21Cabbage, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

The change in the mood of the room from starting the trailer to the ‘2025’ announcement was like skydiving without a parachute.

BuboScandiacus, avatar

And probably 2027 if you are a PC player

Hindufury, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

The fact that they got the twerk animation to be so realistic gives me confidence that they’re raising the bar and putting in the work on this game. Also every rule 34 modder is gonna take full advantage of this


🥵 ☕

PeanutsHere, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Looks like GTA V with mods. I don’t get everyone being so excited about the graphics.

Maybe this are console players who haven’t seen GTA V on PC but graphics wise it doesn’t seem like a huge upgrade.

Sure I’m excited for the story and new possibilities like being able to enter more buildings and maybe more activities like in rdr2 but graphics wise it kinda looks “normal”.


Their testicles are affected by the ambient temperature.


I genuinely think that’s pretty naive. The graphics themselves do look better than V but the lighting, the water and the business is a real upgrade.


Bruh, I play V constantly. VI is looking a lot better. Most people didn’t play V on PS5 and Xbox Series, they played it on PS4 and Xbone.


I played it on a god damn 360

Boldizzle, avatar

How to say PC Master Race without saying PC Master Race.

straypet, (edited )

You have no clue what you’re talking about.

The animation system is on a whole other level, the hair simulation is leaps and bounds above anything you can mod into V, it’s obviously using a modern PBR rendered and a ton of other things that makes both just night and day.

Go watch V’s trailer (which for the time was incredible for an open world game) side by side with this and open your eyes.

beefcat, avatar

there are gta v mods that add rtgi and hair simulation?

A_Random_Idiot, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

It looks like a modded GTAV.

Granted, its still well over a year out.

But Meh.

Especially since Rockstar will probably hyper focus on online multi and milking the whales, and give a shitty single player experience again.

Firipu, avatar

Gta5 had a shitty single player experience? Did we play the same game? Wtf?or rdr2, another Rockstar game?

Shit on Rockstar all you want, but their game have entertaining stories…

HerbalGamer, avatar

They did leave a lot of stuff for online only, never even updating things in singleplayer.

Firipu, avatar

I’d argue I got my 60usd worth of content out of the single player. I can understand they focused on MP for further content.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Would’ve made sense if they had it for sale as SP DLC


Considering the going rate for games anymore seems to be 10 hours of game play for 60 dollars, I can believe you on that comment at least.

Firipu, avatar

You finished the gta 5 campaign in 10h? You just speedran it once?

If not, nice hyperbole…

(rdr2 campaign was also more than 10h, to name a recentish Rockstar game) . Many other big AAA titles aside from cod also have campaigns that last longer than 10h.


“Sequel to game looks like improved version of game”.

Not sure what point you’re trying to make here?


I think the point is - it’s disappointing to see GTA 5 2.0. I expected something more, something different, less generic, not just another coastal city or a GTA 5 clone. It seems like they just merged the engine update with GTA 5. Watching the trailer bored me, like being forced to watch a mediocre action comedy movie. I don’t know how the majority of the game will feel, but this trailer is just so generic. If this were a movie, no one would care. Maybe that’s the point, but still, my hype is somewhat gone. I at least expected a different scenario than this GTA 5 DLC story or at least set it somewhere other than a coastal city.


Waiting for GTA Wyoming with trailer park beef and fentanyl processing


I think they are totally planning on adding the new map to GTA Online. Just like in Vice City you visited the original GTA 3 map.

beefcat, avatar

there are gta v mods that add rtgi and hair simulation?

Binthinkin, do gaming w Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated

I bet GTA VI will feel like all the others and not be too innovative because why? Their player base is just degenerates. The game design is to fuck each other and the NPCs up while giving you the feeling that you can do anything without taking responsibility.

I’m not that gamer though. I like complicated thinking while smashing and grabbing. GTA doesn’t have that so I made up my own scenarios (RP before it was a thing with my friends in person typically while drinking) and played my own game when San Andreas was out. IV and V were just nice updates to the same game SA was.

The stories were bland at best. The missions are bland too. Makes sense how RP got popular because the game itself is just tropes and cliches and stuff we already see IRL. They just capitalized on it. Rockstar isn’t some amazing company they just show you what you already see but in a video game. It’s not creative, it’s just observant and opining.

