tobogganablaze, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist.

Do you really think they would have made 12 seasons of the show if it wasn’t real?


A show is not evidence, they are different calibre.

Actors on Paris opening ceremony and the althetes are different calibre.


You got it wrong - the poster above is not trying to prove the astronomical phenomenon through a show, the poster is saying that the show itself (called Big Bang) is real. It’s simply a joke.


Ah, I didn’t watch that show

breadsmasher, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist. avatar

What does this post even mean? Did you confuse astronomy with astrology?


Big bang theory shows up in astronomy, it belongs to astrology instead.

lvxferre, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist.

The axis of evil

I’m genuinely unsure if you’re trolling or being serious. Poe’s Law, I guess.

dumbass, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist. avatar

Obviously you’re talking about the big flwop.

toomanypancakes, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist. avatar

If big bang doesn’t exist, then how do you explain my late nights with my husband?


A series of not as big bangs 😏


It doesn’t exist at late nights, bc astronomers bang in the morning.

pimento64, do astronomy w Big bang doesn't exist.

On this day, meds were not taken.


You are wrong

Lillian, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

Explore musical creativity by conducting a quartet of animated blobs. In blob opera, you adjust their pitch and vowel sounds to create beautiful harmonies. The goal is to have fun and experiment with music, with each blob offering a unique vocal contribution to your compositions.

missingno, do gaming w [Request] Retro Recommendations avatar


  • Capcom vs. SNK 2: The Groove system is one of the coolest dynamics to tailor the game to your playstyle. Is it balanced? Hell no, but I love this game casually.
  • The King of Fighters 2002: KOF fans will tell you either 98 or 02 were the absolute pinnacle. I side with 02 because it has Kula in it. Also note that 98 and 02 both have updated rereleases with an extended roster and rebalancing, but those are Windows-only.
  • Puzzle Bobble 1/3: You've probably played some flash game clone of this. IMO I think 1 was best for its simplicity, I'm not as fond of the garbage patterns introduced in later titles in an effort to give characters some asymmetry. But PB1 does not have AI opponents, singleplayer is only the stage clear mode, so if you don't have a human to play with try PB3 for the next best thing.
  • Soldam: The singleplayer modes are nothing to write home about, but it has one of the most unique versus modes I've seen in a puzzler. Shared piece queues are normally horrifying, but Soldam makes it work by giving P1 the objective to match red while P2 matches blue. So if you want to snipe pieces that are desirable to your opponent, that means taking pieces undesirable to yourself. Garbage is also based on how you clear lines, so crafting maximally disruptive garbage gets interesting. The catch, unfortunately, is that there is no AI. But if you can play this game with a human, do check it out.
  • Tetris: The Grand Master 1/2/3: The only good Tetris, do not @ me. Start with TGM2's Novice Mode, then once you can clear that go back to TGM1.
  • Twinkle Star Sprites: A versus shmup with a very unique format. Chaining enemies on your screen sends attacks to your opponent's screen. Hard to really explain, just give this a spin and feel it out for yourself. There are a lot of moving parts, screenwatching is vital, and feels like I've barely scratched the surface of the game's depth.
  • Vampire Savior: Aka Darkstalkers 3. This game is fast as hell and it's a blast. Like with any classic fighter, good luck keeping up with FightCade folks who really know what they're doing, but I love it casually.
  • Waku Waku 7: This game's mechanics are honestly borderline kusoge, you can't even cancel normals into specials. But I love the design and atmosphere so much. Tesse is really fun to play even in spite of the system mechanics.


  • Fire 'n Ice: A very rad little puzzle game.
  • Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!: Just an absolute blast. I won't bother listing them seperately but also check out Super and Wii. Super's kinda the black sheep of the series, but it's still a good game, just not as good. Wii is an absolutely top-notch successor and I'm sad it didn't get any more sequels after that. The two arcade predecessors are honestly forgettable.


  • Chrono Trigger: I am hesitant to recommend most JRPGs from this era if you did not grow up on them, because many of them haven't aged so gracefully. Chrono Trigger is the exception, this game is a fine wine. You may want to check out one of the rereleases though, or at least a retranslation patch, because the original translation was made on a rushed deadline and bound by heavy technical limitations.
  • Earthbound: A bit more of a slow burn in comparison to CT, but this game is carried by incredible writing. It's also required reading before playing Mother 3 next.
  • Kirby Super Star: Definitely the peak of the series, giving every copy power an entire moveset is a blast. Has an updated rerelease on DS with added extras, I do highly recommend this version, but DS can be awkward to emulate so SNES is fine.
  • Wario's Woods: The NES version is more well known since it was the system's last first-party title, and for whatever reason it's the only version Nintendo ever rereleases. But the SNES version is a notable upgrade, biggest thing it has is AI to play versus mode against. Versus mode is wild as hell, so if you've never seen it please check out the SNES version.


