks in place. When the main driving force behind the decision makers is increasing share prices, they’ll happily burn down the whole company, cash out, and jump ship.

Sometimes it’s done on purpose, when some long-time investors grow tired and decide to cash out, maybe because they expect a change in the market and the company becoming less competitive or even obsolete. If the expected changes are big enough, it’s easier to start a new company from scratch, than to restructure an old behemoth with thousands of people used to doing things “like they’ve always been done”.


I don’t think it will happen. Enshittification has a predictable life cycle. Valve has had years of opportunity to sell out, but haven’t.

Mambert, do gaming w Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos.

I just don’t use my impact drill on them and I’ve never had an issue.


You’re clearly doing it wrong then. You need to torque those screws more than you do your lugnuts


I just sonic welded my steam deck, with extra rivets through the screen and fan to be sure.


But how do you know if the screws are tight when you’re not counting ugga duggas?


The fact that it's usually fine is probably why they didn't feel like they had to do this to start.

The failure rate probably isn't that high, but it's extra wear over time that can be prevented.

garretble, do games w What do you think of Eastward? avatar

It’s one of the prettiest pixel art games out there, but it’s absolutely the most boring game I’ve played recently that I can recall.

It took me months to get through it.


Agreed. I actually can’t even remember if I finished it or just set it down one day and forgot to come back to it.

The story was… Sort of interesting? The art direction was just way ahead of the gameplay, which was a shame.

Donjuanme, do games w What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises?

My previous comment seemed to miss the point of this thread.

In the spirit of this thread I would love to find an alternative to “Settlers 7, a new kingdom”. The simplified combat, the urgency of the tech tree, the all or nothing of trade routes, and the really deep 4x in an RTS elements were friggin amazing, but Ubisoft drm really kept me away from trying any other entries to the series, and they haven’t indicated anything new coming out. So where can I guy go to get his settlers fix? If you haven’t played settlers 7, and are ignorant of why ubisoft is synonymous with the devil, give it a shot, it’s a wonderfully fun experience that I haven’t found replicated anywhere else.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, do games w Would you prefer if games had a separate difficulty setting for boss fights? avatar

I prefer games that use reactionary difficult (idk what the proper term is) where the difficulty changes based on how well you do.

Kicking too much ass? Here’s more enemies and they hit harder.

Getting gangbanged at every turn? Fewer enemies and they’re easier to kill.

This seems like the best way to make sure everyone playing has a fun experience


I’m the complete opposite. I don’t want to feel like the game is letting me win. I want to earn it, at least a little.


I don’t know if I want to be punished for doing well


I hate that. Nothing is more enraging than dying and having the loading screen say something like “hey, it looks like you suck, do you want to go back to normal difficulty?” No, no I don’t. Difficulty is part of the enjoyment fot me, having a feature that takes it out of my control would be a turnoff.

lorez, do games w Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002'

I had the double tap issue with the official Xbox series X controller on PC. On Steam, on Game Pass, everywhere. And I was playing Persona 5 Royal at the time so it skipped dialogue. I returned it to Amazon and got a Dualsense. No issue whatsoever. Can’t even make a damn controller…


“I got one lemon from one brand once and swore off the entire brand”

lorez, (edited )

It’s a known issue. Not a one unit problem. Just search A button double press.

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