RDR2 was a great story but that’s where that game ends. It’s another sandboxed GTA in old west times. Nothing special.

You can’t choose your destiny. You just sit in a sandbox trapped and stimulated by simple dopamine triggers without puzzles to work the mind and skill. Kind of like real life.

Overall it’s not a bad series. For what it is it is fun. To act out and be irresponsible in a vidya game is for sure fun. Maybe it’s even a work of art? I would agree. But it’s not something that is really innovative at this juncture. It’s not profitable.

bermuda, (edited )

“degenerates?” Really? Are you 14 years old? We can use other words that aren’t neo nazi rhetoric, thanks.


GTA doesn’t have that so I made up my own scenarios.

Congrats. You’re playing a sandbox game how it was meant to be played.


Since when have sandbox games stories?


I can tell from these 6 words the only game with a semblance of sandbox elements you can think of is Minecraft.

Since GTA 3.

GTA is both a narrative series and a sandbox game series but is primarily a sandbox series. In every GTA game you can just do whatever you want once you get past the first 1 or 2 boxed-in missions. I think GTA V is the one that takes the longest to get you going.


Yea my brain can’t comprehend any other game, please enlighten me Mr. Right. Sheesh, get off your high horse.

beefcat, avatar

since Grand Theft Auto. The story missions were always designed to tutorialize the sandbox. They just started getting a lot of attention for being better stories than you usually get from AAA action games, especially in the ‘00s.


It’s the same “innovativeness” as Starfield; it’s not pushing the boundaries of game design or anything but it’s a tried and tested strategy that clearly lots of people enjoy and it makes them a lot of money.

It’s not profitable? How? Rockstar is estimated to earn $8 billion from GTA VI… that seems lucrative to me?


Echoing “Degenerates”? You mean a games series that pushed the boundaries when it was new, truly pushed what open world meant, and that it could be done with large, crowded cities technically as well. Sure if you play them nowadays the might not brush any strokes and feel flat but the GTA series has been defining a game for generations where “everybody” in that generation had played and been fond of. 1-2-3, San Andreas, and vice city and the ilks. There wasnt really any competitors to that when they were released.

I’m going to guess you are right that it won’t be too innovative. Story wise they have never been innovative, nor pretended to be. They have pushed the boundaries of open world in both engineering and social commentary/satire.

But calling several generations of gamers who grew up with this “degenerates”. Hard to take you seriously and your attitude can eff right off


Agreed. 3, SA, and VC were so successful that when similar original games came out, most people just called them “GTA clones.” Just like with Doom back in the 90s, where any FPS was a Doom clone.


most people just called them “GTA clones.”

They were clones, aside from Mafia, almost none was worth it.

But “Doom clone” was actually a “Doom like” game, the genre grew quick.

SenorBolsa, (edited ) avatar

Also are we just going to ignore the whole thing with GTAV where you had three characters with intertwined stories that you could switch between (mostly) at will? Multiple protagonists has been done, but not really like that, not in such a living breathing manner that they managed to pull off. Rockstar also manages to fill the world with many interesting characters for the story to play with, they manage to take really simple gameplay and make it engaging all the way through.

They also added the heists which were a pretty good way of adding more meaning to the old school mission structure they continue to use and while ultimately I don’t think it had they impact they wanted it did add some flavor and interest to the gameplay. I’m an absolute fiend for heist films and that was a lot of fun for me.

These games are characterized by superficial simplicity underlaid with surprising complexity to craft a smooth experience. LA Noire is a prime example of that kind of design where it becomes very obvious how much the game has to run like well oiled gearworks to function at all and have the cases work as narrative. (developed by Team Bondi, but with the help of a lot of the R* studios including North)

Also they manage to do all this without a second of it feeling like a cynical product, it’s clear the people doing this love the topic of pop culture crime, films, stories, legends and want to take the player along for a fun ride. I don’t know at this point, with everything that happened with GTAO, which mostly feels like a cynical product, if that’s the R* making GTAVI, I sure hope it is though.


