nac82, do games w MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo

Idk how people still stomach Nintendo. They get 1 decent exclusive every other year, while the rest of the time, they are overcharging for all their garbage products. Most anticonsumer, anticompetition developer on the market that releases products that lag behind the rest of the industry by 5-10 years.

They crush emulation and antique game preservation sites as a hobby.

How is yet another Mario game worth coming back to?


Some people enjoy the games, and that’s okay.


We’re all mad about the emulation situation, but this is just silly. People really very much enjoy nintendo games now more than ever. Their player base is very very very satisfied


Yes, I am acknowledging that in my comment. I’m saying I don’t understand how people stomach this garbage, and I stated the specifics of what I found so repulsive in the co sumption of their products.


Maybe start from a place of understanding rather than hostility and you might get somewhere.


Yall are crying victim to deflect from the conversation about supporting a garbage company that weilds capitalism as a weapon.


No one is capable of having a conversation with you because all you do is attack other people and not respond to them.


Yes, I am acknowledging that in my comment. I’m saying I don’t understand how people stomach this garbage, and I stated the specifics of what I found so repulsive in the co sumption of their products.

Where is the insult here? I called yall out after yall trash talked first. Yall start shit but don’t like it when it is addressed.

ModernRisk, avatar

I enjoy their games through sailing the high seas.


Which I support. I dont support people who are financing this corporate behemoth that destroys video game history and fans for money.

tsonfeir, avatar

Let me know what your favorite video game series is, and I’ll tell you why I think it sucks. You then let me know how much you don’t care about my opinion, and then you’ll understand why people like Nintendo.


You need something to whatabout because you can’t address the points directly. Childish response that fits the childish fanbase of Nintendo perfectly.

The only game developers that are anywhere in the same running as Nintendo on Anticonsumer practices would be EA, Ubisoft, and Warner Brothers. Maybe arguably Playstation and Xbox.

Literally any other game developer could be listed as a favorite game series and avoid most of the criticisms I’ve laid out.

tsonfeir, avatar

I don’t own a single Nintendo product, I’m hardly the “fan base.”


Sure, that’s why you felt the need to not discuss the topic.

Feel free to respond to the content of my comment at some point.

tsonfeir, avatar

You never responded to mine so why would I respond to yours. Name your favorite game series, and then press send—we can start from there.


Sure you would.

tsonfeir, avatar

Sure you would.


Regarding “overcharging”.

The only price that exists is the one they offer for it. If you think it’s too expensive for what is offered, congratulations, you know how to spend money. For any kind of product whatsoever.

I certainly think Super Mario Odyssey or Super Mario Bros Wonder were worth their price tag, because they’re great. And that’s completely subjective.

You either think it’s worth it and buy it, or you don’t. They’re selling games, not food and water. And you’ve got a freaking galaxy of other games to choose from.


Wonder wasn’t worth thenplastic it was wrapped in. I know that is an opinion but I was very disappointed.

samus12345, avatar

As a longtime Mario fan, I liked it - but it did feel a bit short. I would have been disappointed if I’d paid full price for it.


As somebody who isn’t buying their products, I can say they are overcharging. Your point falls apart when your base assumption is removed.


You certainly can.

It shouldn’t matter at all to you though. And it sounds absolutely ridiculous when you’re shouting your outrage at people who do buy some of their products.


Yes, a comment on a board is shouting outrage.

Shout your outrage elsewhere. Yall are desperate for a personal insult to avoid confronting the conversation about Nintendo.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. Their actions against yuzu and citra are particularly egregious, and unforgivable in my eyes. Especially, considering they use emulation in their own products. For instance, the nes mini used roms download from the Internet. I’ll think twice about buying Nintendo products in the future, and I love Nintendo products.


Nintendo isn't against emulation. They're against piracy, which Yuzu was facilitating. None of the emulators that don't have specific support for unreleased games have been touched so far.


Lies. They have taken down multiple classic emulation websites over the years. Yuzu was only the most recent victim of their bs.

They take down private mods made by individuals all the time, too. It’s straight-up coping to deny the vile shit Nintendo does in the name of profit.


He’s getting downvotes because he’s acting like a jackass. Like yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone here has some axe or another to grind with Nintendo, they do plenty of shitty things. But to act like their games are somehow objectively bad and that everyone who likes them is just stupid? That’s just divorced from reality and overall pretty immature. Obviously it’s plenty possible for someone to not personally enjoy the games Nintendo puts out, art is highly subjective, but their games are generally solid.

nac82, (edited )

I like how you had to make up shit I didn’t say to get mad about and justify yall making asses of yourselves in defense of exploitative capitalism.