  • Dr. Mario 64: Best version, but can be notoriously difficult to emulate. If you have issues with it, SNES is a good alternative. Don't play NES.
  • Mario Party 2: Still the best in the series.
  • Paper Mario: Pure perfection. Many fans will say TTYD was better, and it's certainly a good game too, but I think 64 was peak simply because the pacing is so much better.
  • Super Mario 64: It's Super Mario 64. You do not need me to tell you that this game is good.
missingno, avatar


  • F-Zero GX: It's been over 20 years since the GOAT dropped and all we've had to show for it is that damn 99 game. Go play this and weep that we'll never see another like it.
  • Kirby Air Ride As a racing game, it's okay. But City Trial mode is one of the best damn party games ever made. Check out the hack pack for extended goodies.
  • Nintendo Puzzle Collection: The best version of Panel de Pon, but SNES is a close second if you wanna play on a device that can't run Dolphin. GBC is also kinda noteworthy for having a unique singleplayer to work around platform limitations - opponents have a lifebar rather than a board. Just don't bother with 64.
  • Tales of Symphonia: This game got a PS2 rerelease with some extra content, and the HD remasters are based on that version. But the catch is that they were downgraded to 30fps, and yes that includes the so-called remaster. So I still recommend playing the Gamecube original at 60.


  • Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary: The absolute pinnacle of the series (by which I mean it's all downhill from here, I will never forgive Sega for what came next ), crammed with a whopping 20 game modes. I really love the challenges where you have to chain under bizarre restrictions. I prefer the Wii version for its 480p assets, and it's the easiest to emulate, but if you care about story mode the translation patch only exists for DS.


  • Game & Watch Gallery 2: Holds a special place in my heart as the first game I ever owned. Has the best lineup out of all the collections, with 3 and 4 you can kinda tell they had used up all the heavy hitters.
  • Mario Tennis: An incredible tennis RPG. And Mario doesn't even show up until the postgame as a bonus boss, which I find hilarious. Has connectivity with the N64 version if you can get that running, lets you transfer your RPG mode character and unlock more content on both titles.


  • Boktai series: These games were so near and dear to my childhood, especially 2. Really though you want the Solar Sensor hardware for the full experience, but I love these games too much not to plug them anyway. Emulating them is worth it over not playing them at all. And for the third game, you'd have to pick between original hardware or the translation patch anyway.
  • Golden Sun 1/2: These games were way ahead of their time for how they designed a combat system that encourages you to use all of your tools and not just click basic Attack as if you gotta hoard your MP for a rainy day. Fantastic puzzles too.
  • Mother 3: Surely you have already heard of this game and do not need me to tell you to go play it. Have you not played it by now? Why not? Well, okay, if you haven't played Earthbound first, go do so, then play this.
  • Rhythm Tengoku: A wonderful game about pressing the A button. Sometimes you press the d-pad too. Translation patch.
  • Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1/2: If you've ever played the classic 2D Tales games, these are excellent spiritual successors to those. There's a third game that's JP-only, translation patch is being worked on but it's been stuck in development hell for years...


  • Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash (NES): SMB1 turned into a Metroidvania with Celeste mechanics ported in. I think what impresses me the most is that they got 4-directional scrolling into this engine.
  • Super Metroid and A Link to the Past Crossover Randomizer (SNES): It's an absolutely incredible technical feat that this even works. SM and ALttP smashed together into a single ROM, with a few doors that take you from one game to the other, then the item pools are shuffled together so you have to go back and forth to find one game's items in the other. Unfortunately because ALttP is a much bigger game with a lot more items it kinda overshadows SM, you may not find this to be as replayable as the standalone randos. But I recommend trying it once because it's just so cool the first time.

Holy Shit there’s more. I am going to definitely take these recommendations to heart.

I’ve seen footage of the celeste smb1 hack and it’s fucking incredible and I’d love to play that. Will definitely be checking it out.

missingno, avatar

I miiiiight have had an existing list sitting around to just paste here.


I’m a little ways in to Celeste Mario’s Zap & Dash and its just as good as I had hoped. It makes me wish we got a metroidvania Celeste game from exok (maybe Earthblade will fill that niche)


@missingno I have finished the “main” game content of zap n dash with (I think) all moons, but DAMN this post-game content is HARD. Definitely b-sides/c-sides/farewell vibes


Holy recommendations batman! Definitely glad to see a lot of the same games recommended here, makes me feel like they’re on the right track. Fire 'n Ice seems interesting, and I hadn’t heard of it before. Also added a new word to my vocabulary in the form of “kusoge”. Thank you!

catloaf, do games w Preserving Classic GI Media

Pull everything you can and put it on

wizardbeard, do games w Preserving Classic GI Media avatar

yt-dlp is generally the best open source tool for downloading/backing up videos from the internet. Despite the name, it works with thousands of video streaming sites, not just youtube. Completely free. I would never pay for a video downloading software.

It is command line based though. I’m sure there are forks with a UI, but I’m not familiar with them. There is a fairly detailed wiki for it, and a discord support channel. The defaults are fine for youtube back ups.

I would reccomend uploading whatever you back up to the Internet Archive. Then you aren’t responsible for hosting, and it’s available to the public.