I tend to agree with what you’re saying about the shallowness of the story and missions. GTA5 is beautiful in terms of landscape and visual design, but there’s not much substance there. I like to play once in a while just to kind of wander around and enjoy the scenery, but it isn’t very engaging to me beyond that. To each their own I suppose.


I think the story of San Andreas was pretty nice. It’s very much scarface (in fact all the GTA’s were like this).

The online missions of GTA V were terrible IMO. They’re pretty degenerate yes. But the Singleplayer was nice. I also love the social commentary on US society. I really miss the roleplaying that people used to do in GTA:SA MP (third-party multiplayer mod) but of course rockstar had to go and kill it so they could sell their shark cards.


Vice City literally ends with a Scarface homage.

VelvetStorm, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Definitely won’t be able to run this with my 2060 super lol also won’t be paying 150 bucks for it assuming that rumor stays true.

objectionist, avatar

it was never true in the first place, just a ginormous misunderstanding


Well, thank god for that. Now I just need to be able to completely rebuild my pc to be able to run this at the low end.

tetris11, avatar

bear in mind that R* now distributes GTA V with Razor1911 cracked binaries because of how much better they are performance wise than R*'s own

fossilesque, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

I believe those are in game graphics!


It looked great other than NPCs, they were a bit off, stilted and blocky


Lol fucking internet. “Blocky”


Great input, fucking internet.


What kind of games are you playing where the graphics in that trailer were subpar? Everything looked great


I literally used the word great in my comment, just a couple of the NPCs looked odd to me. The first girl in the bikini is walking odd or something.


I mean, they look nothing like RL people, but still there is some progress.


Rockstar has done nothing but actual in-game footage for trailers since like GTA3. So, yeah, that shit is fucking insane. Doesn’t even look like a PS5 could run it.


As comments on GAF have been pointing out, 2025 will be after the PS5 Pro.

What I can’t figure is how this will run on the Series S.


They must have magicians working for them or something. I guess that’s the advantage of using a completely tailor made engine created with unlimited funding, rather than using Unreal or something.


They certainly have some tricks and talent. GTA 5 ran on the launch 360 which had 512mb of RAM shared between CPU and GPU.


Well Microsoft has already shown they will cave to have a game, so probably just won’t be on it so it can still be on an Xbox in some form.


Nah, the press release says it’s releasing on the S


So did BG3 at the start and we all know how that went. Microsoft had to reneg on multiple policies just so they could have the game on their consoles.

pgetsos, avatar

I believe only the local Co-op was removed though? And the optimizations made for XSS were beneficial to all other platforms as well as they stated, and the game runs now much better on PC and PS5


The optimizations would have been done eventually anyways and Xbox had policies that they had to bend just to have the game on their systems.

People can say the game is coming, but that doesn’t mean it’s happening, it’s already been an issue and will be a continuing issue going forward. The console just isn’t that powerful.

If the game does release, it won’t be the same game as the X, not a chance.

pgetsos, avatar

I doubt they would do the optimizations at the same degree, because they wouldn't need to. It was working fine on the PS5 already, it was already a success on PC. Why bother much?


They have done plenty of other optimizations already. So why would you think that? Of your logic was remotely true not any optimizations would have been done since it’s a waste.

Clearly they aren’t that type of company (every company does continuing optimizations FFS LMFAO), so don’t make shit up to try and make a point.

cyborganism, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Not disappointed in the trailer or the game or anything, but I would’ve loved to see a GTA set in a city outside the US. For example in a London-like city or Tokyo or Rome or Paris.

But yeah this new GTA looks sick. They did a great job in capturing the new fucked up Florida vibe.


If Rockstar wanted to bring back London '69 (maybe '89 now?) I wouldn’t be mad at all.


I’ve always dreamed about this one, London 69 updated in their recent style. I think they talked about this before and the problem is the cops in London didn’t carry guns then so it made it difficult to be a GTA game in the typical sense.


I want them to spin off another top down style gta game, I love the 3d but it would be cool to see them iterate on the OG style.

GTA 2 was my favorite


That just might be a good indy game project actually…


Idk… If it hasn’t happened with the Switch… Like they did with PSP and DS with GTA china town …


GTA Chinatown Wars was great when it released for Nintendo DS and the PSP. It was actually a really well done update to the GTA 2 style of gameplay that a lot of people missed because it was a portable game. It was available on iOS and Android, too, but not sure if it’s still there.