You don’t like that your shameful behavior has been called out and need an excuse to cope.

turkalino, avatar

1 decent exclusive every other year

Absolutely hyperbole. Just last year, we got Tears of the Kingdom, Mario Wonder, Pikmin 4, and Advance Wars Reboot. Doesn’t matter if these aren’t your kind of games, they sold well, were critically acclaimed, and won awards.

lag behind the industry by 5-10 years

For graphics, sure. For creativity, accessibility, and all the other things that matter in video games? They lead the industry


Lmao. Thank you for this list of examples of my point.


While I agree that the above commented is in order. It does not lead the industry in all other things. They are pretty mixed with performance and their online is pretty awful in comparison to other options. Accessibility is an awkward choice of words since I expect you mean accessible to ages because it also has pretty bad accessibility options. While people often mock Sony for playing it safe with it’s cinematic games it also feels like Nintendo’s IPs have slowly been conglomeration into a mould over the switches life.


Many of the most fun games I’ve played the past 5 years are made by Nintendo. You might not like them and that is okay, but tgey are by no means garbage.

The next take is probably more controversial, but I don’t think they are overcharging. Why drop the price after a year or two? Games don’t get magically less fun and their games are usually polished enough to last for the entire gen without being overshadowed by later releases (expect for Pokemon, they are hot garbage - at least on the technical side). I’d even argue that not dropping their prices is one of the reasons Nintendo doesn’t need the mtx bullshit most other developers pull with their games. Just look at how well Mario Kart sells despite being something like a decade old at this point.


Play better games is my recommendation. Have a better frame of reference lmao. That will help you understand why a 30-hour Nintendo title charging $70 doesn’t even compete with modern $15 indie titles.


Awfully presumptuous of you, I’ve played most major releases within the genres I like. Let me tell you, the Xenoblade series is among the best RPGs I’ve played - up there with Persona and everything Fromsoftware among others.

Also, what’s up with the 30h comment? A good chunk of their games are longer than that. But it doesn’t matter anyway, or you’re also arguing against the quality of every God of War, every The Last of Us, Bloodborne, every Portal, Hades, every BioShock, every Resident Evil - you get it. A good chunk of these is also below 20h, and all of them are beloved and once sold at full price. All of them worth it, if you like the genre.


The only game Nintendo's charged $70 for so far is Tears of the Kingdom, which your description doesn't match at all


Most anticonsumer, anticompetition developer on the market

Really? Even more than those gacha / loot boxes heavy gaming-as-a-service companies?


What an ironic point to make with 0 context.

Nintendo is the original gacha / lootbox developer. You must not remember their original big money maker was selling randomized packs of collectible cards to children, a practice they are still perfecting to this day.

Nintendo has 10x the market share of any other gacha game too, so even if others are more exploitative, they aren’t causing as much overall damage due to market share.

turkalino, do games w MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo avatar

Also making a second third Mario movie

njm1314, do games w MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo

Oh man that voice is distressing. Just pay the man the residuals for god sakes. Or at least find it actually talented voice actor.

EdibleFriend, avatar

I thought Martinette just retired from voice acting because he’s old?

But either way… Yeah. Holy shit does that sound bad.


Oh he did. I’m just saying that a lot of the audio they are re-recording doesn’t need to be re-recorded. They can just use his old audio. For some reason they don’t want to do that though I don’t know why.

EdibleFriend, avatar

ooooh got ya

HeyJoe, do games w MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo

I want 100 Mario back… I really wish they would bring it back for a few months whenever these events happen.

Redwastaken, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14

As usual they do not disappoint in the graphics department, had to have up on the game due to my horrible connection but loved it most of the time I played it

candid, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14

So stoked for this, I poured 80 hours into the first season. My playtime wound down towards the end of the season, so I hope they’re not discouraged by the lower player count and this new season brings back folks like me who like to bounce between different games. I just cannot main one game anymore. But The Finals has been the most refreshing PVP game in years, since Titanfall 2 imo. I hope it has staying power, and we see more seasons cause Season 2 is looking delicious!


I second this. Got over 80 hours of playtime right now and it is a blast (when playing with friends)

The new season looks awesome. It won’t ever replace Titanfall 2, but it scratches the same itch.

stardust, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14

Finals is the first pvp I’ve been sucked into in years after having mainly stuck exclusively with PVE. It’s felt much more accessible than other shooters with the variety of different play styles and the higher ttk makes my slow reaction times less detrimental.


I loved getting my Assist medals in BF3 for consistently being just a bit slower than my opponent and dropping them down to 5% health. I am keeping the tradition alive in Finals

betheydocrime, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14

Throughout the jam-packed season of this free-to-play game, contestants can experience new weapons for each class, the hacked new map SYS$HORIZON, the all-new 5v5 game mode Power Shift, a new skill-based League System, rewarded weekly career progression, private matches — for now in a feature-limited beta version — and the new Hacker Playstyle, which adds several ways for contestants to alter the arena to their favor. THE FINALS’ new Hacker Playstyle lets players step into the shoes of CNS, with a set of new gadgets and a new specialization that can be mixed and matched with players’ existing toolset. Remove walls, defy gravity, tunnel across the arena, and transform items — become the glitch in the system, the ultimate cyber tactician, and bring a new dimension to the game.