Dud, avatar

I’ll take a look at that program, only thing I’m digging about the 4k Downloader is it channeling my inner Ron-Co spokesman and being able to set it and forget it for full playlists. Command line isn’t a big deal though, I grew up having to play games in MS-DOS. Thanks for the lead though I’ll check it out tonight.

lath, do games w Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer)

I look at sales. steamdb, isthereanydeal etc. And if something stands out, I look for details.

EncryptKeeper, do games w Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer)

For multiplayer, look at Steam charts for most active players. Any of the top 20+ games are probably worth playing, even if old.

I recently got into The Division 2 and that’s YEARS old. There isn’t much multiplayer until you reach endgame (very quick for essentially an MMO) but then there’s a decent community still.

Nithanim, do games w Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer)

Steam frontpage, twitch streamers I watch and sometimes word of mouth.

Dremor, (edited ) do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive avatar

Hi there.

I’m a bit hesitant about allowing or not linking to the website archives.
For the time being, and while we discuss about it among the mods, I’d like to ask you to refrain from posting any link to said archive.
If we decide to allow it, I’ll restore the comments containing said links I’ve removed.

Thank you for your understanding.

Final Edit :

After carefully considering both sides arguments, and talking about it with LM admins and the mod team, we decided to keep the direct links removed.

LM allows meta-discussions around piracy, but not linking to possible pirated content. As we do not have the means and resources to check the whole 12Go dump to make sure no there is no copyrighted content in one of those Rom Hacks. More information here.

Rom Hacking is a gray area which is, depending on your location and/or interpretation of your local law, allowed or not. LW is under EU Jurisdiction (see that part of the TOS), and has to abide with rather restrictive law on that matter. There is unfortunately no broad “fair use” exception in that jurisdiction, only specific exceptions listed here. None of them seem to be applicable to Rom Hacks, which mean that they are to be considered potentially illegal under LW jurisdiction.


From what I see in the archive link I posted, it only contains patches, not playable games, neither original nor patched. You need a copy of the game already to make any use of it.


That’s correct. The entire archive is only about 12GB; it couldn’t possibly contain the full games.

Dremor, (edited ) avatar

You don’t need to have the full game to be considered as piracy. Anything allowing to break a DRM could be considered as such.

Edit :

I understand that most of you do not agree with that, and I do too, but as a mod I have to put my feelings on the matter aside and put the community and interest first. If we get DMCA (or the EU equivalent), consequences could be quite significant for this community or the server itself.

You can find a more specific explanation of my stance here :

hamid, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • Dremor, avatar

    Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise.
    In the EU, things are a bit different. US Fair Use is quite open ended, with a lot of room for interpretation. In the case of EU copyright laws, the list of exclusions is explicitly listed in Information Society Directive Article 5.
    In my opinion this could fall into either art. 5.3(d), art. 5.3(i), or art. 5.3(k), but I’m no copyright law specialist. I do have one among my friends, but she kinda got a child last week, I’m not gonna bother her for that 😅.

    hamid, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • Dremor, avatar

    First, please take into consideration that website and organisation is bound to EU laws (as stated in the TOS). As such, in the current case the EU copyright laws, that are as previously stated, far more restrictive than the US ones.

    As you stated, the objective of ROM patches is to modify copyrighted material. One of the right protected by copyright in the EU is the right to modify a software.

    By default, if no licence is given, software is considered as being under the most restrictive licence available (even if the source code is freely available), which means, in this case, an “all rights reserved” licence, which prohibit software modification.

    In the EU, third party patches are considered as derivative works, and requires an explicit authorisation from the copyright holder to be published and used on copyrighted material. Some exceptions exists, as previously stated, but applying them here would be quite far fetched.

    For now, and while I keep researching on the application of EU copyright laws to try to find a flaw that would allow me to authorize those links, I’ll have to keep those links removed.

    The comments would be restored if the link are removed by the comment authors.

    hamid, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • Dremor, avatar

    I’ll take a look tomorrow. I’m UTC+2 (I just can’t sleep right now 😅), so I’m not yet in the required state of mind to go and check all of that.


    If it’s a romhacking site, it wont have the actual ROMs, just the patches. It never would have survived 20 years if it had been hosting ROMs.

    Dremor, avatar

    You got a good point here. I’ll take that into consideration.


    Saying you’re cross usually means angry.

    Dremor, avatar

    Oh, my bad 😂

    I meant that I was hesitant.

    As you can see, English is not my main language.


    FWIW “cross” is a really stupid-sounding slang term. I irrationally hate the word.


    Two Irish nuns were sitting in their car at a traffic light when a bunch of rowdy drunks pulled up alongside.

    “Hey, show us your tits you bloody penguins!” shouted one of the drunks.

    The Mother Superior turns to Sister Margaret and says “I don’t think they know who we are. Show them your cross!”

    So Sister Margaret rolls down her window and shouts, “Sod off you little fucking wankers before I get out and rip your goddam balls off!”

    Sister Margaret looks back at the Mother Superior and asks, “Was that cross enough?”.

    Dremor, avatar


    Mango, do games w shuts down after 20 years; database has been moved to the Internet Archive

    Hail Hydra

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