Aaand remember: Respect is everything!


Wiarton Ontario


GTA: GTA (Greater Toronto Area)




Five stars is just the RCMP apologizing to you.

Unless you’re a native character…


Sleeping Dogs is probably as close as you’ll get. That’s a great game btw.


Thanks for the reference! I’ll check that out!


Solid game, I believe it began as a sequel to True crime streets of LA. It felt like I was playing an infernal affairs video game



tryptaminev, avatar

i dunno if they find enough whacky criminal characters. Seems to be the other countries are still too normal or things are too fucked up for the series to work there.

Zeth0s, (edited )

They have police in those city.

All 2022 Rome had only 16 homicides… And street are too small and traffic is too bad for a grand theft auto… Rome is good for spy stories, thriller or stealth games. GTA wouldn’t really work

In London not even police has guns… Having someone hanging around with a gun is too unrealistic, more than Harry potter


Technically… London has already been done.…/Grand_Theft_Auto:_London_1969.


For Rome, grand theft auto in the 70s is absolutely doable. Full of gangs, terrorists, molotovs.

Grand theft auto Rome 2023 would be about some fat guy bribing politicians to get the work for his company of collect garbage and never do it. The lucrative non-fancy side of crime


Ah… you make a very good point.

vanontom, avatar

The Florida vibe is definitely oozing from this trailer. I can almost smell it, and quite frankly I’m disgusted. Bravo. I would’ve preferred the next GTA being somewhere else, but maybe this it exactly where it belongs.


Agree. Florida culture has become very conductive for this kind of game.


I always assumed GTA to be a broad parody on modern America. From the beginning it was a new York esque mob-gang warfare, and then moved out to add in more usa adjacent scenery. It’s more about keeping with the theme, let IPs like watchdogs take the initial risks.


Good point. And Florida has become crazy enough that a GTA game set there is almost realistic.


I’d like it just set in any new city outside of these 3. It’s always been a rotation of Liberty, Vice and San Andreas, even back to GTA 1 (which was the 3 cities in one)


True. Chicago would’ve been nice. Or Atlanta.


USA as a very car centric country is definitely best suited for a car centric game like Grand Theft Auto.


That’s true lol. It’s not called grand theft métro de Paris.

fiah, avatar

grand theft bicycle with a canal boat chase set anywhere in the Netherlands


The Getaway had plenty of car action, it was pretty neat blasting through the tight roads and navigating traffic.

Olap, (edited ) do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked

Vice City was my favourite, the soundtrack alone was amazing. I have literally skipped V after IV was too big, and never finished rdr2, depsite rdr being one of my favourite ever games. Hoping for a tighter, tastier VI, not just “more”


same here, it already looks full of crowded places and tons of cool stuff jammed into this huge city, but most of them were animated cinematic Instagram looking stuff so I guess we have to wait 4 years to see.


We seem to have similar tastes. I beg you to finish rdr2. OMG, best game of my life.


Does it improve towards the end? I was playing it and got about half way but stopped. The world is beautiful but the quests are boring af. It’s a movie with repetitive actions from time to time.


It gets a little better in its last 3rd, but only story wise. It is a remarkably bland experience compared to the first game. If riding around on a horse and chest-high wall cover-based shooting wasn’t fun for you after the first hour, there’s nothing for you later on either.


Nobody who wants a “tighter, tastier” experience is going to like RDR2


What was your favorite part?

Boldizzle, avatar

Burning down the house.

tuna, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked

Looks fun but I’m going to wait until I see some in game footage.

The level of people in the comments section who seem to think they’ll be getting all of what they’re seeing in the trailer is alarming.

grayhaze, avatar

I imagine everything you see in the trailer is in-engine footage, even if it’s not being controlled by the player. This has always been the case with GTA trailers since GTA3.