The Dematerializer for Mediums: a specialization that temporarily erases physical surfaces, like walls, ceilings, or goo — allowing contestants to see, shoot, and pass through them. Create new passageways and close them back up again —turn every obstacle into an open door.

The Anti-Gravity Cube for Heavys: a deployable cube that manipulates gravity in its immediate area, lifting contestants and objects upwards! Is it a traversal tool? Or a defensive gadget? It’s up to each contestant!

The Gateway for Lights: a pair of limited-range deployable portals! When both are thrown and activated, contestants and objects can move between the two locations. Anyone can use a portal, but players can’t see or shoot through them! Perfect for a quick getaway, when things get hairy.

The Data Reshaper for Mediums: a gadget that changes enemy fortifications (or any random objects for that matter) into something else entirely — like turning an enemy mine into a chair. Or an enemy turret into a table. Great for breaking through enemy defenses!

All builds are getting new weapons, with the Lights getting the 93R burst-fire machine pistol, Medium getting the new FAMAS burst assault rifle, and Heavys able to wield the new KS-23 slug shotgun.

With access to assets and source files, CNS has introduced its own Arena, SYS$HORIZON. This glitchy, neon-filled cityscape exists in the loading realm of the game show and features a mix of vertical and horizontal gameplay. Voxel bridges create pathways between buildings, and pieces of floating, glitched geometry allow contestants to parkour through the arena. Partially loaded and out-of-place, SYS$HORIZON is a sight to behold, especially at night.

Moreover, THE FINALS Season 2 comes with Power Shift — an all-new, casual, 5v5 game mode where two teams compete to escort a platform through the arena. If interrupted by an enemy team, the platform grinds to a halt — or will switch direction entirely. Watch out, the platform will tear through anything in its path and can be rocked by physics. Players can switch their contestants between respawns, allowing them to balance their teams on the fly and hone their skills to perfection. In Season 2, contestants can compete in a revamped League System that improves the ranked play experience, with league rewards that up the stakes. A new Career Circuit system offers weekly rewards from Seasonal Sponsors, allowing contestants to move from Rookie to Master by completing contracts throughout the season.

gamermanh, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14 avatar

People are still playing this?

Gave it a week and bailed thanks to god-awful team balance


Looking at the other comments, I’d say yes.

gamermanh, avatar

Sucks to be them, then, leaves space in the good games


Gave it 3 games filled with hackers.


Yeah team balance felt way off, also the tankiness of characters really killed it for me. It taking like 3+ melees to finish off an opponent was infuriating

Bdtrngl, do games w Crysis 1 Xbox 360 gameplay, (this game's graphics are 17 years old and xbox 360 was released in 2005)

On top of that they had to dumb down the graphics to make it run on console.


if they released it today i would still be impressed by the graphics


This from 360 gen and Arkham Knight from Xbox One/PS4 still look incredible.


Been replaying Arkham Knight lately. Yes it does still look amazing. The environmental destruction is pretty amazing as well.


And it occasionally ran at 24 fps, which I think is a phenomenal feat!

Denjin, do games w MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo

It’s morally right to pirate Nintendo games

samus12345, avatar

That’s why I immediately put the GBA Mario Golf and Tennis games on my modded Switch’s NSO GBA app after the announcement - the versions they should have added instead of GBC!

As for Dr. Mario, I already have the SNES version on it.

UkaszGra, do games w THE FINALS | Season 2 Trailer | March 14

Fuck Nexon

KingThrillgore, do games w Crysis 1 Xbox 360 gameplay, (this game's graphics are 17 years old and xbox 360 was released in 2005)

It says a lot we’ve moved towards full PBR and raytracing, and it barely looks as impressive as Crysis did.

samus12345, do games w Crysis 1 Xbox 360 gameplay, (this game's graphics are 17 years old and xbox 360 was released in 2005) avatar

We’re rapidly approaching a time when 20 year old games will still look pretty good by today’s standards. Really shows how much graphics have slowed down - used to be that 5 year old games looked hopelessly outdated.


When Doom was 5 years old we got Half-Life. When GTA2 was 5 years old we got GTA San Andreas. When Quake was 5 years old we got Halo. Pretty crazy.

MacedWindow, do games w Really chill Mass Effect Synth Cover [5:30] avatar

I love Mass Effect but I’ve never been a big fan of the music. I enjoyed this quite bit though!

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