I don’t mind the way the actual trailer was done, but I’d definitely have preferred to see actual gameplay given they gave a release window. It telegraphs a rushed release, because if it was feature-complete they’d show gameplay


Or… It’s just the first trailer for a game they’ve been hounded for years at this point? They don’t need to put in effort to sell GTA6 at this point, they basically could just release GTAV with some QOL fixes and features (looking at you load times, still) and they’d have buyers lined up. GTA6 at this point in time is already a fully fueled hype train, until they announce a massive delay, so they can trickle feed out trailers with minimal effort up until that point. Obviously this is my opinion and such, but I would be honestly a little surprised if they were rushing it, given how 5 performed at launch.

gila, (edited )

Of course, a delay is preferable to a rushed launch. Cyberpunk showed we can have both, though. I’m just pushing back on this new idea that in-engine footage is a substitute for gameplay. While we’re deducing stuff based on the lack of gameplay, the game not being feature complete would mean that whatever is possible in-engine is irrelevant anyway. The whole later step of scaling and optimising to the platforms they’re releasing on hasn’t happened yet

The launch window being so critical is the same reason why they should just say “coming soon”, or announce an announcement or something for a trailer like this, in my opinion. That way the first public release about the game doesn’t immediately set the tone that starts heaping pressure on the dev team. Keep in mind that tone was already set by leaks.


Is it? Doesn’t seem unrealistic to me at all.


What’s the in trailer that you couldn’t expect? I didn’t really see anything GTA V didn’t already have.

Boldizzle, avatar

Rockstar have a better track record for giving us what they show us in their initial trailer. We’re not talking about Ubisoft or CDPR here.

Owljfien, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition — Official Launch Trailer

Looked like Star Wars from the thumbnail, proper sith lord looking mf

Fredol, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

With the plethora of great games getting released every month on PC, it’s very hard to feel any excitment for a game that will probably release in 2027 on PC. It doesn’t help that GTA Online left a sour taste, and even the single player story was only great for the first few hours then you just start doing heists for the fbi for the rest of the game. Considering we’re only getting a cinematic trailer after all this wait, I’m expecting already multiple delays or cyberpunk-level of disaster at launch

7u5k3n, (edited )

Man youre so right… You know they are going console 1st… then when sales die down they will release on PC. Same rinse and repeat bull shit as before.

My question is going to be how online will this one be? If it’s two separate deals like 5 then cool… If not. I’m probably going to pass.


Yeah that’s my question. Like many others, I grew up with the single player only GTA experience. I have so many core gaming memories just fucking about in GTA 3/vice city etc. I just really hope we get a decent single player experience.


Me too. I’ll probably not buy it the first year it’s on PC… Just to see how it all shakes out

Wahots, avatar

The shark card whale bonanza killed any excitement I had for the franchise. I know they are gonna just milk the shit out of it, and it will probably cut into the quality of the game/experience. On the plus side, smaller games like Last Train Home kick ass and are a ton of fun, and I’m looking forward to another indie game coming out next year.


I suspect given the success of GTA online their priorities have shifted and they’ll want this on as many platforms as possible on release. They’re a GTA online company now, units sold are a secondary concern.


Take-Two already announced on their website there will be a time-exclusive release for PS5 and Xbox initially.

My guess is they’re going to treat online like a separate game release, like they did for GTA V and RDR2, and get out a PC version when that happens.


Yeah, I am really tired of the double dipping attempts of trying to sell the game twice.

ziviz, do games w Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - Official 'Thedas Calls' Teaser Trailer avatar

Lol at YouTube comment

well we definitely know it has a map

Also not very hopeful cosidering EAs involvement.

minnieo, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

This is a very accurate representation of the USA tbh (source: am american)


I said this for a few years now, but the modern USA has reached the insanity level of the GTA Universe

ahriboy, avatar

Hence America is a free-for-all wasteland. Unsafe for LGBT people, investment and migration, if ever GOP wins presidency and the Congress.

c0mbatbag3l, do games w Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - Official 'Thedas Calls' Teaser Trailer avatar

Bioware really loves giving zero information for years and the pretending their trailers are of any value at all.

Mass Effect hasn’t had content since 2017 and we have like two minutes worth of “show nothing, hit nostalgia button” trailers since then. DA looks to be in a similar spot.

Is it an EA problem? A Bioware problem? Who knows lol just can’t wait to finally see the franchise I love most shit the bed on launch. Again.

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